  * @param $TypeInfo &array Associative array of type information:
  *  'class','summary','description','actions'
 function __construct(&$TypeInfo, $Keys)
     $this->mDataArray['Type'] =& $TypeInfo;
     $this->mDataArray['Keys'] = $Keys;
     $this->mDataArray['Custom'] = '';
 function Load()
     $this->SetData('style', $this->mStyle);
     $this->SetData('items', $this->mItems);
     $this->SetData('selected', $this->mSelected);
 function __construct($poll_data, $poll_option_data, $user_voted, $show_results)
     $this->data = $poll_data;
     $this->option_data = $poll_option_data;
     $this->user_voted = $user_voted;
     $this->show_results = $show_results;
  * @param $ViewPath string The path of a CI view.
  * @param $Data array The initial data array.
 function __construct($ViewPath, $Data = array())
     parent::__construct($ViewPath, $Data);
     // Initialise data
     $this->mUriFormat = Date_uri::DefaultFormat();
     $this->mUriBase = '';
  * @param $Class
  *	- string Message type.
  *	- array Values in array as returned by ToArray.
  * @param $Message string message text.
 function __construct($Class, $Message = '')
     if (is_array($Class)) {
         $Message = $Class['text'];
         $Class = $Class['class'];
     $this->mDataArray['class'] = $Class;
     $this->mDataArray['text'] = $Message;
  * @param $PageCode  string Page code.
  * @param $Namespace string Namespace of page code.
  * @param $Scope     array  Scope variables to pass onto page model.
  * @note Actual page code is @a Namespace : @a PageCode.
 function __construct($PageCode, $Namespace = NULL, $Scope = array())
     // Find and set page code using namespace
     if (NULL !== $Namespace) {
         $PageCode = $Namespace . ':' . $PageCode;
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $this->mProperties = $CI->pages_model->GetPropertyArrayNew('main', false, $Scope);
 function _test_static($mode = null)
     $analyser_program = '../tools/static_analysis/analyser.pl';
     $root_directory = '..';
     if (null !== $mode) {
         if ('text' == $mode || 'ajax' == $mode) {
             $text = '';
             $tests = $_POST['tests'];
             if (false !== $tests) {
                 if (preg_match('/^\\w+(,\\w+)*$/', $tests)) {
                     $tests = explode(',', $tests);
                     $command = $analyser_program . ' ' . $root_directory;
                     foreach ($tests as $test) {
                         $command .= ' -t ' . $test;
                     $text = `{$command} 2>&1`;
             if ('text' == $mode) {
                 $data = array('Text' => '');
                 $main_view = new FramesView('general/text', $data);
             } else {
                 $data = array('RootTag' => array('_tag' => 'result'));
                 foreach (explode("\n", $text) as $line) {
                     $data['RootTag'][] = array('_tag' => 'line', $line);
                 $main_view = new FramesView('general/xml', $data);
         } else {
     } else {
         $data = array('Tests' => array(), 'TestSets' => array());
         $lines = `{$analyser_program} -m`;
         $lines = explode("\n", $lines);
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
             if (preg_match('/^\\t(.*)\\t(.*)$/', $line, $matches)) {
                 $data['Tests'][$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
         $this->main_frame->SetContentSimple('admin/tools/test/static', $data);
  * @brief Echo's out the byline
 function Load()
     $this->SetData('reporters', $this->mReporters);
     $this->SetData('article_date', $this->mDate);
  * @param $ViewPath string The path of a CI view of the frame.
