public function MessageObject($xmlStr) { if ($xmlStr == '' || $xmlStr == null) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Xml missing in request]', 'Xml is missing in request can not process message', 'Process Message', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); GeneralError::systemError($xmlStr); exit; } $this->xmlStr = $xmlStr; $this->dom = new DomDocument(); /*** Make sure that preserve white space is off for the the DomDocument object. WhiteSpaces interfers with parsing the xml ***/ $this->dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $this->res = $this->dom->loadXML($xmlStr); $dom = $this->dom; $this->headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $this->sourceId = $this->headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_SourceId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $this->msgId = $this->headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $messageNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Message'); $this->messageType = isset($messageNode->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeName) ? $messageNode->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeName : 'default'; $sifDestinationId = $this->headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_DestinationId'); if ($sifDestinationId->length != 0) { $this->destinationId = $sifDestinationId->item(0)->nodeValue; $this->destinationIdFound = true; } else { $this->destinationId = null; $this->destinationIdFound = false; } }
private function updateMessageQueue($agent, $originalMsgId, $msgId) { $res = DataObject::updateEvent($agent->agentId, $originalMsgId, $msgId); if ($res == 1) { $timestamp = Utility::createTimestamp(); $msgId_u = Utility::createMessageId(); XmlHelper::buildSuccessMessage($msgId_u, $timestamp, $agent->sourceId, $msgId, 0, $originalMsg = null, $desc = null); } else { GeneralError::EventACKError($this->xml); } }
public static function authenticateAgent($sourceId) { $agent = new Agent($sourceId); $xmlStr = REC_XML; $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); //if authentication type is username and password if (Zone::getZoneAuthenticationType() == 1) { if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { GeneralError::invalidUserError($xmlStr); exit; } else { $username = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; $password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']; if ($agent->username == $username && $agent->password == $password) { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; return; } else { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Invalid User] User does not exist', 'User in agent request does not exist in the system', 'Authenticate Agent', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::invalidUserError($xmlStr); exit; } } } else { if (Zone::getZoneAuthenticationType() == 2) { if (!isset($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'])) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Missing Certificate] Certificate is missing for agent', 'Agent request does not contain a certificate. Zone is set to certificate authentication', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::missingSenderCertificate($xmlStr); exit; } else { $cert = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']; $dn = "C: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_S'] || '<br/>' || "O: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O'] || '<br/>' || "OU: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_OU'] || '<br/>' || "CN: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN'] || '<br/>' || "End Date: " || $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_V_END'] || '<br/>'; } if ($agent->certCommonName == null || $agent->certCommonName == '' || $agent->certCommonName == ' ') { $agents = new Agents($db); $row = $agents->fetchRow("agent_id = " . $agent->agentId); $row->cert_common_name = $cert; $row->cert_common_dn = $dn; $row->save(); $agent->certCommonName = $cert; } if ($agent->certCommonName != $cert) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[CN is not valid] CN of certificate is invalid', 'CN of request certificate does not match the CN setup with the agent', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::agentCommonNameDoesNoMatch($xmlStr); exit; } } } /* if($agent->isRegistered()) { //$remoteAddress = SifProcessRequest::getIpAddress(); $cn = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN']; $result = $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY']; switch($agent->getAgentRegistrationSifAuthenticationLevel()) { case 1: if($cn == null || $cn == '' || $cn == ' '){ ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Missing Certificate] Certificate is missing for agent', 'Agent request does not contain a certificate. Zone is set to certificate authentication', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::missingSenderCertificate(REC_XML); exit; } break; case 3: if($agent->certCommonName != $cn){ ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[CN is not valid] CN of certificate is invalid', 'CN of request certificate does not match the CN setup with the agent', 'Verify Certificate', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'], $agent->agentId); GeneralError::agentCommonNameDoesNoMatch(REC_XML); exit; } break; } } */ // }//end authentication type check }
private function getFirstMessage($agent) { /* NOTE: CHRISTOPHER WHITELEY Within this section we have allowed the alteration of how SIF Ack messages are needed. If $sif_response, $sif_request, and $sif_event are set to a value of 2 then your system will work according to SIF Specifications. If you do not want to send a SIF_Ack message for any of the three message types below you can change the value to 3. This functionality was done per request of a paid support member. */ $sif_response = 2; $sif_request = 2; $sif_event = 2; $sif_ack = 2; $empty = null; $zero = 0; $id = $zero; $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); # $mysql = '' # .' (' # .' Select response_id v, 1 t ' # .' from ' .DBConvertor::convertCase('response').' where status_id in (1,2) ' # .' and agent_id_requester = '.$agent->agentId.' and context_id = '.$_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'].' and zone_id = '.$_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] # .') ' # .' union all ' # .' (' # .' Select request_id v, 2 t ' # .' from ' .DBConvertor::convertCase('request').' where status_id in (1,2) ' # .' and agent_id_responder = '.$agent->agentId.' and context_id = '.$_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'].' and zone_id = '.$_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] # .') ' # .' union all ' # .' (' # .'Select event_id v, 3 t ' # .' from ' .DBConvertor::convertCase('event').' where status_id in (1,2) ' # .' and agent_id_rec = '.$agent->agentId.' and context_id = '.$_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'].' and zone_id = '.$_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] # .')' # .' ORDER BY t, v LIMIT 1'; $oracle = 'Select v, t from ( Select response_id v, 1 t ' . ' from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('response') . ' where status_id in (1,2) ' . ' and agent_id_requester = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ' union all ' . 'Select request_id v, 2 t ' . 'from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('request') . ' where status_id in (1,2) ' . ' and agent_id_responder = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ' union all ' . 'Select event_id v, 3 t ' . ' from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('event') . ' where status_id in (1,2) ' . ' and agent_id_rec = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ') ORDER BY t, v'; $mysql = 'select id, msg_type, data ' . ' from ' . DBConvertor::convertCase('messagequeue') . ' where agt_id_out = ' . $agent->agentId . ' and zone_id = ' . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . ' and context_id = ' . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID'] . ' and status_id in (1,2) ' . ' order by status_id desc, msg_type asc, insert_timestamp asc' . ' Limit 1'; switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $sql = $mysql; break; case 'oci8': $sql = $oracle; $db->setLobAsString(true); break; } try { $stmt = $db->query($sql); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog("[SystemControl]", "Errors:{$e->getTraceAsString}() \n \n {$sql}", "Try|Catch block", $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); GeneralError::systemError($xml); } switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $id = isset($result[0]->id) ? $result[0]->id : $zero; # $msgType = isset($result[0]->msg_type) ? $result[0]->msg_type : $zero; $msgType = 4; $XMLData = isset($result[0]->data) ? $result[0]->data : $zero; break; case 'oci8': $id = isset($result[0]->V) ? $result[0]->V : $zero; $msgType = isset($result[0]->T) ? $result[0]->T : $zero; break; } // ZitLog::writeToErrorLog("[SystemControl]", "id: $id --> msgType: $msgType\n\n", "Record Found?", $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); if ($id != $zero) { switch ($msgType) { case 1: /***** ORACLE ONLY $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $response = new Responses($db); $where = "response_id = {$id}"; $result2 = $response->fetchAll($where); foreach ($result2 as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $status_id = $row->status_id; $responseData = $row->response_data; break; case 'oci8': $status_id = $row->STATUS_ID; $responseData = $row->RESPONSE_DATA; break; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($responseData); $headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $msgId = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_response, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $msgId); $n = $response->update($data, 'response_id = ' . $id); return $responseData; break; case 2: /***** ORACLE ONLY $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $request = new Requests($db); $where = "request_id = {$id}"; $result = $request->fetchAll($where); foreach ($result as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $status_id = $row->status_id; $requestData = $row->request_data; break; case 'oci8': $status_id = $row->STATUS_ID; $messageDataXML = $row->REQUEST_DATA; // $requestData = $messageDataXML->read($messageDataXML->size()); $requestData = $messageDataXML; break; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($requestData); $headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $msgId = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_request, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $msgId); $n = $request->update($data, 'request_id = ' . $id); return $requestData; break; case 3: /***** ORACLE ONLY $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $event = new Events($db); $where = "event_id = {$id}"; $result = $event->fetchAll($where); foreach ($result as $row) { switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $status_id = $row->status_id; $eventData = $row->event_data; break; case 'oci8': $status_id = $row->STATUS_ID; $eventData = $row->EVENT_DATA; break; } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($eventData); $headerNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Header')->item(0); $msgId = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_MsgId')->item(0)->nodeValue; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_event, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $msgId); $n = $event->update($data, 'event_id = ' . $id); return $eventData; break; case 4: $message = new MessageQueues($db); /***** $SIF_ACK is used to set the status of the message read. The SIF Standard states that you should set this value to 2 so that the item can be requested again if an error happens. Setting the item to a 3 will allow you not to send a SIF_Ack Message. *****/ $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => $sif_ack); $n = $message->update($data, 'id = ' . $id); return $XMLData; break; } } else { return null; } }
private function setupResponseNew($agent, $msgId, $m) { $dom = $m->dom; $dataObject = null; $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); $requesterId = RequestObject::getRequesterId($msgId); $agentModeId = RequestObject::getRequesterAgentMode($msgId); try { $sifObjectDataNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_ObjectData')->item(0); $children = isset($sifObjectDataNode->childNodes) ? $sifObjectDataNode->childNodes : ''; if (is_object($children)) { $objectName = isset($children->item(0)->nodeName) ? $children->item(0)->nodeName : null; } else { $objectName = null; ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[SIF_ObjectData Error]', 'No SIF_ObjectData found from agent = ' . $agent->sourceId, $this->xmlStr); GeneralError::systemError($this->xmlStr); } $dataObject = new DataObject($objectName); } catch (Exception $e) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Error processing message]', "DataObject Name: " . $objectName . "\nError Message\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\nStack Trace\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . ' ' . $this->xmlStr, 'Process Message', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); GeneralError::systemError($this->xmlStr); } $sifMessageNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Message')->item(0); $responseXml = $dom->saveXML($sifMessageNode); $responseXml = str_replace('xmlns=""', '', $responseXml); $responseXml = str_replace('xmlns:sif=""', '', $responseXml); $responseXml = str_replace('xmlns="" ', '', $responseXml); $responseXml = str_replace('xmlns="" ', '', $responseXml); $responseXml = str_replace('xmlns="" ', '', $responseXml); $responseXml = str_replace('xmlns:xsi="" ', '', $responseXml); # $data = array( # DBConvertor::convertCase('request_msg_id') => $msgId, # DBConvertor::convertCase('response_data') => $responseXml, # DBConvertor::convertCase('next_packet_num') => '2', # DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => '1', # DBConvertor::convertCase('agent_id_requester') => intval($requesterId), # DBConvertor::convertCase('agent_id_responder') => $agent->agentId, # DBConvertor::convertCase('agent_mode_id') => intval($agentModeId), # DBConvertor::convertCase('zone_id') => $_SESSION["ZONE_ID"], # DBConvertor::convertCase('context_id') => $_SESSION["CONTEXT_ID"] # ); # $db->insert(DBConvertor::convertCase('response'), $data); /* Removing the filterUtility as it should be reworked. $filterUtility = new FilterUtility(); $filterUtility->FilterCommonElements($dataObject->objectId, $dom, intval($requesterId)); */ try { $this->xslt = null; $permissions = new AgentPermissions($db); $where = "object_id = " . $dataObject->objectId . " and agent_id = " . $requesterId . " and zone_id = " . $_SESSION['ZONE_ID'] . " and context_id = " . $_SESSION['CONTEXT_ID']; $result = $permissions->fetchAll($where); switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $this->xslt = isset($result[0]->xslt) ? $result[0]->xslt : null; break; case 'oci8': $this->xslt = isset($result[0]->XSLT) ? $result[0]->XSLT : null; break; } if ($this->xslt != null) { $xsltpro = new XSLTProcessor(); $XSL = new DOMDocument(); $XSL->loadXML($this->xslt); $xsltpro->importStylesheet($XSL); $XML = new DOMDocument(); $XML->loadXML($responseXml); $responseXml = $xsltpro->transformToXML($XML); } $responseXml = str_replace('<?xml version="1.0"?>' . "\n", '', $responseXml); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog('[Error filtering message]', "DataObject Name: " . $objectName . "\nError Message\n" . $e->getMessage() . "\n\nStack Trace\n" . $e->getTraceAsString() . ' ' . $this->xmlStr, 'Process Message', $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); GeneralError::systemError($this->xmlStr); } $messagequeue = new MessageQueues($db); $data = null; $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $this->originalMsgId, DBConvertor::convertCase('ref_msg_id') => $msgId, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_type') => 2, DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => '1', DBConvertor::convertCase('version') => $_SESSION['ZONE_VERSION'], DBConvertor::convertCase('insert_timestamp') => new Zend_Db_Expr(DBConvertor::convertCurrentTime()), DBConvertor::convertCase('agt_id_in') => $agent->agentId, DBConvertor::convertCase('agt_id_out') => intval($requesterId), DBConvertor::convertCase('data') => $responseXml, DBConvertor::convertCase('next_packet_num') => 2, DBConvertor::convertCase('agt_mode_id') => intval($agentModeId), DBConvertor::convertCase('zone_id') => $_SESSION["ZONE_ID"], DBConvertor::convertCase('context_id') => $_SESSION["CONTEXT_ID"]); $messagequeue->insert($data); $timestamp = Utility::createTimestamp(); $msgId = Utility::createMessageId(); XmlHelper::buildSuccessMessage($msgId, $timestamp, $this->originalSourceId, $this->originalMsgId, 0, $originalMsg = null, $desc = null); }
require_once 'zit_db_adapter.php'; require_once 'zit_db_adapter2.php'; require_once 'db_convertor.php'; //General Error require_once '../ZIT_APPLICATION/main_lib/GeneralError.php'; try { $db = ZitDBAdapter::getDBAdapter(); Zend_Registry::set('my_db', $db); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { GeneralError::systemError($xml); } try { $db2 = ZitDBAdapter2::getDBAdapter(); Zend_Registry::set('my_db2', $db2); } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { GeneralError::systemError($xml); } switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $dbversion = 'mysql'; break; case 'oci8': $dbversion = 'oracle'; break; } require_once '../CLASSES/' . $dbversion . '/ZitAdminDB.php'; require_once '../CLASSES/' . $dbversion . '/ZitLog.php'; require_once '../CLASSES/' . $dbversion . '/ZitLogArch.php'; require_once '../CLASSES/' . $dbversion . '/Zones.php'; require_once '../CLASSES/' . $dbversion . '/Contexts.php'; require_once '../CLASSES/' . $dbversion . '/Versions.php';
