public function deleteAlbum($aid, $is_delete_share = false)
        $aid = (int) $aid;
        if (!$aid) {
            return false;
        $album = AlbumService::getAlbumById($aid);
        if (empty($album)) {
            return false;
        if ($is_delete_share) {
            $res = FDB::query('SELECT share_id FROM ' . FDB::table('album_share') . ' WHERE album_id = ' . $aid);
            while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                AlbumService::deleteAlbumItem($data['share_id'], false);
        FDB::delete('album', 'id = ' . $aid);
        FDB::delete('album_best', 'album_id = ' . $aid);
        FDB::delete('album_share', 'album_id = ' . $aid);
        FDB::delete('album_tags_related', 'album_id = ' . $aid);
        if (!empty($album['flash_img'])) {
            @unlink(FANWE_ROOT . $album['flash_img']);
        if (!empty($album['best_img'])) {
            @unlink(FANWE_ROOT . $album['best_img']);
        if (!empty($album['tags'])) {
            FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('album_tags') . " SET album_count = album_count - 1 WHERE tag_name " . FDB::createIN($album['tags']));
        FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('user_count') . ' SET
				albums = albums - 1
				WHERE uid = ' . $album['uid']);
        FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('share') . " SET type = 'default' \r\n\t\t\tWHERE rec_id = " . $aid . " AND type IN ('album_item','album_best','album_rec')");
        FS('Medal')->runAuto($album['uid'], 'albums');
    public function maybe()
        global $_FANWE;
        $home_uid = $_FANWE['home_uid'];
        $home_user = FS('User')->getUserById($home_uid);
        $user_names = FS('User')->getUserShowName($home_uid);
        $page_args = array('uid' => $home_uid);
        $current_menu = 'topic';
        $follow_uids = array();
        $sql = 'SELECT uid
			FROM ' . FDB::table('user_follow') . '
			WHERE f_uid = ' . $home_uid . '
			GROUP BY uid';
        $res = FDB::query($sql);
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $follow_uids[] = $data['uid'];
        if (count($follow_uids) > 0) {
            $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(tid)
				FROM ' . FDB::table('forum_thread') . '
				WHERE uid ' . FDB::createIN($follow_uids);
            $count = FDB::resultFirst($sql);
            $pager = buildPage('u/' . ACTION_NAME, $page_args, $count, $_FANWE['page'], 10);
            $thread_list = array();
            $res = FDB::query('SELECT ft.*,s.cache_data FROM ' . FDB::table('forum_thread') . ' AS ft
				INNER JOIN ' . FDB::table('share') . ' AS s ON s.share_id = ft.share_id
				WHERE ft.uid ' . FDB::createIN($follow_uids) . ' ORDER BY ft.tid DESC LIMIT ' . $pager['limit']);
            while ($thread = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                $thread['cache_data'] = fStripslashes(unserialize($thread['cache_data']));
                $thread['url'] = FU('club/detail', array('tid' => $thread['tid']));
                $thread['time'] = getBeforeTimelag($thread['create_time']);
                $thread['cate'] = $_FANWE['cache']['forums']['all'][$thread['fid']];
                $thread_list[$thread['share_id']] = $thread;
        include template('page/u/u_topic');
     * 根据会员名称获取会员列表
     * @param array $user_names 名称数组
     * @return array
    public function getUsersByName($user_names)
        if (is_array($user_names)) {
            return FDB::fetchAll('SELECT uid,user_name
				FROM ' . FDB::table('user') . '
				WHERE user_name ' . FDB::createIN($user_names));
        } else {
            return FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT uid,user_name
				FROM ' . FDB::table('user') . "\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE user_name = '{$user_names}'");
function m_express($obj, $content)
    global $_FANWE;
    $obj['parse_expres'] = array();
    $express = getCache('m_emotion_express_cache');
    if ($express === NULL) {
        $express = array();
        $res = FDB::query("select `emotion`,concat('" . $_FANWE['site_url'] . "public/expression/',`type`,'/',`filename`) as fname from " . FDB::table('expression'));
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $express[$data['emotion']] = $data['fname'];
        setCache('m_emotion_express_cache', $express);
    preg_match_all("/(\\[[^\f\n\r\t\v\\[\\] ]{2,20}?\\])/", $content, $exps);
    if (!empty($exps[1])) {
        $exps = array_unique($exps[1]);
        foreach ($exps as $exp) {
            if (!empty($exp) && isset($express[$exp])) {
                //$obj['parse_expres'][$exp] = $express[$exp];
