  * Checks cache to see if the contents of this field have already been loaded from github, if they haven't then a request is made to the github api to render the markdown
  * @param {bool} $useGFM Use Github Flavored Markdown or render using plain markdown defaults to false just like how readme files are rendered on github
  * @return {string} Markdown rendered as HTML
 public function AsHTML($useGFM = false)
     if ($this->parsedHTML !== false) {
         return $this->parsedHTML;
     //Setup renderer
     $renderer = $this->getRenderer();
     $supported = $renderer->isSupported();
     if ($supported !== true) {
         $class_name = get_class($renderer);
         user_error("Renderer {$class_name} is not supported on this system: {$supported}");
     if ($renderer instanceof GithubMarkdownRenderer) {
         $beforeUseGFM = GithubMarkdownRenderer::getUseGFM();
     //Init cache stuff
     $cacheKey = md5('Markdown_' . $this->tableName . '_' . $this->name . ':' . $this->value);
     $cache = SS_Cache::factory('Markdown');
     $cachedHTML = $cache->load($cacheKey);
     //Check cache, if it's good use it instead
     if ($cachedHTML !== false) {
         $this->parsedHTML = $cachedHTML;
         return $this->parsedHTML;
     //If empty save time by not attempting to render
     if (empty($this->value)) {
         return $this->value;
     //Get rendered HTML
     $response = $renderer->getRenderedHTML($this->value);
     //Store response in memory
     $this->parsedHTML = $response;
     //Cache response to file system
     $cache->save($this->parsedHTML, $cacheKey);
     //Reset GFM
     if ($renderer instanceof GithubMarkdownRenderer) {
     //Return response
     return $this->parsedHTML;
  * Sets whether or not to include the Authorization header in GitHub API requests, both parameters are required to enable basic auth
  * @param {string} $username Github Username
  * @param {string} $password Github Password
 public function useBasicAuth($username = false, $password = false)
     self::$useBasicAuth = $username !== false && $password !== false;
     self::$username = $username;
     self::$password = $password;