function build_and_send_graph($data_rs, $chartType, $title) { $gdImage = new GDImage(get_opendb_image_type()); $imgType = $gdImage->getImageType(); unset($gdImage); $graphCfg = _theme_graph_config(); $chart = new StatsChartImpl($chartType, $graphCfg); $chart->setTitle($title); if (is_array($data_rs)) { usort($data_rs, "sort_data_element"); // only show first 12 items - otherwise graph will not render correctly. if ($chartType == 'piechart' && count($data_rs) > 12) { $data_rs = array_slice($data_rs, 0, 11); } reset($data_rs); while (list(, $data_r) = each($data_rs)) { if ($chartType == 'piechart') { $chart->addData($data_r['display'] . " ({$data_r['value']})", $data_r['value']); } else { $chart->addData($data_r['display'], $data_r['value']); } } } $chart->render($imgType); }
/** * Returns the path to the library * * @return string */ static function path() { if (self::$path === null) { self::$path = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return self::$path; }
public function __construct($message, $iWidth = null, $iHeight = null) { $iFont = 2; if ($message instanceof Exception) { $message = $message->getMessage(); if (defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG) { $message .= "\n" . $message->getTraceAsString(); } } // calculate image size if ($iWidth == null || $iHeight != null) { $aMessage = explode("\n", $message); $iFontWidth = imagefontwidth($iFont); $iFontHeight = imagefontheight($iFont); foreach ($aMessage as $sLine) { $iHeight += $iFontHeight + 1; $iMessageWidth = $iFontWidth * (strlen($sLine) + 1); if ($iMessageWidth > $iWidth) { $iWidth = $iMessageWidth; } } $iHeight += 8; } parent::__construct($iWidth, $iHeight); $iFontColor = $this->getColor(255, 0, 0); $iBorderColor = $this->getColor(255, 0, 0); $iBGColor = $this->getColor(255, 255, 255); $iPadding = 4; $this->fill(0, 0, $iBGColor); $this->drawRectangle(0, 0, $this->getWidth() - 1, $this->getHeight() - 1, $iBorderColor); $this->drawText($message, $iFont, $iFontColor, $iPadding, $iPadding); }
function testImageCreate() { $gdImage = new GDImage('png'); $this->assertEquals(FALSE, $gdImage->createImage('code_bg.png')); $this->assertEquals(TRUE, $gdImage->createImage('code_bg')); $this->assertEquals('./images/code_bg.png', $gdImage->getImageSrc()); print_r($gdImage->getErrors()); }
function render_secret_image($random_num) { $gdImage = new GDImage(get_opendb_image_type()); $gdImage->createImage('code_bg'); $image =& $gdImage->getImage(); $text_color = ImageColorAllocate($image, 80, 80, 80); header("Cache-control: no-store"); header("Pragma: no-store"); header("Expires: 0"); CenterImageString($image, 100, get_secret_image_code($random_num), 5, 7, $text_color); $gdImage->sendImage(); unset($gdImage); }
/** * 创建图片 * @param $uploadedfile 需生成的图片路径 * @param $name 生成后的返回的图片名称 * @param $path 需要存放的图片上级目录 * @param $size 缩略图的尺寸(array) * @param $max_pixel 尺寸的最大值(M) * return 生成后的图片名 */ function hg_mk_images($uploadedfile, $name, $path, $size, $max_pixel = 2) { if (!$uploadedfile || !$name || !$path || !is_array($size)) { return OBJECT_NULL; } include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/gdimage.php'; //源文件 if (filesize($uploadedfile) / 1024 / 1024 >= $max_pixel) { return PIXEL_ERROR; } $image = getimagesize($uploadedfile); $width = $image[0]; $height = $image[1]; $file_name = $name; //目录 $file_dir = $path; //文件路径 $file_path = $file_dir . $file_name; if (!hg_mkdir($file_dir)) { return UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE; } if (!copy($uploadedfile, $file_path)) { return UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE; } $img = new GDImage($file_path, $file_path, ''); foreach ($size as $key => $value) { $new_name = $value['label'] . $file_name; $save_file_path = $file_dir . $new_name; $img->init_setting($file_path, $save_file_path, ''); $img->maxHeight = $value['height']; $img->maxWidth = $value['width']; /* if($width > $height) { $img->maxWidth = $width > $value['width']?$value['width'] : $width; $img->maxHeight = $height * ($img->maxWidth/$width); } else { $img->maxHeight = $height > $value['height']?$value['height'] : $height; $img->maxWidth = $width * ($img->maxHeight/$height); } */ $img->makeThumb(3); } return $file_name; }
