  * @brief Get the points
 function getPoint($member_srl, $from_db = false)
     $member_srl = abs($member_srl);
     // Get from instance memory
     if (!$from_db && $this->pointList[$member_srl]) {
         return $this->pointList[$member_srl];
     // Get from file cache
     $path = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/member_extra_info/point/%s', getNumberingPath($member_srl));
     $cache_filename = sprintf('%s%d.cache.txt', $path, $member_srl);
     if (!$from_db && file_exists($cache_filename)) {
         return $this->pointList[$member_srl] = trim(FileHandler::readFile($cache_filename));
     // Get from the DB
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->member_srl = $member_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('point.getPoint', $args);
     if (isset($output->data->member_srl)) {
         $point = (int) $output->data->point;
         $this->pointList[$member_srl] = $point;
         if (!is_dir($path)) {
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_filename, $point);
         return $point;
     return 0;
 function _getWidgetContent()
     // Arrange a widget ryeolro
     if ($this->module_info->mcontent) {
         $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/page/%d.%s.m.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $this->module_info->module_srl, Context::getLangType());
         $interval = (int) $this->module_info->page_caching_interval;
         if ($interval > 0) {
             if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filesize($cache_file) < 1) {
                 $mtime = 0;
             } else {
                 $mtime = filemtime($cache_file);
             if ($mtime + $interval * 60 > time()) {
                 $page_content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
                 $page_content = preg_replace('@<\\!--#Meta:@', '<!--Meta:', $page_content);
             } else {
                 $oWidgetController =& getController('widget');
                 $page_content = $oWidgetController->transWidgetCode($this->module_info->mcontent);
                 FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $page_content);
         } else {
             if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
             $page_content = $this->module_info->mcontent;
     } else {
         preg_match_all('!(<img)([^\\>]*)(widget=)([^\\>]*?)(\\>)!is', $this->module_info->content, $matches);
         $page_content = '';
         for ($i = 0, $c = count($matches[0]); $i < $c; $i++) {
             $page_content .= preg_replace('/ style\\=\\"([^\\"]+)\\" /i', ' style="overflow:hidden;clear:both;margin:0 0 20px 0; _margin-right:10px;" ', $matches[0][$i]) . "\n\n";
     return $page_content;
 function _getWidgetContent()
     // Arrange a widget ryeolro
     if ($this->module_info->mcontent) {
         $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/page/%d.%s.m.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $this->module_info->module_srl, Context::getLangType());
         $interval = (int) $this->module_info->page_caching_interval;
         if ($interval > 0) {
             if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filesize($cache_file) < 1) {
                 $mtime = 0;
             } else {
                 $mtime = filemtime($cache_file);
             if ($mtime + $interval * 60 > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
                 $page_content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
                 $page_content = preg_replace('@<\\!--#Meta:@', '<!--Meta:', $page_content);
             } else {
                 $oWidgetController = getController('widget');
                 $page_content = $oWidgetController->transWidgetCode($this->module_info->mcontent);
                 FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $page_content);
         } else {
             if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
             $page_content = $this->module_info->mcontent;
     } else {
         $page_content = $this->module_info->content;
     return $page_content;
function getNewsFromAgency()
    //Retrieve recent news and set them into context
    $newest_news_url = sprintf("http://www.xeshoppingmall.com/?module=newsagency&act=getNewsagencyArticle&inst=notice&top=6&loc=%s", _XE_LOCATION_);
    $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/nstore_news.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, _XE_LOCATION_);
    if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) + 60 * 60 < time()) {
        // Considering if data cannot be retrieved due to network problem, modify filemtime to prevent trying to reload again when refreshing textmessageistration page
        // Ensure to access the textmessageistration page even though news cannot be displayed
        FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '');
        FileHandler::getRemoteFile($newest_news_url, $cache_file, null, 1, 'GET', 'text/html', array('REQUESTURL' => getFullUrl('')));
    if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
        $oXml = new XmlParser();
        $buff = $oXml->parse(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
        $item = $buff->zbxe_news->item;
        if ($item) {
            if (!is_array($item)) {
                $item = array($item);
            foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                $obj = null;
                $obj->title = $val->body;
                $obj->date = $val->attrs->date;
                $obj->url = $val->attrs->url;
                $news[] = $obj;
            return $news;
  * @brief 일반 요청시 출력
 function dispPageIndex()
     // 템플릿에서 사용할 변수를 Context::set()
     if ($this->module_srl) {
         Context::set('module_srl', $this->module_srl);
     // 캐시 파일 지정
     $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/page/%d.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $this->module_info->module_srl, Context::getLangType());
     $interval = (int) $this->module_info->page_caching_interval;
     if ($interval > 0) {
         if (!file_exists($cache_file)) {
             $mtime = 0;
         } else {
             $mtime = filemtime($cache_file);
         if ($mtime + $interval * 60 > time()) {
             $page_content = FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
         } else {
             $oWidgetController =& getController('widget');
             $page_content = $oWidgetController->transWidgetCode($this->module_info->content);
             FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $page_content);
     } else {
         if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $page_content = $this->module_info->content;
     Context::set('module_info', $this->module_info);
     Context::set('page_content', $page_content);
 function procAuthenticationAdminConfig()
     $args = Context::getRequestVars();
     if (!trim(strip_tags($args->agreement))) {
         $agreement_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/authentication/agreement_' . Context::get('lang_type') . '.txt';
         $args->agreement = NULL;
     // check agreement value exist
     if ($args->agreement) {
         $agreement_file = _XE_PATH_ . 'files/authentication/agreement_' . Context::get('lang_type') . '.txt';
         $output = FileHandler::writeFile($agreement_file, $args->agreement);
     if (!$args->sender_no) {
         $args->sender_no = NULL;
     if (!$args->message_content) {
         $args->message_content = NULL;
     if (!$args->list) {
         $args->list = NULL;
     if (!$args->cellphone_fieldname) {
         $args->cellphone_fieldname = NULL;
     // save module configuration.
     $oModuleController = getController('module');
     $output = $oModuleController->updateModuleConfig('authentication', $args);
     $redirectUrl = getNotEncodedUrl('', 'module', 'admin', 'act', 'dispAuthenticationAdminConfig');
  * Cache a variable in the data store
  * @param string $key Store the variable using this name.
