/** * Load FirePHP at the start * * @param $css * @return $css string */ public static function initialize() { # Load FirePHP if (!class_exists('FB')) { require dirname(__FILE__) . '/libraries/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; } # Enable it FB::setEnabled(true); }
static function initialize($settings, $version = "-") { self::$version = $version; self::$debug = (isset($settings) and isset($settings["debug"]) and $settings['debug'] === TRUE); self::$firebug = (isset($settings) and isset($settings["firebug_logging"]) and $settings['firebug_logging'] === TRUE); if (self::$firebug) { require_once 'FirePHPCore/fb.php'; FB::setEnabled(true); } }
/** * The possible options are: * - debug_level: level of debug if it's not specified it's set by debugObject to DEBUG_DEFAULT_LEVEL * - max_depth (int): maximum depth to traverse objects and arrays (Default 10). * - show_line (bool): include File and Line information in message (Default true). * * @param array $options */ public function __construct($options = null) { parent::__construct($options); $this->_max_depth = isset($options['max_depth']) ? filter_var($options['max_depth'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array('options' => array('default' => 10, 'min_range' => 0))) : 10; $this->_show_line = isset($options['show_line']) ? filter_var($options['show_line'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, array('options' => array('default' => true))) : true; $FBoptions = array('maxObjectDepth' => $this->_max_depth, 'maxArrayDepth' => $this->_max_depth, 'maxDepth' => $this->_max_depth, 'useNativeJsonEncode' => true, 'includeLineNumbers' => $this->_show_line); FB::setEnabled(true); FB::setOptions($FBoptions); $this->msg('Debug Console started at ' . date('c', time()) . ' from ' . gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), DEBUG_INFO); }
public function executeInit() { try { parent::executeInit(); if ($this->showConnivance()) { FirePHP::getInstance(true)->setEnabled(true); FB::setEnabled(true); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } }
private function __construct() { // Handles debugging. If TRUE, displays all errors and enables FirePHP logging if (ACTIVATE_DEBUG_MODE === TRUE) { ini_set("display_errors", 1); ERROR_REPORTING(E_ALL); FB::setEnabled(TRUE); FB::warn("FirePHP logging is enabled! Sensitive data may be exposed."); ChromePhp::warn("ChromePHP logging is enabled! Sensitive data may be exposed."); } else { ini_set("display_errors", 0); error_reporting(0); FB::setEnabled(FALSE); } }
/** * onAfterInitialise handler * * Register FirePHP libraries and set options according to paramters * * @access public * @return null */ public function onAfterInitialise() { require_once 'jfirephp' . DS . 'firephpcore' . DS . 'fb.php'; // JFirePHP is installed and loaed define('JFIREPHP', 1); // Before doing any checks lets disable logging FB::setEnabled(false); // Check if the integration is set to enabled $enable = (bool) $this->params->get('enable', 0); // Only turn on if enabled if ($enable) { // if limited to debug mode, check JDEBUG $limittodebug = (bool) $this->params->get('limittodebug', 1); if ($limittodebug == false || JDEBUG) { // We are enabled and either in Debug mode, or it does not matter FB::setEnabled(true); $verbose = (bool) $this->params->get('verbose', 0); if ($verbose) { FB::group('JFirePHP Startup', array('Collapsed' => true, 'Color' => '#FF4000')); FB::log('JFirePHP enabled! - Verbose Output Mode: ON'); } $options = array('maxObjectDepth' => intval($this->params->get('maxObjectDepth', 10)), 'maxArrayDepth' => intval($this->params->get('maxArrayDepth', 20)), 'useNativeJsonEncode' => intval($this->params->get('useNativeJsonEncode', 1)), 'includeLineNumbers' => intval($this->params->get('includeLineNumbers', 1))); FB::setOptions($options); if ($verbose) { FB::log('JFirePHP: Options Set - maxObjectDepth:' . $options['maxObjectDepth'] . ' maxArrayDepth:' . $options['maxArrayDepth'] . ' useNativeJsonEncode:' . $options['useNativeJsonEncode'] . ' includeLineNumbers:' . $options['includeLineNumbers']); } $redirectphp = (bool) $this->params->get('redirectphp', 0); if ($redirectphp) { // Convert E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE and // E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR errors to ErrorExceptions and send all Exceptions to Firebug automatically FB::registerErrorHandler(true); FB::registerExceptionHandler(); FB::registerAssertionHandler(true, false); if ($verbose) { FB::log('JFirePHP: E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE and E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR redirected.'); } } if ($verbose) { FB::groupEnd(); } } } }