                $obj['parse_expres'][] = array('key' => $exp, 'value' => $express[$exp], 'width' => 24, 'height' => 24);
    $obj['parse_user'] = array();
    preg_match_all("/@([^\f\n\r\t\v@<> ]{2,20}?)(?:\\:| )/", $content, $users);
    if (!empty($users[1])) {
        $patterns = array();
        $replace = array();
        $users = array_unique($users[1]);
        $arr = array();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            if (!empty($user)) {
                $arr[] = addslashes($user);
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT uid,user_name
			FROM ' . FDB::table('user') . '
			WHERE user_name ' . FDB::createIN($arr));
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            //$obj['parse_user'][$data['user_name']] = $data['uid'];
            $obj['parse_user'][] = array('key' => $data['user_name'], 'value' => $data['uid']);
    $obj['parse_events'] = array();
    preg_match_all("/#([^\f\n\r\t\v]{1,80}?)#/", $content, $events);
    if (!empty($events[1])) {
        $patterns = array();
        $replace = array();
        $events = array_unique($events[1]);
        $arr = array();
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            if (!empty($event)) {
                $arr[] = addslashes($event);
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT id,title
			FROM ' . FDB::table('event') . '
			WHERE title ' . FDB::createIN($arr));
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            //$obj['parse_events'][$data['title']] = $data['id'];
            $obj['parse_events'][] = array('key' => $data['title'], 'value' => $data['id']);
 * 显示指定ID的广告位ID
 * @param string $id 广告位
 * @param int $count 显示数量
 * @param string $target 关键字
 * @return array
function getAdvPosition($id, $count = '', $target = '')
    global $_FANWE;
    $ap = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('adv_position') . ' WHERE id =' . $id);
    if (!$ap) {
        return '';
    if ($target != '') {
        $target = explode(',', $target);
    $where = "status = 1 AND position_id = '{$id}'";
    if ($target != '') {
        $where .= ' AND target_key' . FDB::createIN($target);
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . FDB::table('adv') . ' WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY sort ASC,id DESC';
    if ($count > 0) {
        $sql .= ' LIMIT 0,' . $count;
    $adv_res = FDB::query($sql);
    $adv_list = array();
    while ($adv = FDB::fetch($adv_res)) {
        $adv['html'] = getAdvHTML($adv, $ap);
        $adv['durl'] = FU("adv/show", array("id" => $adv['id']));
        $adv['turl'] = $adv['url'];
        $adv['url'] = urlencode(FU("adv/show", array("id" => $adv['id'])));
        $adv_list[] = $adv;
    $ap['adv_list'] = $adv_list;
    return $ap;
     * 保存分享数据
     * 注:所有图片地址经处理过并转存过的临时图片或远程图片
     * $data = array( //分享的基本数据
     *  'share'=>array(
     * 	  'uid'=> xxx, //分享的会员ID
     * 	  'parent_id'	=>	xxx //转发的分享ID
     * 	  'content'	=>	xxx //分享的内容
     * 	  'type'=> xxx  //分享的来源,默认为default
     *    'title' => xxx //分享的标题
     *    'base_id' => xxx //原创ID
     * 	),
     *  'share_photo'=>array( //图库  #可选#
     *    array(  //多张图
     *    'img' => xxx //原图
     *    )
     *  ),
     *  'share_goods'=>array( //分享的商品 #可选#
     *    array(
     *    'img' => xxx  //商品图
     *    'name' => xxx //品名
     *    'url'  => xxx //商品地址
     *    'price' => xxx  //价格
     *    'shop_name' => xxx //商户名称
     *    'shop_logo' => xxx //商户的logo
     *    'shop_url' => xxx //商户地址
     *    ) //多个商品
     *  ),
     *  'share_tag' => array(xxx,xxx,xxx),  //该分享的标签
     * );
     * 返回
     * array(
     *   'status' => xxx  状态  bool
     *   'share_id' => share_id
     * )
    public function save($data, $is_score = true)
        global $_FANWE;
        $share_data = $data['share'];
        $share_album_id = (int) $share_data['albumid'];
        $share_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
        $share_data['day_time'] = getTodayTime();
        $share_id = FDB::insert('share', $share_data, true);
        if (intval($share_id) > 0) {
            $share_data_now_type = $share_data['type'];
            $share_data_rec_id = $share_data['rec_id'];
            $share_server_code = array();
            if (empty($share_data_now_type)) {
                $share_data_now_type = 'default';
            /*//是否是回复 是的 话 添加评论消息提示
            		if(intval($share_data['parent_id']) > 0)
            			$base_share_id = FDB::resultFirst("select uid from ".FDB::table('share')." where share_id = ".$share_data['parent_id']);
            			$result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO ".FDB::table('user_notice')."(uid, type, num, create_time) VALUES('$base_share_id',3,1,'".TIME_UTC."')", 'SILENT');
