public function daily_recipesAction() { $tDate = date('Y-m-d'); $tMO = new DailyrecipesModel(); $tRow = $tMO->field('day_date')->group('day_date')->order('day_date desc')->limit('1')->fRow(); if (!empty($tRow['day_date'])) { $tDate = $tRow['day_date']; } $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); $tImgUrl = Yaf_Registry::get("config")->web->url->img; $tDatas = $tMO->field('mt_name,mt_id,title,unit,amount,weight,fid,tag, concat(\'' . $tImgUrl . '\',thumb_img) thumb_img,protein')->where('day_date = \'' . $tDate . '\'')->order('mt_id asc')->fList(); $tDatasnew = array(); foreach ($tDatas as $tRow) { $tUnits = $tFUMO->field('amount,unit,weight')->where('fid = ' . $tRow['fid'])->fList(); $tDatasnew[$tRow['mt_id']][] = array_merge($tRow, array('units' => $tUnits)); } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatasnew); }
public function listAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pDate = empty($p['date']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('日期不能为空') : trim($p['date']); if (!Tool_Validate::is_date($pDate)) { Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('日期不正确'); } $tImgUrl = Yaf_Registry::get("config")->web->url->img; $tFAMO = new R_FoodaddModel(); $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); $tFADatas = $tFAMO->field('id,fid,mt_id,mt_name,title,unit,amount,weight,protein,tag,concat(\'' . $tImgUrl . '\',thumb_img) thumb_img')->where('uid = ' . $this->tUid . ' and created >=' . strtotime($pDate) . ' and created <=' . strtotime($pDate . ' 23:59:59'))->fList(); $tDatas = array(); foreach ($tFADatas as $tKey => $tRow) { $tUnits = $tFUMO->field('amount,unit,weight')->where('fid = ' . $tRow['fid'])->fList(); #$tFADatas[$tKey]['units'] = $tUnits; $tDatas[$tRow['mt_id']][] = array_merge($tRow, array('units' => $tUnits)); } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDatas); }
public function normalAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tImgUrl = Yaf_Registry::get("config")->web->url->img; $tSql = 'select id fid,title,c_id cateid,c_title cate_title, concat(\'' . $tImgUrl . '\',thumb_img) thumb_img ,tag,protein from ' . $tFMO->table . ' where suggest = 1 order by count desc,protein desc'; $tDRDatas = $tFMO->query($tSql); $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); foreach ($tDRDatas as &$v) { $v['units'] = $tFUMO->field('unit,amount,weight')->where(' fid = ' . $v['fid'])->fList(); } Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('', 1, $tDRDatas); }
public function addfoodAction() { $p = $_REQUEST; $pFid = empty($p['id']) ? Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('错误异常 001') : intval($p['id']); $tFMO = new FoodModel(); $tRow = $tFMO->field('id,title,tag,protein,thumb_img')->where('id =' . $pFid)->fRow(); $tRow['protein'] = floatval($tRow['protein']) / 100; $tFUMO = new FoodunitsModel(); $tUnit = $tFUMO->field('id,amount,unit,weight,calory')->where(' fid = ' . $pFid)->fList(); $tMTMO = new MealtypeModel(); $pType = $tMTMO->field('id,name')->fList(); $this->assign('tRow', $tRow); $this->assign('pUnit', $tUnit); $this->assign('pType', $pType); }