size() public static method

Get the file size of a given file.
public static size ( string $path ) : integer
$path string
return integer
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['file' => 'required']);
     $file = $request->file('file');
     $original_file_name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
     $file_name = pathinfo($original_file_name, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     $extension = \File::extension($original_file_name);
     $actual_name = $file_name . '.' . $extension;
     $apk = new \ApkParser\Parser($file);
     $manifest = $apk->getManifest();
     $labelResourceId = $apk->getManifest()->getApplication()->getLabel();
     $appLabel = $apk->getResources($labelResourceId);
     $package_name = $manifest->getPackageName();
     if (Apk::packageExist($package_name)) {
         Session::flash('flash_class', 'alert-danger');
         Session::flash('flash_message', 'Apk namespace already exist.');
         return redirect()->route("apk.create");
     Apk::create(array('app_name' => $appLabel[0], 'pkgname' => $package_name, 'version' => $manifest->getVersionCode(), 'version_name' => $manifest->getVersionName(), 'md5' => md5_file($file), 'filename' => $actual_name, 'filesize' => str_format_filesize(\File::size($file)), 'token' => md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true))));
     $folderpath = base_path() . '/storage/apk/' . $manifest->getPackageName();
     if (!\File::exists($folderpath)) {
     $file_path = $request->file('file')->move($folderpath, $actual_name);
     return redirect()->route("apk.index");
  * Start a big file download on Laravel Framework 4.0 / 4.1
  * Source (originally for Laravel 3.*) :
  * @param  string $path    Path to the big file
  * @param  string $name    Name of the file (used in Content-disposition header)
  * @param  array  $headers Some extra headers
 public function sendFile($path, $name = null, array $headers = array())
     if (is_null($name)) {
         $name = basename($path);
     $file = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File($path);
     $mime = $file->getMimeType();
     // Prepare the headers
     $headers = array_merge(array('Content-Description' => 'File Transfer', 'Content-Type' => $mime, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Expires' => 0, 'Cache-Control' => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', 'Pragma' => 'public', 'Content-Length' => \File::size($path), 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename=' . $name), $headers);
     $response = new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response('', 200, $headers);
     // If there's a session we should save it now
     if (\Config::get('session.driver') !== '') {
     if (ob_get_length()) {
     // Read the file
     if ($file = fopen($path, 'rb')) {
         while (!feof($file) and connection_status() == 0) {
             print fread($file, 1024 * 8);
     // Finish off, like Laravel would
     \Event::fire('laravel.done', array($response));
 function main()
     if (empty($this->args)) {
         return $this->err('Usage: ./cake fixturize <table>');
     if ($this->args[0] == '?') {
         return $this->out('Usage: ./cake fixturize <table> [-force] [-reindex]');
     $options = array('force' => false, 'reindex' => false);
     foreach ($this->params as $key => $val) {
         foreach ($options as $name => $option) {
             if (isset($this->params[$name]) || isset($this->params['-' . $name]) || isset($this->params[$name[0]])) {
                 $options[$name] = true;
     foreach ($this->args as $table) {
         $name = Inflector::classify($table);
         $Model = new AppModel(array('name' => $name, 'table' => $table));
         $file = sprintf('%stests/fixtures/%s_fixture.php', APP, Inflector::underscore($name));
         $File = new File($file);
         if ($File->exists() && !$options['force']) {
             $this->err(sprintf('File %s already exists, use --force option.', $file));
         $records = $Model->find('all');
         $out = array();
         $out[] = '<?php';
         $out[] = '';
         $out[] = sprintf('class %sFixture extends CakeTestFixture {', $name);
         $out[] = sprintf('	var $name = \'%s\';', $name);
         $out[] = '	var $records = array(';
         $File->write(join("\n", $out));
         foreach ($records as $record) {
             $out = array();
             $out[] = '		array(';
             if ($options['reindex']) {
                 foreach (array('old_id', 'vendor_id') as $field) {
                     if ($Model->hasField($field)) {
                         $record[$name][$field] = $record[$name]['id'];
                 $record[$name]['id'] = String::uuid();
             foreach ($record[$name] as $field => $val) {
                 $out[] = sprintf('			\'%s\' => \'%s\',', addcslashes($field, "'"), addcslashes($val, "'"));
             $out[] = '		),';
             $File->write(join("\n", $out));
         $out = array();
         $out[] = '	);';
         $out[] = '}';
         $out[] = '';
