/** * Parses the map and the objects for the nagvis-js frontend * * @return String String with JS Code * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ public function parse() { // Initialize template system $TMPL = new FrontendTemplateSystem(); $TMPLSYS = $TMPL->getTmplSys(); $aData = array('pageTitle' => cfg('internal', 'title') . $this->sSubtitle, 'htmlBase' => cfg('paths', 'htmlbase'), 'htmlJs' => cfg('paths', 'htmljs'), 'htmlCss' => cfg('paths', 'htmlcss'), 'htmlTemplates' => path('html', 'global', 'templates'), 'bUseCompressedJs' => $this->checkJsCompressed(), 'customStylesheet' => $this->sCustomStylesheet, 'headerMenu' => $this->sHeaderMenu, 'content' => $this->sContent); // Build page based on the template file and the data array return $TMPLSYS->get($TMPL->getTmplFile(cfg('defaults', 'view_template'), 'index'), $aData); }
/** * Parses the information for json * * @return String String with Html Code * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ public function parse() { global $_MAINCFG, $CORE; // Initialize template system $TMPL = new FrontendTemplateSystem(); $TMPLSYS = $TMPL->getTmplSys(); $USERCFG = new CoreUserCfg(); $maps = cfg('index', 'showmaps') == 1 ? $CORE->getListMaps() : array(); $rotations = cfg('index', 'showrotations') == 1 ? array_keys($CORE->getPermittedRotationPools()) : array(); $aData = array('generalProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseGeneralProperties(), 'workerProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseWorkerProperties(), 'stateProperties' => json_encode($_MAINCFG->getStateWeightJS()), 'userProperties' => $USERCFG->doGetAsJson(), 'pageProperties' => json_encode($this->getProperties()), 'fileAges' => json_encode(array('maincfg' => $_MAINCFG->getConfigFileAge())), 'locales' => json_encode($CORE->getGeneralJSLocales()), 'rotation_names' => json_encode($rotations), 'map_names' => json_encode($maps)); // Build page based on the template file and the data array return $TMPLSYS->get($TMPL->getTmplFile(cfg('defaults', 'view_template'), 'overview'), $aData); }
/** * Parses the map and the objects for the nagvis-js frontend * * @return String String with JS Code * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ public function parse() { global $_MAINCFG, $CORE; // Initialize template system $TMPL = new FrontendTemplateSystem(); $TMPLSYS = $TMPL->getTmplSys(); $USERCFG = new CoreUserCfg(); $this->MAPCFG = new GlobalMapCfg($this->name); $this->MAPCFG->readMapConfig(ONLY_GLOBAL, true, true, true); $aData = array('generalProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseGeneralProperties(), 'workerProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseWorkerProperties(), 'rotationProperties' => json_encode($this->aRotation), 'viewProperties' => $this->parseViewProperties(), 'stateProperties' => json_encode($_MAINCFG->getStateWeightJS()), 'pageProperties' => json_encode($this->MAPCFG->getMapProperties()), 'userProperties' => $USERCFG->doGetAsJson(), 'mapName' => $this->name, 'zoomFill' => $this->MAPCFG->getValue(0, 'zoom') == 'fill', 'fileAges' => json_encode(array('maincfg' => $_MAINCFG->getConfigFileAge(), $this->name => $this->MAPCFG->getFileModificationTime())), 'locales' => json_encode($CORE->getGeneralJSLocales())); // Build page based on the template file and the data array return $TMPLSYS->get($TMPL->getTmplFile(cfg('defaults', 'view_template'), 'map'), $aData); }
/** * Parses the information in html format * * @return String String with Html Code * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ public function parse() { global $AUTH, $AUTHORISATION; // Initialize template system $TMPL = new FrontendTemplateSystem(); $TMPLSYS = $TMPL->getTmplSys(); $userName = $AUTH->getUser(); $userId = $AUTH->getUserId(); $userRoles = $AUTHORISATION->getUserRoles($userId); $userPerms = $AUTHORISATION->parsePermissions(); $aData = array('pageTitle' => cfg('internal', 'title') . ' › ' . l('supportInfo'), 'htmlBase' => cfg('paths', 'htmlbase'), 'htmlTemplates' => path('html', 'global', 'templates'), 'nagvisVersion' => CONST_VERSION, 'phpVersion' => PHP_VERSION, 'mysqlVersion' => shell_exec('mysql --version'), 'os' => shell_exec('uname -a'), 'serverSoftware' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'scriptFilename' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'scriptName' => $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 