exception_handler() public static method

We don't actually use this as a proper exception handler, so we can continue execution.
See also: FUnit::run_test()
public static exception_handler ( Exception $e ) : array
$e Exception
return array ['datetime', 'num', 'type', 'msg', 'file', 'line']
  * @see \FUnit::run_test()
  * @return [type] [description]
 public function runTest($name)
     // don't run a test more than once!
     if ($this->tests[$name]['run']) {
         \FUnit::debug_out("test '{$name}' was already run; skipping");
         return $this->tests[$name];
     \FUnit::info_out("Running test '{$name}' in suite {$this->getName()}");
     $ts_start = microtime(true);
     // to associate the assertions in a test with the test,
     // we use this static var to avoid the need to for globals
     $this->current_test_name = $name;
     $test = $this->tests[$name]['test'];
     // setup
     if (isset($this->setup_func)) {
         \FUnit::debug_out("running setup for '{$name}'");
         $setup_func = $this->setup_func;
     $ts_setup = microtime(true);
     try {
         \FUnit::debug_out("executing test function for '{$name}'");
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     $ts_run = microtime(true);
     // teardown
     if (isset($this->teardown_func)) {
         \FUnit::debug_out("running teardown for '{$name}'");
         $teardown_func = $this->teardown_func;
     $ts_teardown = microtime(true);
     $this->current_test_name = null;
     $this->tests[$name]['run'] = true;
     $this->tests[$name]['timing'] = array('setup' => $ts_setup - $ts_start, 'run' => $ts_run - $ts_setup, 'teardown' => $ts_teardown - $ts_run, 'total' => $ts_teardown - $ts_start);
     if (count($this->tests[$name]['errors']) > 0) {
         $this->tests[$name]['pass'] = false;
     } else {
         $assert_counts = $this->assertCounts($name);
         if ($assert_counts['pass'] === $assert_counts['total']) {
             $this->tests[$name]['pass'] = true;
         } else {
             $this->tests[$name]['pass'] = false;
     if (false === $this->tests[$name]['pass']) {
         $this->exit_code = 1;
     \FUnit::debug_out("Timing: " . json_encode($this->tests[$name]['timing']));
     // json is easy to read
     return $this->tests[$name];