  * Displays the view after (optionally) render function in a presenter has been executed.
  * @param string $viewName View name to display
  * @param string $contentType Specifies optional content type for the view
  * @param string $extraParam Extra parameter to find the view by
 public function render($viewName)
     assert('strlen($viewName) > 0; // view name cannot be empty');
     // form views path
     $path = BASEPATH . '/' . APP_DIR . '/views/';
     // create template file path
     $viewFile = $path . $viewName . self::VIEW_SUFFIX;
     // check if view exists
     // are we using a @layout file?
     $temp = explode('/', $viewName);
     assert('count($temp) == 2; // $viewName needs to consist of "presenter/file"');
     // define presenter name for easy access
     // custom layout named after our presenter
     if (file_exists($layout = $path . '@' . strtolower($temp[0]) . self::VIEW_SUFFIX)) {
         $this->includeLayoutAndView($layout, $viewFile);
         // application level layout
     } else {
         if (file_exists($layout = $path . '@application' . self::VIEW_SUFFIX)) {
             $this->includeLayoutAndView($layout, $viewFile);
         } else {
             // import key:value array into symbol table
             extract($this->values, EXTR_SKIP);
             // no soup for you!
             $devMode = Fari_ApplicationEnvironment::isDevelopment();
             if ($devMode) {
                 echo "\n<!-- begin {$viewFile} -->\n";
             include $viewFile;
             if ($devMode) {
                 echo "\n<!-- end {$viewFile} -->\n";
  * Set presenter name.
  * @param string $presenterName
 public static function setPresenter($presenterName)
     self::$presenter = $presenterName;