  * Retrieves a document specified by the ID and returns a MARC record.
  * @param   string  $id         The document to retrieve from Solr
  * @access  public
  * @throws  object              PEAR Error
  * @return  string              The requested resource
 function getRecord($id)
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo "<pre>Get Record: {$id}</pre>\n";
     // Query String Parameters
     $options = array('operation' => 'searchRetrieve', 'query' => "rec.id=\"{$id}\"", 'maximumRecords' => 1, 'startRecord' => 1, 'recordSchema' => 'marcxml');
     $result = $this->_call('GET', $options, false);
     if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
     $style = new DOMDocument();
     $xsl = new XSLTProcessor();
     $xml = new DOMDocument();
     $marcxml = $xsl->transformToXML($xml);
     $marc = new File_MARCXML($marcxml, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
     return $marc->next();
文件: mashin.php 项目: pode/mashin
 $sru_url = $config['sru'];
 $sru_url .= "?operation=searchRetrieve";
 $sru_url .= "&version={$version}";
 $sru_url .= "&query={$query}";
 $sru_url .= "&recordSchema={$recordSchema}";
 $sru_url .= "&startRecord={$startRecord}";
 $sru_url .= "&maximumRecords={$maximumRecords}";
 // Fetch the SRU data
 $sru_data = file_get_contents($sru_url) or exit("SRU error");
 // Turn the returned XML in to pure MARCXML
 $sru_data = str_replace("<record xmlns=\"http://www.loc.gov/MARC21/slim\">", "<record>", $sru_data);
 preg_match_all('/(<record>.*?<\\/record>)/si', $sru_data, $treff);
 $marcxml = implode("\n\n", $treff[0]);
 $marcxml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n<collection>\n{$marcxml}\n</collection>";
 // Parse the XML
 $records = new File_MARCXML($marcxml, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
 // Get the first (and only) record
 $record = $records->next();
 $out = '';
 // Decide what to do based on the contents of the MARC record
 // Journals
 // Fetch TOC (most recent articles) by way of Journal TOCs
 // http://www.journaltocs.hw.ac.uk/index.php?action=api
 if ($record->getField("022") && $record->getField("022")->getSubfield("a")) {
     $issn = marctrim($record->getField("022")->getSubfield("a"));
     if ($issn) {
         $url = 'http://www.journaltocs.hw.ac.uk/api/journals/' . $issn . '?output=articles';
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
         $xml->registerXPathNamespace("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#");
         $xml->registerXPathNamespace("prism", "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/1.2/basic/");
         $xml->registerXPathNamespace("dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/");
文件: Holdings.php 项目: CUSAT/vufind
  * Set holdings structure
  * @param    String $holdingsXml
  * @throws    \File_MARC_Exception
 protected function setHoldingsContent($holdingsXml)
     if (is_string($holdingsXml) && strlen($holdingsXml) > 30) {
         $holdingsMarcXml = new \File_MARCXML($holdingsXml, \File_MARCXML::SOURCE_STRING);
         $marcData = $holdingsMarcXml->next();
         if (!$marcData) {
             throw new \File_MARC_Exception('Cannot Process Holdings Structure');
         $this->holdings = $marcData;
     } else {
         // Invalid input data. Currently just ignore it
         $this->holdings = false;
         $this->holdingData = array();
  * Constructor
  * @access public
 public function __construct()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     // Assign the ID of the last search so the user can return to it.