/** * 上传文件 * @author 肖飞 * @param array $arrFile 图片文件信息数组$_FILES * @param int $PR 自动压缩的比例 * @param int $intID 内容ID,标示新增还是修改 * @return unknown */ function uploadInfoImage($arrFile, $PR = 0, $intID = 0) { if ($arrFile['name']) { if (!in_array(strtolower($arrFile['type']), array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png', 'application/x-shockwave-flash'))) { check::AlertExit('文件类型不符合要求(' . $arrFile['type'] . ')', -1); } } if ($intID == 0) { $intID = $this->getMaxID(); } $strDir = ceil($intID / 1000); $strMakeDir = $this->arrGPic['FileSavePath'] . $strDir; if (!is_dir($this->arrGPic['FileSavePath'])) { @mkdir($this->arrGPic['FileSavePath']); @chmod($this->arrGPic['FileSavePath'], 0777); } if (!is_dir($strMakeDir)) { @mkdir($strMakeDir); @chmod($strMakeDir, 0777); } $FileExt = strrchr($arrFile['name'], "."); //取得上传文件扩展名 $strPhoto = $strDir . "/" . $intID . "_" . time() . $FileExt; //存入数据库的图片访问路径 $strPicName = $strMakeDir . "/" . $intID . "_" . time() . $FileExt; //新图片路径及名称 if ($arrFile['type'] != 'application/x-shockwave-flash' && $arrFile['size'] > $this->arrGPic['FileMaxSize']) { if ($PR != 0) { move_uploaded_file($arrFile['tmp_name'], $strPicName); $objGDImage = new GDImage(); if ($objGDImage->makePRThumb($strPicName, $PR)) { return $strPhoto; } else { check::AlertExit($strPicName . "文件上传错误!", -1); } } else { check::AlertExit("文件大小不符合要求!", -1); } } else { if (move_uploaded_file($arrFile['tmp_name'], $strPicName)) { return $strPhoto; } else { check::AlertExit($strPicName . "文件上传错误!", -1); } } }
/** * (non-PHPdoc) * @see GDImage_Image#asTrueColor() */ function asTrueColor() { $width = $this->getWidth(); $height = $this->getHeight(); $new = GDImage::createTrueColorImage($width, $height); if ($this->isTransparent()) { $new->copyTransparencyFrom($this); } imageCopy($new->getHandle(), $this->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height); return $new; }
public function __construct($sMessage) { parent::__construct(246, 48); $sMessage = wordwrap(strip_tags($sMessage), 40, "\n", true); $iFontColor = $this->getColor(255, 0, 0); $iBorderColor = $this->getColor(255, 0, 0); $iBGColor = $this->getColor(255, 255, 255); $iPadding = 4; $this->fill(0, 0, $iBGColor); $this->drawRectangle(0, 0, $this->getWidth() - 1, $this->getHeight() - 1, $iBorderColor); $this->drawText($sMessage, 2, $iFontColor, $iPadding, $iPadding); }
function crop_media($image_media, $width, $height) { if (empty($image_media)) { return; } list($image_path, $modified_path, $modified_media) = _media_filenames($image_media, '-crop-' . $width . 'x' . $height); if (!file_exists($image_path)) { return; } if (!file_exists($modified_path) || filemtime($modified_path) < filemtime($image_path)) { $image = new GDImage($image_path); // preserve aspect ratio $old_width = (double) $image->width; $old_height = (double) $image->height; $old_ratio = $old_width / $old_height; $new_width = (double) $width; $new_height = (double) $height; $new_ratio = $width / $height; // figure out whether to keep width or height. if ($old_ratio < $new_ratio) { $image->resize($width, 0, false); $crop = ($image->height - $height) / 2; $image->crop(0, $crop, $width, $crop + $height); } else { if ($old_ratio > $new_ratio) { $image->resize(0, $height, false); $crop = ($image->width - $width) / 2; $image->crop($crop, 0, $crop + $width, $height); } } // end preserve aspect ratio $image->save($modified_path); } return $modified_media; }
static function get($operationName) { $lcname = strtolower($operationName); if (!isset(self::$cache[$lcname])) { $opClassName = "GDImage_Operation_" . $operationName; if (!class_exists($opClassName, false)) { $fileName = GDImage::path() . 'Operation/' . ucfirst($operationName) . '.php'; if (file_exists($fileName)) { require_once $fileName; } else { JError::raiseError(500, JText::sprintf('JLIB_GDIMAGE_ERROR_LOAD_OPERATION', $operationName)); return false; } } self::$cache[$lcname] = new $opClassName(); } return self::$cache[$lcname]; }
/** * Returns a mapper, based on the $uri and $format * * @param string $uri File URI * @param string $format File format (extension or mime-type) or null * @return GDImage_Mapper **/ static function selectMapper($uri, $format = null) { $format = self::determineFormat($uri, $format); if (array_key_exists($format, self::$mappers)) { return self::$mappers[$format]; } $mapperClassName = 'GDImage_Mapper_' . $format; if (!class_exists($mapperClassName, false)) { $mapperFileName = GDImage::path() . 'Mapper/' . $format . '.php'; if (file_exists($mapperFileName)) { require_once $mapperFileName; } } if (class_exists($mapperClassName, false)) { self::$mappers[$format] = new $mapperClassName(); return self::$mappers[$format]; } JError::raiseError(500, JText::sprintf('JLIB_GDIMAGE_ERROR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED', $format)); }
