
 * @author fabriceb
 * @since Feb 16, 2009 fabriceb
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php';
$t = new lime_test(3, new lime_output_color());
$t->diag('GMap Tests');
/** @var $gMap GMap */
$gMap = new GMap();
$tab = '  ';
$new_line = "\n";
$separator = $new_line . $tab . $tab;
$gMap->setCenter(47, 52);
$t->is($gMap->optionsToJs(), '{' . $separator . $tab . 'center: new google.maps.LatLng(47, 52),' . $separator . $tab . 'mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP' . $separator . '}', 'correct output with center set');
$t->is($gMap->optionsToJs(), '{' . $separator . $tab . 'center: new google.maps.LatLng(47, 52),' . $separator . $tab . 'zoom: 8,' . $separator . $tab . 'mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP' . $separator . '}', 'correct output with zoom set');
$t->is($gMap->getJavascript(), $new_line . $tab . 'var map = null;' . $new_line . $tab . '//  Call this function when the page has been loaded' . $new_line . $tab . 'function initialize()' . $new_line . $tab . '{' . $new_line . $tab . $tab . 'var mapOptions = {' . $new_line . $tab . $tab . $tab . 'center: new google.maps.LatLng(47, 52),' . $new_line . $tab . $tab . $tab . 'zoom: 8,' . $new_line . $tab . $tab . $tab . 'mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP' . $new_line . $tab . $tab . '};' . $new_line . $tab . $tab . 'map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);' . $new_line . $tab . '}' . $new_line . 'window.onload = function(){initialize()};' . $new_line, 'correct output with zoom set');
 * Teste la sauvegarde d'équipes dans le backend
 * @author fabriceb
 * @since Feb 16, 2009 fabriceb

$t = new lime_test(10, new lime_output_color());

$t->diag('GMap Tests');

/** @var $gMap GMap */
$gMap = new GMap();
$tab = '  ';
$separator = "\n".$tab.$tab;

$gMap->setCenter(47, 52);
$t->is($gMap->optionsToJs(), '{'.$separator.$tab.'center: new google.maps.LatLng(47, 52)'.$separator.'}', 'correct output with center set');
$t->is($gMap->optionsToJs(), '{'.$separator.$tab.'center: new google.maps.LatLng(47, 52),'.$separator.$tab.'zoom: 8'.$separator.'}', 'correct output with zoom set');

$t->is($gMap->getJavascript(), '', 'correct output with zoom set');