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     $this->id = $_REQUEST['id'];
     $interface->assign('id', $this->id);
     $this->cacheId = 'WCRecord|' . $this->id . '|' . get_class($this);
     // Define Default Tab
     $tab = isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != 'Record' ? $_GET['action'] : 'Holdings';
     $interface->assign('tab', $tab);
     // Fetch Record
     $this->worldcat = new Worldcat();
     $record = $this->worldcat->getRecord($this->id);
     if (PEAR::isError($record)) {
     // Process MARCXML Data
     $marc = new File_MARCXML($record, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
     if ($this->record = $marc->next()) {
         $interface->assign('marc', $this->record);
     } else {
         PEAR::raiseError('Cannot Process MARC Record');
     // Save best available ISBN value:
     $this->isbn = $this->_getBestISBN();
     // Define External Content Provider
     if ($this->isbn) {
         $interface->assign('isbn', $this->isbn);
         if (isset($configArray['Content']['reviews'])) {
             $interface->assign('hasReviews', true);
         if (isset($configArray['Content']['excerpts'])) {
             $interface->assign('hasExcerpt', true);
     // Retrieve tags associated with the record
     $resource = new Resource();
     $resource->record_id = $this->id;
     $resource->source = 'WorldCat';
     $tags = $resource->getTags();
     $interface->assign('tagList', is_array($tags) ? $tags : array());
     // Find Similar Records
     $similar = $this->worldcat->getMoreLikeThis($this->record);
     $interface->assign('similarRecords', $similar['record']);
     // Find Other Editions
     $editions = $this->_getEditions();
     if (!PEAR::isError($editions)) {
         $interface->assign('editions', $editions);
     // Define CoINs Identifier
     $coinsID = isset($configArray['OpenURL']['rfr_id']) ? $configArray['OpenURL']['rfr_id'] : $configArray['COinS']['identifier'];
     if (empty($coinsID)) {
         $coinsID = 'vufind.svn.sourceforge.net';
     $interface->assign('coinsID', $coinsID);
     // Set Proxy URL
     $interface->assign('proxy', isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host']) ? $configArray['EZproxy']['host'] : false);
  * Given a subject term, get related (broader/narrower/alternate) terms.
  * Loosely adapted from Eric Lease Morgan's Term Finder demo (see
  * http://zoia.library.nd.edu/sandbox/term-finder/).  Note that this is
  * intended as a fairly fuzzy search -- $term need not be an exact subject
  * heading; this function will return best guess matches in the 'exact'
  * key, possible broader terms in the 'broader' key and possible narrower
  * terms in the 'narrower' key of the return array.
  * @param string $term       Term to get related terms for.
  * @param string $vocabulary Vocabulary to search (default = LCSH; see OCLC docs
  * for other options).
  * @param int    $maxRecords Max # of records to read from API (more = slower).
  * @return mixed             False on error, otherwise array of related terms,
  * keyed by category.
  * @access public
 public function getRelatedTerms($term, $vocabulary = 'lcsh', $maxRecords = 10)
     // Strip quotes from incoming term:
     $term = str_replace('"', '', $term);
     // Build the request URL:
     $url = "http://tspilot.oclc.org/" . urlencode($vocabulary) . "/?" . "query=oclcts.preferredTerm+%3D+%22" . urlencode($term) . "%22+OR+oclcts.alternativeTerms+%3D+%22" . urlencode($term) . "%22" . "&version=1.1" . "&operation=searchRetrieve" . "&recordSchema=info%3Asrw%2Fschema%2F1%2Fmarcxml-v1.1" . "&maximumRecords=" . intval($maxRecords) . "&startRecord=1" . "&resultSetTTL=300" . "&recordPacking=xml" . "&recordXPath=" . "&sortKeys=recordcount";
     // Get the API response:
     $data = @file_get_contents($url);
     // Extract plain MARCXML from the WorldCat response:
     $style = new DOMDocument();
     $xsl = new XSLTProcessor();
     $xml = new DOMDocument();
     $marcxml = $xsl->transformToXML($xml);
     // Try to parse the MARCXML into a File_MARC object; if this fails,
     // we probably have bad MARCXML, which may indicate an API failure
     // or an empty record set.  Just give up if this happens!
     try {
         $marc = new File_MARCXML($marcxml, File_MARCXML::SOURCE_STRING);
     } catch (File_MARC_Exception $e) {
         return false;
     // Initialize arrays:
     $exact = array();
     $broader = array();
     $narrower = array();
     while ($record = $marc->next()) {
         // Get exact terms:
         $actual = $record->getField('150');
         if ($actual) {
             $main = $actual->getSubfield('a');
             if ($main) {
                 // Some versions of File_MARCXML seem to have trouble returning
                 // strings properly (giving back XML objects instead); let's
                 // cast to string to be sure we get what we expect!
