/** * Create JS JLayout data * * @return void */ private function jLayouts() { FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fabrik-visualization-fullcalendar-viewbuttons', 'fabrik-visualization-fullcalendar-viewbuttons', (object) array(), array(JPATH_PLUGINS . '/fabrik_visualization/fullcalendar/layouts/')); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fabrik-visualization-fullcalendar-event-popup', 'fabrik-visualization-fullcalendar-event-popup', (object) array(), array(JPATH_PLUGINS . '/fabrik_visualization/fullcalendar/layouts/')); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fabrik-visualization-fullcalendar-viewevent', 'fabrik-visualization-fullcalendar-viewevent', (object) array(), array(JPATH_PLUGINS . '/fabrik_visualization/fullcalendar/layouts/')); $modalOpts = array('content' => '', 'id' => 'fullcalendar_addeventwin', 'title' => FText::_('PLG_VISUALIZATION_FULLCALENDAR_ADD_EVENT'), 'modal' => false, 'expandable' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fullcalendar_addeventwin', 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); $modalOpts = array('content' => '', 'id' => 'fullcalendar_chooseeventwin', 'title' => FText::_('PLG_VISUALIZATION_FULLCALENDAR_PLEASE_SELECT'), 'modal' => false, 'expandable' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fullcalendar_chooseeventwin', 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); }
/** * Add the js jLayout objects for rendering the modal * * @return void */ public static function modalJLayouts() { FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('modal-close', 'modal.fabrik-close'); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('icon-expand', 'fabrik-icon', (object) array('icon' => 'icon-expand')); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('icon-full-screen', 'fabrik-icon', (object) array('icon' => 'icon-out-2 icon-fullscreen')); }
/** * Get JS objects * * @param array $data list data * * @return void */ protected function getManagementJS($data = array()) { $input = $this->app->input; $itemId = FabrikWorker::itemId(); /** @var FabrikFEModelList $model */ $model = $this->getModel(); $params = $model->getParams(); $item = $model->getTable(); $listRef = $model->getRenderContext(); $listId = $model->getId(); $formModel = $model->getFormModel(); $elementsNotInTable = $formModel->getElementsNotInTable(); $toggleCols = (bool) $params->get('toggle_cols', false); $ajax = (int) $model->isAjax(); $ajaxLinks = (bool) $params->get('list_ajax_links', $ajax); $opts = new stdClass(); $pluginManager = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager(); if ($ajaxLinks) { $modalTitle = 'test'; $modalOpts = array('content' => '', 'id' => 'ajax_links', 'title' => JText::_($modalTitle), 'modal' => false, 'expandable' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('ajax_links', 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); } // Advanced search if ($params->get('advanced-filter')) { $modalOpts = array('content' => '', 'id' => 'advanced-filter', 'title' => JText::_('COM_FABRIK_FIELD_ADVANCED_SEARCH_LABEL'), 'modal' => false, 'expandable' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('advanced-filter', 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); } FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('modal-state-label', 'list.fabrik-filters-modal-state-label', $layoutData = (object) array('label' => '', 'displayValue' => '', 'key' => '')); $this->csvJS($opts, $model); if ($model->requiresSlimbox()) { FabrikHelperHTML::slimbox(); } if ($model->requiresSlideshow()) { FabrikHelperHTML::slideshow(); } $src = FabrikHelperHTML::framework(); $shim = array(); $dep = new stdClass(); $dep->deps = array(); $shim['fab/list'] = $dep; $src['FbList'] = FabrikHelperHTML::mediaFile('list.js'); $src['FbListFilter'] = FabrikHelperHTML::mediaFile('listfilter.js'); $src['ListPlugin'] = FabrikHelperHTML::mediaFile('list-plugin.js'); $src = $model->getPluginJsClasses($src, $shim); $pluginManager->runPlugins('loadJavascriptClassName', $model, 'list'); $pluginManager->data = array_filter($pluginManager->data, function ($v) { return $v !== ''; }); $model->getCustomJsAction($src); $tmpl = $model->getTmpl(); $this->tmpl = $tmpl; $model->getListCss(); // Check for a custom js file and include it if it exists $aJsPath = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/' . $tmpl . '/javascript.js'; if (JFile::exists($aJsPath)) { $src['CustomJs'] = 'components/com_fabrik/views/list/tmpl/' . $tmpl . '/javascript.js'; } $origRows = $this->rows; $this->rows = array(array()); $tmpItemid = !isset($itemId) ? 