define('ZONE_URL_INDEX', $zoneUrlIndex); define('SERVER_SOURCE_ID', Zit::getSourceId()); /* Proper Values for SIF_VALIDATE ** Y : Validate and Send Error and Log Error ** N : No Validate and Pass Message ** W : Validate and Pass Message and Log Error */ define('SIF_VALIDATE', 'W'); //global $USERNAME; if ($config->code->level == 2) { ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); } elseif ($config->code->level == 3) { ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); } else { ini_set('error_reporting', 0); } Zone::retrieveZoneSourceId(); define('NODE_NUM', 0); try { if (SifProcessRequest::validateXML($xml)) { define('REC_XML', $xml); $messageObject = new MessageObject($xml); $messageObject->version = SifProcessRequest::retrieveVersion($messageObject); SifProcessRequest::processMessage($messageObject); } else { GeneralError::xmlValidationError($messageObject->xmlStr); } } catch (Zend_Exception $e) { ZitLog::writeToErrorLog("[Main Loop]", "Request Xml:\n{$messageObject->xmlStr} \n\n Errors:{$e->getTraceAsString}()", "Main Loop", $_SESSION['ZONE_ID']); GeneralError::systemError($messageObject->xmlStr); }
private function publishEvent($agentId, $objectName, $objectAction, $version, $m) { $db = Zend_Registry::get('my_db'); $dom = $m->dom; $event_destination_found = false; $headerNode = $m->headerNode; $originalMsgId = $m->msgId; $originalSourceId = $m->sourceId; $originalTimestamp = $headerNode->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Timestamp')->item(0)->nodeValue; $dataObject = new DataObject($objectName); $actionId = Event::getActionId($objectAction); $query = "select agent_subscriptions.agent_id,\r\n\t\t\t \t\t\t agent_registered.agent_mode_id,\r\n\t\t\t \t\t\t agent_registered.sif_version,\r\n\t\t\t \t\t\t agent_registered.maxbuffersize,\r\n\t\t \t\t\t agent.source_id\r\n\t\t \t\tfrom " . DBConvertor::convertCase('agent_subscriptions') . "\r\n\t\t \t\t\tinner join " . DBConvertor::convertCase('agent_registered') . " on agent_registered.agent_Id = agent_subscriptions.agent_id and agent_registered.unregister_timestamp is null\r\n\t\t \t\t\tinner join " . DBConvertor::convertCase('agent') . " on agent.agent_id = agent_subscriptions.agent_id\r\n\t\t \t\t\twhere agent_subscriptions.zone_id = " . $_SESSION["ZONE_ID"] . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tand agent_subscriptions.object_type_id = " . $dataObject->objectId . "\r\n\t\t \t\t\tand agent_subscriptions.context_id = " . $_SESSION["CONTEXT_ID"] . "\r\n\t\t \t\t\tand agent_subscriptions.context_id = agent_registered.context_id \r\n\t\t \t\t\tand agent_subscriptions.zone_id = agent_registered.zone_id"; if ($m->destinationIdFound == true) { $query = $query . " and agent.source_id = '" . $m->destinationId . "'"; } $result = $db->fetchAll($query); foreach ($result as $row) { $error = false; $event_destination_found = true; switch (DB_TYPE) { case 'mysql': $agent_id = intval($row->agent_id); $maxbuffersize = intval($row->maxbuffersize); $source_id = $row->source_id; $agent_mode_id = intval($row->agent_mode_id); $agent_version = $row->sif_version; break; case 'oci8': $agent_id = intval($row->AGENT_ID); $maxbuffersize = intval($row->MAXBUFFERSIZE); $source_id = $row->SOURCE_ID; $agent_mode_id = intval($row->AGENT_MODE_ID); $agent_version = $row->SIF_VERSION; break; } $sifMessageNode = $dom->getElementsByTagName('SIF_Message')->item(0); $eventXML = $dom->saveXML($sifMessageNode); $eventXML = str_replace('xmlns="" ', '', $eventXML); $eventXML = str_replace('xmlns="" ', '', $eventXML); $eventXML = str_replace('xmlns="" ', '', $eventXML); $eventXML = str_replace('xmlns:sif="" ', '', $eventXML); $eventXML = str_replace('xmlns:sif="" ', '', $eventXML); $eventXML = str_replace('xmlns:xsi="" ', '', $eventXML); $messageSize = strlen($eventXML); if ($messageSize > $maxbuffersize) { SifLogEntry::CreateSifLogEvents($header, '4', '2', 'Buffer size of agent ' . $row->source_id . ' is too small to recieve this event [size : ' . $row->maxbuffersize . ']'); $error = true; } if ($version != $agent_version) { SifLogEntry::CreateSifLogEvents($header, '4', '4', 'Version in event not supported by agent ' . $source_id); $error = true; } if (!$error) { $data = array(DBConvertor::convertCase('insert_timestamp') => new Zend_Db_Expr(DBConvertor::convertCurrentTime()), DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_id') => $originalMsgId, DBConvertor::convertCase('agt_id_in') => $agentId, DBConvertor::convertCase('msg_type') => 3, DBConvertor::convertCase('status_id') => 1, DBConvertor::convertCase('agt_id_out') => $agent_id, DBConvertor::convertCase('data') => $eventXML, DBConvertor::convertCase('object_id') => $dataObject->objectId, DBConvertor::convertCase('action_id') => $actionId, DBConvertor::convertCase('agt_mode_id') => $agent_mode_id, DBConvertor::convertCase('zone_id') => $_SESSION["ZONE_ID"], DBConvertor::convertCase('context_id') => $_SESSION["CONTEXT_ID"]); $db->insert(DBConvertor::convertCase('messagequeue'), $data); } } if ($event_destination_found == false) { GeneralError::genericError($m, "11", "1", "Generic Error", "SIF DestinationId not found."); } }