         $out[] = '?>';
         $File->write(join("\n", $out));
         $this->out(sprintf('-> Create %sFixture with %d records (%d bytes) in "%s"', $name, count($records), $File->size(), $file));
  * beforeSave callback
  * @param array $options
  * @return boolean true on success
 public function beforeSave($options = array())
     if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias]['file']['tmp_name'])) {
         $File = new File($this->data[$this->alias]['file']['tmp_name']);
         $this->data[$this->alias]['filesize'] = $File->size();
         $this->data[$this->alias]['mime_type'] = $File->mime();
     if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias]['file']['name'])) {
         $this->data[$this->alias]['extension'] = $this->fileExtension($this->data[$this->alias]['file']['name']);
         $this->data[$this->alias]['filename'] = $this->data[$this->alias]['file']['name'];
     if (empty($this->data[$this->alias]['adapter'])) {
         $this->data[$this->alias]['adapter'] = 'S3Storage';
     // Start Auto Creator & Modifier Id Saving
     $exists = $this->exists();
     $user = class_exists('CakeSession') ? CakeSession::read('Auth.User') : null;
     if (!$exists && $this->hasField('creator_id') && empty($this->data[$this->alias]['creator_id'])) {
         $this->data[$this->alias]['creator_id'] = $user['id'];
     if ($this->hasField('modifier_id') && empty($this->data[$this->alias]['modifier_id'])) {
         $this->data[$this->alias]['modifier_id'] = $user['id'];
     // End Auto Creator & Modifier Id Saving
     $Event = new CakeEvent('FileStorage.beforeSave', $this, array('record' => $this->data, 'storage' => $this->getStorageAdapter($this->data[$this->alias]['adapter'])));
     if ($Event->isStopped()) {
         return false;
     return true;
 public function postUpload()
     $agente = Agente::find(1);
     if (Input::hasFile('file')) {
         $file = Input::file('file');
         $name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
         $size = File::size($file);
         $data = array('nombre' => $name, 'extension' => $extension, 'size' => $size);
         $rules = array('extension' => 'required|mimes:jpeg');
         $messages = array('required' => 'El campo :attribute es obligatorio.', 'min' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener menos de :min carácteres.', 'email' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un email válido.', 'max' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener más de :max carácteres.', 'unique' => 'La factura ingresada ya está agregada en la base de datos.', 'confirmed' => 'Los passwords no coinciden.', 'mimes' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un archivo de tipo :values.');
         $validation = Validator::make($rules, $messages);
         if ($validation->fails()) {
             return Redirect::route('logo-post')->withInput()->withErrors($validation);
         } else {
             if ($extension != 'jpg') {
                 return Redirect::route('logo-post')->with('global', 'Es necesario que la imagen sea de extension .jpg.');
             } else {
                 $path = public_path() . '/assets/img/';
                 $newName = 'logo';
                 $subir = $file->move($path, $newName . '.' . $extension);
                 return Redirect::route('agente.index')->with('create', 'El logo ha sido actualizado correctamente!');
     } else {
         return Redirect::route('logo-post')->with('global', 'Es necesario que selecciones una imagen.');
 function replace($path)
     $F = new File($path);
     $md5 = $F->md5();
     $this->path = appPATH . 'qg/file/' . $md5;
     $this->setVs(array('name' => $F->basename(), 'mime' => $F->mime(), 'text' => $F->getText(), 'md5' => $F->md5(), 'size' => $F->size()));
文件: Request.php 项目: hisaboh/w2t
 protected final function setFiles($key, $req)
     $file = new File($req["name"]);
     $file->tmp(isset($req["tmp_name"]) ? $req["tmp_name"] : "");
     $file->size(isset($req["size"]) ? $req["size"] : "");
     $this->files[$key] = $file;
 public function admin_index()
     $logDir = LOGS;
     $Folder = new Folder($logDir, false);
     $logfiles = $Folder->find('.*.log(\\.[0-9])?', true);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($logfiles as $logfile) {
         $F = new File($logDir . $logfile);
         $file = array('name' => $logfile, 'dir' => $logDir, 'size' => $F->size(), 'last_modified' => $F->lastChange(), 'last_access' => $F->lastAccess());
         array_push($files, $file);
  * Save the file to the fileable type and id
 public function save()
     $file = $this->makeFileRecord();
     // move the file and add the size to the file model
     $this->file->move($file->getSystemPath(), $file->filename);
     if (\File::exists($file->getSystemPath() . $file->filename)) {
         $file->filesize = \File::size($file->getSystemPath() . $file->filename);
     if ($this->thumbnail->isPhoto($file->getSystemPath() . $file->filename)) {
	 * Finished Benchmarks and log texts will be added to the logfile.