            				FDB::query("UPDATE ".FDB::table('user_notice')." SET num = num + 1, create_time='".TIME_UTC."' WHERE uid='$base_share_id' AND type=3");
            $is_event = false;
            $event_list = array();
            $pattern = "/#([^\f\n\r\t\v]{1,80}?)#/";
            preg_match_all($pattern, $share_data['content'], $event_list);
            if (!empty($event_list[1])) {
                foreach ($event_list[1] as $v) {
                    $event_id = (int) FDB::resultFirst("select id from " . FDB::table("event") . " where `title`='" . $v . "'");
                    if ($event_id == 0) {
                        $event_data = array();
                        $event_data['uid'] = $share_data['uid'];
                        $event_data['title'] = $v;
                        $event_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                        $event_data['create_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                        $event_data['last_share'] = $share_id;
                        $event_data['last_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                        FDB::insert("event", $event_data);
                    } else {
                        $event_data = array();
                        $event_data['event_id'] = $event_id;
                        $event_data['uid'] = $share_data['uid'];
                        $event_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                        FDB::insert("event_share", $event_data);
                        FDB::query("update " . FDB::table("event") . " set thread_count = thread_count+1,last_share=" . $share_id . ",last_time=" . TIME_UTC . " where id = {$event_id}");
            $share_cates = array();
            $result['status'] = true;
            $result['share_id'] = $share_id;
            /*$content_match = FS('Words')->segment(clearExpress($share_data['content']),100);
            		$title_tags = FS('Words')->segment($share_data['title'],100);
            			$content_match = array_merge($content_match, $title_tags);*/
            $content_match = clearExpress($share_data['content']);
            $content_match .= $share_data['title'];
            $is_rel_imgage = false;
            $weibo_img = '';
            $weibo_img_sort = 100000;
            $photo_count = 0;
            $server_args = array();
            $share_photo = $data['share_photo'];
            foreach ($share_photo as $k => $photo) {
                if ($photo_count >= $_FANWE['setting']['share_pic_count']) {
                $o_img = false;
                if (FS("Image")->getIsServer() && !empty($photo['server_code'])) {
                    $server = FS("Image")->getServer($photo['server_code']);
                    if (!empty($server)) {
                        $server_args['share_id'] = $share_id;
                        $server_args['img_path'] = $photo['img'];
                        $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($server_args, $server, 1);
                        $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'saveshare', true);
                        if (!empty($body)) {
                            $o_img = unserialize($body);
                            $share_server_code[] = $o_img['server_code'];
                            $o_img['url'] = str_replace('./', './' . $o_img['server_code'] . '/', $o_img['url']);
                            $weibo_img_url = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($o_img['url'], 1);
                } else {
                    $o_img = copyImage($photo['img'], array(), 'share', true, $share_id);
                    $weibo_img_url = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($o_img['url'], 1);
                if (!empty($o_img)) {
                    if ($photo['sort'] < $weibo_img_sort) {
                        $weibo_img = $weibo_img_url;
                        $weibo_img_sort = $photo['sort'];
                    $share_photo_data['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid'];
                    $share_photo_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                    $share_photo_data['img'] = $o_img['url'];
                    $share_photo_data['type'] = $photo['type'];
                    $share_photo_data['sort'] = $photo['sort'];
                    $share_photo_data['img_width'] = $o_img['width'];
                    $share_photo_data['img_height'] = $o_img['height'];
                    $share_photo_data['server_code'] = $photo['server_code'];
                    FDB::insert('share_photo', $share_photo_data, true);