  * @param mixed $obj The variable to store
  * @param int $valid_time Not used
  * @return void
 function put($key, $obj, $valid_time = 0)
     $cache_file = $this->getCacheFileName($key);
     $content = array();
     $content[] = '<?php';
     $content[] = 'if(!defined(\'__XE__\')) { exit(); }';
     $content[] = 'return \'' . addslashes(serialize($obj)) . '\';';
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, implode(PHP_EOL, $content));
  * @brief Display messages about installation environment
 function dispInstallCheckEnv()
     // Create a temporary file for mod_rewrite check.
     self::$rewriteCheckString = Password::createSecureSalt(32);
     FileHandler::writeFile(_XE_PATH_ . self::$rewriteCheckFilePath, self::$rewriteCheckString);
     // Check if the web server is nginx.
     Context::set('use_nginx', stripos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false);
 function getThumbnailByUrl($image_url, $width = 80, $height = 0, $thumbnail_type = '')
     if (!$height) {
         $height = $width;
     if (!in_array($thumbnail_type, array('crop', 'ratio'))) {
         $config = $GLOBALS['__document_config__'];
         if (!$config) {
             $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
             $config = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentConfig();
             $GLOBALS['__document_config__'] = $config;
         $thumbnail_type = $config->thumbnail_type;
     if (!is_dir('./files/thumbnails/magiccontent_thumbnail')) {
     $thumbnail_path = sprintf('files/thumbnails/magiccontent_thumbnail/%s', base64_encode($image_url));
     $thumbnail_file = sprintf('%s%dx%d.%s.jpg', $thumbnail_path, $width, $height, $thumbnail_type);
     $thumbnail_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $thumbnail_file;
     if (file_exists($thumbnail_file)) {
         if (filesize($thumbnail_file) < 1) {
             return false;
         } else {
             return $thumbnail_url;
     $tmp_file = sprintf('./files/cache/tmp/%s', md5(rand(111111, 999999) . $image_url));
     if (!is_dir('./files/cache/tmp')) {
     if (!preg_match('/^(http|https):\\/\\//i', $image_url)) {
         $image_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $image_url;
     FileHandler::getRemoteFile($image_url, $tmp_file);
     if (!file_exists($tmp_file)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         list($_w, $_h, $_t, $_a) = @getimagesize($tmp_file);
         if (!in_array($_t, array(1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8))) {
             FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_file, '', 'w');
             return false;
         $source_file = $tmp_file;
     $output = FileHandler::createImageFile($source_file, $thumbnail_file, $width, $height, 'jpg', $thumbnail_type);
     if ($output) {
         return $thumbnail_url;
     } else {
         FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_file, '', 'w');
     return false;
 function checkLicense($prodid, $user_id, $serial_number, $force = FALSE)
     $hostinfo = array($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
     $agency_url = sprintf("http://www.xeshoppingmall.com/?module=drmagency&act=getDrmagencyLicense&prodid=%s&hostinfo=%s&user=%s&serial=%s", $prodid, implode(',', $hostinfo), $user_id, $serial_number);
     $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/license_%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, $prodid);
     if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) + 60 * 60 < time() || $force == TRUE) {
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '');
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($agency_url, $cache_file, null, 1, 'GET', 'text/html', array('REQUESTURL' => getFullUrl('')));
     return $cache_file;
 function dispNcenterliteAdminConfig()
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $oNcenterliteModel = getModel('ncenterlite');
     $oLayoutModel = getModel('layout');
     $config = $oNcenterliteModel->getConfig();
     Context::set('config', $config);
     $layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList();
     Context::set('layout_list', $layout_list);
     $mobile_layout_list = $oLayoutModel->getLayoutList(0, 'M');
     Context::set('mlayout_list', $mobile_layout_list);
     $skin_list = $oModuleModel->getSkins($this->module_path);
     Context::set('skin_list', $skin_list);
     $mskin_list = $oModuleModel->getSkins($this->module_path, "m.skins");
     Context::set('mskin_list', $mskin_list);
     if (!$skin_list[$config->skin]) {
         $config->skin = 'default';
     Context::set('colorset_list', $skin_list[$config->skin]->colorset);
     if (!$mskin_list[$config->mskin]) {
         $config->mskin = 'default';
     Context::set('mcolorset_list', $mskin_list[$config->mskin]->colorset);
     $security = new Security();
     $security->encodeHTML('colorset_list..name', 'colorset_list..title');
     $mid_list = $oModuleModel->getMidList(null, array('module_srl', 'mid', 'browser_title', 'module'));
     Context::set('mid_list', $mid_list);
     // 사용환경정보 전송 확인
     $ncenterlite_module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoXml('ncenterlite');
     $agreement_file = FileHandler::getRealPath(sprintf('%s%s.txt', './files/ncenterlite/ncenterlite-', $ncenterlite_module_info->version));
     $agreement_ver_file = FileHandler::getRealPath(sprintf('%s%s.txt', './files/ncenterlite/ncenterlite_ver-', $ncenterlite_module_info->version));
     if (file_exists($agreement_file)) {
         $agreement = FileHandler::readFile($agreement_file);
         Context::set('_ncenterlite_env_agreement', $agreement);
         $agreement_ver = FileHandler::readFile($agreement_ver_file);
         if ($agreement == 'Y') {
             $_ncenterlite_iframe_url = 'http://sosifam.com/index.php?mid=ncenterlite_iframe';
             if (!$agreement_ver) {
                 $_host_info = urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . '-NC' . $ncenterlite_module_info->version . '-PHP' . phpversion() . '-XE' . __XE_VERSION__;
             Context::set('_ncenterlite_iframe_url', $_ncenterlite_iframe_url . '&_host=' . $_host_info);
             Context::set('ncenterlite_module_info', $ncenterlite_module_info);
         FileHandler::writeFile($agreement_ver_file, 'Y');
     } else {
         Context::set('_ncenterlite_env_agreement', 'NULL');
  * 1. Read xml file<br />
  * 2. Check the action<br />
  * 3. Parsing and write a cache file<br />
  * @return QueryParser object
 function &parse_xml_query($query_id, $xml_file, $cache_file)
     // Read xml file
     $xml_obj = $this->getXmlFileContent($xml_file);
     // insert, update, delete, select action
     $action = strtolower($xml_obj->query->attrs->action);
     if (!$action) {
     // Write query cache file
     $parser = new QueryParser($xml_obj->query);
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $parser->toString());
     return $parser;
function setExifCache($cache_path, $cache_file, &$exif_data)
    if (!$exif_data['make']) {
        return false;
    $cache = '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit();' . "\r\n";
    foreach ($exif_data as $key => $val) {
        $cache .= "\$exif_data['" . $key . "'] = \"" . $val . "\";\r\n";
    $cache .= '?>';
    if (!is_dir($cache_path)) {
    FileHandler::writeFile($cache_path . $cache_file, $cache);
  * @brief 포인트를 구해옴
 function getPoint($member_srl, $from_db = false)
     $member_srl = abs($member_srl);
     $path = sprintf('./files/member_extra_info/point/%s', getNumberingPath($member_srl));
     if (!is_dir($path)) {
     $cache_filename = sprintf('%s%d.cache.txt', $path, $member_srl);
     if (!$from_db && file_exists($cache_filename)) {
         return trim(FileHandler::readFile($cache_filename));
     // DB에서 가져옴