                 $main = (string) $main->getData();
                 // Add subdivisions:
                 $subdivisions = $actual->getSubfields('x');
                 if ($subdivisions) {
                     foreach ($subdivisions as $current) {
                         $main .= ', ' . (string) $current->getData();
                 // Only save the actual term if it is not a subset of the
                 // requested term.
                 if (!stristr($term, $main)) {
                     $exact[] = $main;
         // Get broader/narrower terms:
         $related = $record->getFields('550');
         foreach ($related as $current) {
             $type = $current->getSubfield('w');
             $value = $current->getSubfield('a');
             if ($type && $value) {
                 $type = (string) $type->getData();
                 $value = (string) $value->getData();
                 if ($type == 'g') {
                     // Don't save exact matches to the user-entered term:
                     if (strcasecmp($term, $value) != 0) {
                         $broader[] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ($type == 'h') {
                         // Don't save exact matches to the user-entered term:
                         if (strcasecmp($term, $value) != 0) {
                             $narrower[] = $value;
     // Send back everything we found, sorted and filtered for uniqueness; note
     // that we do NOT sort FAST results since they support relevance ranking.
     // As of this writing, other vocabularies do not support relevance.
     if ($vocabulary !== 'fast') {
     return array('exact' => array_unique($exact), 'broader' => array_unique($broader), 'narrower' => array_unique($narrower));
function postvisning($id)
    global $config;
    $marcxml = '';
    if (!empty($config['libraries'][$_GET['bib']]['sru'])) {
        $marcxml = get_sru('rec.id=' . urlencode($id), 1);
    } else {
        $marcxml = get_z('tnr=' . urlencode($id), 1);
    if ($config['debug']) {
        echo "\n\n <!-- \n\n {$marcxml} \n\n --> \n\n ";
    // Variabel som skal samle opp output
    $out = "";
    // Hent ut MARC-postene fra strengen i $marcxml
    $poster = new File_MARCXML($marcxml, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
    // Gå igjennom postene
    while ($post = $poster->next()) {
        $out .= '<p class="tilbake"><a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Tilbake til trefflista</a></p>';
        $data = get_basisinfo($post, true);
        $out .= $data['post'];
        $out .= get_detaljer($post);
    return $out;
function glitre_sort($marcxml, $sort_by = 'default', $sort_order = 'default')
    global $config;
    if ($sort_by == 'default') {
        $sort_by = $config['default_sort_by'];
    if ($sort_order == 'default') {
        $sort_order = $config['default_sort_order'];
    // Check that sort_by and sort_order are valid
    $allowed_sort_by = array('author', 'year', 'title');
    if (!in_array($sort_by, $allowed_sort_by)) {
        exit("Invalid sort_by: {$sort_by}");
    $allowed_sort_order = array('descending', 'ascending');
    if (!in_array($sort_order, $allowed_sort_order)) {
        exit("Invalid sort_order: {$sort_order}");
    // Parse the records
    $rawrecords = new File_MARCXML($marcxml, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
    // Make the records sortable
    $records = array();
    while ($rawrec = $rawrecords->next()) {
        $records[] = get_sortable_record($rawrec);
    // Do the actual sorting
    if ($sort_by == 'year' && $sort_order == 'descending') {
        usort($records, "sort_year_descending");
    } elseif ($sort_by == 'year' && $sort_order == 'ascending') {
        usort($records, "sort_year_ascending");
    } elseif ($sort_by == 'title' && $sort_order == 'descending') {
        usort($records, "sort_title_descending");
    } elseif ($sort_by == 'title' && $sort_order == 'ascending') {
        usort($records, "sort_title_ascending");
    } elseif ($sort_by == 'author' && $sort_order == 'descending') {
        usort($records, "sort_author_descending");
    } elseif ($sort_by == 'author' && $sort_order == 'ascending') {
        usort($records, "sort_author_ascending");
    return $records;