0 : $itemId; $this->_row = new stdClass(); $script = array(); $params = $model->getParams(); $opts->admin = $this->app->isAdmin(); $opts->ajax = $ajax; $opts->ajax_links = $ajaxLinks; $opts->links = array('detail' => $params->get('detailurl', ''), 'edit' => $params->get('editurl', ''), 'add' => $params->get('addurl', '')); $opts->filterMethod = $this->filter_action; $opts->advancedFilters = $model->getAdvancedFilterValues(); $opts->resetFilters = (bool) FabrikWorker::getMenuOrRequestVar('resetfilters', 0, false, 'request'); $opts->form = 'listform_' . $listRef; $this->listref = $listRef; $opts->headings = $model->jsonHeadings(); $labels = $this->headings; foreach ($labels as &$l) { $l = strip_tags($l); } $opts->labels = $labels; $opts->primaryKey = $item->db_primary_key; $opts->Itemid = $tmpItemid; $opts->listRef = $listRef; $opts->formid = $model->getFormModel()->getId(); $opts->canEdit = $model->canEdit() ? '1' : '0'; $opts->canView = $model->canView() ? '1' : '0'; $opts->page = JRoute::_('index.php'); $opts->isGrouped = $this->isGrouped; $opts->toggleCols = $toggleCols; $opts->j3 = FabrikWorker::j3(); $opts->singleOrdering = (bool) $model->singleOrdering(); // Reset data back to original settings $this->rows = $origRows; $formEls = array(); foreach ($elementsNotInTable as $tmpElement) { $oo = new stdClass(); $oo->name = $tmpElement->name; $oo->label = $tmpElement->label; $formEls[] = $oo; } $opts->formels = $formEls; $opts->fabrik_show_in_list = $input->get('fabrik_show_in_list', array(), 'array'); $opts->popup_width = $params->get('popup_width', ''); $opts->popup_height = $params->get('popup_height', ''); $xOffset = $params->get('popup_offset_x', ''); $yOffset = $params->get('popup_offset_y', ''); if ($xOffset !== '') { $opts->popup_offset_x = (int) $xOffset; } if ($yOffset !== '') { $opts->popup_offset_y = (int) $yOffset; } /** * Added the $nodata object as we now weed something to pass in just to keep editLabel * and viewLabel happy, after adding placeholder replacement to the labels for a Pro user, * because the tooltips said we did that, which we never actually did. * * http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?threads/placeholders-in-list-links-and-labels.37726/#post-191081 * * However, this means that using placeholders will yield funky labels for the popups, as * this isn't per row. So we may need to not use editLabel / viewLabel here any more, * and just use the default COM_FABRIK_VIEW/EDIT. Or add YAFO's, ::sigh::. * * But for now, it's too corner case to worry about! */ $nodata = new stdClass(); $opts->popup_edit_label = $model->editLabel($nodata); $opts->popup_view_label = $model->viewLabel($nodata); $opts->popup_add_label = $model->addLabel(); $opts->limitLength = $model->limitLength; $opts->limitStart = $model->limitStart; $opts->tmpl = $tmpl; $opts->data = $data; $opts->groupByOpts = new stdClass(); $opts->groupByOpts->isGrouped = (bool) $this->isGrouped; $opts->groupByOpts->collapseOthers = (bool) $params->get('group_by_collapse_others', false); $opts->groupByOpts->startCollapsed = (bool) $params->get('group_by_start_collapsed', false); $opts->groupByOpts->bootstrap = FabrikWorker::j3(); // If table data starts as empty then we need the html from the row // template otherwise we can't add a row to the table ob_start(); $this->_row = new stdClass(); $this->_row->id = ''; $this->_row->class = 'fabrik_row'; echo $this->loadTemplate('row'); $opts->itemTemplate = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // $$$rob if you are loading a table in a window from a form db join select record option // then we want to know the id of the window so we can set its showSpinner() method $opts->winid = $input->get('winid', ''); $this->jsText(); $script[] = "window.addEvent('domready', function () {"; $script[] = "\tvar list = new FbList('{$listId}',"; $script[] = "\t" . json_encode($opts); $script[] = "\t);"; $script[] = "\tFabrik.addBlock('list_{$listRef}', list);"; // Add in plugin objects $pluginManager->runPlugins('onLoadJavascriptInstance', $model, 'list'); $aObjs = $pluginManager->data; if (!empty($aObjs)) { $script[] = "list.addPlugins([\n"; $script[] = "\t" . implode(",\n ", $aObjs); $script[] = "]);"; } // @since 3.0 inserts content before the start of the list render (currently on f3 tmpl only) $pluginManager->runPlugins('onGetContentBeforeList', $model, 'list'); $this->pluginBeforeList = $pluginManager->data; $script[] = $model->filterJs; $script[] = $this->getModel()->getElementJs($src); // End domready wrapper $script[] = '})'; $script = implode("\n", $script); FabrikHelperHTML::iniRequireJS($shim); FabrikHelperHTML::script($src, $script); }