     $args->member_srl = $member_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('point.getPoint', $args);
     $point = (int) $output->data->point;
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_filename, $point);
     return $point;
  * @brief 계층구조 추출
  * document_category테이블을 이용해서 위키 문서의 계층 구조도를 그림
  * document_category테이블에 등록되어 있지 않은 경우 depth = 0 으로 하여 신규 생성
 function getWikiTreeList()
     header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
     header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
     header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
     header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
     header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
     header("Pragma: no-cache");
     $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
     $mid = Context::get('mid');
     $cache_file = sprintf('%sfiles/cache/wiki/%d.xml', _XE_PATH_, $this->module_srl);
     if ($this->grant->write_document || !file_exists($cache_file)) {
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, $this->loadWikiTreeList($this->module_srl));
     print FileHandler::readFile($cache_file);
  * @brief Display Super Admin Dashboard
 function dispTextmessageAdminIndex()
     $oTextmessageModel = getModel('textmessage');
     $config = $oTextmessageModel->getConfig();
     if (!$config) {
         Context::set('isSetupCompleted', false);
     } else {
         Context::set('isSetupCompleted', true);
     Context::set('config', $config);
     //Retrieve recent news and set them into context
     $newest_news_url = sprintf("http://www.coolsms.co.kr/?module=newsagency&act=getNewsagencyArticle&inst=notice&loc=%s", _XE_LOCATION_);
     $cache_file = sprintf("%sfiles/cache/cool_news.%s.cache.php", _XE_PATH_, _XE_LOCATION_);
     if (!file_exists($cache_file) || filemtime($cache_file) + 60 * 60 < time()) {
         // Considering if data cannot be retrieved due to network problem, modify filemtime to prevent trying to reload again when refreshing textmessageistration page
         // Ensure to access the textmessage registration page even though news cannot be displayed
         FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '');
         FileHandler::getRemoteFile($newest_news_url, $cache_file, null, 1, 'GET', 'text/html', array('REQUESTURL' => getFullUrl('')));
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         $oXml = new XmlParser();
         $buff = $oXml->parse(FileHandler::readFile($cache_file));
         $item = $buff->zbxe_news->item;
         if ($item) {
             if (!is_array($item)) {
                 $item = array($item);
             foreach ($item as $key => $val) {
                 $obj = new stdClass();
                 $obj->title = $val->body;
                 $obj->date = $val->attrs->date;
                 $obj->url = $val->attrs->url;
                 $news[] = $obj;
             Context::set('news', $news);
         Context::set('released_version', $buff->zbxe_news->attrs->released_version);
         Context::set('download_link', $buff->zbxe_news->attrs->download_link);
  * Compile XE-compatible XML lang files into PHP.
  * @param string $filename
  * @param string $language
  * @return string|false
 public static function compileXMLtoPHP($filename, $language, $output_filename = null)
     // Check if the cache file already exists.
     if ($output_filename === null) {
         $output_filename = RX_BASEDIR . 'files/cache/lang/' . md5($filename) . '.' . $language . '.php';
         if (file_exists($output_filename) && filemtime($output_filename) > filemtime($filename)) {
             return $output_filename;
     // Load the XML lang file.
     $xml = @simplexml_load_file($filename);
     if ($xml === false) {
         \FileHandler::writeFile($output_filename, '');
         return false;
     // Convert XML to a PHP array.
     $lang = array();
     self::_toArray($xml, $lang, $language);
     // Save the array as a cache file.
     $buff = "<?php\n";
     foreach ($lang as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             foreach ($value as $subkey => $subvalue) {
                 if (is_array($subvalue)) {
                     foreach ($subvalue as $subsubkey => $subsubvalue) {
                         $buff .= '$lang->' . $key . "['{$subkey}']['{$subsubkey}']" . ' = ' . var_export($subsubvalue, true) . ";\n";
                 } else {
                     $buff .= '$lang->' . $key . "['{$subkey}']" . ' = ' . var_export($subvalue, true) . ";\n";
         } else {
             $buff .= '$lang->' . $key . ' = ' . var_export($value, true) . ";\n";
     \FileHandler::writeFile($output_filename, $buff);
     return $output_filename;
 function _createInsertAddressRuleset($fieldset_list)
     $xml_file = './files/ruleset/ncart_insertAddress.xml';
     $buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . '<ruleset version="1.5.0">' . '<customrules>' . '</customrules>' . '<fields>%s</fields>' . '</ruleset>';
     $fields = array();
     $fields[] = '<field name="member_srl" required="true" rule="number" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="opt" required="true" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="title" required="true" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="address" required="true" />';
     if (count($fieldset_list)) {
         foreach ($fieldset_list as $fieldset) {
             foreach ($fieldset->fields as $field) {
                 if ($field->required == 'Y') {
                     switch ($field->column_type) {
                         case 'tel':
                         case 'kr_zip':
                             $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s[]" required="true" />', $field->column_name);
                         case 'email_address':
                             $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s" required="true" rule="email"/>', $field->column_name);
                         case 'user_id':
                             $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s" required="true" rule="userid" length="3:20" />', $field->column_name);
                             $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s" required="true" />', $field->column_name);
     $xml_buff = sprintf($buff, implode('', $fields));
     FileHandler::writeFile($xml_file, $xml_buff);
     $validator = new Validator($xml_file);
 function getThumbnail($file_srl = null, $width = 80, $height = 0, $thumbnail_type = 'crop')
     $oFileModel = getModel('file');
     if (!$file_srl) {
     if (!$height) {
         $height = $width;
     // Define thumbnail information
     $thumbnail_path = sprintf('files/cache/thumbnails/%s', getNumberingPath($file_srl, 3));
     $thumbnail_file = sprintf('%s%dx%d.%s.jpg', $thumbnail_path, $width, $height, $thumbnail_type);
     $thumbnail_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $thumbnail_file;
     // Return false if thumbnail file exists and its size is 0. Otherwise, return its path
     if (file_exists($thumbnail_file)) {
         if (filesize($thumbnail_file) < 1) {
             return false;
         } else {
             return $thumbnail_url;
     // Target File
     $source_file = NULL;
     $file = $oFileModel->getFile($file_srl);
     if ($file) {
         $source_file = $file->uploaded_filename;
     if ($source_file) {
         $output = FileHandler::createImageFile($source_file, $thumbnail_file, $width, $height, 'jpg', $thumbnail_type);
     // Return its path if a thumbnail is successfully genetated
     if ($output) {
         return $thumbnail_url;
     } else {
         FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_file, '', 'w');
  * @brief Modules conf/info.xml wanted to read the information
  * It uses caching to reduce time for xml parsing ..
