@ini_set('default_charset', '');
header('Content-type: text/html; charset: iso-8859-1');
$htmlhead = '';
// Arrays for Dates
$months = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
$days = array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday');
// Arrays for Permissions
$gls = array('admin' => 'Is Administrator', 'gmod' => 'Is Global Moderator', 'guest' => 'Is Guest', 'members' => 'Can view Memberlist', 'profile' => 'Can view Profiles', 'pdf' => 'Can view PDF-Files', 'pm' => 'Can use PM', 'wwo' => 'Can view Who is Online', 'search' => 'Can use Search', 'team' => 'Can view Teamlist', 'usepic' => 'Can use (own) Avatar', 'useabout' => 'Create (own) Personal Page', 'usesignature' => 'Can use (own) Signature', 'downloadfiles' => 'Can download Attachements', 'forum' => 'Can view Forums', 'posttopics' => 'Can start a new Thread', 'postreplies' => 'Can write a reply', 'addvotes' => 'Can start a Poll', 'attachments' => 'Can add Attachements', 'edit' => 'Can edit own Posts', 'voting' => 'Can vote', 'docs' => 'Can view Documents/Pages');
$glk = array_keys($gls);
$glk_forums = array('downloadfiles', 'forum', 'posttopics', 'postreplies', 'addvotes', 'attachments', 'edit', 'voting');
$gll = array('admin' => 'The user ist he highest ranked Administrator in the forum. He may use this admincenter and has full control of the forum!', 'gmod' => 'The user will automatically be moderator in all forums and can use all options and actions on topics.', 'guest' => 'The users in this usergroup are (not registered) guests.', 'members' => 'May view the memberlist and use eventually observably data.', 'profile' => 'The user may view the profiles of the members and use eventually observably data.', 'pdf' => 'The user may download particular topics as PDF-file.', 'pm' => 'The user may use the Private Messaging (PM) System. He can send, receive, administer and archive private messages.', 'wwo' => 'May view the where-is-who-online-list with the users residence.', 'search' => 'May use the Search and view the results.', 'team' => 'May view the teamlist with administrators, global moderators and moderators.', 'usepic' => 'May upload his own picture for his profile (frequently named avatar) or indicate an URL to a picture.', 'useabout' => 'May create a personal site in his user profile.', 'usesignature' => 'The user may create his own signature.', 'downloadfiles' => 'The user may view and download attached files.', 'forum' => 'The user may generally view the forums and read them.', 'posttopics' => 'New topics may be started.', 'postreplies' => 'Answers to topics may be written.', 'addvotes' => 'Polls may be created within topics.', 'attachments' => 'The user may attach files to his post.', 'edit' => 'The user may edit and delete his own posts.', 'voting' => 'The user may participate in polls in topics.', 'docs' => 'May view all documents & pages.');
$guest_limitation = array('admin', 'gmod', 'pm', 'usepic', 'useabout', 'usesignature', 'voting', 'edit');
// Variables
require_once "classes/class.gpc.php";
$gpc = new GPC();
$action = $gpc->get('action', none);
if (empty($_REQUEST['page'])) {
    $_REQUEST['page'] = 1;
// Permission and Logging Class
require_once "classes/class.permissions.php";
// A class for Templates
include_once "classes/class.template.php";
// A class for Languages
include_once "classes/class.language.php";
// Global functions
require_once "classes/function.global.php";
function isInvisibleHook($hook)
    switch ($hook) {
        case 'uninstall':
 function updateconfig($key, $type = str, $val = null)
     if (is_array($key)) {
         $key = array_map('trim', $key);
         $group = $key[0];
         $key = $key[1];
     } else {
         $key = trim($key);
     if ($val == null) {
         global $gpc;
         if (!isset($gpc) || !is_object($gpc)) {
             $gpc = new GPC();
         if ($type == str) {
             $type2 = none;
         } else {
             $type2 = $type;
         $val = $gpc->get($key, $type2);
     if (isset($group)) {
         $this->opt[$group][$key] = $type;
         $this->data[$group][$key] = $val;
     } else {
         $this->opt[$key] = $type;
         $this->data[$key] = $val;