public function processQuickAdd(NodeRef $nodeRef, Node &$newNode)
     try {
         $workdir = $this->vendorCacheDirectory;
         $fileURL = (string) $this->Request->getParameter('FileURL');
         if (empty($fileURL)) {
             $fileURL = (string) $this->Request->getParameter('Url');
         $dataURL = (string) $this->Request->getParameter('DataURL');
         if ($fileURL != null && trim($fileURL) !== '') {
             //process file from URL
             //                $data = $this->HttpRequest->fetchURL($fileURL);
             //                if($data === FALSE)
             //                    throw new Exception("Could not get contents of image file at the specified URL.  Please try uploading the image from a local file.");
             //                $basename = basename($fileURL);
             //                if(($qpos = strpos($basename,'?')) !== false)
             //                    $basename = substr($basename,0,$qpos);
             //                $uploadTempPath = rtrim($workdir, '/').'/uploads/'.$basename;
             //                FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($uploadTempPath, $data);
             $this->getMediaService()->storeMediaFromURL($fileURL, $newNode);
         } else {
             if ($dataURL != null && trim($dataURL) !== '') {
                 if (preg_match("/^data:(.*?);base64,(.*)\$/", $dataURL, $m)) {
                     $mimeType = $m[1];
                     $data = $m[2];
                     if (empty($data)) {
                         throw new Exception("Could not parse data from base64 encoded DataURL");
                     $mimeParts = explode('/', $mimeType);
                     $fname = mt_rand() . '.' . $mimeParts[1];
                     $newPath = rtrim($workdir, '/') . '/uploads/' . $fname;
                     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($newPath, base64_decode($data));
                     $this->getMediaService()->storeMedia($newPath, $newNode);
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Invalid base64 encoded DataURL format");
             } else {
                 foreach ($this->Request->getUploadedFiles() as $name => $upload) {
                     if (!$upload->isEmpty()) {
                         $dotPos = strrpos($upload->getName(), '.');
                         if ($dotPos === FALSE) {
                             throw new Exception("Uploaded file name missing extension!");
                         //$uploadBaseName = SlugUtils::createSlug($newNode->Title);
                         //$uploadExtension = strtolower(substr($upload->getName(), $dotPos+1));
                         //$uploadName = $uploadBaseName.'.'.$uploadExtension;
                         $uploadTempPath = $upload->getTemporaryName();
                         $newPath = rtrim($workdir, '/') . '/uploads/' . preg_replace('/[\\x80-\\xFF]/', '', $upload->getName());
                         if (!$upload->transferTo($newPath)) {
                             throw new Exception('Unable to transfer upload to: ' . $newPath);
                         $this->getMediaService()->storeMedia($newPath, $newNode);
                         //only process 1 uploaded file (for now)
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("Unsuccessful upload: " . $upload->getHumanError());
     } catch (StorageFacilityException $sfe) {
         throw new Exception("An error occurred storing the file(s): " . $sfe->getMessage());
     } catch (ThumbnailsException $te) {
         throw new Exception("An error occurred generating the thumbnail(s): " . $te->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception("An error occurred while processing the file(s): " . $e->getMessage());
 protected function logLine($message)
     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($this->logFile, '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] ' . $message . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
 protected function storeDeploymentCache($aggregatePath, $cacheArray)
     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($aggregatePath, JSONUtils::encode($cacheArray, true));
  * Performs a write to the filesystem of our data.
  * @param string $filename The filename to write to
  * @param string $value    The data to write.