            if (isset($data['rel_photo'])) {
                $share_photo = $data['rel_photo'];
                foreach ($share_photo as $share_photo_data) {
                    if ($photo_count >= $_FANWE['setting']['share_pic_count']) {
                    $is_rel_imgage = true;
                    if ($share_photo_data['sort'] < $weibo_img_sort) {
                        $weibo_img = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($share_photo_data['img'], 1);
                        $weibo_img_sort = $share_photo_data['sort'];
                    $share_photo_data['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid'];
                    $share_photo_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                    FDB::insert('share_photo', $share_photo_data, true);
            $shop_ids = array();
            $goods_count = 0;
            if (isset($data['share_goods'])) {
                $share_goods = $data['share_goods'];
                foreach ($share_goods as $goods) {
                    if ($goods_count >= $_FANWE['setting']['share_goods_count']) {
                    $shop_id = 0;
                    if (!empty($goods['shop_url'])) {
                        $shop_id = FDB::resultFirst('SELECT shop_id
							FROM ' . FDB::table('shop') . '
							WHERE shop_url = \'' . $goods['shop_url'] . '\'');
                        if (intval($shop_id) == 0) {
                            $content_match .= $goods['shop_name'];
                            $shop_logo['url'] = '';
                            if (!empty($goods['shop_logo'])) {
                                if (FS("Image")->getIsServer() && !empty($goods['shop_server_code'])) {
                                    $server = FS("Image")->getServer($goods['shop_server_code']);
                                    if (!empty($server)) {
                                        $args = array();
                                        $args['pic_url'] = $goods['shop_logo'];
                                        $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($args, $server, 1);
                                        $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'saveshop', true);
                                        if (!empty($body)) {
                                            $shop_logo = unserialize($body);
                                            $shop_logo['url'] = str_replace('./', './' . $shop_logo['server_code'] . '/', $shop_logo['url']);
                                } else {
                                    $shop_logo = copyFile($goods['shop_logo'], 'shop', true);
                            $shop_data['shop_name'] = $goods['shop_name'];
                            $shop_data['shop_logo'] = $shop_logo['url'];
                            $shop_data['server_code'] = $goods['shop_server_code'];
                            $shop_data['shop_url'] = $goods['shop_url'];
                            $shop_data['taoke_url'] = $goods['shop_taoke_url'];
                            $shop_id = FDB::insert('shop', $shop_data, true);
                        if ($shop_id > 0) {
                            $shop_ids[] = $shop_id;
                    if (FS("Image")->getIsServer() && !empty($goods['server_code'])) {
                        $server = FS("Image")->getServer($goods['server_code']);
                        if (!empty($server)) {
                            $server_args['share_id'] = $share_id;
                            $server_args['img_path'] = $goods['img'];
                            $server = FS("Image")->getImageUrlToken($server_args, $server, 1);
                            $body = FS("Image")->sendRequest($server, 'saveshare', true);
                            if (!empty($body)) {
                                $goods_img = unserialize($body);
                                $share_server_code[] = $goods_img['server_code'];
                                $goods_img['url'] = str_replace('./', './' . $goods_img['server_code'] . '/', $goods_img['url']);
                                $weibo_img_url = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($goods_img['url'], 1);
                    } else {
                        $goods_img = copyImage($goods['img'], array(), 'share', true, $share_id);
                        $weibo_img_url = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($goods_img['url'], 1);
                    if (!empty($goods_img)) {
                        if ($goods['sort'] < $weibo_img_sort) {
                            $weibo_img = $weibo_img_url;
                            $weibo_img_sort = $goods['sort'];
