  * Get request to send to eWay.
  * @param $params
  *   Form parameters - this could be altered by hook so is a reference
  * @return GatewayRequest
  * @throws \CRM_Core_Exception
 protected function getEwayRequest(&$params)
     $eWAYRequest = new GatewayRequest();
     if ($eWAYRequest == NULL || !$eWAYRequest instanceof GatewayRequest) {
         throw new CRM_Core_Exception("Error: Unable to create eWAY Request object.");
     $fullAddress = $params['street_address'] . ", " . $params['city'] . ", " . $params['state_province'] . ".";
     // We use CiviCRM's params 'invoiceID' as the unique transaction token to feed to eWAY
     // Trouble is that eWAY only accepts 16 chars for the token, while CiviCRM's invoiceID is an 32.
     // As its made from a "$invoiceID = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));" then using the first 16 chars
     // should be alright
     $uniqueTrxnNum = substr($params['invoiceID'], 0, 16);
     // OPTIONAL: If TEST Card Number force an Override of URL and CustomerID.
     // During testing CiviCRM once used the LIVE URL.
     // This code can be uncommented to override the LIVE URL that if CiviCRM does that again.
     //  if ( ( $gateway_URL == "https://www.eway.com.au/gateway_cvn/xmlpayment.asp")
     //  && ($params['credit_card_number'] == "4444333322221111" )) {
     //  $ewayCustomerID = "87654321";
     //  $gateway_URL    = "https://www.eway.com.au/gateway_cvn/xmltest/testpage.asp";
     //  }
     // 8 Chars - ewayCustomerID - Required
     // 12 Chars - ewayTotalAmount (in cents) - Required
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerFirstName
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerLastName
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerEmail
     $eWAYRequest->PurchaserEmailAddress(CRM_Utils_Array::value('email', $params));
     // 255 Chars - ewayCustomerAddress
     // 6 Chars - ewayCustomerPostcode
     // 1000 Chars - ewayCustomerInvoiceDescription
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerInvoiceRef
     // 50 Chars - ewayCardHoldersName - Required
     // 20 Chars - ewayCardNumber  - Required
     // 2 Chars - ewayCardExpiryYear - Required.
     // 4 Chars - ewayCVN - Required if CVN Gateway used
     // 16 Chars - ewayTrxnNumber
     // 255 Chars - ewayOption1
     // 255 Chars - ewayOption2
     // 255 Chars - ewayOption3
     // Allow further manipulation of the arguments via custom hooks ..
     CRM_Utils_Hook::alterPaymentProcessorParams($this, $params, $eWAYRequest);
     // Check for a duplicate after the hook has been called.
     if ($this->checkDupe($params['invoiceID'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('contributionID', $params))) {
         throw new CRM_Core_Exception('It appears that this transaction is a duplicate.  Have you already submitted the form once?  If so there may have been a connection problem.  Check your email for a receipts.  If you do not receive a receipt within 2 hours you can try your transaction again.  If you continue to have problems please contact the site administrator.');
     return $eWAYRequest;
  * Sends request and receive response from eWAY payment process.
  * @param array $params
  * @return array|object
  * @throws \Exception
 public function doDirectPayment(&$params)
     if (CRM_Utils_Array::value('is_recur', $params) == TRUE) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('eWAY - recurring payments not implemented'));
     if (!defined('CURLOPT_SSLCERT')) {
         CRM_Core_Error::fatal(ts('eWAY - Gateway requires curl with SSL support'));
     // eWAY Client ID
     $ewayCustomerID = $this->_paymentProcessor['user_name'];
     // eWAY Gateway URL
     $gateway_URL = $this->_paymentProcessor['url_site'];
     // create eWAY gateway objects
     $eWAYRequest = new GatewayRequest();
     if ($eWAYRequest == NULL || !$eWAYRequest instanceof GatewayRequest) {
         return self::errorExit(9001, "Error: Unable to create eWAY Request object.");
     $eWAYResponse = new GatewayResponse();
     if ($eWAYResponse == NULL || !$eWAYResponse instanceof GatewayResponse) {
         return self::errorExit(9002, "Error: Unable to create eWAY Response object.");
         // NOTE: eWAY Doesn't use the following at the moment:
         $creditCardType = $params['credit_card_type'];
         $currentcyID    = $params['currencyID'];
         $country        = $params['country'];
     // Prepare some composite data from _paymentProcessor fields
     $fullAddress = $params['street_address'] . ", " . $params['city'] . ", " . $params['state_province'] . ".";
     $expireYear = substr($params['year'], 2, 2);
     $expireMonth = sprintf('%02d', (int) $params['month']);
     // CiviCRM V1.9 - Picks up reasonable description
     //$description = $params['amount_level'];
     // CiviCRM V2.0 - Picks up description
     $description = $params['description'];
     $txtOptions = "";
     $amountInCents = round((double) $params['amount'] * 100);
     $credit_card_name = $params['first_name'] . " ";
     if (strlen($params['middle_name']) > 0) {
         $credit_card_name .= $params['middle_name'] . " ";
     $credit_card_name .= $params['last_name'];
     // We use CiviCRM's param's 'invoiceID' as the unique transaction token to feed to eWAY
     // Trouble is that eWAY only accepts 16 chars for the token, while CiviCRM's invoiceID is an 32.