  * @return void
 protected function writeFile($filename, $value)
     try {
         FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($filename, serialize($value));
         return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
  * Combines all the listed files into a single file at {@link $aggregatePath}
  * @param string $md5           The md5 (stored in the aggregate)
  * @param array  $files         A list of files to store
  * @param string $aggregatePath The name of the file to write our aggregate to
  * @return array An array with urls as the keys and data as values
 protected function aggregateFiles($md5, array $files, $aggregatePath)
     $file = array("md5" => $md5, $this->subject => array(), "files" => $files);
     $aggregateContents = "<?php\n\n\$contents = \n" . var_export($file, true) . "\n\n?><?php\n        \$" . $this->subject . " = array(\n        ";
     foreach ($files as $filename) {
         if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         $fileContents = file_get_contents($filename);
         $fileContents = preg_replace('/\\$' . $this->subject . '\\s*\\=\\s*array\\s*\\(/i', '', $fileContents);
         $fileContents = preg_replace('/\\<\\?php/i', '', $fileContents);
         $fileContents = preg_replace('/\\)\\;\\s*(\\?\\>)?/', '', $fileContents);
         $aggregateContents .= $fileContents;
         //            include $filename;
         //$subject = $this->subject;
         //            if (isset($$subject)) {
         //                foreach ($$subject as $url => $params)
         //                    $file[$this->subject][$url] = $params;
         //            }
     $aggregateContents .= " ); ?>";
     //        if (empty(${$this->subject}))
     //            return array();
     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($aggregatePath, $aggregateContents);
     include $aggregatePath;
     return ${$this->subject};
 public function save()
     if ($this->lockSystemChanges) {
     if (!$this->changed) {
     $xml = new SimpleXMLExtended('<system/>');
     $test = $xml->addChild('plugins');
     foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) {
     $test = $xml->addChild('elements');
     foreach ($this->elements as $element) {
     $test = $xml->addChild('aspects');
     foreach ($this->aspects as $aspect) {
     $test = $xml->addChild('cmsnavitems');
     foreach ($this->cmsNavItems as $navItem) {
     $newContents = $xml->asPrettyXML();
     $backup = $this->backupPath . '/system.' . $this->DateFactory->newStorageDate()->format('Y_m_d_His') . '.' . microtime(true) . '.xml';
     FileSystemUtils::safeCopy($this->systemXMLFile, $backup);
     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($this->systemXMLFile, $newContents);
     $this->changed = false;
 public function quickAdd()
     try {
         try {
             $mediaElementStr = (string) $this->Request->getRequiredParameter('ParentElement');
             $mediaElement = $this->ElementService->getBySlug($mediaElementStr);
             $workdir = $this->vendorCacheDirectory;
             $fileURL = (string) $this->Request->getParameter('FileURL');
             if ($fileURL != null && trim($fileURL) !== '') {
                 //process file from URL
                 $data = $this->HttpRequest->fetchURL($fileURL);
                 if ($data === FALSE) {
                     throw new Exception("Could not get contents of file at the specified URL.  Please try uploading the file from a local file.");
                 $basename = basename($fileURL);
                 if (($qpos = strpos($basename, '?')) !== false) {
                     $basename = substr($basename, 0, $qpos);
                 $uploadTempPath = rtrim($workdir, '/') . '/uploads/' . $basename;
                 FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($uploadTempPath, $data);
                 $node = $this->FileService->createFileNode($mediaElement, null, $uploadTempPath);
             } else {
                 foreach ($this->Request->getUploadedFiles() as $name => $upload) {
                     if (!$upload->isEmpty()) {
                         $dotPos = strrpos($upload->getName(), '.');
                         if ($dotPos === FALSE) {
                             throw new Exception("Uploaded file name missing extension!");
                         //$uploadBaseName = SlugUtils::createSlug($newNode->Title);
                         //$uploadExtension = strtolower(substr($upload->getName(), $dotPos+1));
                         //$uploadName = $uploadBaseName.'.'.$uploadExtension;
                         $uploadTempPath = $upload->getTemporaryName();
                         $newPath = rtrim($workdir, '/') . '/uploads/' . $upload->getName();
                         if (!$upload->transferTo($newPath)) {
                             throw new Exception('Unable to transfer upload to: ' . $newPath);
                         $node = $this->FileService->createFileNode($mediaElement, null, $newPath);
                         //only process 1 uploaded file (for now)
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("Unsuccessful upload: " . $upload->getHumanError());
         } catch (StorageFacilityException $sfe) {
             throw new Exception("An error occurred storing the media file(s): " . $sfe->getMessage());
         } catch (ThumbnailsException $te) {
             throw new Exception("An error occurred generating the thumbnail(s): " . $te->getMessage());
         } catch (HttpRequestServerException $hrse) {
             throw new Exception("An error occurred while fetching the media file(s): " . $hrse->getCode());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             throw new Exception("An error occurred while processing the media file(s): " . $e->getMessage());
         // create node
         $node = $this->RegulatedNodeService->getByNodeRef($node->getNodeRef(), new NodePartials());
         return new View($this->successView());
     } catch (ValidationException $e) {
         throw $e;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errors->addGlobalError($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage())->throwOnError();
  * Processes an array (or single) of assets.
  * @param array    $assets           Array of asset file names, or a single asset file name
  * @param string   $optionsKey       String representation of the options; used to create aggregated file name
  * @param string   $extension        File extension, 'js' or 'css'
  * @param callback $compressCallback Callback to execute to compress the contents of the asset.  If null, the
  *                                   contents won't be compressed.