                        $shop_id = intval($shop_id);
                        $share_goods_data['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid'];
                        $share_goods_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                        $share_goods_data['shop_id'] = $shop_id;
                        $share_goods_data['img'] = $goods_img['url'];
                        $share_goods_data['name'] = $goods['name'];
                        $share_goods_data['url'] = $goods['url'];
                        $share_goods_data['price'] = $goods['price'];
                        $share_goods_data['sort'] = $goods['sort'];
                        $share_goods_data['taoke_url'] = $goods['taoke_url'];
                        $share_goods_data['goods_key'] = $goods['goods_key'];
                        $share_goods_data['img_width'] = $goods_img['width'];
                        $share_goods_data['img_height'] = $goods_img['height'];
                        $share_goods_data['server_code'] = $goods['server_code'];
                        FDB::insert('share_goods', $share_goods_data, true);
                        $goods_tags = FS('Words')->segment($goods['name'], 10);
                        if (!empty($goods_tags)) {
                            $share_cates[] = ShareService::getCateByTags($goods_tags);
                        $content_match .= $goods['name'];
            if (isset($data['rel_goods'])) {
                $share_goods = $data['rel_goods'];
                foreach ($share_goods as $share_goods_data) {
                    if ($goods_count >= $_FANWE['setting']['share_goods_count']) {
                    $is_rel_imgage = true;
                    $shop_ids[] = $share_goods_data['shop_id'];
                    if ($share_goods_data['sort'] < $weibo_img_sort) {
                        $weibo_img = $weibo_img = FS("Image")->getImageUrl($share_goods_data['img'], 1);
                        $weibo_img_sort = $share_goods_data['sort'];
                    $share_goods_data['uid'] = $_FANWE['uid'];
                    $share_goods_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                    FDB::insert('share_goods', $share_goods_data, true);
                    $goods_tags = FS('Words')->segment($goods['name'], 10);
                    if (!empty($goods_tags)) {
                        $share_cates[] = ShareService::getCateByTags($goods_tags);
                    $content_match .= $goods['name'];
            if ($goods_count > 0 && $photo_count > 0) {
                $share_data_type = 'goods_photo';
            } elseif ($goods_count > 0) {
                $share_data_type = 'goods';
            } elseif ($photo_count > 0) {
                $share_data_type = 'photo';
            } else {
                $share_data_type = 'default';
            $update_share = array();
            $update_share['share_data'] = $share_data_type;
            if (count($share_server_code) > 0) {
                $share_server_code = array_unique($share_server_code);
                $update_share['server_code'] = implode(',', $share_server_code);
            if ($share_album_id > 0 && in_array($share_data_type, array('goods', 'photo', 'goods_photo'))) {
                $album = FDB::fetchFirst('SELECT cid,id,title FROM ' . FDB::table('album') . ' WHERE id = ' . $share_album_id);
                if ($album) {
                    $update_share['type'] = 'album_item';
                    $share_data_now_type = 'album_item';
                    $share_data_rec_id = $album['id'];
                    $share_data_rec_cate = $album['cid'];
                    $update_share['rec_id'] = $album['id'];
                    $update_share['title'] = addslashes($album['title']);
                } else {
                    $update_share['rec_id'] = 0;
                    $share_data_rec_id = 0;
            } else {
                $share_data_rec_id = 0;
            FDB::update("share", $update_share, "share_id=" . $share_id);
            FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('user_count') . '
				SET shares = shares + 1,goods = goods + ' . $goods_count . ',photos = photos + ' . $photo_count . '
				WHERE uid = ' . $share_data['uid']);
            FS('Medal')->runAuto($share_data['uid'], 'shares');
            FS('User')->medalBehavior($share_data['uid'], 'continue_share');
            switch ($share_data_type) {
                case 'goods_photo':
                    FS('Medal')->runAuto($share_data['uid'], 'goods');
                    FS('User')->medalBehavior($share_data['uid'], 'continue_goods');
                    FS('Medal')->runAuto($share_data['uid'], 'photos');