/** * @param GDImage_Image $image * @param int $radius * @param int $color * @param int $smoothness * @return GDImage_Image */ function execute($image, $radius, $color, $smoothness, $corners) { if ($smoothness < 1) { $sample_ratio = 1; } elseif ($smoothness > 16) { $sample_ratio = 16; } else { $sample_ratio = $smoothness; } $corner = GDImage::createTrueColorImage($radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * $sample_ratio); if ($color === null) { imagepalettecopy($corner->getHandle(), $image->getHandle()); $bg_color = $corner->allocateColor(0, 0, 0); $corner->fill(0, 0, $bg_color); $fg_color = $corner->allocateColor(255, 255, 255); $corner->getCanvas()->filledEllipse($radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $fg_color); $corner = $corner->resize($radius, $radius); $result = $image->asTrueColor(); $tc = $result->getTransparentColor(); if ($tc == -1) { $tc = $result->allocateColorAlpha(255, 255, 255, 127); imagecolortransparent($result->getHandle(), $tc); $result->setTransparentColor($tc); } if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, -1, -1); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP_RIGHT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_RIGHT) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, -1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_RIGHT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->applyMask($corner, -1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } return $result; } else { $bg_color = $color; $corner->fill(0, 0, $bg_color); $fg_color = $corner->allocateColorAlpha(127, 127, 127, 127); $corner->getCanvas()->filledEllipse($radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $radius * 2 * $sample_ratio, $fg_color); $corner = $corner->resize($radius, $radius); $result = $image->copy(); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP) { $result = $image->merge($corner, -1, -1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP_RIGHT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_TOP || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_RIGHT) { $result = $result->merge($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, -1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_RIGHT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_RIGHT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->merge($corner, $result->getWidth() - $corner->getWidth() + 1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } $corner = $corner->rotate(90); if ($corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_LEFT || $corners & GDImage::SIDE_BOTTOM) { $result = $result->merge($corner, -1, $result->getHeight() - $corner->getHeight() + 1, 100); } return $result; } }
public function createFile($water_id, $app_bundle, $filepath, $filename, $bs = "") { $imgdir = hg_getimg_dir($bs); $filepath = $imgdir . app_to_dir($app_bundle) . $filepath; $exttmp = explode('.', $filename); $json_file = $filepath . $exttmp[0] . '.json'; $json = array(); if (file_exists($json_file)) { $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($json_file), true); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "water_config WHERE id=" . $water_id; $ret = $this->db->query_first($sql); $json['water'] = array('type' => $ret['type'], 'filename' => $ret['filename'], 'opacity' => $ret['opacity'], 'position' => $ret['position'], 'water_text' => $ret['water_text'], 'water_font' => $ret['water_font'], 'font_size' => $ret['font_size'], 'water_color' => $ret['water_color'], 'water_angle' => $ret['water_angle'], 'margin_x' => $ret['margin_x'], 'margin_y' => $ret['margin_y'], 'condition_x' => $ret['condition_x'], 'condition_y' => $ret['condition_y']); hg_file_write($json_file, json_encode($json)); copy($filepath . $filename, $filepath . 