 function getWidgetStyleInfo($widgetStyle)
     $widgetStyle_path = $this->getWidgetStylePath($widgetStyle);
     if (!$widgetStyle_path) {
     $xml_file = sprintf("%sskin.xml", $widgetStyle_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
     // If the problem by comparing the cache file and include the return variable $widgetStyle_info
     $cache_file = sprintf(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/cache/widgetstyles/%s.%s.cache.php', $widgetStyle, Context::getLangType());
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
         return $widgetStyle_info;
     // If no cache file exists, parse the xml and then return the variable.
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->widgetstyle;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $buff = array();
     $buff[] = '<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit();';
     $buff[] = '$widgetStyle_info = new stdClass();';
     // Title of the widget, version
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->widgetStyle = "%s";', $widgetStyle);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->path = "%s";', $widgetStyle_path);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->description->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->version->body);
     sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->date = "%s";', $date);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->link->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->license = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->license_link = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->attrs->link);
     // preview
     if (!$xml_obj->preview->body) {
         $xml_obj->preview->body = 'preview.jpg';
     $preview_file = sprintf("%s%s", $widgetStyle_path, $xml_obj->preview->body);
     if (file_exists($preview_file)) {
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->preview = "%s";', $preview_file);
     // Author information
     if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
         $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
     } else {
         $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
     foreach ($author_list as $idx => $author) {
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d] = new stdClass();', $idx);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d]->name = "%s";', $idx, $author->name->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d]->email_address = "%s";', $idx, $author->attrs->email_address);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->author[%d]->homepage = "%s";', $idx, $author->attrs->link);
     // Extra vars (user defined variables to use in a template)
     $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
     if (!$extra_var_groups) {
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
     if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
         $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
     $extra_var_count = 0;
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var = new stdClass();', $extra_var_count);
     foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
         $extra_vars = !is_array($group->var) ? array($group->var) : $group->var;
         if ($extra_vars[0]->attrs->id || $extra_vars[0]->attrs->name) {
             foreach ($extra_vars as $var) {
                 $id = $var->attrs->id ? $var->attrs->id : $var->attrs->name;
                 $name = $var->name->body ? $var->name->body : $var->title->body;
                 $type = $var->attrs->type ? $var->attrs->type : $var->type->body;
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s = new stdClass();', $id);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $id, $group->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->name = "%s";', $id, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $id, $type);
                 if ($type == 'filebox') {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->filter = "%s";', $id, $var->attrs->filter);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->allow_multiple = "%s";', $id, $var->attrs->allow_multiple);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $id, $id);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $id, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                 if ($var->options) {
                     $var_options = !is_array($var->options) ? array($var->options) : $var->options;
                     foreach ($var_options as $option_item) {
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = "%s";', $id, $option_item->value->body, $option_item->name->body);
     $buff[] = sprintf('$widgetStyle_info->extra_var_count = %d;', $extra_var_count);
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, implode(PHP_EOL, $buff));
     if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
         @(include $cache_file);
     return $widgetStyle_info;
  * Add products info to export folder
  * @author Dan Dragan (dev@xpressengine.org)
  * @param array $products
  * @return boolean
 public function addProductsToExportFolder($products)
     $buff = '';
     //table header for products csv
     foreach ($products[0] as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, array('member_srl', 'module_srl', 'regdate', 'last_update', 'primary_image', 'repo', 'associated_products', 'cache'))) {
             if ($key == 'product_srl') {
                 $buff = $buff . 'id,';
             } else {
                 $buff = $buff . $key . ",";
     $buff = $buff . "configurable_attributes\r\n";
     //table values  for products  csv
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         // add images to temp folder
         foreach ($product->images as $image) {
             $path = sprintf('./files/attach/images/shop/%d/product-images/%d/', $image->module_srl, $image->product_srl);
             $filename = sprintf('%s%s', $path, $image->filename);
             $export_filename = sprintf('./files/attach/shop/export-import/images/%s', $image->product_srl . $image->filename);
             FileHandler::copyFile($filename, $export_filename);
         foreach ($product as $key => $value) {
             if (!in_array($key, array('member_srl', 'module_srl', 'regdate', 'last_update', 'primary_image', 'primary_image_filename', 'repo', 'categories', 'attributes', 'images', 'associated_products', 'configurable_attributes', 'cache'))) {
                 $buff = $buff . str_replace(",", ";;", $value) . ",";
             if ($key == 'primary_image_filename') {
                 if (isset($product->primary_image_filename)) {
                     $buff = $buff . $product->product_srl . $value . ",";
                 } else {
                     $buff = $buff . ",";
             $product_categories = '';
             if ($key == 'categories') {
                 foreach ($value as $category) {
                     if ($product_categories == '') {
                         $product_categories = $category;
                     } else {
                         $product_categories = $product_categories . '|' . $category;
                 $buff = $buff . $product_categories . ",";
             $product_attributes = '';
             if ($key == 'attributes') {
                 foreach ($value as $attribute_srl => $attribute_value) {
                     if ($product_attributes == '') {
                         $product_attributes = $attribute_srl . '=' . $attribute_value;
                     } else {
                         $product_attributes = $product_attributes . '|' . $attribute_srl . '=' . $attribute_value;
                 $buff = $buff . $product_attributes . ",";
             $images = '';
             if ($key == 'images') {
                 foreach ($value as $image) {
