public function __construct(&$params, FoxMessageBoard &$messageboard) { parent::__construct($params, $messageboard); $this->ValidateEmail(); // email can have text without being valid // Load resources only once static $resources = true; if ($resources) { // The easy way to include chosen. It taunts the page source with tons of embedded javascripts. // JHtml::_("jquery.framework"); // jquery // JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true); // mootools // JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select'); // chosen // We need jQuery to be loaded before our scripts JHtml::_("jquery.framework"); $foxDocument = FoxDocument::getInstance(); $foxDocument->addResource(array("root" => "components", "filename" => "foxtext", "type" => "js")); // Prevent further load of the same resources $resources = false; } $this->isvalid = intval($this->ValidateForm()); // Are all fields valid? $lang_handler = new FLangHandler(); if ($lang_handler->HasMessages()) { $messageboard->Append($lang_handler->GetMessages(), FoxMessageBoard::warning); } $conflict = new FoxConflicting(); if ($conflict->HasMessages()) { $messageboard->Append($conflict->GetMessages(), FoxMessageBoard::warning); } }
public function __construct(&$params, FoxMessageBoard &$messageboard) { parent::__construct($params, $messageboard); $this->ValidateEmail(); // email can have text without being valid // Load required js only once if (!isset($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_js_loaded'])) { // The easy way to include chosen. It taunts the page source with tons of embedded javascripts. // JHtml::_("jquery.framework"); // jquery // JHtml::_('behavior.framework', true); // mootools // JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select'); // chosen // We need jQuery to be loaded before our scripts JHtml::_("jquery.framework"); $foxDocument = FoxDocument::getInstance(); $min = JFactory::getConfig()->get("debug") ? "" : ".min"; $foxDocument->addResource(array("root" => "components", "filename" => "jtext", "type" => "js")); $foxDocument->addScript(JUri::base(true) . "/components/" . $GLOBALS["com_name"] . "/js/fileuploader" . $min . ".js"); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); // chosen.jquery requires core for Joomla.JText $uncompressed = JFactory::getConfig()->get("debug") ? "-uncompressed" : ""; $document->addScript(JUri::base(true) . "/media/system/js/core" . $uncompressed . ".js"); $document->addScript(JUri::base(true) . "/media/jui/js/chosen.jquery" . $min . ".js"); $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_js_loaded'] = true; } $this->isvalid = intval($this->ValidateForm()); // Are all fields valid? $lang_handler = new FLangHandler(); if ($lang_handler->HasMessages()) { $messageboard->Append($lang_handler->GetMessages(), FoxMessageBoard::warning); } $conflict = new FoxConflicting(); if ($conflict->HasMessages()) { $messageboard->Append($conflict->GetMessages(), FoxMessageBoard::warning); } }
public function __construct(&$params, &$messages) { parent::__construct($params, $messages); $this->Name = "FFieldPump"; $this->ValidateEmail(); // email can have text without being valid // Show checkboxes javascript in <head> section as a source if (!isset($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_checkbox_js_loaded'])) { $this->js_load("fcheckbox-min.js", 1, 0); $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_checkbox_js_loaded'] = true; } // Show dropdown javascript in <head> section as a source if (!isset($GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_dropdown_js_loaded'])) { $this->js_load("dropdown-min.js", 1, 0); $GLOBALS[$GLOBALS["ext_name"] . '_dropdown_js_loaded'] = true; } $this->isvalid = intval($this->ValidateForm()); // Are all fields valid? $lang_handler = new FLangHandler(); if ($lang_handler->HasMessages()) { $messages += $lang_handler->GetMessages(); } }