     // As its made from a "$invoiceID = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));" then using the fierst 16 chars
     // should be alright
     $uniqueTrnxNum = substr($params['invoiceID'], 0, 16);
     // OPTIONAL: If TEST Card Number force an Override of URL and CutomerID.
     // During testing CiviCRM once used the LIVE URL.
     // This code can be uncommented to override the LIVE URL that if CiviCRM does that again.
     //        if ( ( $gateway_URL == "https://www.eway.com.au/gateway_cvn/xmlpayment.asp")
     //             && ( $params['credit_card_number'] == "4444333322221111" ) ) {
     //            $ewayCustomerID = "87654321";
     //            $gateway_URL    = "https://www.eway.com.au/gateway_cvn/xmltest/testpage.asp";
     //        }
     // Now set the payment details - see http://www.eway.com.au/Support/Developer/PaymentsRealTime.aspx
     // 8 Chars - ewayCustomerID                 - Required
     // 12 Chars - ewayTotalAmount  (in cents)    - Required
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerFirstName
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerLastName
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerEmail
     // 255 Chars - ewayCustomerAddress
     // 6 Chars - ewayCustomerPostcode
     // 1000 Chars - ewayCustomerInvoiceDescription
     // 50 Chars - ewayCustomerInvoiceRef
     // 50 Chars - ewayCardHoldersName            - Required
     // 20 Chars - ewayCardNumber                 - Required
     // 2 Chars - ewayCardExpiryMonth            - Required
     // 2 Chars - ewayCardExpiryYear             - Required
     // 4 Chars - ewayCVN                        - Required if CVN Gateway used
     // 16 Chars - ewayTrxnNumber
     // 255 Chars - ewayOption1
     // 255 Chars - ewayOption2
     // 255 Chars - ewayOption3
     // Allow further manipulation of the arguments via custom hooks ..
     CRM_Utils_Hook::alterPaymentProcessorParams($this, $params, $eWAYRequest);
     // Check to see if we have a duplicate before we send
     if ($this->checkDupe($params['invoiceID'], CRM_Utils_Array::value('contributionID', $params))) {
         return self::errorExit(9003, 'It appears that this transaction is a duplicate.  Have you already submitted the form once?  If so there may have been a connection problem.  Check your email for a receipt from eWAY.  If you do not receive a receipt within 2 hours you can try your transaction again.  If you continue to have problems please contact the site administrator.');
     // Convert to XML and send the payment information
     $requestxml = $eWAYRequest->ToXML();
     $submit = curl_init($gateway_URL);
     if (!$submit) {
         return self::errorExit(9004, 'Could not initiate connection to payment gateway');
     curl_setopt($submit, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
     // return the result on success, FALSE on failure
     curl_setopt($submit, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
     curl_setopt($submit, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $requestxml);
     curl_setopt($submit, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 36000);
     // if open_basedir or safe_mode are enabled in PHP settings CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION won't work so don't apply it
     // it's not really required CRM-5841
     if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && ini_get('safe_mode' == 'Off')) {
         // ensures any Location headers are followed
         curl_setopt($submit, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
     // Send the data out over the wire
     $responseData = curl_exec($submit);
     // See if we had a curl error - if so tell 'em and bail out
     // NOTE: curl_error does not return a logical value (see its documentation), but
     //       a string, which is empty when there was no error.