                     if ($image->filename) {
                         if ($images == '') {
                             $images = $product->product_srl . $image->filename;
                         } else {
                             $images = $images . '|' . $product->product_srl . $image->filename;
                 $buff = $buff . $images . ",";
             if ($key == 'configurable_attributes') {
                 $configurable_attributes = '';
                 foreach ($value as $attribute_srl => $attribute_value) {
                     if ($configurable_attributes == '') {
                         $configurable_attributes = $attribute_srl;
                     } else {
                         $configurable_attributes = $configurable_attributes . '+' . $attribute_srl;
         $buff = $buff . $configurable_attributes . "\r\n";
     $product_csv_filename = 'products.csv';
     $product_csv_path = sprintf('./files/attach/shop/export-import/%s', $product_csv_filename);
     FileHandler::writeFile($product_csv_path, $buff);
     return TRUE;
  * @brief create insert item ruleset
 function _createInsertItemRuleset($extra_vars)
     $xml_file = './files/ruleset/nproduct_insertItem.xml';
     $buff = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . '<ruleset version="1.5.0">' . '<customrules>' . '</customrules>' . '<fields>%s</fields>' . '</ruleset>';
     $fields = array();
     $fields[] = '<field name="module_srl" required="true" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="item_name" required="true" length="1:60" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="document_srl" required="true" rule="number" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="price" required="true" rule="number" />';
     $fields[] = '<field name="description" required="true" />';
     if (count($extra_vars)) {
         foreach ($extra_vars as $formInfo) {
             if ($formInfo->required == 'Y') {
                 if ($formInfo->type == 'tel' || $formInfo->type == 'kr_zip') {
                     $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s[]" required="true" />', $formInfo->column_name);
                 } else {
                     if ($formInfo->type == 'email_address') {
                         $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s" required="true" rule="email"/>', $formInfo->column_name);
                     } else {
                         if ($formInfo->type == 'user_id') {
                             $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s" required="true" rule="userid" length="3:20" />', $formInfo->column_name);
                         } else {
                             $fields[] = sprintf('<field name="%s" required="true" />', $formInfo->column_name);
     $xml_buff = sprintf($buff, implode('', $fields));
     FileHandler::writeFile($xml_file, $xml_buff);
     $validator = new Validator($xml_file);
  * @brief 레이아웃 미리 보기
 function dispLayoutAdminPreview()
     $layout_srl = Context::get('layout_srl');
     $code = Context::get('code');
     $code_css = Context::get('code_css');
     if (!$layout_srl || !$code) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // 레이아웃 정보 가져오기
     $oLayoutModel =& getModel('layout');
     $layout_info = $oLayoutModel->getLayout($layout_srl);
     if (!$layout_info) {
         return new Object(-1, 'msg_invalid_request');
     // faceoff 레이아웃일 경우 별도 처리
     if ($layout_info && $layout_info->type == 'faceoff') {
     // 직접 입력된 CSS 적용
     Context::addHtmlHeader("<style type=\"text/css\" charset=\"UTF-8\">" . $code_css . "</style>");
     // 레이아웃 정보중 extra_vars의 이름과 값을 $layout_info에 입력
     if ($layout_info->extra_var_count) {
         foreach ($layout_info->extra_var as $var_id => $val) {
             $layout_info->{$var_id} = $val->value;
     // 레이아웃 정보중 menu를 Context::set
     if ($layout_info->menu_count) {
         foreach ($layout_info->menu as $menu_id => $menu) {
             if (file_exists($menu->php_file)) {
                 @(include $menu->php_file);
             Context::set($menu_id, $menu);
     Context::set('layout_info', $layout_info);
     Context::set('content', Context::getLang('layout_preview_content'));
     // 코드를 임시로 저장
     $edited_layout_file = sprintf('./files/cache/layout/tmp.tpl');
     FileHandler::writeFile($edited_layout_file, $code);
     // 컴파일
     $oTemplate =& TemplateHandler::getInstance();
     $layout_path = $layout_info->path;
     $layout_file = 'layout';
     $layout_tpl = $oTemplate->compile($layout_path, $layout_file, $edited_layout_file);
     Context::set('layout', 'none');
     // 위젯등을 변환
     $oContext =& Context::getInstance();
     Context::set('layout_tpl', $layout_tpl);
     // 임시 파일 삭제
  * Save the signature as a file
  * @param int $member_srl
  * @param string $signature
  * @return void
 function putSignature($member_srl, $signature)
     $signature = trim(removeHackTag($signature));
     $signature = preg_replace('/<(\\/?)(embed|object|param)/is', '&lt;$1$2', $signature);
     $check_signature = trim(str_replace(array('&nbsp;', "\n", "\r"), '', strip_tags($signature, '<img><object>')));
     $path = sprintf('files/member_extra_info/signature/%s/', getNumberingPath($member_srl));
     $filename = sprintf('%s%d.signature.php', $path, $member_srl);
     if (!$check_signature) {
         return FileHandler::removeFile($filename);
     $buff = sprintf('<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit();?>%s', $signature);
     FileHandler::writeFile($filename, $buff);
  * @brief 메뉴의 xml 파일을 만들고 위치를 return
 function makeXmlFile($menu_srl)
     // xml파일 생성시 필요한 정보가 없으면 그냥 return
     if (!$menu_srl) {
     // 메뉴 정보를 구함
     $args->menu_srl = $menu_srl;
     $output = executeQuery('menu.getMenu', $args);
     if (!$output->toBool() || !$output->data) {
         return $output;
     $site_srl = (int) $output->data->site_srl;
     if ($site_srl) {
         $oModuleModel =& getModel('module');
         $site_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_srl);
         $domain = $site_info->domain;
     // DB에서 menu_srl에 해당하는 메뉴 아이템 목록을 listorder순으로 구해옴
     $args->menu_srl = $menu_srl;
     $args->sort_index = 'listorder';
     $output = executeQuery('menu.getMenuItems', $args);
     if (!$output->toBool()) {
     // 캐시 파일의 이름을 지정
     $xml_file = sprintf("./files/cache/menu/%s.xml.php", $menu_srl);
     $php_file = sprintf("./files/cache/menu/%s.php", $menu_srl);
     // 구해온 데이터가 없다면 노드데이터가 없는 xml 파일만 생성
     $list = $output->data;
     if (!$list) {
         $xml_buff = "<root />";
         FileHandler::writeFile($xml_file, $xml_buff);
         FileHandler::writeFile($php_file, '<?php if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit(); ?>');
         return $xml_file;
     // 구해온 데이터가 하나라면 array로 바꾸어줌
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         $list = array($list);
     // 루프를 돌면서 tree 구성
     $list_count = count($list);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $list_count; $i++) {
         $node = $list[$i];
         $menu_item_srl = $node->menu_item_srl;
         $parent_srl = $node->parent_srl;
         $tree[$parent_srl][$menu_item_srl] = $node;
     // 캐시 파일의 권한과 그룹 설정을 위한 공통 헤더
     $header_script = '$lang_type = Context::getLangType(); ' . '$is_logged = Context::get(\'is_logged\'); ' . '$logged_info = Context::get(\'logged_info\'); ' . '$site_srl = ' . $site_srl . ';' . '$site_admin = false;' . 'if($site_srl) { ' . '$oModuleModel = &getModel(\'module\');' . '$site_module_info = $oModuleModel->getSiteInfo($site_srl); ' . 'Context::set(\'site_module_info\',$site_module_info);' . '$grant = $oModuleModel->getGrant($site_module_info, $logged_info); ' . 'if($grant->manager ==1) $site_admin = true;' . '}' . 'if($is_logged) {' . 'if($logged_info->is_admin=="Y" || $site_admin) $is_admin = true; ' . 'else $is_admin = false; ' . '$group_srls = array_keys($logged_info->group_list); ' . '} else { ' . '$is_admin = false; ' . '$group_srsl = array(); ' . '} ';