'nowater_' . $filename); include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/gdimage.php'; $img = new GDImage(); if ($json['water']['type'] == 1) { $json['water']['water_file_path'] = $json['water']['filename'] ? hg_getimg_default_dir() . WATER_PATH . $json['water']['filename'] : ''; //根据图片大小和图片水印比例调整水印图片大小 if ($this->settings['image_water_ratio'] && $json['water']['water_file_path']) { $img_info = getimagesize($filepath . $filename); $waterimg_info = getimagesize($json['water']['water_file_path']); if ($img_info[0] / $waterimg_info[0] < $this->settings['image_water_ratio']) { $new_width = abs(intval($img_info[0] / $this->settings['image_water_ratio'])); hg_mk_images($json['water']['water_file_path'], $json['water']['filename'], hg_getimg_default_dir() . WATER_PATH . $new_width . '/', array('width' => $new_width, 'height' => ''), array()); $json['water']['water_file_path'] = hg_getimg_default_dir() . WATER_PATH . $new_width . '/' . $json['water']['filename']; } } $img->waterimg($filepath . $filename, $json['water']); } else { $json['water']['water_font'] = $json['water']['water_font'] ? CUR_CONF_PATH . 'font/' . $json['water']['water_font'] : CUR_CONF_PATH . 'font/arial.ttf'; $json['water']['font_size'] = $json['water']['font_size'] ? $json['water']['font_size'] : 14; $img->waterstr($filepath . $filename, $json['water']); } return true; }
public function flip($iMode) { $iWidth = $this->getWidth(); $iHeight = $this->getHeight(); $src_x = 0; $src_y = 0; $src_width = $iWidth; $src_height = $iHeight; switch ($iMode) { case 1: //vertical $src_y = $iHeight - 1; $src_height = -$iHeight; break; case 2: //horizontal $src_x = $iWidth - 1; $src_width = -$iWidth; break; case 3: //both $src_x = $iWidth - 1; $src_y = $iHeight - 1; $src_width = -$iWidth; $src_height = -$iHeight; break; default: return; } $imgdest = new GDImage($iWidth, $iHeight); $imgdest->setAntiAlias($this->isAntiAlias()); $imgdest->setAlphaBlending($this->isAlphaBlending()); $imgdest->set8BitAlpha($this->is8BitAlpha()); $imgdest->copyResampled($this, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $iWidth, $iHeight, $src_width, $src_height); $this->replace($imgdest); }
private function drawErrorMessage($sMessage) { // settings $iFontSizeNormal = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.size.normal'); $sFontFileNormal = $this->oThemeConfig->getString('theme.text.font.normal'); $sFontColorError = $this->oThemeConfig->getString('theme.text.color.error'); $bFontAntiAlias = $this->oThemeConfig->getInteger('theme.text.anti-alias'); $fLineSpacing = $this->oThemeConfig->getFloat('theme.text.line-spacing'); // destroy old image $this->destroy(); // create new image $this->loadPng($this->aThemeFiles['background']); // enable alpha $this->setAlphaBlending(true); $this->setSaveFullAlpha(true); // draw error icon $errorIcon = new GDImage(); $errorIcon->loadPng($this->aThemeFiles['error']); $this->copy($errorIcon, 8, $this->getHeight() / 2 - 8); $errorIcon->destroy(); // allocate color $iFontColor = $this->getColorHex($sFontColorError, $bFontAntiAlias); // draw text $this->drawTextFT($sMessage, $sFontFileNormal, $iFontSizeNormal, 0, $iFontColor, 30, $this->getHeight() / 2, array('linespacing' => $fLineSpacing)); }
/** * Constructs a new Canvas. * @param mixed $element Only GDImage or GDFigure class * @access public * @return void */ function __construct($element = NULL) { parent::__construct($element); }
<?php /** * Creating a Presentation Card */ require '../src/GDImage/GDUtils.php'; require '../src/GDImage/GDImage.php'; require '../src/GDImage/GDFigure.php'; require '../src/GDImage/GDText.php'; require '../src/GDImage/GDCanvas.php'; // Creating an avatar image $avatar_image = new GDImage(); $avatar_image->load(''); $avatar_image->setTop(60); $avatar_image->setLeft(70); $about_text = new GDText("MY AWESOME PRESENTATION CARD GENERATED WITH GDIMAGE"); $about_text->setSize(16); $about_text->setWidth(300); $about_text->setLeft(210); $about_text->setTop(75); $about_text->setColor(204, 164, 116); $about_text->setFontface('fonts/Lato-Lig.ttf'); $twitter_text = new GDText('@myname'); $twitter_text->setSize(11); $twitter_text->setWidth(70); $twitter_text->setLeft(450); $twitter_text->setTop(210); $twitter_text->setColor(130, 127, 125); $twitter_text->setFontface('fonts/Lato-Reg.ttf'); $canvas_figure = new GDFigure(550, 250); $canvas_figure->setBackgroundColor(47, 42, 39);
