 public function sendAllFleetsToShield()
     $MOVEMENT = $this->Config['MOVEMENT'];
     $this->fleetInfo["id"] = -1;
     //syn start
     //lock file
     echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "一個派船出航\n") . "\n";
     $movement_page = GlobalFunc::synExecute("Sent fleet to shield", function () {
         echo "FleetCommander: This Planet[" . $this->coord[0] . ":" . $this->coord[1] . ":" . $this->coord[2] . "] ";
         //echo "-> Shield Planet[". $this->target_coord[0]. ":".$this->target_coord[1]. ":". $this->target_coord[2]."]\n";
         //切換星球 call global function
         $page = GlobalFunc::changeFocusPlanet($this->href);
         $this->rUri = "";
         $f1_page = $this->getFleet1Page();
         $fleets_uri = $this->getFleetsAmount($f1_page);
         $this->rUri .= "&speed=1" . $fleets_uri;
         $f2_page = $this->getFleet2Page();
         //$f2 = GlobalFunc::loadHTML($f2_page);
         //取得Escape List
         echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "開始找尋適合的shield.\n");
         $my_coord_text = GlobalFunc::getCoordTextWithType($this->coord);
         $ESList = EscapeFilter::getEscapeList();
         if (isset($ESList[$my_coord_text])) {
             $shields = $ESList[$my_coord_text]["shields"];
             $sh_count = sizeof($shields);
             $fcheck_page = 1;
             //儲存最終傳回的結果 來確定有沒有一個可行的座標
             for ($sh_i = 0; $sh_i < $sh_count; $sh_i++) {
                 $sh_coord = $shields[$sh_i];
                 $sh_text = GlobalFunc::getCoordTextWithType($sh_coord);
                 $fcheck_page = $this->getFleetCheck($sh_coord);
                 echo "fcheck_page:" . $fcheck_page;
                 if ($fcheck_page == "0") {
                     echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "Check通過 決定Shield座標({$sh_text}).\n");
                     $this->target_coord = $sh_coord;
                 } else {
                     if ($fcheck_page == "1") {
                         echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "此target座標({$sh_text})不存在.\n");
                     } else {
                         if ($fcheck_page == "2") {
                             echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "此target處於假期模式({$sh_text}) 無法派遣.\n");
                         } else {
                             echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "fcheck_page:{$fcheck_page} 不等於任何已知結果\n");
         } else {
             echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", "沒有Escape List.\n");
             $fcheck_page = $this->getFleetCheck($this->target_coord);
         $type = 1;
         if (isset($this->target_coord[3]) && $this->target_coord[3] != NULL) {
             $type = $this->target_coord[3];
         $posi_uri = "galaxy=" . $this->target_coord[0] . "&system=" . $this->target_coord[1] . "&position=" . $this->target_coord[2] . "&type=" . $type . "&mission=3";
         $this->rUri = $posi_uri . $this->rUri;
         echo "this->uri: " . $this->rUri . "\n";
         //file_put_contents($this->Config['FailInfo'], $f2_page);
         $f3_page = $this->getFleet3Page();
         $movement_page = $this->sendFleetOut($f3_page);
         //echo "movement_page result strlen: ". strlen($movement_page) . "\n";
         if (strlen($movement_page) < $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) {
             echo "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
             echo "Sent fleet failed, result strlen: " . strlen($movement_page);
             echo "\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n";
         return $movement_page;
     //syn end
     echo "FleetCommander: movement_page result strlen: " . strlen($movement_page) . "\n";
     if (strlen($movement_page) == 0) {
         //echo "movement_page strlen: 0!\n";
         echo "Error occur! No fleet info to return! return 0 instead.\n";
         return 0;
     //取得的duration是錯誤的 因為他的計算都在javascript 因此無法取得
     $n_time = time();
