function UseCase2()
    // Create a new shopping cart object
    $merchant_id = "";
    // Your Merchant ID
    $merchant_key = "";
    // Your Merchant Key
    $server_type = "sandbox";
    $currency = "USD";
    $cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
    // Add items to the cart
    $item_1 = new GoogleItem("Dry Food Pack AA1453", "A pack of highly nutritious dried food for emergency", 2, 24.99);
    $item_2 = new GoogleItem("MegaSound 2GB MP3 Player", "Portable MP3 player - stores 500 songs", 1, 175.49);
    $item_2->SetMerchantPrivateItemData(new MerchantPrivateItemData(array("color" => "blue", "weight" => "3.2")));
    // Add shipping options
    $ship_1 = new GoogleFlatRateShipping("Ground", 15);
    $restriction_1 = new GoogleShippingFilters();
    $ship_2 = new GooglePickup("Pick Up", 5);
    // Add default tax rules
    $tax_rule_1 = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.17);
    $tax_rule_1->AddPostalArea("GB", "SW*");
    $tax_rule_2 = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.1);
    // Add alternate tax table
    $tax_table = new GoogleAlternateTaxTable("food");
    $tax_rule_1 = new GoogleAlternateTaxRule(0.05);
    $tax_rule_2 = new GoogleAlternateTaxRule(0.03);
    // Add <merchant-private-data>
    $cart->SetMerchantPrivateData(new MerchantPrivateData(array("animals" => array("type" => "cat,dog"))));
    // Specify <edit-cart-url>
    // Specify "Return to xyz" link
    // Request buyer's phone number
    // Define rounding policy
    $cart->AddRoundingPolicy("CEILING", "TOTAL");
    // Display XML data
    // echo "<pre>";
    // echo htmlentities($cart->GetXML());
    // echo "</pre>";
    // Display a medium size button
    echo $cart->GetXML();
    $num_rows = $tax_result->RecordCount();
    $tax_rule = array();
    $GAtaxTable = new GoogleAlternateTaxTable(!empty($tax_name_array[$i]) ? $tax_name_array[$i] : 'none', 'false');
    for ($j = 0; $j < $num_rows; $j++) {
        $rate = (double) $tax_result->fields['tax_rate'] / 100.0;
        $GAtaxRule = new GoogleAlternateTaxRule($rate);
        if ($tax_result->fields['countries_iso_code_2'] == 'US') {
            if ($tax_result->fields['zone_code'] == 'All Areas') {
            } else {
        } else {
            // TODO here should go the non use area
<div align="right">
echo '<div style="width: 180px; text-align: center;"><b>' . MODULE_PAYMENT_GOOGLECHECKOUT_TEXT_OPTION . '</b></div>';