	 * Each benchmark is one row in the file. After calling this function successfully, the finished
	 * benchmarks array and the log data array are empty. It is not recommended to use this function
	 * directly. If an error occurs while writing the file a NonFatalException will be thrown.
	 * @throws NonFatalException
	public function saveFile() {
		$benchmarks = array();
		//add new line if file is not empty
		$text = $this->file->size() != 0 ? "\r\n" : '';
		$benchmarks = $this->getBenchmarkStringArray();
		$text .= implode("\r\n", array_merge($this->logs, $benchmarks));
		if ($this->file->write($text, true) === false) {
			throw NonFatalException('Could not write to log file.');
		else {
  * Finished Benchmarks and log texts will be added to the logfile.
  * Each benchmark is one row in the file.
  * After calling this function successfully, the finished benchmarks array and the log data array are empty.
  * It is not recommended to use this function directly.
  * If an error occurs while writing the file a warning will be thrown.
 public function saveFile()
     $benchmarks = array();
     //add new line if file is not empty
     $text = iif($this->file->size() != 0 && $this->file->size() != false, "\r\n");
     $benchmarks = $this->getBenchmarkStringArray();
     $text .= implode("\r\n", array_merge($this->logs, $benchmarks));
     if ($this->file->write($text, true) === false) {
         Core::throwError('Could not write log file in method Debug::saveFile().');
     } else {
 function readFolder($folderName = null)
     $folder = new Folder($folderName);
     $images = $folder->read(true, array('.', '..', 'Thumbs.db'), false);
     $images = $images[1];
     // We are only interested in files
     // Get more infos about the images
     $retVal = array();
     foreach ($images as $the_image) {
         $the_image = new File($the_image);
         $retVal[] = array_merge($the_image->info(), array('size' => $the_image->size(), 'last_changed' => $the_image->lastChange()));
     return $retVal;
	 * Reads a cache file and unserializes the data.
	 * @param string Cache name
	 * @return Cached data or null on failure
	public function load($name) {
		$file = new File($this->path.$name.'.ser');
		if ($file->exists() == true && $file->size() > 0) {
			$data = $file->read();
			if ($data !== false) {
				$data = unserialize($data);
				if (isset($data['expires']) && ($data['expires'] == 0 || $data['expires'] > time())) {
					return $data['data'];
				else {
		return null;
 public function indx()
     //Getting all post data
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         $data = Input::all();
         $fileTblObj = new fileHandler();
         $key = "uploaded_file";
         if (Input::file($key)->isValid()) {
             $destinationPath = 'app/uploads/111/222/3';
             // upload path
             $extension = Input::file($key)->getClientOriginalExtension();
             // getting image extension
             $name = Input::file($key)->getClientOriginalName();
             $curFilesize = Input::file($key)->getClientSize();
             $mime = Input::file($key)->getMimeType();
             // dd($mime);
             //$fileName = $name; // renameing image
             //$exstFileSize = Input::file($destinationPath, $fileName);
             if (!File::exists($destinationPath . "/boq-" . $name)) {
                 //creating details for saving inthe file_handler Table
                 $fileTblObj->user_id = $userid;
                 $fileTblObj->eventName = $event;
                 $fileTblObj->fileName = "boq-" . $name;
