 static function unpack_octets($packed)
     $j = 0;
     $i = 0;
     $l = count($packed);
     $r = array_fill(0, $l * 4, 0);
     for ($j = 0; $j < $l; $j++) {
         $r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B0($packed[$j]);
         $r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B1($packed[$j]);
         $r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B2($packed[$j]);
         $r[$i++] = GPG_Utility::B3($packed[$j]);
     return $r;
 static function encrypt($block, $ctx)
     $RCON = GPG_Cipher::$RCON;
     $S = GPG_Cipher::$S;
     $T1 = GPG_Cipher::$T1;
     $T2 = GPG_Cipher::$T2;
     $T3 = GPG_Cipher::$T3;
     $T4 = GPG_Cipher::$T4;
     $r = 0;
     $t0 = 0;
     $t1 = 0;
     $t2 = 0;
     $t3 = 0;
     $b = GPG_Utility::pack_octets($block);
     $rounds = $ctx->rounds;
     $b0 = $b[0];
     $b1 = $b[1];
     $b2 = $b[2];
     $b3 = $b[3];
     for ($r = 0; $r < $rounds - 1; $r++) {
         $t0 = $b0 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][0];
         $t1 = $b1 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][1];
         $t2 = $b2 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][2];
         $t3 = $b3 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][3];
         $b0 = $T1[$t0 & 255] ^ $T2[$t1 >> 8 & 255] ^ $T3[$t2 >> 16 & 255] ^ $T4[GPG_Utility::zshift($t3, 24)];
         $b1 = $T1[$t1 & 255] ^ $T2[$t2 >> 8 & 255] ^ $T3[$t3 >> 16 & 255] ^ $T4[GPG_Utility::zshift($t0, 24)];
         $b2 = $T1[$t2 & 255] ^ $T2[$t3 >> 8 & 255] ^ $T3[$t0 >> 16 & 255] ^ $T4[GPG_Utility::zshift($t1, 24)];
         $b3 = $T1[$t3 & 255] ^ $T2[$t0 >> 8 & 255] ^ $T3[$t1 >> 16 & 255] ^ $T4[GPG_Utility::zshift($t2, 24)];
     $r = $rounds - 1;
     $t0 = $b0 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][0];
     $t1 = $b1 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][1];
     $t2 = $b2 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][2];
     $t3 = $b3 ^ $ctx->rk[$r][3];
     $b[0] = GPG_Cipher::F1($t0, $t1, $t2, $t3) ^ $ctx->rk[$rounds][0];
     $b[1] = GPG_Cipher::F1($t1, $t2, $t3, $t0) ^ $ctx->rk[$rounds][1];
     $b[2] = GPG_Cipher::F1($t2, $t3, $t0, $t1) ^ $ctx->rk[$rounds][2];
     $b[3] = GPG_Cipher::F1($t3, $t0, $t1, $t2) ^ $ctx->rk[$rounds][3];
     return GPG_Utility::unpack_octets($b);
  * GPG Encypts a message to the provided public key
  * @param GPG_Public_Key $pk
  * @param string $plaintext
  * @return string encrypted text
 function encrypt($pk, $plaintext)
     // normalize the public key
     $key_id = $pk->GetKeyId();
     $key_type = $pk->GetKeyType();
     $public_key = $pk->GetPublicKey();
     $session_key = GPG_Utility::s_random($this->width, 0);
     $key_id = GPG_Utility::hex2bin($key_id);
     $cp = $this->gpg_session($key_id, $key_type, $session_key, $public_key) . $this->gpg_data($session_key, $plaintext);
     $code = base64_encode($cp);
     $code = wordwrap($code, 60, "\n", 1);
     return "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\nVersion: VerySimple PHP-GPG v" . $this->version . "\n\n" . $code . "\n=" . base64_encode(GPG_Utility::crc24($cp)) . "\n-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n";
 function Expanded_Key($key)
     $RCON = GPG_Cipher::$RCON;
     $S = GPG_Cipher::$S;
     $maxkc = GPG_Cipher::$maxkc;
     $maxrk = GPG_Cipher::$maxrk;
     $kc = 0;
     $i = 0;
     $j = 0;
     $r = 0;
     $t = 0;
     $rounds = 0;
     $keySched = array_fill(0, $maxrk + 1, 0);
     $keylen = strlen($key);
     $k = array_fill(0, $maxkc, 0);
     $tk = array_fill(0, $maxkc, 0);
     $rconpointer = 0;
     if ($keylen == 16) {
         $rounds = 10;
         $kc = 4;
     } else {