include_once 'include/foot.php'; exit; } $intID = intval($_GET['id']); $arrInfo = $objWebInit->getInfo($intID, '*', 1, true); include_once 'include/title.php'; include_once 'include/head.php'; $myText = new HAW_text("标题:" . $arrInfo['title']); $objHaw->add_text($myText); if (!empty($arrInfo['photo']) && $intCPage == 1) { $strWapPhoto = $arrGPic['FileSavePath'] . 'wap/' . $arrInfo['photo']; if (!is_file($strWapPhoto)) { //生成压缩图 check::make_dir($strWapPhoto); copy($arrGPic['FileSavePath'] . '/b/' . $arrInfo['photo'], $strWapPhoto); $objGDImage = new GDImage(); if ($objGDImage->makePRThumb($strWapPhoto, 0, $arrMHaw['image_width'], $arrMHaw['image_height'])) { $myImage = new HAW_image("photo.wbmp", $arrGPic['FileCallPath'] . 'wap/' . $arrInfo['photo'], $arrInfo['title']); $myImage->set_br(1); $myImage->set_html_width($arrMHaw['image_width']); $objHaw->add_image($myImage); } } else { $myImage = new HAW_image("photo.wbmp", $arrGPic['FileCallPath'] . 'wap/' . $arrInfo['photo'], $arrInfo['title']); $myImage->set_br(1); $myImage->set_html_width($arrMHaw['image_width']); $objHaw->add_image($myImage); } } $arrData = check::WordPage($arrInfo['intro'], $arrMHaw['detail_charnum'], $intCPage); $myText = new HAW_text($arrData['centent']);
static function makeImage($sourceFile, $destFile, $width, $height, $quality, $refresh, $crop = 0, $rotation = 0, $round = 0, $roundFill = '', $watermark = 0, $wmText = '', $wmTextColor = '', $wmTextSize = '', $wmFilename = '', $wmPosition = '', $wmTrans = 100) { if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !function_exists('gd_info')) { igFileHelper::raiseError('M1 0 :Please Check the PHP extension "GD Image Library" is installed on this server', $refresh); return false; } if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) { igFileHelper::raiseError('MI 1: ' . JText::_('Image Width Or Height In Profile Settings Must Not Be Zero'), $refresh); return false; } jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_igallery/lib/gdimage/GdImage.php'; if (!JFile::exists($destFile)) { $ext = JFile::getExt($sourceFile); $imageinfo = getimagesize($sourceFile); $image = GDImage::load($sourceFile); $params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_igallery'); $tryOriginal = $params->get('use_original', 0); if ($tryOriginal == 1) { if ($rotation == 0 && $round == 0 && $watermark == 0 && $crop == 0) { if ($imageinfo[0] <= $width && $imageinfo[1] <= $height) { if (!JFile::copy($sourceFile, $destFile)) { igFileHelper::raiseError($sourceFile . ' -> ' . $destFile . ' ' . JText::_('Error Moving File To Directory'), $refresh); return false; } return true; } } } if ($crop == 1 && $imageinfo[0] > $width && $imageinfo[1] > $height) { $image = $image->resize((int) $width, (int) $height, 'outside')->crop('center', 'middle', (int) $width, (int) $height); } else { $image = $image->resize((int) $width, (int) $height, 'inside', 'down'); } if ($rotation != 0) { if (!function_exists('imagerotate')) { igFileHelper::raiseError(JFile::getName($sourceFile) . ': nee' / ' rotating ' . $rotation . ' degress, Please Check the php function "imagerotate" is available on this server', $refresh); } else { $image = $image->rotate($rotation, null, false); } } if ($watermark == 1) { $positionArray = explode('_', $wmPosition); switch ($positionArray[0]) { case 'left': $leftIndent = '+5'; break; case 'right': $leftIndent = '-5'; break; default: $leftIndent = ''; } switch ($positionArray[1]) { case 'top': $topIndent = '+5'; break; case 'bottom': $topIndent = '-5'; break; default: $topIndent = ''; } if (strlen($wmText) > 0) { $canvas = $image->getCanvas(); $fontPath = IG_ADMINISTRATOR_COMPONENT . '/fonts/font.ttf'; if (!JFile::exists($fontPath)) { igFileHelper::raiseError('Watermarking Font File Missing, Please Upload a .ttf file to : ' . $fontPath, $refresh); return false; } else { $colorArray = explode(',', $wmTextColor); $font = new GDImage_Font_TTF($fontPath, (int) $wmTextSize, $image->allocateColorAlpha((int) $colorArray[0], (int) $colorArray[1], (int) $colorArray[2], 100 - $wmTrans)); $canvas->setFont($font); $canvas->writeText($positionArray[0] . $leftIndent, $positionArray[1] . $topIndent, $wmText); } } if (strlen($wmFilename) > 0) { $extWatermark = JFile::getExt(IG_WATERMARK_PATH . '/' . $wmFilename); $overlay = GDImage::load(IG_WATERMARK_PATH . '/' . $wmFilename); $image = $image->merge($overlay, $positionArray[0], $positionArray[1], $wmTrans); } } if ($round == 1) { if (!function_exists('imagerotate')) { igFileHelper::raiseError('Rounded Corners enabled: Please Check the php function "imagerotate" is available on this server', $refresh); } else { if ($width < 200) { $radius = 11; } else { $radius = 12; } $colorArray = explode(',', $roundFill); $image = $image->roundCorners($radius, $image->allocateColor((int) $colorArray[0], (int) $colorArray[1], (int) $colorArray[2]), 255); } } if (preg_match("/jp/i", $ext)) { $image->saveToFile($destFile, $quality); } else { $image->saveToFile($destFile); } if ($rotation != 0) { $image = GDImage::load($destFile); $imageinfo = getimagesize($sourceFile); if ($imageinfo[0] > $width || $imageinfo[1] > $height) { if ($crop == 1 && $imageinfo[0] > $width && $imageinfo[1] > $height) { $image = $image->resize((int) $width, (int) $height, 'outside')->crop('center', 'middle', (int) $width, (int) $height); } else { $image = $image->resize((int) $width, (int) $height, 'inside', 'down'); } } $image->saveToFile($destFile); } return true; } return true; }
/** * 头像生成接口 * @return array 头像地址 */ public function uploadImage() { if (!$this->input['user_id']) { $userinfo = $this->mUser->verify_credentials(); } else { $userinfo['id'] = intval($this->input['user_id']); } if (!$userinfo['id']) { $this->errorOutput(USENAME_NOLOGIN); } $files = $_FILES['files']; include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/class/gdimage.php'; //源文件 $uploadedfile = $files['tmp_name']; //源文件类型 $tmp = explode('.', $uploadedfile); $file_type = $tmp[1]; //文件名 $file_name = $userinfo['id'] . ".jpg"; //目录 $file_dir = AVATAR_DIR . ceil($userinfo['id'] / NUM_IMG) . "/"; //文件路径 $file_path = $file_dir . $file_name; $size = array("larger" => array(LARGER_IMG_WIDTH, LARGER_IMG_HEIGHT), "middle" => array(MIDDLE_IMG_WIDTH, MIDDLE_IMG_HEIGHT), "small" => array(SMALL_IMG_WIDTH, SMALL_IMG_HEIGHT)); if (!hg_mkdir($file_dir)) { $this->errorOutput(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } if (!move_uploaded_file($uploadedfile, $file_path)) { $this->errorOutput(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } //如果传递了裁剪信息 if ($this->input['cut_info']) { $cut_info = urldecode($this->input['cut_info']); $info = explode(',', $cut_info); //裁剪的起点坐标 $src_x = $info[0]; $src_y = $info[1]; //裁剪图片的大小 $src_w = $info[2]; $src_h = $info[3]; $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_path); $dst_img = imageCreateTrueColor($src_w, $src_h); imageCopy($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, $src_x, $src_y, $src_w, $src_h); imageJPEG($dst_img, $file_path, 100); } $img = new GDImage($file_path, $file_path, ''); $info = array(); foreach ($size as $key => $value) { $save_file_path = $file_dir . $key . '_' . $file_name; $img->init_setting($file_path, $save_file_path, ''); $img->maxWidth = $value[0]; $img->maxHeight = $value[1]; $img->makeThumb(3, false); $info[$key] = AVATAR_URL . ceil($userinfo['id'] / NUM_IMG) . "/" . $key . '_' . $file_name . "?" . hg_rand_num(7); } $info['ori'] = AVATAR_URL . ceil($userinfo['id'] / NUM_IMG) . "/" . $file_name . "?" . hg_rand_num(7); $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "member \r\n\t\tSET avatar = '" . $userinfo['id'] . ".jpg' \r\n\t\tWHERE id=" . $userinfo['id']; $this->db->query($sql); $info['id'] = $userinfo['id']; $this->setXmlNode('img', 'imagefile'); $this->addItem($info); return $this->output(); }
public function run() { $bDebug = defined('DEBUG') && DEBUG; try { // get profile URL $sXmlUrl = $this->getProfileUrl(false); // load config $oCommonConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('common.cfg'); $oImageConfig = FileConfig::getInstance('image.cfg'); $oGPCConfig = GPCConfig::getInstance('get'); // load config vars $iCacheLifetime = $oCommonConfig->getInteger('cache.lifetime', 600); $sCacheDir = $oCommonConfig->getString('cache.dir', 'cache'); $bImageFallback = $oImageConfig->getString('image.fallback', true); $sDefaultLayout = $oImageConfig->getString('image.layout.default', 'small'); $sDefaultTheme = $oImageConfig->getString('image.theme.default', 'default'); $sLayout = $oGPCConfig->getStringAlnum('layout', $sDefaultLayout); $sTheme = $oGPCConfig->getStringAlnum('theme', $sDefaultTheme); // init cache $oImageCache = new Cache($sCacheDir, $iCacheLifetime, 'png'); $oImageFile = $oImageCache->getFile($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $sImageBase = 'image/layouts'; if (!file_exists("{$sImageBase}/{$sLayout}")) { if (!file_exists("{$sImageBase}/{$sDefaultLayout}")) { throw new RuntimeException('Default layout folder not found'); } $sLayout = $sDefaultLayout; } $sLayoutDir = "{$sImageBase}/{$sLayout}"; include "{$sLayoutDir}/SteamProfileImage.php"; try { // do we have a cached version of the profile image? if (!