     // xml 캐시 파일 생성 (xml캐시는 따로 동작하기에 session 지정을 해주어야 함)
     $xml_buff = sprintf('<?php ' . 'define(\'__ZBXE__\', true); ' . 'require_once(\'../../../config/config.inc.php\'); ' . '$oContext = &Context::getInstance(); ' . '$oContext->init(); ' . 'header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); ' . 'header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); ' . 'header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); ' . 'header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); ' . 'header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); ' . 'header("Pragma: no-cache"); ' . '%s' . '?>' . '<root>%s</root>', $header_script, $this->getXmlTree($tree[0], $tree, $site_srl, $domain));
     // php 캐시 파일 생성
     $php_output = $this->getPhpCacheCode($tree[0], $tree, $site_srl, $domain);
     $php_buff = sprintf('<?php ' . 'if(!defined("__ZBXE__")) exit(); ' . '%s; ' . '%s; ' . '$menu->list = array(%s); ' . '?>', $header_script, $php_output['name'], $php_output['buff']);
     // 파일 저장
     FileHandler::writeFile($xml_file, $xml_buff);
     FileHandler::writeFile($php_file, $php_buff);
     return $xml_file;
  * Get information by reading conf/info.xml in the module
  * It uses caching to reduce time for xml parsing ..
  * @param string $layout
  * @param object $info
  * @param string $layoutType (P : PC, M : Mobile)
  * @return object info of layout
 function getLayoutInfo($layout, $info = null, $layout_type = "P")
     if ($info) {
         $layout_title = $info->title;
         $layout = $info->layout;
         $layout_srl = $info->layout_srl;
         $site_srl = $info->site_srl;
         $vars = unserialize($info->extra_vars);
         if ($info->module_srl) {
             $layout_path = preg_replace('/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+)(\\.html)$/', '', $info->layout_path);
             $xml_file = sprintf('%sskin.xml', $layout_path);
     // Get a path of the requested module. Return if not exists.
     if (!$layout_path) {
         $layout_path = $this->getLayoutPath($layout, $layout_type);
     if (!is_dir($layout_path)) {
     // Read the xml file for module skin information
     if (!$xml_file) {
         $xml_file = sprintf("%sconf/info.xml", $layout_path);
     if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
         $layout_info = new stdClass();
         $layout_info->title = $layout;
         $layout_info->layout = $layout;
         $layout_info->path = $layout_path;
         $layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;
         if (!$layout_info->layout_type) {
             $layout_info->layout_type = $layout_type;
         return $layout_info;
     // Include the cache file if it is valid and then return $layout_info variable
     if (!$layout_srl) {
         $cache_file = $this->getLayoutCache($layout, Context::getLangType(), $layout_type);
     } else {
         $cache_file = $this->getUserLayoutCache($layout_srl, Context::getLangType());
     if (file_exists($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file) > filemtime($xml_file)) {
         include $cache_file;
         if ($layout_info->extra_var && $vars) {
             foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
                 if (!$layout_info->extra_var->{$key} && !$layout_info->{$key}) {
                     $layout_info->{$key} = $value;
         if (!$layout_info->title) {
             $layout_info->title = $layout;
         return $layout_info;
     // If no cache file exists, parse the xml and then return the variable.
     $oXmlParser = new XmlParser();
     $tmp_xml_obj = $oXmlParser->loadXmlFile($xml_file);
     if ($tmp_xml_obj->layout) {
         $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->layout;
     } elseif ($tmp_xml_obj->skin) {
         $xml_obj = $tmp_xml_obj->skin;
     if (!$xml_obj) {
     $buff = array();
     $buff[] = '$layout_info = new stdClass;';
     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->site_srl = "%s";', $site_srl);
     if ($xml_obj->version && $xml_obj->attrs->version == '0.2') {
         // Layout title, version and other information
         sscanf($xml_obj->date->body, '%d-%d-%d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout = "%s";', $layout);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->type = "%s";', $xml_obj->attrs->type);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->path = "%s";', $layout_path);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->description->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->version->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->date = "%s";', $date);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->link->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_srl = $layout_srl;');
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;');
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->license = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->license_link = "%s";', $xml_obj->license->attrs->link);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_type = "%s";', $layout_type);
         // Author information
         if (!is_array($xml_obj->author)) {
             $author_list[] = $xml_obj->author;
         } else {
             $author_list = $xml_obj->author;
         $buff[] = '$layout_info->author = array();';
         for ($i = 0, $c = count($author_list); $i < $c; $i++) {
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d] = new stdClass;', $i);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d]->name = "%s";', $i, $author_list[$i]->name->body);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d]->email_address = "%s";', $i, $author_list[$i]->attrs->email_address);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[%d]->homepage = "%s";', $i, $author_list[$i]->attrs->link);
         // Extra vars (user defined variables to use in a template)
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         $buff[] = '$layout_info->extra_var = new stdClass;';
         $extra_var_count = 0;
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 $count = count($extra_vars);
                 $extra_var_count += $count;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
                     unset($var, $options);
                     $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s = new stdClass;', $name);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                     $options = $var->options;
                     if (!$options) {
                     if (!is_array($options)) {
                         $options = array($options);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options = array();', $var->attrs->name);
                     $options_count = count($options);
                     $thumbnail_exist = false;
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"] = new stdClass;', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value);
                         $thumbnail = $options[$j]->attrs->src;
                         if ($thumbnail) {
                             $thumbnail = $layout_path . $thumbnail;
                             if (file_exists($thumbnail)) {
                                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->thumbnail = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $thumbnail);
                                 if (!$thumbnail_exist) {
                                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->thumbnail_exist = true;', $var->attrs->name);
                                     $thumbnail_exist = true;
