public static function set_upload_path($path) { self::$upload_base_dir = $path; }
protected function register_field_as($name, $arguments) { $field = $arguments[0]; array_unshift($arguments, $this); $formats = FieldAct::formats($name); $this->_field_act[$field] = array($formats, $name, $arguments); }
//load router configuration $router_conf = (require_once RA_CONFIG_PATH . '/router.php'); $ROUTER = new UserRouter(); //load slice routes foreach (glob(RA_SLICES_PATH . "/*/config/router.php") as $router) { include_once $router; } try { $current_route = $ROUTER->match($current_uri); } catch (Ra_RouterException $e) { dispatch_error($e, 404); } //disable magic quotes include_once RA_SYSTEM_CORE_PATH . '/magic_quotes.php'; //transform upload format include_once RA_SYSTEM_CORE_PATH . '/upload_transform.php'; //load database require_once RA_SYSTEM_DATABASE_PATH . '/ActiveRecord.php'; $db_conf = (include RA_CONFIG_PATH . '/db.php'); FieldAct::set_upload_path(RA_UPLOAD_PATH . '/'); DBCommand::configure($db_conf->host, $db_conf->user, $db_conf->password, $db_conf->database); //if your submodules needs to do something, this is the time! foreach (glob(RA_SLICES_PATH . "/*/config/setup.php") as $setup) { include_once $setup; } //run! try { Ra_Controller::run($current_route); } catch (Exception $e) { dispatch_error($e); }