     if (curl_errno($submit) > 0 || strlen(curl_error($submit)) > 0) {
         $errorNum = curl_errno($submit);
         $errorDesc = curl_error($submit);
         // Paranoia - in the unlikley event that 'curl' errno fails
         if ($errorNum == 0) {
             $errorNum = 9005;
         // Paranoia - in the unlikley event that 'curl' error fails
         if (strlen($errorDesc) == 0) {
             $errorDesc = "Connection to eWAY payment gateway failed";
         return self::errorExit($errorNum, $errorDesc);
     // If null data returned - tell 'em and bail out
     // NOTE: You will not necessarily get a string back, if the request failed for
     //       any reason, the return value will be the boolean false.
     if ($responseData === FALSE || strlen($responseData) == 0) {
         return self::errorExit(9006, "Error: Connection to payment gateway failed - no data returned.");
     // If gateway returned no data - tell 'em and bail out
     if (empty($responseData)) {
         return self::errorExit(9007, "Error: No data returned from payment gateway.");
     // Success so far - close the curl and check the data
     // Payment successfully sent to gateway - process the response now
     // See if we got an OK result - if not tell 'em and bail out
     if (self::isError($eWAYResponse)) {
         $eWayTrxnError = $eWAYResponse->Error();
         CRM_Core_Error::debug_var('eWay Error', $eWayTrxnError, TRUE, TRUE);
         if (substr($eWayTrxnError, 0, 6) == "Error:") {
             return self::errorExit(9008, $eWayTrxnError);
         $eWayErrorCode = substr($eWayTrxnError, 0, 2);
         $eWayErrorDesc = substr($eWayTrxnError, 3);
         return self::errorExit(9008, "Error: [" . $eWayErrorCode . "] - " . $eWayErrorDesc . ".");
     // Cross-Check - the unique 'TrxnReference' we sent out should match the just received 'TrxnReference'
     // PLEASE NOTE: If this occurs (which is highly unlikely) its a serious error as it would mean we have
     //              received an OK status from eWAY, but their Gateway has not returned the correct unique
     //              token - ie something is broken, BUT money has been taken from the client's account,
     //              so we can't very well error-out as CiviCRM will then not process the registration.
     //              There is an error message commented out here but my preferred response to this unlikley
     //              possibility is to email '*****@*****.**'
     $eWayTrxnReference_OUT = $eWAYRequest->GetTransactionNumber();
     $eWayTrxnReference_IN = $eWAYResponse->InvoiceReference();
     if ($eWayTrxnReference_IN != $eWayTrxnReference_OUT) {
         // return self::errorExit( 9009, "Error: Unique Trxn code was not returned by eWAY Gateway. This is extremely unusual! Please contact the administrator of this site immediately with details of this transaction.");
         // Test mode always returns trxn_id = 0 - so we fix that here
         // NOTE: This code was taken from the AuthorizeNet payment processor, however it now appears
         //       unnecessary for the eWAY gateway - Left here in case it proves useful
         if ( $this->_mode == 'test' ) {
         $query             = "SELECT MAX(trxn_id) FROM civicrm_contribution WHERE trxn_id LIKE 'test%'";
         $p                 = array( );
         $trxn_id           = strval( CRM_Core_Dao::singleValueQuery( $query, $p ) );
         $trxn_id           = str_replace( 'test', '', $trxn_id );
         $trxn_id           = intval($trxn_id) + 1;
         $params['trxn_id'] = sprintf('test%08d', $trxn_id);
         else {
         $params['trxn_id'] = $eWAYResponse->TransactionNumber();
     // Success !
     $beaglestatus = $eWAYResponse->BeagleScore();
     if (!empty($beaglestatus)) {
         $beaglestatus = ": " . $beaglestatus;
     $params['trxn_result_code'] = $eWAYResponse->Status() . $beaglestatus;
     $params['gross_amount'] = $eWAYResponse->Amount();
     $params['trxn_id'] = $eWAYResponse->TransactionNumber();
     return $params;
 public function PerformConfirmation($request, $response)
     //	Verify that we have a transaction ID for the confirmation
     //	message.
