
# manage site
this page handles both gets and sets.
ideally we could check for post vars, process set request, then location change to a get
however we also need to show invalid post requests? maybe we could just do that client side.
require_once '../../flot-admin/core/base.php';
require_once '../../flot-admin/core/flot.php';
$flot = new Flot();
$admin_ui = new AdminUI();
if (!$flot->b_is_user_admin()) {
    # forward them to login page
$html_main_admin_content = "";
$html_main_admin_content_menu = "";
$s_body_class = "";
$s_section = "";
$ufUf = new UtilityFunctions();
if ($ufUf->b_post_vars()) {
    # handle post request
    $s_action = $ufUf->s_post_var_from_allowed("action", array("edit"), "edit");
    $s_section = $ufUf->s_post_var_from_allowed("section", array("items", "elements", "pictures", "menus", "settings", "oncologies"), "items");
    switch ($s_section) {
        case "items":
            switch ($s_action) {
                case 'edit':
文件: items.php 项目: Divian/flot
 function update_from_post()
     # update the item from post variables
     # we can find out what post variables to look for by checking our oncology
     $flot = new Flot();
     $ufUF = new UtilityFunctions();
     // set url auto to false as a default, since it will only be posted if it was checked
     $this->o_loaded_item_object->url_auto = "false";
     $this->o_loaded_item_object->url = "";
     foreach ($this->o_oncology->elements as $element) {
         // go through all items in oncology
         $s_new_value = $ufUF->s_post_var($element, false);
         if ($s_new_value) {
             $this->o_loaded_item_object->{$element} = urldecode($s_new_value);
     # update date and set author
     $this->o_loaded_item_object->date_modified = date("d-m-Y");
     $this->o_loaded_item_object->author = $flot->s_current_user;
     $oa_full_elements = array();
     foreach ($this->o_oncology->full_elements as $element) {
         $s_new_value = $ufUF->s_post_var($element->name, false);
         if ($s_new_value) {
             if ($element->editable === "true") {
                 //$this->datastore->oa_individual_items[$this->o_loaded_item_object->id][$element->name] = urldecode($s_new_value);
                 $oa_full_elements[$element->name] = urldecode($s_new_value);
     // save full item, which we just edited directly
文件: elements.php 项目: Divian/flot
 function update_from_post()
     $flot = new Flot();
     $ufUF = new UtilityFunctions();
     $s_new_title = $ufUF->s_post_var("title", false);
     $s_new_value = $ufUF->s_post_var("content_html", false);
     # update date and set author
     $this->o_loaded_element_object->title = $s_new_title;
     $this->o_loaded_element_object->date_modified = date("d-m-Y");
     $this->o_loaded_element_object->author = $flot->s_current_user;
     $this->datastore->oa_individual_elements[$this->o_loaded_element_object->id] = array();
     $this->datastore->oa_individual_elements[$this->o_loaded_element_object->id]['content_html'] = $s_new_value;
     // save full item, which we just edited directly