                 $fileTblObj->formPage = 3;
                 $fileTblObj->filePath = $destinationPath . "/";
                 $fileTblObj->mime = $mime;
                 $ans->answer_text = 'Yes';
                 Input::file($key)->move($destinationPath, "boq-" . $name);
                 // uploading file to given path
                 //Input::file($key)->move($boqPath, $boqname); // uploading file to given path
                 //Save filedetails
                 Session::flash('success', 'Upload successfully');
             } else {
                 if (File::size($destinationPath . "/" . $name) != $curFilesize) {
                     $fileDtls = $fileTblObj->where('uid', $userid)->where('fileName', $name)->where('formPage', 3)->first();
                     Input::file($key)->move($destinationPath, $name);
                     $ans->answer_text = 'Yes';
                     $fileTblObj->where('id', $fileDtls->id)->update(array('updated_at' => date("Y-m-d h:m:s", time())));
             //return Redirect::to('upload');
 public function finish()
     if ($this->isCache) {
         return null;
     if ($this->handle) {
     if (App::hasError()) {
         return null;
     if (File::size($this->cacheTmp) > 0) {
         copy($this->cacheTmp, $this->cacheName);
         file_put_contents($this->cacheName . '.1', $this->lastModified);
 public static function download($path, $name = null, $headers = array())
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return Response::code(404);
     if (is_null($name)) {
         $name = basename($path);
     $ext = File::extension($name);
     if ($ext == "") {
         $ext = File::extension($path);
     $headers = array_merge(array('Content-Description' => 'File Transfer', 'Content-Type' => File::mime(File::extension($path)), 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => 'binary', 'Expires' => 0, 'Cache-Control' => 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', 'Pragma' => 'public', 'Content-Length' => File::size($path), 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $name) . '"'), $headers);
     foreach ($headers as $k => $v) {
         header($k . ": " . $v);
 public function editAction()
     $this->view->setVar('Lang', $this->inc->getLang('web/web_news'));
     $id = $this->request->getPost('id');
     $Edit = WebNews::findFirst(array('id=' . $id));
     $this->view->setVar('Edit', $Edit);
     // Upload
     $upload = '';
     if (!empty($Edit->upload)) {
         $File = new File();
         $arr = array_filter(explode(',', $Edit->upload));
         foreach ($arr as $val) {
             $upload[] = array('path' => $this->path, 'name' => $val, 'size' => $File->formatBytes($File->size($this->root . $this->path . $val)));
     $this->view->setVar('Upload', $upload);
  * Put a local file in an S3 bucket
  * @return void
  * @author Rob Mcvey
 public function put($localPath, $remoteDir = null)
     // Base filename
     $file = basename($localPath);
     // File remote/local files
     // Signature
     $stringToSign = $this->stringToSign('put');
     // Build the HTTP request
     $request = array('method' => 'PUT', 'uri' => array('scheme' => 'https', 'host' => $this->bucket . '.' . $this->endpoint, 'path' => $this->file), 'header' => array('Accept' => '*/*', 'User-Agent' => 'CakePHP', 'Date' => $this->date, 'Authorization' => 'AWS ' . $this->accessKey . ':' . $this->signature($stringToSign), 'Content-MD5' => $this->contentMd5, 'Content-Type' => $this->contentType, 'Content-Length' => $this->File->size()), 'body' => $this->File->read());
     // Any addional Amazon headers to add?