     $confirmGUID = $response->Get(GatewayResponse::TRANSACT_ID());
     if ($confirmGUID == NULL) {
         // Don't have reference?
         $response->Set(GatewayResponse::EXCEPTION(), "BUG-CHECK - Missing confirmation GUID");
         $response->SetResults(GatewayCodes__RESPONSE_SYSTEM_ERROR, GatewayCodes__REASON_BUGCHECK);
         return FALSE;
         // Transaction failed
     //	Add the GUID to the request and send it back to the
     //	original server for confirmation.
     $confirmResponse = new GatewayResponse();
     // Need a new response object
     $request->Set(GatewayRequest::TRANSACTION_TYPE(), "CC_CONFIRM");
     $request->Set(GatewayRequest::REFERENCE_GUID(), $confirmGUID);
     if ($this->PerformTargetedTransaction($request, $confirmResponse)) {
         return TRUE;
     //	12-21-2011	darcy
     //	If we experienced a system error, retry the confirmation.
     if ($confirmResponse->Get(GatewayResponse::RESPONSE_CODE()) == GatewayCodes__RESPONSE_SYSTEM_ERROR) {
         // Short delay
         if ($this->PerformTargetedTransaction($request, $confirmResponse)) {
             return TRUE;
     //	If the confirmation failed, copy the reason and response code
     //	into the original response object to override the success.
     $response->SetResults($confirmResponse->Get(GatewayResponse::RESPONSE_CODE()), $confirmResponse->Get(GatewayResponse::REASON_CODE()));
     $response->Set(GatewayResponse::EXCEPTION(), $confirmResponse->Get(GatewayResponse::EXCEPTION()));
     return FALSE;
     // And quit
$transaction_types = array('P' => 'AUTH_CAPTURE', 'A' => 'AUTH_ONLY', 'C' => 'CAPTURE_ONLY', 'R' => 'CREDIT', 'I' => 'PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE');
$trans_type = $processor_data['processor_params']['transaction_type'];
$__version = '3.1';
$post = array();
if ($trans_type == 'R') {
    $post['x_trans_id'] = $order_info['payment_info']['transaction_id'];
$processor_error = array();
$processor_error['avs'] = array('A' => 'Address (Street) matches, ZIP does not', 'B' => 'Address information not provided for AVS check', 'D' => 'Exact AVS Match', 'E' => 'AVS error', 'F' => 'Exact AVS Match', 'G' => 'Service not supported by issuer', 'M' => 'Address (Street) matches', 'N' => 'No Match on Address (Street) or ZIP', 'P' => 'ZIP/Postal code matches, Address (Street) does not', 'R' => 'Retry. System unavailable or timed out', 'S' => 'Service not supported by issuer', 'U' => 'Address information is unavailable', 'W' => '9 digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not', 'X' => 'Exact AVS Match', 'Y' => 'Address (Street) and 5 digit ZIP match', 'Z' => '5 digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not', '1' => 'Exact AVS Match', '2' => 'Exact AVS Match', '3' => 'Address (Street) matches, ZIP does not');
$processor_error['cvv'] = array('M' => 'Match', 'N' => 'CVV2 code: No Match', 'P' => 'CVV2 code: Not Processed', 'S' => 'CVV2 code: Should have been present', 'U' => 'CVV2 code: Issuer unable to process request');
$processor_error['cavv'] = array('0' => 'CAVV not validated because erroneous data was submitted', '1' => 'CAVV failed validation', '2' => 'CAVV passed validation', '3' => 'CAVV validation could not be performed; issuer attempt incomplete', '4' => 'CAVV validation could not be performed; issuer system error', '7' => 'CAVV attempt - failed validation - issuer available (US issued card/non-US acquirer)', '8' => 'CAVV attempt - passed validation - issuer available (US issued card/non-US acquirer)', '9' => 'CAVV attempt - failed validation - issuer unavailable (US issued card/non-US acquirer)', 'A' => 'CAVV attempt - passed validation - issuer unavailable (US issued card/non-US acquirer)', 'B' => 'CAVV passed validation, information only, no liability shift');
$processor_error['order_status'] = array('1' => 'P', '2' => 'D', '3' => 'F', '4' => 'O');