  * @param $Data array The initial data array.
 function __construct($ViewPath, $Data = array())
     parent::__construct($ViewPath, $Data);
     $this->mDataArray['content'] = array(0 => new FramesView(''));
 function Load()
     // Validate the included comment.
     if (!is_numeric($this->mIncludedComment)) {
         if ($this->mIncludedComment == 'last') {
             $this->mIncludedComment = count($this->mComments);
         } else {
             $this->mIncludedComment = 1;
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $this->SetData('Items', $this->mComments);
     $this->SetData('InnerView', 'comments/comment');
     $this->SetData('InnerItemName', 'Comment');
     $this->SetData('MaxPerPage', $this->mMaxPerPage);
     $this->SetData('PageLinkSpan', $this->mPageLinkSpan);
     $this->SetData('IncludedIndex', $this->mIncludedComment);
     $this->SetData('PageUrlPrefix', $CI->comment_views->GetUriPrefix());
     $this->SetData('PageUrlPostfix', $CI->comment_views->GetUriPostfix() . '#comments');
     $this->SetData('ThreadUrlPrefix', '/comments/thread/');
     $this->SetData('ThreadUrlPostfix', '');
     // for subviews (comments)
     foreach (array('Report' => 'report', 'Edit' => 'edit', 'Delete' => 'delete', 'Undelete' => 'undelete', 'Good' => 'flaggood', 'Ungood' => 'unflaggood') as $key => $value) {
         $this->SetData($key . 'UrlPrefix', '/comments/' . $value . '/');
         $this->SetData($key . 'UrlPostfix', $CI->uri->uri_string());
 function Load()
     /// Process the data before loading
     $this->ProcessEvents($this->mData, $this->mCategories);
     /// Make some links
     if (NULL !== $this->mPaths && NULL !== $this->mRangeFormat && NULL !== $this->mStartTime && NULL !== $this->mEndTime) {
         $days = Academic_time::DaysBetweenTimestamps($this->mStartTime, $this->mEndTime);
         $start = new Academic_time($this->mStartTime);
         $end = new Academic_time($this->mEndTime);
         $now = new Academic_time(time());
         $try_again = TRUE;
         if (0 === $start->AcademicDay() && 0 === $end->AcademicDay()) {
             $CI =& get_instance();
             $terms_apart = ($end->AcademicYear() - $start->AcademicYear()) * 6 + $end->AcademicTerm() - $start->AcademicTerm();
             // don't really need to scroll in years
             if (FALSE && $terms_apart >= 6) {
                 $this->SetData('ForwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() + 1, $start->AcademicTerm(), $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() + 1, $end->AcademicTerm(), $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $this->SetData('BackwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() - 1, $start->AcademicTerm(), $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() - 1, $end->AcademicTerm(), $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $try_again = FALSE;
             } elseif ($terms_apart > 0) {
                 $this->SetData('ForwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() + (5 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($start->AcademicTerm() + 1) % 6, $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() + (5 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($end->AcademicTerm() + 1) % 6, $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $this->SetData('BackwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($start->AcademicYear() - (0 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($start->AcademicTerm() + 5) % 6, $start->AcademicWeek()), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($end->AcademicYear() - (0 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($end->AcademicTerm() + 5) % 6, $end->AcademicWeek())));
                 $try_again = FALSE;
             $this->SetData('NowUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($CI->academic_calendar->Academic($now->AcademicYear(), $now->AcademicTerm(), 1), $CI->academic_calendar->Academic($now->AcademicYear() + (5 === $start->AcademicTerm() ? 1 : 0), ($now->AcademicTerm() + 1) % 6, 1)));
             $this->SetData('NowUrlLabel', 'This term');
         if ($try_again) {
             $now = $now->Midnight();
             if ($days >= 7) {
                 $forward_jump = '1week';
                 $now = $now->BackToMonday();
                 $this->SetData('NowUrlLabel', 'This week');
             } else {
                 $forward_jump = '1day';
                 $this->SetData('NowUrlLabel', 'Today');
             $this->SetData('ForwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($start->Adjust($forward_jump), $end->Adjust($forward_jump)));
             $this->SetData('BackwardUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($start->Adjust('-' . $forward_jump), $end->Adjust('-' . $forward_jump)));
             $this->SetData('NowUrl', $this->GenerateRangeUrl($now, $now->Adjust('+' . $forward_jump)));
 function __construct($prefix)
     $this->mPrefix = 'eved';