/** * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param type $Args */ public function UtilityController_SiteMapIndex_Create($Sender) { // Clear the session to mimic a crawler. Gdn::Session()->Start(0, FALSE, FALSE); $Sender->DeliveryMethod(DELIVERY_METHOD_XHTML); $Sender->DeliveryType(DELIVERY_TYPE_VIEW); $Sender->SetHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml'); $SiteMaps = array(); if (class_exists('CategoryModel')) { $Categories = CategoryModel::Categories(); foreach ($Categories as $Category) { if (!$Category['PermsDiscussionsView'] || $Category['CategoryID'] < 0 || $Category['CountDiscussions'] == 0) { continue; } $SiteMap = array('Loc' => Url('/sitemap-category-' . rawurlencode($Category['UrlCode'] ? $Category['UrlCode'] : $Category['CategoryID']) . '.xml', TRUE), 'LastMod' => $Category['DateLastComment'], 'ChangeFreq' => '', 'Priority' => ''); $SiteMaps[] = $SiteMap; } } $Sender->SetData('SiteMaps', $SiteMaps); $Sender->Render('SiteMapIndex', '', 'plugins/Sitemaps'); }
/** * * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param array $Args */ public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) { if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'sinaconnect') { return; } $RequestToken = GetValue('oauth_token', $_GET); // Get the access token. if ($RequestToken || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) { // Get the request secret. $RequestToken = $this->GetOAuthToken($RequestToken); $Consumer = new OAuthConsumer(C('Plugins.SinaConnect.ConsumerKey'), C('Plugins.SinaConnect.Secret')); $Url = 'http://api.t.sina.com.cn/oauth/access_token'; $Params = array('oauth_verifier' => GetValue('oauth_verifier', $_GET)); $Request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($Consumer, $RequestToken, 'POST', $Url, $Params); $SignatureMethod = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(); $Request->sign_request($SignatureMethod, $Consumer, $RequestToken); $Post = $Request->to_postdata(); $Curl = $this->_Curl($Request); $Response = curl_exec($Curl); if ($Response === FALSE) { $Response = curl_error($Curl); } $HttpCode = curl_getinfo($Curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($Curl); if ($HttpCode == '200') { $Data = OAuthUtil::parse_parameters($Response); $AccessToken = $this->AccessToken(GetValue('oauth_token', $Data), GetValue('oauth_token_secret', $Data)); // Save the access token to the database. $this->SetOAuthToken($AccessToken); // Delete the request token. $this->DeleteOAuthToken($RequestToken); } else { // There was some sort of error. } $NewToken = TRUE; } // Get the profile. try { $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken); } catch (Exception $Ex) { if (!isset($NewToken)) { // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize. if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { Redirect($this->_AuthorizeHref()); } else { $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); $Sender->DeliveryMethod(DELIVERY_METHOD_JSON); $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->_AuthorizeHref(); } } else { $Sender->Form->AddError($Ex); } } //print_r($Profile); $Form = $Sender->Form; //new Gdn_Form(); $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile); $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID); $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', self::$ProviderKey); $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Sina'); $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('screen_name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('id', $Profile) . '@weibo.com'); $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', GetValue('profile_image_url', $Profile)); $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE); }
/** * * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param array $Args */ public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) { if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'twitter') { return; } $Form = $Sender->Form; //new Gdn_Form(); $RequestToken = GetValue('oauth_token', $_GET); $AccessToken = $Form->GetFormValue('AccessToken'); if ($AccessToken) { $AccessToken = $this->GetOAuthToken($AccessToken); $this->AccessToken($AccessToken); } // Get the access token. if ($RequestToken && !$AccessToken) { // Get the request secret. $RequestToken = $this->GetOAuthToken($RequestToken); $Consumer = new OAuthConsumer(C('Plugins.Twitter.ConsumerKey'), C('Plugins.Twitter.Secret')); $Url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'; $Params = array('oauth_verifier' => GetValue('oauth_verifier', $_GET)); $Request = OAuthRequest::from_consumer_and_token($Consumer, $RequestToken, 'POST', $Url, $Params); $SignatureMethod = new OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1(); $Request->sign_request($SignatureMethod, $Consumer, $RequestToken); $Post = $Request->to_postdata(); $Curl = $this->_Curl($Request); $Response = curl_exec($Curl); if ($Response === FALSE) { $Response = curl_error($Curl); } $HttpCode = curl_getinfo($Curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($Curl); if ($HttpCode == '200') { $Data = OAuthUtil::parse_parameters($Response); $AccessToken = new OAuthToken(GetValue('oauth_token', $Data), GetValue('oauth_token_secret', $Data)); // Save the access token to the database. $this->SetOAuthToken($AccessToken->key, $AccessToken->secret, 'access'); $this->AccessToken($AccessToken->key, $AccessToken->secret); // Delete