 protected function makeGLTransactionLines($gl_data, &$gl_transactions, &$errors = array())
     $newerrors = array();
     // EU Acquisitions only applies to Purchases
     $tax_status = DataObjectFactory::Factory('TaxStatus');
     if ($tax_status->load($this->tax_status_id)) {
         $eu_acquisition = $tax_status->eu_tax == 't';
     } else {
         $errors[] = 'Error getting Tax Status for the Invoice';
         return FALSE;
     if ($eu_acquisition) {
         $eu_gl_data = $gl_data;
         $eu_gl_data['value'] = 0;
         $eu_gl_data['twinvalue'] = 0;
     // Get tax rates
     $tax_rate = DataObjectFactory::Factory('TaxRate');
     $tax_rate->identifierField = 'percentage';
     $tax_rates = $tax_rate->getAll();
     $gl_params = DataObjectFactory::Factory('GLParams');
     $accruals_control_account = $gl_params->accruals_control_account();
     $balance_sheet_cost_centre = $gl_data['glcentre_id'];
     foreach ($this->lines as $line) {
         // Set common gl data for the line
         if ($accruals_control_account) {
             // Need to check if there is a GRN for this line
             // and whether it is accrued and accrual accounting is enabled
             $poreceivedline = DataObjectFactory::Factory('POReceivedLine');
             if ($poreceivedline->isLoaded()) {
                 if ($poreceivedline->net_value != $line->net_value) {
                     // Invoice line value differs from received (quantity*price) value
                     // Convert received line net value to base
                     $base_net_value = $poreceivedline->net_value;
                     if ($line->rate != 1) {
                         // Convert to base value
                         $base_net_value = round(bcmul($line->rate, $base_net_value, 4), 2);
                     $gl_data['base_net_value'] = bcsub($line->base_net_value, $base_net_value);
                     // Need to get the twin value for this value
                     $gl_data['twin_net_value'] = round(bcmul($line->twin_rate, $gl_data['base_net_value'], 4), 2);
                     $original_comment = $gl_data['comment'];
                     $gl_data['comment'] = $gl_data['comment'] . ' - Invoice Variance';
                     // Make the GL Transaction for the variance of the invoice line against GRN
                     // The variance is posted to the invoice line GL Account/Centre
                     $element = GLTransaction::makeCBLine($gl_data, $newerrors);
                     if ($element !== FALSE) {
                         $gl_transactions[] = $element;
                     } else {
                         $errors += $newerrors;
                         return FALSE;
                     $gl_data['comment'] = $original_comment;
                     $gl_data['base_net_value'] = $base_net_value;
                     $gl_data['twin_net_value'] = $line->twin_net_value - $gl_data['twin_net_value'];
                 if ($poreceivedline->isAccrued()) {
                     // The GRN has been accrued so need to post to the accruals control
                     $gl_data['glaccount_id'] = $accruals_control_account;
                     $gl_data['glcentre_id'] = $balance_sheet_cost_centre;
         // Calculate tax value if EU acquisition
         if ($eu_acquisition && $line->tax_rate_id) {
             if (isset($tax_rates[$line->tax_rate_id]) && $tax_rates[$line->tax_rate_id] > 0) {
                 $tax_rate_mult = 1 + $tax_rates[$line->tax_rate_id] / 100;
                 $eu_gl_data['value'] += $line->base_net_value * $tax_rate_mult - $line->base_net_value;
                 $eu_gl_data['twinvalue'] += $line->twin_net_value * $tax_rate_mult - $line->twin_net_value;
         // Make the GL Transaction for the invoice line
         $element = GLTransaction::makeCBLine($gl_data, $newerrors);
         if ($element !== FALSE) {
             $gl_transactions[] = $element;
         } else {
             $errors += $newerrors;
             return FALSE;
     if ($eu_acquisition) {
         $eu_tax_elements = GLTransaction::makeEuTax($eu_gl_data, $newerrors);
         foreach ($eu_tax_elements as $eu_tax_element) {
             if ($eu_tax_element === false) {
                 $errors += $newerrors;
                 return false;
             $gl_transactions[] = $eu_tax_element;
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         return TRUE;
 public static function makeFromLedgerTransaction(LedgerTransaction $transaction, Invoice $invoice, &$errors = array())
     $newerrors = array();
     $db = DB::Instance();
     // sort out the header details