  * @return StorageFacilityFile Aggregated file stored in the aggregate storage facility (with url populated)
 protected function processAsset($asset, $optionsKey, $extension)
     $ts = $this->AssetService->getOriginTimestamp($asset);
     $prefix = '';
     $p = basename($asset);
     $prefix = rtrim($p, '.' . $extension) . '.';
     $cacheFileId = '/' . $this->cacheBasePath . '/' . $prefix . md5(serialize(array($asset, $optionsKey, $ts))) . ".v" . $this->DateFactory->newStorageDate($ts)->format(AssetAggregator::DATE_FORMAT) . "." . $extension;
     if (!$this->AssetService->fileExists($cacheFileId)) {
         $deployedfile = $this->AssetService->getOriginPath($asset);
         $contents = @file_get_contents($deployedfile);
         if ($contents === false) {
             throw new Exception("Reading contents of file '{$deployedfile}' for asset '{$asset}' failed (empty file contents will cause failure).");
         // strip non-ASCII characters
         $contents = preg_replace('/[^(\\x20-\\x7F)\\x0A]*/', '', $contents);
         $tmpFile = $this->vendorCacheDirectory . '/assetCache' . $cacheFileId;
         if (!is_writable($this->vendorCacheDirectory)) {
             throw new Exception('Vendor cache directory is not writable: ' . $this->vendorCacheDirectory);
         FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($tmpFile, $contents);
         $this->AssetService->putFile($cacheFileId, $tmpFile, $ts);
     $aggregateFile = $this->AssetService->resolveFile($cacheFileId);
     return $aggregateFile->getURL();
  * Writes the contents to the config file, after first
  * backing up the current config
  * @param string $contents The contents to write to the config file
  * @return void
 public function saveContents($contents)
     $path = pathinfo($this->configFileLocation);
     //BACKUP CURRENT config.php
     $backup = $this->backupPath . '/pluginconfig.' . date('Y_m_d_His') . '.php';
     FileSystemUtils::safeCopy($this->configFileLocation, $backup);
     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($this->configFileLocation, $contents);
     $this->VersionService->incrementDeploymentRevision('Saved config.php');
 public function storeMediaFromURL($url, Node $media, $desiredFilename = null)
     $workdir = $this->vendorCacheDirectory;
     try {
         $data = $this->HttpRequest->fetchURL($url);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $data = FALSE;
     if ($data === FALSE) {
         throw new Exception("Could not get contents of file at the specified URL.  Please try uploading from a local file.");
     if (is_null($desiredFilename)) {
         $ext = pathinfo(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH), PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
         $ext = !empty($ext) && strlen($ext) <= 4 ? $ext : $this->getDefaultExtension();
         $uploadTempPath = trim($workdir . '/uploads/' . mt_rand() . '.' . $ext);
     } else {
         $uploadTempPath = trim($workdir . '/uploads/' . $desiredFilename);
     FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($uploadTempPath, $data);
     $media = $this->storeMedia($uploadTempPath, $media, $desiredFilename);
     return $media;
 public function export($file, $elements = 'all', $fireEvents = false, $ignoreInTags = false)
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         throw new Exception('Cannot write export file [' . $file . '], file exists');
     if (!$fireEvents) {
     $log = '';
     if ($elements == 'all') {
         $elements = $this->ElementService->findAll()->getResults();
     } else {
         $elementSlugs = StringUtils::smartExplode($elements);
         $elements = array();
         foreach ($elementSlugs as $eSlug) {
             $elements[] = $this->ElementService->getBySlug($eSlug);
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $offset = 0;
         $nq = new NodeQuery();
         $nq->setParameter('', $element->getSlug());
         $nq->setParameter('', 'all');
         $nq->setParameter('', 'all');
         if (!$ignoreInTags) {
             $nq->setParameter('', 'all');
         $nq = $this->NodeService->findAll($nq, true);
         $nodes = $nq->getResults();
         $tCount = $nq->getTotalRecords();
         $count = 0;
         while (count($nodes) > 0) {
             foreach ($nodes as $node) {
                 FileSystemUtils::safeFilePutContents($file, json_encode($this->NodeMapper->nodeToInputArray($node)) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
             $offset += 1000;
             $nq = new NodeQuery();
             $nq->setParameter('', $element->getSlug());
             $nq->setParameter('', 'all');
             $nq->setParameter('', 'all');
             if (!$ignoreInTags) {
                 $nq->setParameter('', 'all');
             $nodes = $this->NodeService->findAll($nq)->getResults();
         $log .= 'Exported ' . $count . ' of ' . $tCount . ' ' . $element->getSlug() . " nodes.\n";
     if (!$fireEvents) {
     return $log;