protected function _setPostVars($post, $trim = true, $merge = false) { if (!$merge || $merge && empty($this->postVars)) { $this->postVars = $trim === true ? Funclib::trimValues($post) : $post; } else { if ($merge && !empty($this->postVars)) { $this->postVars = array_merge($this->postVars, $trim === true ? Funclib::trimValues($post) : $post); } } }
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ /** * @author Ronny Bansemer */ session_start(); if (!empty($_SESSION['unternehmenid'])) { require '../include/constants.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/roh/mailer.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/funclib.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/email.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/querybuild.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/database.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/charhandling.php'; DB::init(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE); $url = Funclib::trimValues($_GET); if (!empty($url['id'])) { $filename = 'all-statusmessages-from-sensor'; $typ = 1; DB::query('SELECT `sensorid` FROM `sensoren` WHERE `unternehmenid` = ? AND `sensorid` = ?', 2); DB::setParam($_SESSION['unternehmenid'], 'int'); DB::setParam($url['id'], 'str'); DB::exec(); } else {