         if ($keylen == 24) {
             $rounds = 12;
             $kc = 6;
         } else {
             if ($keylen == 32) {
                 $rounds = 14;
                 $kc = 8;
             } else {
     for ($i = 0; $i < $maxrk + 1; $i++) {
         $keySched[$i] = array_fill(0, 4, 0);
     for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $j < $keylen; $j++, $i += 4) {
         if ($i < $keylen) {
             $k[$j] = ord($key[$i]) | ord($key[$i + 1]) << 0x8 | ord($key[$i + 2]) << 0x10 | ord($key[$i + 3]) << 0x18;
         } else {
             $k[$j] = 0;
     for ($j = $kc - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
         $tk[$j] = $k[$j];
     $r = 0;
     $t = 0;
     for ($j = 0; $j < $kc && $r < $rounds + 1;) {
         for (; $j < $kc && $t < 4; $j++, $t++) {
             $keySched[$r][$t] = $tk[$j];
         if ($t == 4) {
             $t = 0;
     while ($r < $rounds + 1) {
         $temp = $tk[$kc - 1];
         $tk[0] ^= $S[GPG_Utility::B1($temp)] | $S[GPG_Utility::B2($temp)] << 0x8 | $S[GPG_Utility::B3($temp)] << 0x10 | $S[GPG_Utility::B0($temp)] << 0x18;
         $tk[0] ^= $RCON[$rconpointer++];
         if ($kc != 8) {
             for ($j = 1; $j < $kc; $j++) {
                 $tk[$j] ^= $tk[$j - 1];
         } else {
             for ($j = 1; $j < $kc / 2; $j++) {
                 $tk[$j] ^= $tk[$j - 1];
             $temp = $tk[$kc / 2 - 1];
             $tk[$kc / 2] ^= $S[GPG_Utility::B0($temp)] | $S[GPG_Utility::B1($temp)] << 0x8 | $S[GPG_Utility::B2($temp)] << 0x10 | $S[GPG_Utility::B3($temp)] << 0x18;
             for ($j = $kc / 2 + 1; $j < $kc; $j++) {
                 $tk[$j] ^= $tk[$j - 1];
         for ($j = 0; $j < $kc && $r < $rounds + 1;) {
             for (; $j < $kc && $t < 4; $j++, $t++) {
                 $keySched[$r][$t] = $tk[$j];
             if ($t == 4) {
                 $t = 0;
     $this->rounds = $rounds;
     $this->rk = $keySched;
     return $this;
 static function F1($x0, $x1, $x2, $x3)
     $T1 = GPG_Cipher::$T1;
     return GPG_Utility::B1($T1[$x0 & 0xff]) | GPG_Utility::B1($T1[$x1 >> 0x8 & 0xff]) << 0x8 | GPG_Utility::B1($T1[$x2 >> 0x10 & 0xff]) << 0x10 | GPG_Utility::B1($T1[GPG_Utility::zshift($x3, 0x18)]) << 0x18;
 function GPG_Public_Key($asc)
     $found = 0;
     $i = strpos($asc, "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----");
     if ($i === false) {
         throw new Exception("Missing block header in Public Key");
     // normalize line breaks
     $asc = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $asc);
     // remove all "comment" lines which we should ignore
     $lines = explode("\n", $asc);
     for ($ln = 0; $ln < count($lines); $ln++) {
         $line = $lines[$ln];
         if (GPG_Utility::starts_with(strtolower(trim($line)), "comment:")) {
             echo "REMOVING LINE\n";
     $asc = implode("\n", $lines);
     $a = strpos($asc, "\n", $i);
     if ($a > 0) {
         $a = strpos($asc, "\n", $a + 1);
     $e = strpos($asc, "\n=", $i);
     if ($a > 0 && $e > 0) {
         $asc = substr($asc, $a + 2, $e - $a - 2);
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Unsupported Public Key format");
     $len = 0;
     $s = base64_decode($asc);
     $sa = str_split($s);
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s);) {
         $tag = ord($sa[$i++]);
         if (($tag & 128) == 0) {
         if ($tag & 64) {
             $tag &= 63;
             $len = ord($sa[$i++]);
             if ($len > 191 && $len < 224) {
                 $len = ($len - 192 << 8) + ord($sa[$i++]);
             } else {
                 if ($len == 255) {
