public function validated() { include_once "models/FlightModel.php"; $flightModel = new FlightModel(); $okay = true; if (!$flightModel->IsExistId($this->flight_id)) { $okay = false; $this->setError("Session expired contact admin or stage over again"); } else { if (intval($this->adult_no) == 0 || $this->adult_no == NULL) { $okay = false; $this->setError("Specify the number of adults please!"); } else { if ($this->ticket_cat == NULL || trim($this->ticket_cat) == "") { $okay = false; $this->setError("Select ticket category!"); } else { if ($this->ticket_type == NULL || trim($this->ticket_type) == "") { $okay = false; $this->setError("Select ticket ticket!"); } else { return $okay; } } } } }
function SaveChange($id, $planeId, $from, $to, $depatureDate, $landingDate, $boardingtime, $landingTime, $noOfStops, $ticketPrice, $option = null) { $flight = new Flight(); $flight->set($planeId, $from, $to, $depatureDate, $landingDate, $boardingtime, $landingTime, $ticketPrice, $noOfStops); $flight->Id = $id; $this->flightModelView->flight = $flight; $flight->mode = "edit"; $flightModel = new FlightModel(); if ($flightModel->IsExistId($id)) { $flightModel->Update($flight->Id, $flight); } $this->flightModelView->flightList = $flightModel->GetAllFlights(); return $this->View($this->flightModelView, "Flight", "Index"); }
<?php include_once "entities/Flight.php"; include_once "models/FlightModel.php"; $model = new FlightModel(); $flightList = $model->GetAllDistinctFlights(); ?> <?php $object = new ArrayIterator(); $object->offsetSet("method", "post"); $object->offsetSet("class", "form form-horizontal "); ContextManager::BeginForm("Flight", "Search", $object); ?> <?php if (Session::get("db_username") == null) { ?> <div class="title border-sm-1">Search Flights</div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="title borderless ">Agent Flights Search </div> <?php } ?>
function Flight() { $id = Request::RequestParams("id"); include_once "models/FlightModel.php"; $flightModel = new FlightModel(); $this->viewModel->flightDbModel = $flightModel; $this->viewModel->flight = $flightModel->GetFlightById($id); $this->ViewBag("Title", "Booking"); $this->ViewBag("Controller", "Booking"); $this->ViewBag("Page", "Flight"); return $this->View($this->viewModel, "Home", "Index"); }
depending on the action. */ session_start(); include "../classes/User.php"; include "../classes/BookingDetails.php"; include "../classes/FlightSearchParameters.php"; include "../classes/FlightDetails.php"; include "../classes/Review.php"; include "../classes/Passenger.php"; include "../model/UserAccountModel.php"; include "../model/BookingModel.php"; include "../model/FlightModel.php"; include "../model/ReviewModel.php"; $userModel = new UserAccountModel(); $bookingModel = new BookingModel(); $flightModel = new FlightModel(); $reviewModel = new ReviewModel(); if ($_SESSION['action'] == "login") { $user = unserialize($_SESSION['user']); $arrayOfBookings = array(); if ($userModel->isUserPresent($user->getLoginId(), $user->getPassword()) == true) { $user = $userModel->getUserInstance($user->getLoginId(), $user->getPassword()); $_SESSION['userId'] = $user->getUserId(); $_SESSION['userMiles'] = $user->getMiles(); $_SESSION['loginName'] = $user->getLoginId(); $arrayOfBookings = $bookingModel->getBookings($user->getUserId()); $_SESSION['bookingsArray'] = serialize($arrayOfBookings); header("Location: ../view/Startup.php"); } else { $_SESSION['loginToken'] = "invalid"; header("Location: ../view/Login.php");