$oImageFile->isCached()) { $oProfileImage = new SteamProfileImage(); // try to generate the profile image $oProfileImage->createProfile($sXmlUrl, $sLayoutDir, $sTheme); // save it to cache $oProfileImage->toPng($oImageFile->getPath()); // clear stat cache to ensure that the rest of the // script will notice the file modification clearstatcache(); } $this->displayImage($oImageFile); } catch (SteamProfileImageException $e) { // on debug mode, re-throw if ($bDebug) { $ep = $e->getPrevious(); throw $ep == null ? $e : $ep; } // an exception was thrown in SteamProfileImage, // but a themed error image could have been generated try { // try a fallback to the cached image first if ($bImageFallback && $oImageFile->exists()) { $this->displayImage($oImageFile); } else { // try to display the error image $oProfileImage->toPng(); } } catch (Exception $f) { // didn't work, re-throw the source exception throw $e; } } catch (Exception $e) { // on debug mode, re-throw if ($bDebug) { $ep = $e->getPrevious(); throw $ep == null ? $e : $ep; } // an exception was thrown in SteamProfileImage, // but we could try a fallback to the cached image if ($bImageFallback && $oImageFile->exists()) { // redirect to cached image file $this->displayImage($oImageFile); } else { // nothing cached, re-throw exception throw $e; } } } catch (Exception $e) { // quite fatal error, try to render a fail-safe error image if ($bDebug || !GDImage::isAvailable()) { $oHeader = new HTTPHeader(); $oHeader->setResponse('Content-Type', 'text/plain'); echo $bDebug ? "{$e}\n" : $e->getMessage(); } else { $ErrorImage = new ErrorImage($e->getMessage()); $ErrorImage->toPng(); } } }
/** * @return bool True, if the image object holds a valid GD image, false otherwise */ function isValid() { return GDImage::isValidImageHandle($this->handle); }
public static function createText($text, $font, $size, $color, $bg, $adjx = 0, $adjy = 0) { $c = self::ttfBox($text, $font, $size); $width = $c['tr_x'] - $c['tl_x']; $height = $c['bl_y'] - $c['tl_y']; $gd = new GDImage($width, $height, $bg); $gd->write($text, $font, $size, $color, $height - $c['bl_y'] + $adjy, 0 - $c['bl_x'] + $adjx); return $gd; }
function hg_turn_img($file_path, $save_file_path, $direction) { include_once ROOT_PATH . 'lib/class/gdimage.php'; $angle = ''; switch ($direction) { case 1: //左旋转 $angle = '90'; break; case 2: //右旋转 $angle = '-90'; break; case 3: //180度 掉头 $angle = '180'; break; default: return false; break; } $img = new GDImage(); $img->init_setting($file_path, $save_file_path, '', $angle); $img->turnImg(); return true; }
/** *修改视频图片 */ public function update_schematic() { $userinfo = $this->mUser->verify_credentials(); if (!$userinfo['id']) { $this->errorOutput(USENAME_NOLOGIN); } $video_id = intval(trim($this->input['video_id'])); $file_name = urldecode($this->input['schematic']); if (!$video_id) { $this->errorOutput(OBJECT_NULL); } $files = $_FILES['files']; include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/class/gdimage.php'; //源文件 $uploadedfile = $files['tmp_name']; $image = getimagesize($uploadedfile); $width = $image[0]; $height = $image[1]; $size = array("big" => array('t' => "b_", 'width' => VIDEO_IMG_WIDTH * VIDEO_IMG_MULTIPLE, 'height' => VIDEO_IMG_HEIGHT * VIDEO_IMG_MULTIPLE), "normal" => array('t' => "n_", 'width' => VIDEO_IMG_WIDTH, 'height' => VIDEO_IMG_HEIGHT)); //文件名 if (!$file_name) { $file_name = hg_generate_user_salt(16) . ".jpg"; } else { str_replace(DOMAIN, "", $file_name, $cnt); if ($cnt) { $file_name = hg_generate_user_salt(16) . ".jpg"; } else { $arr = explode("/", $file_name); $file_name = substr($arr[count($arr) - 1], 2); if (!trim($file_name)) { $file_name = hg_generate_user_salt(16) . ".jpg"; } } } //目录 $file_dir = UPLOAD_DIR . VIDEO_DIR . ceil($video_id / NUM_IMG) . "/"; //文件路径 $file_path = $file_dir . $file_name; if (!hg_mkdir($file_dir)) { $this->errorOutput(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } if (!copy($uploadedfile, $file_path)) { $this->errorOutput(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } $img = new GDImage($file_path, $file_path, ''); $info = array(); foreach ($size as $key => $value) { $new_name = $value['t'] . $file_name; $save_file_path = $file_dir . $new_name; $img->init_setting($file_path, $save_file_path, ''); $img->maxWidth = $value['width']; $img->maxHeight = $value['height']; $img->makeThumb(3, false); $info[$key] = UPLOAD_URL . VIDEO_DIR . ceil($video_id / NUM_IMG) . "/" . $new_name . "?" . hg_generate_user_salt(5); } $sql = "UPDATE " . DB_PREFIX . "video SET bschematic = '" . $file_name . "' , schematic = '" . $file_name . "' WHERE id = " . $video_id; $info['ori'] = $file_name; $info['id'] = $video_id; $this->db->query($sql); $this->setXmlNode('media', 'info'); $this->addItem($info); return $this->output(); }