'requestTime' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] . ' (gmdate(): ' . gmdate('r', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . ')', 'phpErrorReporting' => ini_get('error_reporting'), 'phpSafeMode' => ini_get('safe_mode') ? "yes" : "no", 'phpMaxExecTime' => ini_get('max_execution_time'), 'phpMemoryLimit' => ini_get('memory_limit'), 'phpLoadedExtensions' => implode(", ", get_loaded_extensions()), 'userAgent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'logonModule' => cfg('global', 'logonmodule'), 'authModule' => cfg('global', 'authmodule'), 'authorisationModule' => cfg('global', 'authorisationmodule'), 'logonEnvVar' => cfg('global', 'logonenvvar'), 'logonEnvVal' => isset($_SERVER[cfg('global', 'logonenvvar')]) ? $_SERVER[cfg('global', 'logonenvvar')] : '', 'logonEnvCreateUser' => cfg('global', 'logonenvcreateuser'), 'logonEnvCreateRole' => cfg('global', 'logonenvcreaterole'), 'loggedIn' => $userName . ' (' . $userId . ')', 'userRoles' => json_encode($userRoles), 'userPerms' => json_encode($userPerms), 'userAuthModule' => $AUTH->getAuthModule(), 'userLogonModule' => $AUTH->getLogonModule(), 'userAuthTrusted' => $AUTH->authedTrusted() ? l("yes") : l("no"), 'compatJsonEncode' => !COMPAT_JSON_ENCODE ? l("yes") : l("no (compat mode, may lead to performance problems)"), 'compatJsonDecode' => !COMPAT_JSON_DECODE ? l("yes") : l("no (compat mode, may lead to performance problems)")); // Build page based on the template file and the data array return $TMPLSYS->get($TMPL->getTmplFile(cfg('defaults', 'view_template'), 'info'), $aData); }
/** * Parses the url and the objects for the nagvis-js frontend * * @return String String with JS Code * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ public function parse() { global $_MAINCFG; // Initialize template system $TMPL = new FrontendTemplateSystem(); $TMPLSYS = $TMPL->getTmplSys(); $iframe = false; $url = $this->url; if (strpos($this->url, 'iframe:') === 0) { $iframe = true; $url = substr($this->url, 7); } $aData = array('generalProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseGeneralProperties(), 'workerProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseWorkerProperties(), 'rotationProperties' => json_encode($this->aRotation), 'pageProperties' => json_encode($this->getProperties()), 'iframe' => $iframe, 'url' => $url, 'fileAges' => json_encode(array('maincfg' => $_MAINCFG->getConfigFileAge())), 'locales' => json_encode(array())); // Build page based on the template file and the data array return $TMPLSYS->get($TMPL->getTmplFile(cfg('defaults', 'view_template'), 'url'), $aData); }
/** * Parses the information in html format * * @return String String with Html Code * @author Lars Michelsen <*****@*****.**> */ public function parse() { global $LOGIN_MSG, $_MAINCFG; // Initialize template system $TMPL = new FrontendTemplateSystem(); $TMPLSYS = $TMPL->getTmplSys(); $target = CoreRequestHandler::getRequestUri(''); // Add the language to the target url when the user requested a specific language if (isset($_GET['lang']) && $_GET['lang'] != '' && strpos($target, 'lang=') === false) { if (strpos($target, '?') === false) { $target .= '?lang=' . $_GET['lang']; } else { $target .= '&lang=' . $_GET['lang']; } } $aData = array('generalProperties' => $_MAINCFG->parseGeneralProperties(), 'locales' => json_encode(array()), 'pageTitle' => cfg('internal', 'title') . ' › Log In', 'htmlBase' => cfg('paths', 'htmlbase'), 'htmlJs' => cfg('paths', 'htmljs'), 'htmlCss' => cfg('paths', 'htmlcss'), 'formTarget' => $target, 'htmlTemplates' => path('html', 'global', 'templates'), 'htmlImages' => cfg('paths', 'htmlimages'), 'maxPasswordLength' => AUTH_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH, 'maxUsernameLength' => AUTH_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH, 'langName' => l('Name'), 'langPassword' => l('Password'), 'langLogin' => l('Login'), 'langTitleCookiesDisabled' => l('Cookies disabled'), 'langTextCookiesDisabled' => l('NagVis is unable to set a cookie in your browser. Please enable cookies for at least the NagVis host.'), 'loginMsg' => isset($LOGIN_MSG) && $LOGIN_MSG !== null ? $LOGIN_MSG->msg : ''); // Build page based on the template file and the data array return $TMPLSYS->get($TMPL->getTmplFile(cfg('defaults', 'view_template'), 'login'), $aData); }