 function __construct()
     // create SQLite database
     // files
     $this->createTable('files', array('id' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'mime' => 'TEXT', 'data' => 'DATA', 'code' => 'TEXT', 'date' => 'TEXT', 'room' => 'NUMERIC', 'transcript' => 'NUMERIC', 'filename' => 'TEXT', 'type' => 'TEXT'));
     // image thumbnails
     $this->createTable('thumbs', array('data' => 'DATA', 'code' => 'TEXT'));
     // messages
     $this->createTable('messages', array('id' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'date' => 'TEXT', 'room' => 'NUMERIC', 'userId' => 'NUMERIC', 'text' => 'TEXT', 'type' => 'TEXT', 'user' => 'NUMERIC', 'transcript' => 'NUMERIC', 'highlight' => 'NUMERIC', 'locked' => 'NUMERIC'));
     // room transcripts
     $this->createTable('room_transcripts', array('key' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'deleted' => 'NUMERIC', 'niceDate' => 'TEXT', 'date' => 'TEXT', 'room' => 'NUMERIC'));
     // room users
     $this->createTable('room_users', array('timestamp' => 'NUMERIC', 'room' => 'NUMERIC', 'user' => 'NUMERIC'));
     // rooms
     $this->createTable('rooms', array('id' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'deleted' => 'TEXT', 'activity' => 'NUMERIC', 'timestamp' => 'NUMERIC', 'description' => 'TEXT', 'guest' => 'TEXT', 'locked' => 'TEXT', 'name' => 'TEXT'));
     // transcript users
     $this->createTable('transcript_users', array('date' => 'TEXT', 'room' => 'NUMERIC', 'user' => 'NUMERIC'));
     // user permissions
     $this->createTable('user_permissions', array('room' => 'NUMERIC', 'user' => 'NUMERIC'));
     // users
     $this->createTable('users', array('id' => 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY', 'role' => 'TEXT', 'long' => 'TEXT', 'short' => 'TEXT', 'email' => 'TEXT', 'invitation' => 'TEXT', 'name' => 'TEXT', 'password' => 'TEXT', 'surname' => 'TEXT', 'username' => 'TEXT'));
     $db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     $db->insert('users', array('role' => 'admin', 'name' => 'Radek', 'surname' => 'Stepan', 'long' => 'Radek Stepan', 'short' => 'Radek S.', 'password' => 'd033e22ae348aeb5660fc2140aec35850c4da997', 'username' => 'admin'));
 public function __construct($file, $roomId)
     // get file
     $this->name = Fari_Escape::file($file['name'], TRUE);
     $this->mime = $file['type'];
     // db instance
     $db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     $type = explode('/', $this->mime);
     $type = count($type) > 1 ? $type[1] : $type[0];
     // set generic filetype for files we don't have icons for :)
     if (!in_array($type, $this->fileTypes)) {
         $type = 'generic';
     $stream = fopen($file['tmp_name'], 'rb');
     $code = $this->randomCode($db);
     $date = SystemTime::timestampToDate();
     // let's associate the file with a transcript (there better be a transcript...)
     $transcript = $db->selectRow('room_transcripts', 'key', array('date' => $date, 'room' => $roomId));
     // insert the file
     $db->query("INSERT INTO files (mime, data, code, room, filename, type, date, transcript)\n                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($this->mime, $stream, $this->code = $code, $roomId, $this->name, $this->type = $type, $date, $transcript['key']));
     // create a thumbnail if required
     $thumbnail = new UploadThumbnail($file);
     if ($thumbnail->isCreated()) {
         // yes we do have one
         $this->thumbnail = TRUE;
         $thumb = fopen($thumbnail->getPath(), 'rb');
         // insert the thumbnail
         $db->query("INSERT INTO thumbs (data, code) VALUES (?, ?)", array($thumb, $this->code));
  * Constructor, creating a timestamp type message (whenever any action happens)
  * Make sure that activity column has a number in it!