                    FS('User')->medalBehavior($share_data['uid'], 'continue_photo');
                case 'goods':
                    FS('Medal')->runAuto($share_data['uid'], 'goods');
                    FS('User')->medalBehavior($share_data['uid'], 'continue_goods');
                case 'photo':
                    FS('Medal')->runAuto($share_data['uid'], 'photos');
                    FS('User')->medalBehavior($share_data['uid'], 'continue_photo');
            if (in_array($share_data_type, array('goods', 'photo', 'goods_photo'))) {
                if (!empty($share_cates)) {
                    $cids = ShareService::getCidsByCates($share_cates);
                if (!empty($data['share_tag'])) {
                    if (empty($cids)) {
                        $share_cates = array();
                        $share_cates[] = ShareService::getCateByTags($data['share_tag']);
                        $cids = ShareService::getCidsByCates($share_cates);
                    //$content_match = array_merge($content_match, $data['share_tag']);
                $share_tags = array();
                foreach ($data['share_tag'] as $tag) {
                    if (trim($tag) != '' && !in_array($tag, $share_tags)) {
                        array_push($share_tags, $tag);
                        FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('goods_tags') . '
							SET count = count + 1
							WHERE tag_name = \'' . $tag . '\'');
                        FDB::query('UPDATE ' . FDB::table('goods_tags') . '
							SET is_hot = 1
							WHERE tag_name = \'' . $tag . '\' AND count >= 100');
                        $content_match .= $tag;
                        $tag_data = array();
                        $tag_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                        $tag_data['tag_name'] = $tag;
                        FDB::insert('share_tags', $tag_data);
                if (!empty($cids)) {
                    foreach ($cids as $cid) {
                        $cate_data = array();
                        $cate_data['share_id'] = $share_id;
                        $cate_data['cate_id'] = $cid;
                        FDB::insert('share_category', $cate_data);
                $share_match['share_id'] = $share_id;
                $share_match['content_match'] = segmentToUnicode(clearSymbol($content_match));
                FDB::insert("share_match", $share_match);
            if ($share_data_rec_id > 0) {
                $album_share = array();
                $album_share['album_id'] = $share_data_rec_id;
                $album_share['share_id'] = $share_id;
                $album_share['cid'] = $share_data_rec_cate;
                $album_share['create_day'] = getTodayTime();
                FDB::insert("album_share", $album_share);
                FS('Album')->updateAlbumByShare($share_data_rec_id, $share_id);
            if (count($shop_ids) > 0) {
            $atme_share_type = FDB::resultFirst("select `type` from " . FDB::table("share") . " where `share_id`='" . $share_id . "'");
            if ($atme_share_type != "fav") {
                $atme_list = array();
                $pattern = "/@([^\f\n\r\t\v@ ]{2,20}?)(?:\\:| )/";
                preg_match_all($pattern, $share_data['content'], $atme_list);
                if (!empty($atme_list[1])) {
                    $atme_list[1] = array_unique($atme_list[1]);
                    $users = array();
                    foreach ($atme_list[1] as $user) {
                        if (!empty($user)) {
                            $users[] = $user;
                    $res = FDB::query('SELECT uid 
						FROM ' . FDB::table('user') . '
						WHERE user_name ' . FDB::createIN($users));
                    while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
                        FS("User")->setUserTips($data['uid'], 4, $share_id);
            if ($is_score && !in_array($share_data_now_type, array('fav', 'album_best', 'album_rec'))) {
                if (!$is_rel_imgage && in_array($share_data_type, array('goods', 'photo', 'goods_photo'))) {
                    FS("User")->updateUserScore($share_data['uid'], 'share', 'image', $share_data['content'], $share_id);
                } else {
                    FS("User")->updateUserScore($share_data['uid'], 'share', 'default', $share_data['content'], $share_id);
            if ($data['pub_out_check']) {
                $weibo = array();
                $weibo['content'] = $share_data['content'];
                $weibo['img'] = $weibo_img;
                $weibo['ip'] = $_FANWE['client_ip'];
                $weibo['url'] = $_FANWE['site_url'] . FU('note/index', array('sid' => $share_id));