     $request = $this->addAmazonHeadersToRequest($request);
     // Make the HTTP request
     $response = $this->handleRequest($request);
     // Handle response errors if any
function file_size($size)
    $dim = '';
    if (!is_numeric($size)) {
        $size = \File::size($size);
    if ($size) {
        $size = $size / 1024;
        $dim = ' KB';
    if ($size > 1000) {
        $size = $size / 1024;
        $dim = ' MB';
    if ($size > 1000) {
        $size = $size / 1024;
        $dim = ' GB';
    return number_format($size, 2) . $dim;
  * beforeRender callback function
  * @param Controller $controller
  * @return array contents for panel
 public function beforeRender(Controller $controller)
     $data = array();
     $dir = new Folder(LOGS);
     $files = $dir->find();
     foreach ($files as $log) {
         $file = new File(LOGS . $log);
         $name = $file->name();
         $data[$name] = array();
         if (!$file->readable()) {
             $data[$name]['content'] = __('This log file is unreadable.');
         $data[$name]['lastChange'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $file->lastChange());
         if ($file->size() > $this->readBytes) {
             $file->offset(-$this->readBytes, SEEK_END);
         $data[$name]['content'] = $file->read($this->readBytes);
     return $data;
  * @return array
 public static function all()
     $log = [];
     $log_levels = self::getLogLevels();
     $pattern = '/\\[\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\].*/';
     if (!self::$file) {
         $log_file = self::getFiles();
         if (!count($log_file)) {
             return [];
         self::$file = $log_file[0];
     if (\File::size(self::$file) > self::MAX_FILE_SIZE) {
         return null;
     $file = \File::get(self::$file);
     preg_match_all($pattern, $file, $headings);
     if (!is_array($headings)) {
         return $log;
     $log_data = preg_split($pattern, $file);
     if ($log_data[0] < 1) {
     foreach ($headings as $h) {
         for ($i = 0, $j = count($h); $i < $j; $i++) {
             foreach ($log_levels as $level_key => $level_value) {
                 if (strpos(strtolower($h[$i]), '.' . $level_value)) {
                     preg_match('/^\\[(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2})\\].*?\\.' . $level_key . ': (.*?)( in .*?:[0-9]+)?$/', $h[$i], $current);
                     if (!isset($current[2])) {
                     $log[] = ['level' => $level_value, 'level_class' => self::$levels_classes[$level_value], 'level_img' => self::$levels_imgs[$level_value], 'date' => $current[1], 'text' => $current[2], 'in_file' => isset($current[3]) ? $current[3] : null, 'stack' => preg_replace("/^\n*/", '', $log_data[$i])];
     return array_reverse($log);
  * @param $userId
  * @param $fileUniName
  * @param $oriFileName
  * @param $tmpFileUrl
  * @param $chunk
  * @param $chunks
  * @param string $uploadTo
  * @return AmaotoFile|\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|mixed|null|static
  * @throws NeedMoreDataException
 public static function uploadFile($userId, $fileUniName, $oriFileName, $tmpFileUrl, $chunk, $chunks, $uploadTo = 'upload')
     $fileMergePath = self::getUploadToPath($uploadTo) . '/' . $fileUniName . '.merge';
     if ($chunk === 0) {
         File::put($fileMergePath, File::get($tmpFileUrl));
     } else {
         File::append($fileMergePath, File::get($tmpFileUrl));
     if (!$chunks || $chunk == $chunks - 1) {
         $fileMd5 = md5_file($fileMergePath);
         $fileFinalUrl = self::getUploadToPath($uploadTo) . '/' . $fileMd5 . '.' . File::extension($oriFileName);
         if (file_exists($fileFinalUrl)) {
         } else {
             File::move($fileMergePath, $fileFinalUrl);
         if (AmaotoFile::whereMd5($fileMd5)->count() == 0) {
             $thatFile = new AmaotoFile();
             $thatFile->md5 = $fileMd5;
             $thatFile->name = $oriFileName;
             $thatFile->size = File::size($fileFinalUrl);
             $thatFile->url = str_replace(public_path(), '', $fileFinalUrl);
             $thatFile->user_id = $userId;
             return $thatFile;
         } else {
             $thatFile = AmaotoFile::whereMd5($fileMd5)->first();
             return $thatFile;
     throw new NeedMoreDataException('文件未接收完整,请求继续发送数据');
  * testAppend method
  * @return void
 public function testAppend()
     if (!($tmpFile = $this->_getTmpFile())) {
         return false;
     if (file_exists($tmpFile)) {
     $TmpFile = new File($tmpFile);
     $fragments = array('CakePHP\'s', ' test suite', ' was here ...');
     $data = null;
     $size = 0;
     foreach ($fragments as $fragment) {
         $r = $TmpFile->append($fragment);
         $data = $data . $fragment;
