	public function getInfectonReportSummary()
		# Returns HTML form elements for configuring infection report for country administrators
		# Called from reports.php
		# Fetch settings for all tests from dummy record
		$site_settings = GlobalInfectionReport::getByKeys($_SESSION['user_id'], 0, 0);
		<div class='pretty_box' style='width:700px;'>
		<table class='hor-minimalist-b'>
				<tr valign='top'>
					<td><?php echo "Group By Gender"; //LangUtil::$pageTerms['GROUP_BYGENDER']; ?></td>
						if($site_settings->groupByGender == 1)
							echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['YES'];
							echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['NO']; 
				<tr valign='top'>
					<td><?php echo "Group By Age"; //LangUtil::$pageTerms['GROUP_BYAGE']; ?></td>
						if($site_settings->groupByAge == 1)
							echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['YES']; 
							echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['NO']; 
				<tr valign='top' <?php
						if($site_settings->groupByAge == 0)
							echo " style='display:none' ";
					<td><?php echo "Age Range"; //LangUtil::$pageTerms['RANGE_AGE']; ?> (<?php echo "Years"; //LangUtil::$generalTerms['YEARS']; ?>)</td>
						# Group by age enabled
						$age_parts = explode(",", $site_settings->ageGroups);
						foreach($age_parts as $age_part)
							if(trim($age_part) == "")
							$age_bounds = explode(":", $age_part);
							echo $age_bounds[0]."-".$age_bounds[1];
							echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
				# For each test with numeric range, show ranges
				$test_list = getTestTypesCountryLevel();
				foreach($test_list as $test_type)
					<tr valign='top'>
							<?php echo $test_type->getName(); ?>
							$measure_to_set = false;
							$measure_list = $test_type->getMeasures();
							$measure_count = 0;
							foreach($measure_list as $measure)
								$disease_report = GlobalInfectionReport::getByKeys($_SESSION['user_id'], $test_type->testId, $measure->measureId);
								if(strpos($measure->range, "/") !== false)
									# Alphanumeric options
									# Do nothing
									//$range_options = explode("/", $measure->range);
									# Numeric ranges
									# Show fields to select range slots
									$measure_to_set = true;
									if(count($measure_list) != 1)
										# Show measure names if more than one.
										echo $measure->getName()."&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
									$range_bounds = explode(":", $measure->range);
									if($disease_report == null)
										# No entry exists. Show default values.
										echo $range_bounds[0]."-".$range_bounds[1];											
										# Entries exist. Prefill form with these values.
										$slot_list = explode(",", $disease_report->measureGroups);
										foreach($slot_list as $slot_part)
											if(trim($slot_part) == "")
											$slot_bounds = explode(":", $slot_part);
											echo $slot_bounds[0]."-".$slot_bounds[1]; 
											echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
									echo "<br><br>";
							if($measure_to_set === false)
								echo "<small>"."No range configuration required"./*LangUtil::$pageTerms['RANGE_NOTREQD'].*/"</small><br><br>";
foreach ($selected_test_types as $test) {
    $currentMeasurecount = 0;
    StatsLib::setDiseaseSetListAggregate($lab_config_ids, $test, $date_from, $date_to);
    $measures = $test->getMeasures();
    foreach ($measures as $measure) {
        $male_total = array();
        $female_total = array();
        $cross_gender_total = array();
        $curr_male_total = 0;
        $curr_female_total = 0;
        $curr_cross_gender_total = 0;
        $disease_report = GlobalInfectionReport::getByKeys($_SESSION['user_id'], $test->testId, $measure->measureId);
        if ($disease_report == null) {
            # TODO: Check for error control
            # Alphanumeric values. Hence entry not found.
        $is_range_options = true;
        if (strpos($measure->range, "/") === false) {
            $is_range_options = false;
        $range_values = array();
        if ($is_range_options) {
            # Alphanumeric options
            $range_values1 = explode("/", $measure->range);
            $range_values = str_replace("#", "/", $range_values1);
function publishValues($test, $measure, $age_total, $age_total1, $age_total2, $male_total, $female_total, $cross_gender_total, $grand_total)
    global $site_settings;
    $disease_report = GlobalInfectionReport::getByKeys($_SESSION['user_id'], $test->testId, $measure->measureId);
    $is_range_options = true;
    if (strpos($measure->range, "/") === false) {
        $is_range_options = false;
    $range_values = array();
    if ($is_range_options) {
        # Alphanumeric options
        $range_values1 = explode("/", $measure->range);
        $range_values = str_replace("#", "/", $range_values1);
    } else {
        # Numeric ranges: Fetch ranges configured for this test-type/measure from DB
        $range_values = $disease_report->getMeasureGroupAsList();
    $row_id = "row_" . $test->testId . "_" . $measure->measureId;
    echo "<tr valign='top' id='{$row_id}'>";
    echo "<td>" . $measure->name . "</td>";
    echo "<td>";
    foreach ($range_values as $range_value) {
        if ($is_range_options) {
            echo "{$range_value}<br>";
        } else {
            echo "{$range_value['0']}-{$range_value['1']}<br>";
        if ($site_settings->groupByGender == 1) {
            echo "<br>";
    echo "</td>";
    if ($site_settings->groupByGender == 1) {
        # Group by gender set to true
        echo "<td>";
        for ($i = 1; $i <= count($range_values); $i++) {
            echo "M<br>F<br>";
        echo "</td>";
    if ($site_settings->groupByAge == 1) {
        # Group by age set to true: Fetch age slots from DB
        $age_slot_list = $site_settings->getAgeGroupAsList();
        $j = 0;
        foreach ($age_slot_list as $age_slot) {
            echo "<td>";
            $k = 0;
            foreach ($range_values as $range_value) {
                $range_type = DiseaseSetFilter::$CONTINUOUS;
                if ($is_range_options == true) {
                    $range_type = DiseaseSetFilter::$DISCRETE;
                if ($site_settings->groupByGender == 0) {
                    echo $age_total[$j][$k] . "<br>";
                } else {
                    echo $age_total1[$j][$k] . "<br>" . $age_total2[$j][$k] . "<br>";
            echo "</td>";
    } else {
        # Age slots not configured: Show cumulative count for all age values
        $range_value_count = 0;
        foreach ($range_values as $range_value) {
            $range_type = DiseaseSetFilter::$CONTINUOUS;
            if ($is_range_options == true) {
                $range_type = DiseaseSetFilter::$DISCRETE;
            if ($site_settings->groupByGender == 1) {
                echo "<td>";
                for ($i = 1; $i <= count($range_values); $i++) {
                    $this_male_total = $male_total[$i];
                    $this_female_total = $female_total[$i];
                    echo "{$this_male_total}<br>{$this_female_total}<br>";
                    $this_cross_gender_total = $this_male_total + $this_female_total;
                echo "</td>";
    echo "<td>";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($range_values); $i++) {
        if ($site_settings->groupByGender == 1) {
            echo $male_total[$i];
            echo "<br>";
            echo $female_total[$i];
            echo "<br>";
        } else {
            echo $cross_gender_total[$i];
            echo "<br>";
    echo "</td>";
    echo "<td>";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($cross_gender_total); $i++) {
        echo "{$cross_gender_total[$i]}<br><br>";
    echo "</td>";