                     $len = (ord($sa[$i++]) << 24) + (ord($sa[$i++]) << 16) + (ord($sa[$i++]) << 8) + ord($sa[$i++]);
                 } else {
                     if ($len > 223 && len < 255) {
                         $len = 1 << ($len & 0x1f);
         } else {
             $len = $tag & 3;
             $tag = $tag >> 2 & 15;
             if ($len == 0) {
                 $len = ord($sa[$i++]);
             } else {
                 if ($len == 1) {
                     $len = (ord($sa[$i++]) << 8) + ord($sa[$i++]);
                 } else {
                     if ($len == 2) {
                         $len = (ord($sa[$i++]) << 24) + (ord($sa[$i++]) << 16) + (ord($sa[$i++]) << 8) + ord($sa[$i++]);
                     } else {
                         $len = strlen($s) - 1;
         if ($tag == 6 || $tag == 14) {
             $k = $i;
             $version = ord($sa[$i++]);
             $found = 1;
             $this->version = $version;
             $time = (ord($sa[$i++]) << 24) + (ord($sa[$i++]) << 16) + (ord($sa[$i++]) << 8) + ord($sa[$i++]);
             if ($version == 2 || $version == 3) {
                 $valid = ord($sa[$i++]) << 8 + ord($sa[$i++]);
             $algo = ord($sa[$i++]);
             if ($algo == 1 || $algo == 2) {
                 $m = $i;
                 $lm = floor((ord($sa[$i]) * 256 + ord($sa[$i + 1]) + 7) / 8);
                 $i += $lm + 2;
                 $mod = substr($s, $m, $lm + 2);
                 $le = floor((ord($sa[$i]) * 256 + ord($sa[$i + 1]) + 7) / 8);
                 $i += $le + 2;
                 $this->public_key = base64_encode(substr($s, $m, $lm + $le + 4));
                 $this->type = "RSA";
                 if ($version == 3) {
                     $this->fp = '';
                     $this->key_id = bin2hex(substr($mod, strlen($mod) - 8, 8));
                 } else {
                     if ($version == 4) {
                         $pkt = chr(0x99) . chr($len >> 8) . chr($len & 255) . substr($s, $k, $len);
                         $fp = sha1($pkt);
                         $this->fp = $fp;
                         $this->key_id = substr($fp, strlen($fp) - 16, 16);
                     } else {
                         $this->fp = "";
                         $this->key_id = "";
                 $found = 2;
             } else {
                 if (($algo == 16 || $algo == 20) && $version == 4) {
                     $m = $i;
                     $lp = floor((ord($sa[$i]) * 256 + ord($sa[$i + 1]) + 7) / 8);
                     $i += $lp + 2;
                     $lg = floor((ord($sa[$i]) * 256 + ord($sa[$i + 1]) + 7) / 8);
                     $i += $lg + 2;
                     $ly = floor((ord($sa[$i]) * 256 + ord($sa[$i + 1]) + 7) / 8);
                     $i += $ly + 2;
                     $this->public_key = base64_encode(substr($s, $m, $lp + $lg + $ly + 6));
                     $pkt = chr(0x99) . chr($len >> 8) . chr($len & 255) . substr($s, $k, $len);
                     $fp = sha1($pkt);
                     $this->fp = $fp;
                     $this->key_id = substr($fp, strlen($fp) - 16, 16);
                     $this->type = "ELGAMAL";
                     $found = 3;
                 } else {
                     $i = $k + $len;
         } else {
             if ($tag == 13) {
                 $this->user = substr($s, $i, $len);
                 $i += $len;
             } else {
                 $i += $len;
     if ($found < 2) {
         throw new Exception("Unable to parse Public Key");
         // 			$this->version = "";
         // 			$this->fp = "";
         // 			$this->key_id = "";
         // 			$this->user = "";
         // 			$this->public_key = "";