the request token. $this->DeleteOAuthToken($RequestToken); } else { // There was some sort of error. throw new Exception('There was an error authenticating with twitter.', 400); } $NewToken = TRUE; } // Get the profile. try { $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken); } catch (Exception $Ex) { if (!isset($NewToken)) { // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize. if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { Redirect($this->_AuthorizeHref()); } else { $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); $Sender->DeliveryMethod(DELIVERY_METHOD_JSON); $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->_AuthorizeHref(); } } else { throw $Ex; } } $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile); $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID); $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', self::ProviderKey); $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Twitter'); $Form->SetValue('ConnectName', GetValue('screen_name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('screen_name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', GetValue('profile_image_url', $Profile)); $Form->AddHidden('AccessToken', $AccessToken->key); // Save some original data in the attributes of the connection for later API calls. $Attributes = array(self::ProviderKey => array('AccessToken' => array($AccessToken->key, $AccessToken->secret), 'Profile' => $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Attributes', $Attributes); $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE); }
/** * * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param array $Args */ public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) { if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'facebook') { return; } if (isset($_GET['error'])) { throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Facebook'))); } $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID'); $Secret = C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret'); $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET); $Query = ''; if ($Sender->Request->Get('display')) { $Query = 'display=' . urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display')); } $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query); $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri); // Get the access token. if ($Code || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) { // Exchange the token for an access token. $Code = urlencode($Code); $Url = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id={$AppID}&client_secret={$Secret}&code={$Code}&redirect_uri={$RedirectUri}"; // Get the redirect URI. $C = curl_init(); curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_URL, $Url); $Contents = curl_exec($C); // $Contents = ProxyRequest($Url); $Info = curl_getinfo($C); if (strpos(GetValue('content_type', $Info, ''), '/javascript') !== FALSE) { $Tokens = json_decode($Contents, TRUE); } else { parse_str($Contents, $Tokens); } if (GetValue('error', $Tokens)) { throw new Gdn_UserException('Facebook returned the following error: ' . GetValueR('error.message', $Tokens, 'Unknown error.'), 400); } $AccessToken = GetValue('access_token', $Tokens); $Expires = GetValue('expires', $Tokens, NULL); setcookie('fb_access_token', $AccessToken, time() + $Expires, C('Garden.Cookie.Path', '/'), C('Garden.Cookie.Domain', ''), NULL, TRUE); $NewToken = TRUE; } // Get the profile. try { $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken); } catch (Exception $Ex) { if (!isset($NewToken)) { // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize. if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { Redirect($this->AuthorizeUri()); } else { $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); $Sender->DeliveryMethod(DELIVERY_METHOD_JSON); $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri(); } } else { $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Facebook connection.'); } } $Form = $Sender->Form; //new Gdn_Form(); $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile); $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID); $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', 'facebook'); $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Facebook'); $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "http://graph.facebook.com/{$ID}/picture"); if (C('Plugins.Facebook.UseFacebookNames')) { $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('name', $Profile)); SaveToConfig(array('Garden.User.ValidationRegex' => UserModel::USERNAME_REGEX_MIN, 'Garden.User.ValidationLength' => '{3,50}', 'Garden.Registration.NameUnique' => FALSE), '', FALSE); } // Save some original data in the attributes of the connection for later API calls. $Attributes = array('Facebook.Profile' => $Profile); $Form->SetFormValue('Attributes', $Attributes); $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE); }
/** * * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param array $Args */ public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) { if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'facebook') { return; } if (isset($_GET['error'])) { throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Facebook'))); } $AppID = C('Plugins.Facebook.ApplicationID'); $Secret = C('Plugins.Facebook.Secret'); $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET); $Query = ''; if ($Sender->Request->Get('display')) { $Query = 'display=' . urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display')); } $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query); // $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri); // Get the access token. if ($Code) { // Exchange the token for an access token. $Code = urlencode($Code); $AccessToken = $this->GetAccessToken($Code, $RedirectUri); $NewToken = TRUE; } // Get the profile. try { $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken); } catch (Exception $Ex) { if (!isset($NewToken)) { // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize. if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { Redirect($this->AuthorizeUri()); } else { $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); $Sender->DeliveryMethod(DELIVERY_METHOD_JSON); $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri(); } } else { $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Facebook connection.'); } } $Form = $Sender->Form; //new Gdn_Form(); $ID = GetValue('id', $Profile); $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID); $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', self::ProviderKey); $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Facebook'); $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('name', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $Profile)); $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "http://graph.facebook.com/{$ID}/picture"); if (C('Plugins.Facebook.UseFacebookNames')) { $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('name', $Profile)); SaveToConfig(array('Garden.User.ValidationRegex' => UserModel::USERNAME_REGEX_MIN, 'Garden.User.ValidationLength' => '{3,50}', 'Garden.Registration.NameUnique' => FALSE), '', FALSE); } // Save some original data in the attributes of the connection for later API calls. $Attributes = array(); $Attributes[self::ProviderKey] = array('AccessToken' => $AccessToken, 'Profile' => $Profile); $Form->SetFormValue('Attributes', $Attributes); $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE); }
/** * * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender * @param array $Args */ public function Base_ConnectData_Handler($Sender, $Args) { if (GetValue(0, $Args) != 'accounts9') { return; } if (isset($_GET['error'])) { throw new Gdn_UserException(GetValue('error_description', $_GET, T('There was an error connecting to Accounts9'))); } $AppID = C('Plugins.Accounts9.ApplicationID'); $Secret = C('Plugins.Accounts9.Secret'); if (!$Code) { if (!isset($_GET['code'])) { throw new Gdn_UserException('could not retrieve code out of callback request and no code given'); } $Code = $_GET['code']; } $Code = GetValue('code', $_GET); /* $Query = ''; if ($Sender->Request->Get('display')) $Query = 'display='.urlencode($Sender->Request->Get('display')); */ $RedirectUri = ConcatSep('&', $this->RedirectUri(), $Query); $RedirectUri = urlencode($RedirectUri); // Get the access token. if ($Code || !($AccessToken = $this->AccessToken())) { // Exchange the token for an access token. $Code = urlencode($Code); $Url = "https://accounts.net9.org/api/access_token?client_id={$AppID}&client_secret={$Secret}&code={$Code}&redirect_uri={$RedirectUri}"; // Get the redirect URI. $C = curl_init(); curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($C, CURLOPT_URL, $Url); $Contents = curl_exec($C); // $Contents = ProxyRequest($Url); $Info = curl_getinfo($C); // if (strpos(GetValue('content_type', $Info, ''), '/javascript') !== FALSE) { $Tokens = json_decode($Contents, TRUE); /* } else { parse_str($Contents, $Tokens); }*/ if (GetValue('error', $Tokens)) { throw new Gdn_UserException('Accounts9 returned the following error: ' . GetValueR('error.message', $Tokens, 'Unknown error.'), 400); } $AccessToken = GetValue('access_token', $Tokens); $Expires = GetValue('expires_in', $Tokens, NULL); setcookie('accounts9_access_token', $AccessToken, time() + $Expires, C('Garden.Cookie.Path', '/'), C('Garden.Cookie.Domain', '')); $NewToken = TRUE; } // Get the profile. try { $Profile = $this->GetProfile($AccessToken); } catch (Exception $Ex) { if (!isset($NewToken)) { // There was an error getting the profile, which probably means the saved access token is no longer valid. Try and reauthorize. if ($Sender->DeliveryType() == DELIVERY_TYPE_ALL) { Redirect($this->AuthorizeUri()); } else { $Sender->SetHeader('Content-type', 'application/json'); $Sender->DeliveryMethod(DELIVERY_METHOD_JSON); $Sender->RedirectUrl = $this->AuthorizeUri(); } } else { $Sender->Form->AddError('There was an error with the Accounts9 connection.'); } } //throw new Gdn_UserException($Profile); $User = GetValue("user", $Profile); // throw new Gdn_UserException($User['uid']); // $User = json_decode($UContents,TRUE); $Form = $Sender->Form; //new Gdn_Form(); $ID = GetValue('uid', $User); $Form->SetFormValue('UniqueID', $ID); $Form->SetFormValue('Provider', 'accounts9'); $Form->SetFormValue('ProviderName', 'Accounts9'); $Form->SetFormValue('Name', GetValue('name', $User)); $Form->SetFormValue('NickName', GetValue('nickname', $User)); $Form->SetFormValue('FullName', GetValue('username', $User)); $Form->SetFormValue('Email', GetValue('email', $User)); // $Form->SetFormValue('Photo', "http://graph.facebook.com/$ID/picture"); $Sender->SetData('Verified', TRUE); }