/** * @depends testLoad */ public function testDestroyResource(GDImage $img) { $img->destroy(); $this->assertNull($img->getResource()); }
<?php /** * Rotate an image */ require '../src/GDImage/GDUtils.php'; require '../src/GDImage/GDImage.php'; // Rotate an image to 90º $image = new GDImage(); $image->load(''); $image->rotate(90); $image->output();
break; case 2: header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($this->image); break; case 3: header("Content-type: image/gif"); imagegif($this->image); break; default: header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($this->image); break; } // imagepng($this->image); } public function test() { echo __DIR__; } public function __destruct() { if ($this->image) { $res = imagedestroy($this->image); error_log($res, 3, __DIR__ . '/log.log'); } } } $data = array('column0' => 'weight', 'column1' => 'yuanjia', 'column2' => 'huodognjia', 'servicePriceName' => 'meirong(hanxizao)', 'canUseMemberPrice' => '', 'canUseDiscountPrice' => '', 'is_default' => 0, 'serviceId' => 9, 'list' => array(array('name' => 'jianzhijia', 'price' => 20.0, 'discountPirce' => 2.0), array('name' => 'yuanjia', 'price' => 30.0, 'discountPirce' => 3.0), array('name' => 'huodongjia', 'price' => 40.0, 'discountPirce' => 4.0))); $gdImage = new GDImage(); $gdImage->getPicture($data);
private function handle($uploadedfile) { include_once ROOT_DIR . 'lib/class/gdimage.php'; //源文件 if (filesize($uploadedfile) / 1024 / 1024 >= IMG_SIZE) { $this->errorOutput(IMG_SIZE_ERROR); } $image = getimagesize($uploadedfile); $width = $image[0]; $height = $image[1]; if (strpos(strtolower($image['mime']), 'jpeg')) { $type = '.jpg'; } else { if (strpos(strtolower($image['mime']), 'png')) { $type = '.png'; } else { if (strpos(strtolower($image['mime']), 'gif')) { $type = '.gif'; } } } //文件名 $file_name = hg_generate_user_salt(16) . ".jpg"; $size = array("larger" => array('t' => "l_", 'size' => IMG_SIZE_LARGER), "middle" => array('t' => "m_", 'size' => IMG_SIZE_MIDDLE), "small" => array('t' => "s_", 'size' => IMG_SIZE_SMALL)); //目录 $file_dir = UPLOAD_DIR . IMG_DIR . ceil($userinfo['id'] / NUM_IMG) . "/"; //文件路径 $file_path = $file_dir . $file_name; if (!hg_mkdir($file_dir)) { $this->errorOutput(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } if (!copy($uploadedfile, $file_path)) { $this->errorOutput(UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE); } $img = new GDImage($file_path, $file_path, ''); $info = array(); foreach ($size as $key => $value) { $new_name = $value['t'] . $file_name; $save_file_path = $file_dir . $new_name; $img->init_setting($file_path, $save_file_path, ''); if ($key == "larger") { $img->maxWidth = $width > $value['size'] ? $value['size'] : $width; $img->maxHeight = $height * ($img->maxWidth / $width); $img->makeThumb(1, false, true); } else { if ($width > $height) { $img->maxWidth = $width > $value['size'] ? $value['size'] : $width; $img->maxHeight = $height * ($img->maxWidth / $width); } else { $img->maxHeight = $height > $value['size'] ? $value['size'] : $height; $img->maxWidth = $width * ($img->maxHeight / $height); } $img->makeThumb(3); } $info[$key] = UPLOAD_URL . IMG_DIR . ceil($userinfo['id'] / NUM_IMG) . "/" . $new_name; if (defined('WATER_MARK_DONE') && WATER_MARK_DONE == true) { $img->create_watermark($save_file_path, $type, 4, WATER_MARK_IMG); } } $ip = hg_getip(); $create_at = time(); $sql = "INSERT " . DB_PREFIX . "media(status_id,dir,url,ip,create_at) VALUES(0,'" . IMG_DIR . ceil($userinfo['id'] / NUM_IMG) . "/" . "','" . $file_name . "','" . $ip . "'," . $create_at . ")"; $this->db->query($sql); $id = $this->db->insert_id(); $info['id'] = $id; $info['url'] = $file_name; $info['ip'] = $ip; $info['create_at'] = $create_at; $info['type'] = 0; return $info; }