                $weibo['url'] = str_replace('//', '/', $weibo['url']);
                $weibo['url'] = str_replace(':/', '://', $weibo['url']);
                $weibo = base64_encode(serialize($weibo));
                if (empty($share_data['type'])) {
                    $share_data['type'] = 'default';
                $uid = $_FANWE['uid'];
                $user_binds = FS("User")->getUserBindList($uid);
                $is_open = false;
                foreach ($user_binds as $class => $bind) {
                    if ($bind['sync'] && file_exists(FANWE_ROOT . "login/" . $class . ".php")) {
                        $check_field = "";
                        if (in_array($share_data['type'], array('bar', 'ask'))) {
                            $check_field = "topic";
                        } elseif ($share_data['type'] == 'default') {
                            $check_field = "weibo";
                        if ($bind['sync'][$check_field] == 1) {
                            $is_open = true;
                            $schedule['uid'] = $uid;
                            $schedule['type'] = $class;
                            $schedule['data'] = $weibo;
                            $schedule['pub_time'] = TIME_UTC;
                            FDB::insert('pub_schedule', $schedule, true);
                if ($is_open) {
                    $fp = fsockopen($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 80, &$errno, &$errstr, 5);
                    if ($fp) {
                        $request = "GET " . SITE_URL . "login.php?loop=true&uid=" . $uid . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
                        $request .= "Host: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\r\n";
                        $request .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
                        fwrite($fp, $request);
                        while (!feof($fp)) {
                            fgets($fp, 128);
        } else {
            $result['status'] = false;
        return $result;
  * 发送信息
  * @param int $fuid 发信会员编号
  * @param string $fusername 发信会员名称
  * @param array  $tuids 收信会员编号数组
  * @param string $subject 信件主题
  * @param string $message 信件内容
  * @param int $type 信件类型
  * @return int
 public function sendMsg($fuid, $fusername, $tuids, $subject, $message, $type = 0)
     if (empty($fuid) || empty($fusername) || empty($tuids) || empty($message)) {
         return 0;
     $tuids = array_unique($tuids);
     $relations = $mlids = array();
     $tmp_tuids = $tuids;
     foreach ($tmp_tuids as $key => $uid) {
         if ($fuid == $uid || empty($uid)) {
         $relations[$uid] = MessageService::getRelation($fuid, $uid);
     if (empty($tuids)) {
         return MSG_SEND_NONE_ERROR;
     if (!$subject) {
         $subject = htmlspecialchars(cutStr(clearExpress(trim($message)), 80));
     } else {
         $subject = htmlspecialchars($subject);
     $last_msg = htmlspecialchars(cutStr(clearExpress(trim($message)), 150));
     $type = 0;
     if ($type == 0) {
         $res = FDB::query('SELECT mlid,min_max FROM ' . FDB::table('user_msg_list') . " WHERE min_max" . FDB::createIN($relations));
         while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
             $mlids[$data['min_max']] = $data['mlid'];
         $msg_config = array('last_uid' => $fuid, 'last_user_name' => $fusername, 'last_msg' => $last_msg);
         $msg_config = addslashes(serialize($msg_config));
         foreach ($relations as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($mlids[$value])) {
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_list') . "(uid,type,subject,members,min_max,dateline,msg_config) VALUES('{$fuid}', '1', '{$subject}', 2, '{$value}', '" . TIME_UTC . "', '{$msg_config}')");
                 $mlid = FDB::insertId();
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_index') . "(mlid) VALUES('{$mlid}')");
                 $miid = FDB::insertId();
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . MessageService::getTablaName($mlid) . "(miid,mlid,uid,message,dateline,status) VALUES('{$miid}', '{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '{$message}', '" . TIME_UTC . "', 0)");
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$key}', '1', '1', '0', '" . TIME_UTC . "')");
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '0', '1', '" . TIME_UTC . "', '" . TIME_UTC . "')");
             } else {
                 $mlid = $mlids[$value];
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_index') . "(mlid) VALUES('{$mlid}')");
                 $miid = FDB::insertId();