/** * Create the html for Ajax upload widget * * @param array $str Current html output * @param int $repeatCounter Repeat group counter * @param array $values Existing files * * @return array Modified file-upload html */ protected function plupload($str, $repeatCounter, $values) { FabrikHelperHTML::stylesheet(COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'media/com_fabrik/css/slider.css'); $params = $this->getParams(); $w = (int) $params->get('ajax_dropbox_width', 0); $h = (int) $params->get('ajax_dropbox_height', 200); $dropBoxStyle = 'height:' . $h . 'px;'; if ($w !== 0) { $dropBoxStyle .= 'width:' . $w . 'px;'; } $layout = $this->getLayout('widget'); $displayData = new stdClass(); $displayData->id = $this->getHTMLId($repeatCounter); $displayData->winWidth = $params->get('win_width', 400); $displayData->winHeight = $params->get('win_height', 400); $displayData->canCrop = $this->canCrop(); $displayData->canvasSupport = FabrikHelperHTML::canvasSupport(); $displayData->dropBoxStyle = $dropBoxStyle; $displayData->field = implode("\n", $str); $displayData->j3 = FabrikWorker::j3(); $str = (array) $layout->render($displayData); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fabrik-progress-bar', 'fabrik-progress-bar', (object) array('context' => '', 'animated' => true)); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fabrik-progress-bar-success', 'fabrik-progress-bar', (object) array('context' => 'success', 'value' => 100)); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('fabrik-icon-delete', 'fabrik-icon', (object) array('icon' => 'delete'), array('debug' => true)); return $str; }
/** * Create the upload modal and its content * Needs to be a unique $modalId to ensure that multiple modals can be created * each with unique content * * @param int $repeatCounter */ protected function pluploadModal($repeatCounter) { $params = $this->getParams(); $modalContentLayout = $this->getLayout('modal-content'); $modalData = (object) array('id' => $this->getHTMLId($repeatCounter), 'canCrop' => $this->canCrop(), 'canvasSupport' => FabrikHelperHTML::canvasSupport(), 'width' => $params->get('win_width', 400), 'height' => $params->get('win_height', 400)); $modalContent = $modalContentLayout->render($modalData); $modalTitle = $this->canCrop() ? 'PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_CROP_AND_SCALE' : 'PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_PREVIEW'; $modalId = $this->modalId($repeatCounter); $modalOpts = array('content' => $modalContent, 'id' => $modalId, 'title' => JText::_($modalTitle), 'modal' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs($modalId, 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); }
/** * Render checkbox list in form * * @param array $data Form data * @param int $repeatCounter Repeat group counter * @param array &$html HTML to assign output to * @param array $tmp List of value/label objects * @param array $default Default values - the lookup table's primary key values * * @since 3.0.7 * * @return void */ protected function renderCheckBoxList($data, $repeatCounter, &$html, $tmp, $default) { $id = $this->getHTMLId($repeatCounter); $name = $this->getHTMLName($repeatCounter); $params = $this->getParams(); $html[] = '<div class="fabrikSubElementContainer" id="' . $id . '">'; $attributes = 'class="fabrikinput inputbox" id="' . $id . '"'; $name = FabrikString::rtrimword($name, '[]'); if (!$this->getFormModel()->isNewRecord()) { // If its a new record we don't want to look up defaults in the look up table as they will not exist $targetIds = $this->multiOptionTargetIds($data, $repeatCounter); if ($targetIds !== false) { $default = $targetIds; } } $this->renderReadOnlyTrimOptions($tmp, $default); $layout = $this->getLayout('form-checkboxlist'); $displayData = new stdClass(); $displayData->options = $tmp; $displayData->default = (array) $default; $displayData->optsPerRow = (int) $params->get('dbjoin_options_per_row', 1); $displayData->name = $name; $displayData->editable = $this->isEditable(); $displayData->optionLayout = $this->getLayout('form-checkbox'); $html[] = '<div class="fabrikSubElementContainer" id="' . $id . '">'; $singleLayout = 'fabrik-element-' . $this->getPluginName() . '-form-checkbox'; FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs($singleLayout, $singleLayout, $displayData, array($this->layoutBasePath())); if (FabrikWorker::j3()) { $html[] = $layout->render($displayData); } else { $html[] = FabrikHelperHTML::aList('checkbox', $tmp, $name, $attributes, $default, 'value', 'text', $displayData->optsPerRow, $displayData->editable); } if (empty($tmp) && !FabrikWorker::j3()) { $tmpIds = array(); $o = new stdClass(); $o->text = 'dummy'; $o->value = 'dummy'; $tmpIds[] = $o; $tmp = $tmpIds; $dummy = FabrikHelperHTML::aList('checkbox', $tmp, $name, $attributes, $default, 'value', 'text', 1, true); $html[] = '<div class="chxTmplNode">' . $dummy . '</div>'; } $html[] = '</div>'; }
/** * Add any jsJLayout templates to Fabrik.jLayouts js object. * * @return void */ public function jsJLayouts() { $opts = $this->elementJavascriptOpts(); $params = $this->getParams(); if ($opts->allowadd) { $modalOpts = array('content' => '', 'id' => $opts->modalId, 'title' => '', 'modal' => false, 'expandable' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs($opts->modalId, 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); } if ($params->get('fabrikdatabasejoin_frontend_select')) { $modalOpts = array('content' => '', 'id' => 'db_join_select', 'title' => '', 'modal' => false, 'expandable' => true); FabrikHelperHTML::jLayoutJs('db_join_select', 'fabrik-modal', (object) $modalOpts); } }