$tran_error = array('0' => "Transaction Successful", '100' => 'No matching transaction', '101' => 'A void operation cannot be performed because the original transaction has already been voided, credited, or settled.', '102' => 'A credit operation cannot be performed because the original transaction has already been voided, credited, or has not been settled.', '103' => 'A ticket operation cannot be performed because the original auth-only transaction has been voided or ticketed.', '104' => 'The bank has declined the transaction.', '105' => 'The bank has declined the transaction because the account is over limit.', '106' => 'The transaction was declined because the security code (CVV) supplied was invalid.', '107' => 'The bank has declined the transaction because the card is expired.', '108' => 'The bank has declined the transaction and has requested that the merchant call.', '109' => 'The bank has declined the transaction and has requested that the merchant pickup the card.', '110' => 'The bank has declined the transaction due to excessive use of the card.', '111' => 'The bank has indicated that the account is invalid.', '112' => 'The bank has indicated that the account is expired.', '113' => 'The issuing bank is temporarily unavailable. May be tried again later.', '117' => 'The transaction was declined because the address could not be verified.', '150' => 'The transaction was declined because the address could not be verified.', '151' => 'The transaction was declined because the security code (CVV) supplied was invalid.', '152' => 'The TICKET request was for an invalid amount. Please verify the TICKET for less then the AUTH_ONLY.', '200' => 'Transaction was declined', '201' => 'Transaction was declined', '300' => 'A DNS failure has prevented the merchant application from resolving gateway host names.', '301' => 'The merchant application is unable to connect to an appropriate host.', '303' => 'A timeout occurred while waiting for a transaction response from the gateway servers.', '305' => 'Service Unavailable', '307' => 'Unexpected/Internal Error', '311' => 'Bank Communications Error', '312' => 'Bank Communications Error', '313' => 'Bank Communications Error', '314' => 'Bank Communications Error', '315' => 'Bank Communications Error', '400' => 'Invalid XML', '402' => 'Invalid Transaction', '403' => 'Invalid Card Number', '404' => 'Invalid Expiration', '405' => 'Invalid Amount', '406' => 'Invalid Merchant ID', '407' => 'Invalid Merchant Account', '408' => 'The merchant account specified in the request is not setup to accept the card type included in the request.', '409' => 'No Suitable Account', '410' => 'Invalid Transact ID', '411' => 'Invalid Access Code', '412' => 'Invalid Customer Data Length', '413' => 'Invalid External Data Length', '418' => 'Invalid Currency', '419' => 'Incompatible Currency', '420' => 'Invalid Rebill Arguments', '421' => 'Invalid Phone', '436' => 'Incompatible Descriptors', '438' => 'Invalid Site ID', '443' => 'Transaction Declined, Invalid Request. Please contact support', '444' => 'Transaction Declined, Invalid Request. Please contact support', '445' => 'Transaction Declined, Invalid Request. Please contact support', '446' => 'Transaction Declined, Invalid Request. Please contact support');
$invoice_no = $processor_data['processor_params']['order_prefix'] . ($order_info['repaid'] ? $order_id . '_' . $order_info['repaid'] : $order_id);
require_once 'rocketgate_files/GatewayService.php';
$request = new GatewayRequest();
$response = new GatewayResponse();
$service = new GatewayService();
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::MERCHANT_ID(), $processor_data['processor_params']['login']);
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::MERCHANT_PASSWORD(), $processor_data['processor_params']['transaction_key']);
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::MERCHANT_CUSTOMER_ID(), Tygh::$app['session']['auth']['user_id']);
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::MERCHANT_INVOICE_ID(), $invoice_no);
// BEGIN Risk Management
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::SCRUB(), $processor_data['processor_params']['scrubmode']);
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::CVV2_CHECK(), 'true');
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::AVS_CHECK(), $processor_data['processor_params']['avsmode']);
// END Risk Management
// Pass requested payment info.
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::CARDNO(), $order_info['payment_info']['card_number']);
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::EXPIRE_MONTH(), $order_info['payment_info']['expiry_month']);
$request->Set(GatewayRequest::EXPIRE_YEAR(), $order_info['payment_info']['expiry_year']);
 public static function TRANSACT_ID()
     return GatewayRequest::REFERENCE_GUID();