     $gl_transactions = array();
     $gl_data = array();
     // the gl docref is the invoice number
     $gl_data['docref'] = $invoice->invoice_number;
     $gl_data['reference'] = $invoice->our_reference;
     // dates should be the same
     $gl_data['transaction_date'] = un_fix_date($invoice->invoice_date);
     // first character of class identifies source
     $gl_data['source'] = substr(strtoupper(get_class($transaction)), 0, 1);
     // type depends on Invoice or Credit Note
     $gl_data['type'] = $invoice->transaction_type;
     // the description is one from a number of bits of information
     // (description is compulsory for GL, but the options aren't for SLTransaction and SInvoice)
     $desc = $invoice->description;
     $ext_ref = $invoice->ext_reference;
     $sales_order_id = $invoice->sales_order_id;
     if (!empty($desc)) {
         $header_desc = $desc;
     } elseif (!empty($ext_ref)) {
         $header_desc = $ext_ref;
     } elseif (!empty($sales_order_id)) {
         $header_desc = $sales_order_id;
     } else {
         $header_desc = $invoice->invoice_number;
     $gl_data['comment'] = $header_desc;
     // another docref
     $gl_data['docref2'] = $invoice->sales_order_id;
     // set the period based on invoice date
     $glperiod = GLPeriod::getPeriod($invoice->invoice_date);
     if (!$glperiod || count($glperiod) == 0) {
         $errors[] = 'No period exists for this date';
         return false;
     $gl_data['glperiods_id'] = $glperiod['id'];
     $gl_data['twin_currency_id'] = $invoice->twin_currency_id;
     $gl_data['twin_rate'] = $invoice->twin_rate;
     // there needs to be a tax element
     $gl_data['base_tax_value'] = $invoice->base_tax_value;
     $gl_data['twin_tax_value'] = $invoice->twin_tax_value;
     $vat_element = GLTransaction::makeCBTax($gl_data, $newerrors);
     if ($vat_element !== false) {
         $gl_transactions[] = $vat_element;
     } else {
         $errors += $newerrors;
         return false;
     // EU acquisition?
     $eu_acquisition = false;
     if ($gl_data['source'] == 'P') {
         $tax_status = DataObjectFactory::Factory('TaxStatus');
         if ($tax_status->load($invoice->tax_status_id)) {
             $eu_acquisition = $tax_status->eu_tax == 't';
     $eu_gl_data = $gl_data;
     $eu_gl_data['value'] = 0;
     $eu_gl_data['twinvalue'] = 0;
     // this is the control element (used to balance the tax and lines)
     $gl_data['base_gross_value'] = $invoice->base_gross_value;
     $gl_data['twin_gross_value'] = $invoice->twin_gross_value;
     $control = self::getControlAccount($gl_data['source'], $errors);
     foreach ($control as $key => $value) {
         $gl_data[$key] = $value;
     $control = GLTransaction::makeCBControl($gl_data, $newerrors);
     if ($control !== false) {
         $gl_transactions[] = $control;
     } else {
         $errors += $newerrors;
         return false;
     // then do the invoice lines
     $lines = $invoice->lines;
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         // provide some alternatives to get a comment
         $i_desc = $line->item_description;
         $desc = !empty($i_desc) ? $i_desc : $line->description;
         $desc = !empty($desc) ? $desc : '';
         $gl_data['comment'] = $desc;
         $gl_data['glaccount_id'] = $line->glaccount_id;
         $gl_data['glcentre_id'] = $line->glcentre_id;
         $gl_data['base_net_value'] = $line->base_net_value;
         $gl_data['twin_net_value'] = $line->twin_net_value;
         // Calculate tax value if EU acquisition
         if ($eu_acquisition && $line->tax_rate_id) {
             $tax_rate = DataObjectFactory::Factory('TaxRate');
             if ($tax_rate->load($line->tax_rate_id) && $tax_rate->percentage > 0) {
                 $tax_rate_mult = 1 + $tax_rate->percentage / 100;
                 $eu_gl_data['value'] += $line->base_net_value * $tax_rate_mult - $line->base_net_value;
                 $eu_gl_data['twinvalue'] += $line->twin_net_value * $tax_rate_mult - $line->twin_net_value;
         $element = GLTransaction::makeCBLine($gl_data, $newerrors);
         if ($element !== false) {
             $gl_transactions[] = $element;
         } else {
             $errors += $newerrors;
             return false;
     if ($eu_acquisition) {
         $eu_tax_elements = GLTransaction::makeEuTax($eu_gl_data, $newerrors);
         foreach ($eu_tax_elements as $eu_tax_element) {
             if ($eu_tax_element === false) {
                 $errors += $newerrors;
                 return false;
             $gl_transactions[] = $eu_tax_element;
     return $gl_transactions;