  * @param integer $roomId Id of the room (optional)
  * @param integer $time UNIX timestamp (optional)
  * @param integer $hide Set to one if you don't want a message to appear in transcript but room is not locked yet
  * @return void
 function __construct($roomId = null, $time = null, $hide = 0)
     // call parent constructor to set db connection
     $this->db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     // we don't want to timestamp a room as active if a user is leaving for example...
     if (isset($roomId)) {
         $this->roomId = $roomId;
         $this->timestampRoom($time, $hide);
 function __construct($roomPermissionsString)
     // setup db connection
     $this->db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     // fetch the count of all the transcripts, calculate in PHP
     $this->all = $this->db->select('room_transcripts' . ' JOIN rooms' . ' ON room_transcripts.room=rooms.id', 'room_transcripts.key, rooms.id, rooms.name, room_transcripts.niceDate, room_transcripts.date', "room_transcripts.deleted=0 AND rooms.id IN ({$roomPermissionsString})", 'room_transcripts.key DESC');
     // count of all items
     if (($this->count = count($this->all)) == 0) {
         throw new TranscriptEmptyException();
 function __construct($date, $roomId)
     // setup db connection
     $this->db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     $this->details = $this->db->selectRow('room_transcripts JOIN rooms ON rooms.id=room_transcripts.room', 'room_transcripts.key, niceDate, name, room, date', array('date' => $date, 'room_transcripts.deleted' => 0, 'room' => $roomId));
     // nothing found, throw an exception
     if (!is_array($this->details)) {
         throw new TranscriptNotFoundException();
     // get users
     $this->users = $this->getUsers($date, $roomId);
     // get messages
     $this->messages = $this->getMessages($date, $roomId);
     // get files
     $this->files = $this->getFiles($date, $roomId);
     // next transcript
     $this->next = $this->next($roomId);
     // previous transcript
     $this->previous = $this->previous($roomId);
 function __construct($time = NULL)
     if (!isset($time)) {
         $time = mktime();
     $this->db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     $cutoff = $time - 60 * 10;
     // check if user has a timestamp older than 5 minutes in a room
     $leave = $this->db->select('room_users JOIN users ON room_users.user=users.id', 'user, room, short', "timestamp < {$cutoff}");
     if (!empty($leave)) {
         $message = new MessageSpeak();
         foreach ($leave as $user) {
             // leaving message
             $message->leave($user['room'], $time, $user['short']);
         // clear them out from the room
         $this->db->delete('room_users', "timestamp < {$cutoff}");
  * Create object for authenticated user
 function __construct($roles = NULL)
     $this->db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
     // no entry, we are not logged in, fail the constructor
     if (!$this->isAuthenticated()) {
         throw new UserNotAuthenticatedException();
     // fetch the database entry for us
     $dbUser = $this->db->selectRow('users', 'id, role, name, surname, short, long, invitation', array('username' => $this->getCredentials()));
     // user has been inactivated, throw them away
     if ($dbUser['role'] == 'inactive') {
         throw new UserNotAuthenticatedException();
     // ORM much? effectively map db entry into an identity Fari_Bag object
     $this->identity = new Fari_Bag();
     foreach ($dbUser as $key => $value) {
         $this->identity->{$key} = $value;
     // get an array of room permissions for us
     $q = $this->db->select('user_permissions', 'room', array('user' => $dbUser['id']), 'room ASC');
     foreach ($q as $room) {
         array_push($this->permissions, $room['room']);
     // which rooms are we in?
     $q = $this->db->select('room_users JOIN rooms ON room_users.room=rooms.id', 'rooms.id, name', array('user' => $dbUser['id']), 'room ASC');
     foreach ($q as $room) {
         $this->inRoom[$room['name']] = $room['id'];
     // optionally check the roles
     if (isset($roles)) {
         if (!$this->isAuthorized(&$roles, $dbUser['role'])) {
             throw new UserNotAuthorizedException();
  * Get instance of database connection.
 public function __construct()
     $this->db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
  * Get code and name from the form and create a new user for us (generate username)
 public function actionCreate()
     $name = Fari_Decode::accents($this->request->getPost('name'));
     $code = $this->request->getPost('code');
     if (!empty($name)) {
         $name = explode(' ', $name);
         // do we have a 'long' name?
         if (count($name) > 1) {
             $short = $name[0] . ' ' . substr(end($name), 0, 1) . '.';
             $long = implode(' ', $name);
             $surname = end($name);
             $name = $name[0];
         } else {
             $short = $long = $name = $name[0];
             $surname = '';
         // generate a username
         $username = Fari_Escape::slug($long) . Fari_Tools::randomCode(10);
         $db = Fari_Db::getConnection();
         // insert the user in a guest role
         $userId = $db->insert('users', array('short' => $short, 'long' => $long, 'name' => $name, 'surname' => $surname, 'role' => 'guest', 'username' => $username));
         // log them in automatically
         // give them permissions to enter this room
         $room = $db->selectRow('rooms', 'id', array('guest' => $code));
         if (!empty($room)) {
             $db->insert('user_permissions', array('room' => $room['id'], 'user' => $userId));
     // redirect to the room, if we've ailed will be asked for guest's name again
     $this->redirectTo('/g/' . $code);