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->val = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->attrs->value, $options[$j]->title->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
         // Menu
         if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
             $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
             if (!is_array($menus)) {
                 $menus = array($menus);
             $menu_count = count($menus);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu_count = "%s";', $menu_count);
             $buff[] = '$layout_info->menu = new stdClass;';
             for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
                 $name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
                 if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->default_menu = "%s";', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s = new stdClass;', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->name = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->maxdepth = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->attrs->maxdepth);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->menu_srl = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->xml_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".xml.php";', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->php_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".php";', $name, $name);
     } else {
         // Layout title, version and other information
         sscanf($xml_obj->author->attrs->date, '%d. %d. %d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $date = sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $date_obj->y, $date_obj->m, $date_obj->d);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout = "%s";', $layout);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->path = "%s";', $layout_path);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->title = "%s";', $xml_obj->title->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->description = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->description->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->version = "%s";', $xml_obj->attrs->version);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->date = "%s";', $date);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_srl = $layout_srl;');
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->layout_title = $layout_title;');
         // Author information
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->name = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->name->body);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->email_address = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->attrs->email_address);
         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->author[0]->homepage = "%s";', $xml_obj->author->attrs->link);
         // Extra vars (user defined variables to use in a template)
         $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars->group;
         if (!$extra_var_groups) {
             $extra_var_groups = $xml_obj->extra_vars;
         if (!is_array($extra_var_groups)) {
             $extra_var_groups = array($extra_var_groups);
         foreach ($extra_var_groups as $group) {
             $extra_vars = $group->var;
             if ($extra_vars) {
                 if (!is_array($extra_vars)) {
                     $extra_vars = array($extra_vars);
                 $extra_var_count = count($extra_vars);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var_count = "%s";', $extra_var_count);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $extra_var_count; $i++) {
                     unset($var, $options);
                     $var = $extra_vars[$i];
                     $name = $var->attrs->name;
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->group = "%s";', $name, $group->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $var->title->body);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->type = "%s";', $name, $var->attrs->type);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->value = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->description = "%s";', $name, str_replace('"', '\\"', $var->description->body));
                     $options = $var->options;
                     if (!$options) {
                     if (!is_array($options)) {
                         $options = array($options);
                     $options_count = count($options);
                     for ($j = 0; $j < $options_count; $j++) {
                         $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->extra_var->%s->options["%s"]->val = "%s";', $var->attrs->name, $options[$j]->value->body, $options[$j]->title->body);
         // Menu
         if ($xml_obj->menus->menu) {
             $menus = $xml_obj->menus->menu;
             if (!is_array($menus)) {
                 $menus = array($menus);
             $menu_count = count($menus);
             $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu_count = "%s";', $menu_count);
             for ($i = 0; $i < $menu_count; $i++) {
                 $name = $menus[$i]->attrs->name;
                 if ($menus[$i]->attrs->default == "true") {
                     $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->default_menu = "%s";', $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->name = "%s";', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->title = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->title->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->maxdepth = "%s";', $name, $menus[$i]->maxdepth->body);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->menu_srl = $vars->%s;', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->xml_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".xml.php";', $name, $name);
                 $buff[] = sprintf('$layout_info->menu->%s->php_file = "./files/cache/menu/".$vars->%s.".php";', $name, $name);
     // header_script
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $layout_config = $oModuleModel->getModulePartConfig('layout', $layout_srl);
     $header_script = trim($layout_config->header_script);
     if ($header_script) {
         $buff[] = sprintf(' $layout_info->header_script = "%s"; ', str_replace(array('$', '"'), array('\\$', '\\"'), $header_script));
     FileHandler::writeFile($cache_file, '<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit(); ' . join(PHP_EOL, $buff));
     if (FileHandler::exists($cache_file)) {
         include $cache_file;
     if (!$layout_info->title) {
         $layout_info->title = $layout;
     return $layout_info;
 function getThumbnail($width = 80, $height = 0, $thumbnail_type = '')
     // Return false if the document doesn't exist
     if (!$this->document_srl) {
     if ($this->isSecret() && !$this->isGranted()) {
     // If not specify its height, create a square
     if (!$height) {
         $height = $width;
     // Return false if neither attachement nor image files in the document
     if (!$this->get('uploaded_count') && !preg_match("!<img!is", $this->get('content'))) {
     // Get thumbnai_type information from document module's configuration
     if (!in_array($thumbnail_type, array('crop', 'ratio'))) {
         $config = $GLOBALS['__document_config__'];
         if (!$config) {
             $oDocumentModel = getModel('document');
             $config = $oDocumentModel->getDocumentConfig();
             $GLOBALS['__document_config__'] = $config;
         $thumbnail_type = $config->thumbnail_type;
     // Define thumbnail information
     $thumbnail_path = sprintf('files/thumbnails/%s', getNumberingPath($this->document_srl, 3));
     $thumbnail_file = sprintf('%s%dx%d.%s.jpg', $thumbnail_path, $width, $height, $thumbnail_type);