         $this->assertEquals($data, file_get_contents($tmpFile));
         $newSize = $TmpFile->size();
         $this->assertTrue($newSize > $size);
         $size = $newSize;
     $this->assertEquals($data, file_get_contents($tmpFile));
  * add_attachment method
  * @return void
 public function uploadAttachment($fileP, $realFileName, $malware, $eventId = null, $category = null, $extraPath = '', $fullFileName = '', $dist, $fromGFI = false)
     // Check if there were problems with the file upload
     // only keep the last part of the filename, this should prevent directory attacks
     $filename = basename($fileP);
     $tmpfile = new File($fileP);
     // save the file-info in the database
     $this->data['Attribute']['event_id'] = $eventId;
     $this->data['Attribute']['distribution'] = $dist;
     if ($malware) {
         $md5 = !$tmpfile->size() ? md5_file($fileP) : $tmpfile->md5();
         $this->data['Attribute']['category'] = $category ? $category : "Payload delivery";
         $this->data['Attribute']['type'] = "malware-sample";
         $this->data['Attribute']['value'] = $fullFileName ? $fullFileName . '|' . $md5 : $filename . '|' . $md5;
         // TODO gives problems with bigger files
         $this->data['Attribute']['to_ids'] = 1;
         // LATER let user choose to send this to IDS
         if ($fromGFI) {
             $this->data['Attribute']['comment'] = 'GFI import';
     } else {
         $this->data['Attribute']['category'] = $category ? $category : "Artifacts dropped";
         $this->data['Attribute']['type'] = "attachment";
         $this->data['Attribute']['value'] = $fullFileName ? $fullFileName : $realFileName;
         $this->data['Attribute']['to_ids'] = 0;
         if ($fromGFI) {
             $this->data['Attribute']['comment'] = 'GFI import';
     if ($this->save($this->data)) {
         // attribute saved correctly in the db
     } else {
         // do some?
     // no errors in file upload, entry already in db, now move the file where needed and zip it if required.
     // no sanitization is required on the filename, path or type as we save
     // create directory structure
     // ???
     $rootDir = APP . "files" . DS . $eventId;
     $dir = new Folder($rootDir, true);
     // move the file to the correct location
     $destpath = $rootDir . DS . $this->getId();
     // id of the new attribute in the database
     $file = new File($destpath);
     $zipfile = new File($destpath . '.zip');
     $fileInZip = new File($rootDir . DS . $extraPath . $filename);
     // FIXME do sanitization of the filename
     // zip and password protect the malware files
     if ($malware) {
         // TODO check if CakePHP has no easy/safe wrapper to execute commands
         $execRetval = '';
         $execOutput = array();
         exec("zip -j -P infected " . $zipfile->path . ' \'' . addslashes($fileInZip->path) . '\'', $execOutput, $execRetval);
         if ($execRetval != 0) {
             // not EXIT_SUCCESS
             // do some?
         // delete the original not-zipped-file
         rename($zipfile->path, $file->path);
         // rename the .zip to .nothing
     } else {
         $fileAttach = new File($fileP);
         rename($fileAttach->path, $file->path);
  * Retrieve (cached) metadata of a file
  * @param Model $Model
  * @param string $file An absolute path to a file
  * @param integer $level level of amount of info to add, `0` disable, `1` for basic, `2` for detailed info
  * @return mixed Array with results or false if file is not readable
 function metadata(&$Model, $file, $level = 1)
     if ($level < 1) {
         return array();
     $File = new File($file);
     if (!$File->readable()) {
         return false;
     $checksum = $File->md5(true);
     if (isset($this->__cached[$Model->alias][$checksum])) {
         $data = $this->__cached[$Model->alias][$checksum];
     if ($level > 0 && !isset($data[1])) {
         $data[1] = array('size' => $File->size(), 'mime_type' => Mime_Type::guessType($File->pwd()), 'checksum' => $checksum);
     if ($level > 1 && !isset($data[2])) {
         $data[2] = array();
         try {
             $Info = Media_Info::factory(array('source' => $File->pwd()));
             foreach ($Info->all() as $key => $value) {
                 $data[2][Inflector::underscore($key)] = $value;
         } catch (Exception $E) {
     for ($i = $level, $result = array(); $i > 0; $i--) {
         $result = array_merge($result, $data[$i]);
     $this->__cached[$Model->alias][$checksum] = $data;
     return $result;
  * Apply a file range to a file and set the end offset.
  * If an invalid range is requested a 416 Status code will be used
  * in the response.
  * @param File $file The file to set a range on.
  * @param string $httpRange The range to use.