     $time_diff = $n_time - $this->time_before_sent;
     $predicted_start_time = $this->time_before_sent + $time_diff / 2;
     $mp = GlobalFunc::loadHTML($movement_page);
     $inhalt = $mp->getElementById("inhalt");
     if (!is_object($inhalt)) {
         echo "Error occur, inhalt is not an object, no way to find fleet detail\n";
         return 0;
     $this->fleetInfo = $this->getfleetDetails($inhalt, $this->coord, $this->target_coord);
     //取得船隊召回的get url
     //get ?page=movement&return=id
     $this->fleetInfo["withdraw_link"] = $MOVEMENT . "&return=" . $this->fleetInfo["id"];
     if (!isset($this->fleetInfo["id"])) {
         $this->fleetInfo["id"] = -1;
     if ($this->fleetInfo["id"] == -1 || strlen(trim($this->fleetInfo["id"])) == 0) {
         echo "Can't get fleet id, return 0.\n";
         echo iconv("UTF-8", "big5", '船隊撤退失敗, 請檢查 重氫是否不足\\n');
         return 0;
     //echo "My fleet info in the end of send: duration = ".$this->duration;
     //$this->fleetInfo["flighttime"] = $this->duration;
     //$this->fleetInfo["starttime"] = $this->fleetInfo["arrivetime"] - $this->duration;
     //echo "arrivetime = ".$this->fleetInfo["arrivetime"]." duration = $this->duration | starttime = ".$this->fleetInfo["starttime"]."\n";
     $this->fleetInfo["starttime"] = $predicted_start_time;
     //echo "My fleet info in the end of send: ";
     return $this->fleetInfo;
 function buildResourceItem($blocks, $tCoor)
     $PLANETS = $this->PLANETS;
     if (!isset($PLANETS)) {
         echo "No Planet list! return false.\n";
         return false;
     $page = $blocks[0];
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($PLANETS); $i++) {
         if (GlobalFunc::isCoordinateMatch($PLANETS[$i]->coord, $tCoor)) {
             echo "ResourceManager: Planet[" . $tCoor[0] . ":" . $tCoor[1] . ":" . $tCoor[2] . "](" . $tCoor[3] . ") isFound.\n";
             //取得切換到該星球的 url
             $pos = strpos($PLANETS[$i]->href, "cp=");
             $cpText = substr($PLANETS[$i]->href, $pos);
             if ($page == "R") {
                 $resourceUrl = $this->Config['RESOURCE_URL'] . "&" . $cpText;
             } else {
                 if ($page == "S") {
                     $resourceUrl = $this->Config['STATION_URL'] . "&" . $cpText;
                 } else {
                     if ($page == "T") {
                         $resourceUrl = $this->Config['TECH_URL'] . "&" . $cpText;
                     } else {
                         echo "ResourceManager.buildResourceItem(): error, invalid page value: (" . $page . ") found. return 1 to skip.\n";
                         return 1;
             //切換星球 順便取得resources page
             $this->resourceUrl = $resourceUrl;
             $resources_page = GlobalFunc::synExecute("Change focused planet and get resources page", function () {
                 echo "resourceUrl: " . $this->resourceUrl;
                 return GlobalFunc::changeFocusPlanet($this->resourceUrl);
             if (strlen($resources_page) < $this->Config['AskPageLeastStrLen']) {
                 echo "ResourceManager: resources_page len " . strlen($resources_page) . " too few, return 0.\n";
                 return 0;
             $resources_dom = GlobalFunc::loadHtml($resources_page);
             //$resource_item_name = "button1";
             //$but1 = $resources_dom->getElementById( $resource_item_name );
             if ($page == "R" || $page == "S") {
                 $item_id = $blocks[1];
                 $but1 = $this->getResourceStationBtn($resources_dom, $item_id);
             } else {
                 if ($page == "T") {
                     $item_id = $blocks[1];
                     $item_num = $blocks[2] - 1;
                     $but1 = $this->getTechnologyBtn($resources_dom, $item_id, $item_num);
                 } else {
                     echo "Page is not R, S or T, invalid. return 1 to skip this request.";
                     return 1;
             //發送 蓋資源 的請求
             return $this->sendBuildRequest($but1, $item_id);
     return -1;