     $thumbnail_url = Context::getRequestUri() . $thumbnail_file;
     // Return false if thumbnail file exists and its size is 0. Otherwise, return its path
     if (file_exists($thumbnail_file)) {
         if (filesize($thumbnail_file) < 1) {
             return false;
         } else {
             return $thumbnail_url;
     // Target File
     $source_file = null;
     $is_tmp_file = false;
     // Find an iamge file among attached files if exists
     if ($this->hasUploadedFiles()) {
         $file_list = $this->getUploadedFiles();
         $first_image = null;
         foreach ($file_list as $file) {
             if ($file->direct_download !== 'Y') {
             if ($file->cover_image === 'Y' && file_exists($file->uploaded_filename)) {
                 $source_file = $file->uploaded_filename;
             if ($first_image) {
             if (preg_match("/\\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)\$/i", $file->source_filename)) {
                 if (file_exists($file->uploaded_filename)) {
                     $first_image = $file->uploaded_filename;
         if (!$source_file && $first_image) {
             $source_file = $first_image;
     // If not exists, file an image file from the content
     if (!$source_file) {
         $content = $this->get('content');
         $target_src = null;
         preg_match_all("!src=(\"|')([^\"' ]*?)(\"|')!is", $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         $cnt = count($matches);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
             $target_src = trim($matches[$i][2]);
             if (!preg_match("/\\.(jpg|png|jpeg|gif|bmp)\$/i", $target_src)) {
             if (preg_match('/\\/(common|modules|widgets|addons|layouts)\\//i', $target_src)) {
             } else {
                 if (!preg_match('/^(http|https):\\/\\//i', $target_src)) {
                     $target_src = Context::getRequestUri() . $target_src;
                 $tmp_file = sprintf('./files/cache/tmp/%d', md5(rand(111111, 999999) . $this->document_srl));
                 if (!is_dir('./files/cache/tmp')) {
                 FileHandler::getRemoteFile($target_src, $tmp_file);
                 if (!file_exists($tmp_file)) {
                 } else {
                     list($_w, $_h, $_t, $_a) = @getimagesize($tmp_file);
                     if ($_w < $width || $_h < $height) {
                     $source_file = $tmp_file;
                     $is_tmp_file = true;
     if ($source_file) {
         $output = FileHandler::createImageFile($source_file, $thumbnail_file, $width, $height, 'jpg', $thumbnail_type);
     if ($is_tmp_file) {
     // Return its path if a thumbnail is successfully genetated
     if ($output) {
         return $thumbnail_url;
     } else {
         FileHandler::writeFile($thumbnail_file, '', 'w');
  * Save the category in a cache file
  * @param int $module_srl
  * @return string
 function makeCategoryFile($module_srl)
     // Return if there is no information you need for creating a cache file
     if (!$module_srl) {
         return false;
     // Get module information (to obtain mid)
     $oModuleModel = getModel('module');
     $columnList = array('module_srl', 'mid', 'site_srl');
     $module_info = $oModuleModel->getModuleInfoByModuleSrl($module_srl, $columnList);
     $mid = $module_info->mid;
     if (!is_dir('./files/cache/document_category')) {
     // Cache file's name
     $xml_file = sprintf("./files/cache/document_category/%s.xml.php", $module_srl);
     $php_file = sprintf("./files/cache/document_category/%s.php", $module_srl);
     // Get a category list
     $args = new stdClass();
     $args->module_srl = $module_srl;
     $args->sort_index = 'list_order';
     $output = executeQueryArray('document.getCategoryList', $args);
     $category_list = $output->data;
     if (!is_array($category_list)) {
         $category_list = array($category_list);
     $category_count = count($category_list);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $category_count; $i++) {
         $category_srl = $category_list[$i]->category_srl;
         if (!preg_match('/^[0-9,]+$/', $category_list[$i]->group_srls)) {
             $category_list[$i]->group_srls = '';
         $list[$category_srl] = $category_list[$i];
     // Create the xml file without node data if no data is obtained
     if (!$list) {
         $xml_buff = "<root />";
         FileHandler::writeFile($xml_file, $xml_buff);
         FileHandler::writeFile($php_file, '<?php if(!defined("__XE__")) exit(); ?>');
         return $xml_file;
     // Change to an array if only a single data is obtained
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         $list = array($list);
     // Create a tree for loop
     foreach ($list as $category_srl => $node) {
         $node->mid = $mid;
         $parent_srl = (int) $node->parent_srl;
         $tree[$parent_srl][$category_srl] = $node;
     // A common header to set permissions and groups of the cache file
     $header_script = '$lang_type = Context::getLangType(); ' . '$is_logged = Context::get(\'is_logged\'); ' . '$logged_info = Context::get(\'logged_info\'); ' . 'if($is_logged) {' . 'if($logged_info->is_admin=="Y") $is_admin = true; ' . 'else $is_admin = false; ' . '$group_srls = array_keys($logged_info->group_list); ' . '} else { ' . '$is_admin = false; ' . '$group_srsl = array(); ' . '} ' . "\n";
     // Create the xml cache file (a separate session is needed for xml cache)
     $xml_header_buff = '';
     $xml_body_buff = $this->getXmlTree($tree[0], $tree, $module_info->site_srl, $xml_header_buff);
     $xml_buff = sprintf('<?php ' . 'define(\'__XE__\', true); ' . 'require_once(\'' . FileHandler::getRealPath('./config/config.inc.php') . '\'); ' . '$oContext = &Context::getInstance(); ' . '$oContext->init(); ' . 'header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8"); ' . 'header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); ' . 'header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); ' . 'header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); ' . 'header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); ' . 'header("Pragma: no-cache"); ' . '%s' . '%s ' . '$oContext->close();' . '?>' . '<root>%s</root>', $header_script, $xml_header_buff, $xml_body_buff);
     // Create php cache file
     $php_header_buff = '$_titles = array();';
     $php_header_buff .= '$_descriptions = array();';
     $php_output = $this->getPhpCacheCode($tree[0], $tree, $module_info->site_srl, $php_header_buff);
     $php_buff = sprintf('<?php ' . 'if(!defined("__XE__")) exit(); ' . '%s' . '%s' . '$menu = new stdClass;' . '$menu->list = array(%s); ', $header_script, $php_header_buff, $php_output['buff']);
     // Save File
     FileHandler::writeFile($xml_file, $xml_buff);
     FileHandler::writeFile($php_file, $php_buff);
     return $xml_file;
  * Delete if action is registerd to be encrypted by SSL.
  * @param string $action act name
  * @return void
 public static function subtractSSLAction($action)
     if (self::isExistsSSLAction($action)) {
         $sslActionCacheString = sprintf('$sslActions[\'%s\'] = 1;', $action);
         $buff = FileHandler::readFile(self::$_instance->sslActionCacheFile);
         $buff = str_replace($sslActionCacheString, '', $buff);
         FileHandler::writeFile(self::$_instance->sslActionCacheFile, $buff);
  * @brief Supported languages (was procInstallAdminSaveLangSelected)
 function saveLangSelected($selected_lang)
     $langs = $selected_lang;
     $lang_supported = Context::loadLangSupported();
     $buff = null;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($langs); $i++) {
         $buff .= sprintf("%s,%s\n", $langs[$i], $lang_supported[$langs[$i]]);
     FileHandler::writeFile(_XE_PATH_ . 'files/config/lang_selected.info', trim($buff));