  * @return void
 protected function _fileRange($file, $httpRange)
     list(, $range) = explode('=', $httpRange);
     list($start, $end) = explode('-', $range);
     $fileSize = $file->size();
     $lastByte = $fileSize - 1;
     if ($start === '') {
         $start = $fileSize - $end;
         $end = $lastByte;
     if ($end === '') {
         $end = $lastByte;
     if ($start > $end || $end > $lastByte || $start > $lastByte) {
         $this->header(array('Content-Range' => 'bytes 0-' . $lastByte . '/' . $fileSize));
     $this->header(array('Content-Length' => $end - $start + 1, 'Content-Range' => 'bytes ' . $start . '-' . $end . '/' . $fileSize));
     $this->_fileRange = array($start, $end);
 public function grabFiles()
     $validItems = $this->getFileRules();
     App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
     App::uses('File', 'Utility');
     $result = array();
     foreach ($validItems as $k => &$item) {
         $dir = new Folder($item['path']);
         $files = $dir->find($item['regex'], true);
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $f = new File($item['path'] . DS . $file);
             $validItems[$k]['files'][] = array('filename' => $file, 'filesize' => $f->size(), 'read' => $f->readable(), 'write' => $f->writable(), 'execute' => $f->executable());
     return $validItems;
  * Setup for display or download the given file
  * @param string $path Path to file
  * @param array $options Options
  *	### Options keys
  *	- name: Alternate download name
  *	- download: If `true` sets download header and forces file to be downloaded rather than displayed in browser
  * @return void
  * @throws NotFoundException
 public function file($path, $options = array())
     $options += array('name' => null, 'download' => null);
     if (!is_file($path)) {
         $path = APP . $path;
     $file = new File($path);
     if (!$file->exists() || !$file->readable()) {
         if (Configure::read('debug')) {
             throw new NotFoundException(__d('cake_dev', 'The requested file %s was not found or not readable', $path));
         throw new NotFoundException(__d('cake', 'The requested file was not found'));
     $extension = strtolower($file->ext());
     $download = $options['download'];
     if ((!$extension || $this->type($extension) === false) && is_null($download)) {
         $download = true;
     $fileSize = $file->size();
     if ($download) {
         $agent = env('HTTP_USER_AGENT');
         if (preg_match('%Opera(/| )([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})%', $agent)) {
             $contentType = 'application/octetstream';
         } elseif (preg_match('/MSIE ([0-9].[0-9]{1,2})/', $agent)) {
             $contentType = 'application/force-download';
         if (!empty($contentType)) {
         if (is_null($options['name'])) {
             $name = $file->name;
         } else {
             $name = $options['name'];
         $this->header('Accept-Ranges', 'bytes');
         $httpRange = env('HTTP_RANGE');
         if (isset($httpRange)) {
             list(, $range) = explode('=', $httpRange);
             $size = $fileSize - 1;
             $length = $fileSize - $range;
             $this->header(array('Content-Length' => $length, 'Content-Range' => 'bytes ' . $range . $size . '/' . $fileSize));
             $file->open('rb', true);
         } else {
             $this->header('Content-Length', $fileSize);
     } else {
         $this->header('Content-Length', $fileSize);
     $this->_file = $file;
  * Get file size
  * @param null $path
  * @return integer
 public function getFileSize($path = null)
     $file = new File($path);
     return $file->size();
  * Apply a file range to a file and set the end offset.
  * If an invalid range is requested a 416 Status code will be used
  * in the response.
  * @param File $file The file to set a range on.
  * @param string $httpRange The range to use.
  * @return void
 protected function _fileRange($file, $httpRange)
     $fileSize = $file->size();
     $lastByte = $fileSize - 1;
     $start = 0;
     $end = $lastByte;
     preg_match('/^bytes\\s*=\\s*(\\d+)?\\s*-\\s*(\\d+)?$/', $httpRange, $matches);
     if ($matches) {
         $start = $matches[1];
         $end = isset($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : '';
     if ($start === '') {
         $start = $fileSize - $end;
         $end = $lastByte;
     if ($end === '') {
         $end = $lastByte;
     if ($start > $end || $end > $lastByte || $start > $lastByte) {
         $this->header(array('Content-Range' => 'bytes 0-' . $lastByte . '/' . $fileSize));
     $this->header(array('Content-Length' => $end - $start + 1, 'Content-Range' => 'bytes ' . $start . '-' . $end . '/' . $fileSize));
     $this->_fileRange = array($start, $end);