                 FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . MessageService::getTablaName($mlid) . "(miid,mlid,uid,message,dateline,status) VALUES('{$miid}', '{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '{$message}', '" . TIME_UTC . "', 0)");
                 $result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$key}', '1', '1', '0', '" . TIME_UTC . "')", 'SILENT');
                 if (!$result) {
                     FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . " SET is_new = 1, num = num + 1, last_dateline='" . TIME_UTC . "' WHERE mlid='{$mlid}' AND uid='{$key}'");
                 $result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . "(mlid, uid, is_new, num, last_update, last_dateline) VALUES('{$mlid}', '{$fuid}', '0', '1', '" . TIME_UTC . "', '" . TIME_UTC . "')", 'SILENT');
                 if (!$result) {
                     FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_msg_member') . " SET is_new = 1, num = num + 1, last_update='" . TIME_UTC . "', last_dateline='" . TIME_UTC . "' WHERE mlid='{$mlid}' AND uid='{$fuid}'");
                 FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_msg_list') . " SET msg_config='{$msg_config}' WHERE mlid='{$mlid}'");
     } else {
     foreach ($tuids as $uid) {
         $result = FDB::query("INSERT INTO " . FDB::table('user_notice') . "(uid, type, num, create_time) VALUES('{$uid}',5,1,'" . TIME_UTC . "')", 'SILENT');
         if (!$result) {
             FDB::query("UPDATE " . FDB::table('user_notice') . " SET num = num + 1, create_time='" . TIME_UTC . "' WHERE uid='{$uid}' AND type=5");
     return $miid;
			GROUP BY parent_id
			ORDER BY parent_id DESC LIMIT ' . $limit;
$next_sql = 'SELECT parent_id
			FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . '
			WHERE type = \'fav\' AND uid = ' . $home_uid . '
			GROUP BY parent_id
			ORDER BY parent_id DESC LIMIT ' . $next_limit;
$res = FDB::query($sql);
while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
    $fav_share_ids[] = $data['parent_id'];
$share_list = array();
if (count($fav_share_ids) > 0) {
    $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM ' . FDB::table("share") . '
				WHERE share_id ' . FDB::createIN($fav_share_ids) . ' and share_data <> ' . " 'default' \r\n\t\t\t\tGROUP BY share_id ORDER BY share_id DESC LIMIT 0,10";
    $share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
    $share_list = FS('Share')->getShareDetailList($share_list, true, true, true);
$hasNextPage = FDB::fetchAll($next_sql);
if ($hasNextPage) {
    $is_next = 1;
} else {
    $is_next = 0;
$share_list = FDB::fetchAll($sql);
$scale = 1;
if ($share_list) {
    $share_list = FS('Share')->getShareDetailList($share_list, false, false, false, true, 2);
    $list = array();
    $current_user = array();
function m_express($content)
    global $_FANWE;
    $express = getCache('m_emotion_express_cache');
    if (!$express) {
        $express_rs = FDB::fetchAll("select `emotion`,concat('" . $_FANWE['site_url'] . "public/expression/',`type`,'/',`filename`) as fname from " . FDB::table('expression'));
        foreach ($express_rs as $k => $row) {
            $express[0][] = $row['emotion'];
            $express[1][] = "<img src='" . $row['fname'] . "' title='" . preg_replace("/[\\[\\]]/", '', $row['emotion']) . "' />";
        setCache('m_emotion_express_cache', $express);
    $content = str_replace($express[0], $express[1], $content);
    $parse_user = array();
    preg_match_all("/@([^\f\n\r\t\v@<> ]{2,20}?)(?:\\:| )/", $content, $users);
    if (!empty($users[1])) {
        $patterns = array();
        $replace = array();
        $users = array_unique($users[1]);
        $arr = array();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            if (!empty($user)) {
                $arr[] = addslashes($user);
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT uid,user_name
			FROM ' . FDB::table('user') . '
			WHERE user_name ' . FDB::createIN($arr));
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $parse_user[$data['user_name']] = $data['uid'];
    $parse_events = array();
    preg_match_all("/#([^\f\n\r\t\v]{1,80}?)#/", $content, $events);
    if (!empty($events[1])) {
        $patterns = array();
        $replace = array();
        $events = array_unique($events[1]);
        $arr = array();
        foreach ($events as $event) {
            if (!empty($event)) {
                $arr[] = addslashes($event);
        $res = FDB::query('SELECT id,title
			FROM ' . FDB::table('event') . '
			WHERE title ' . FDB::createIN($arr));
        while ($data = FDB::fetch($res)) {
            $parse_events[$data['title']] = $data['id'];
    return array("users" => $parse_user, "events" => $parse_events);