<?php $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true); if ($firephp->getEnabled()) { $firephp->info('Enabled'); } $firephp->fb('This should show'); $firephp->setEnabled(false); if (!$firephp->getEnabled()) { $firephp->info('Disabled'); } $firephp->fb('This should NOT show'); $firephp->setEnabled(true); if ($firephp->getEnabled()) { $firephp->info('Enabled'); } $firephp->fb('This should show'); if (FB::getEnabled()) { FB::info('Enabled'); } FB::log('This should show'); FB::setEnabled(false); if (!FB::getEnabled()) { FB::info('Disabled'); } FB::send('This should NOT show'); FB::setEnabled(true); if (FB::getEnabled()) { FB::info('Enabled'); } FB::log('This should show');
* cmx; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package cmx */ /** * cmx Connector * * @package cmx */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/config.core.php'; require_once MODX_CORE_PATH . 'config/' . MODX_CONFIG_KEY . '.inc.php'; require_once MODX_CONNECTORS_PATH . 'index.php'; $corePath = $modx->getOption('cmx.core_path', null, $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/cmx/'); require_once $corePath . 'model/cmx/cmx.class.php'; $modx->cmx = new cmx($modx); // FirePHP require_once $corePath . 'library/FirePHPCore/fb.php'; // $firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true); FB::setEnabled(false); // CM Create Send Handler if (!$modx->loadClass('CMHandler', $corePath . 'model/cmx/', true, true)) { $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, '[CMx] Could not load CMHandler class.'); return ''; } $modx->lexicon->load('cmx:default'); /* handle request */ $path = $modx->getOption('processorsPath', $modx->cmx->config, $corePath . 'processors/'); $modx->request->handleRequest(array('processors_path' => $path, 'location' => ''));
* along with INQ Calculators. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * Main Controller * * @copyright Copyright 2010-2011 * @author Edward Rudd <urkle at outoforder.cc> */ define('APP_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); define('WEB_ROOT', dirname(__FILE__)); $config = (include APP_ROOT . "/config.php"); // Set debugging if enabled define('DEBUG', !empty($config->debug)); // Load up the class auto loader require_once APP_ROOT . "/classes/Init.php"; FB::setEnabled(DEBUG); Head::setDebug(DEBUG); Template::addTemplatePath(APP_ROOT . '/templates'); Database::setDSN($config->db->dsn, $config->db->user, $config->db->password); if ($config->memcache) { $memcache = new Memcached(); $memcache->addServer($config->memcache->host, $config->memcache->port); RO_Base::setMemcache($memcache, $config->memcache->expire); Head::setMemecache($memcache); } if (empty($_GET['PATH_INFO'])) { try { if ($config->cachehome) { header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $config->cachehome) . ' GMT'); } elseif (DEBUG) {
* Application settings — constants are defined, debug mode set, session checked *******************************************************************************/ // Define site-wide constants foreach ($_CONSTANTS as $key => $value) { define($key, $value); } // Handles debugging. If TRUE, displays all errors and enables FirePHP logging if (ACTIVATE_DEBUG_MODE === TRUE) { ini_set("display_errors", 1); ERROR_REPORTING(E_ALL); FB::setEnabled(TRUE); FB::warn("FirePHP logging is enabled! Sensitive data may be exposed."); } else { ini_set("display_errors", 0); error_reporting(0); FB::setEnabled(FALSE); } // Creates the database tables if set to true if (BUILD_DATABASE === TRUE) { DB_Actions::build_database(); } // Check for a valid session AdminUtilities::check_session(); /******************************************************************************* * Break apart the URL and determine what data needs to be loaded *******************************************************************************/ // URL Parsing - Read the URL and break it apart for processing $url_array = Utilities::read_url(); // Load the menu $menu = new Menu($url_array); // Load the page attributes from the menu array
private function getDebug() { if (file_exists('../ext/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php')) { require '../ext/FirePHPCore/FirePHP.class.php'; FB::setEnabled(self::$debug['debug']); self::$db->getDebug(); FB::log($_SERVER, 'SERVER'); } }
/** * Sets the initial variables, checks if we need to process the css * and then sends whichever file to the browser. * * @return void * @author Anthony Short **/ public static function run($get, $config = array(), $path = array()) { static $run; # This function can only be run once if ($run === TRUE) { return; } # If we want to debug (turn on errors and FirePHP) if ($config['debug']) { # Set the error reporting level. error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); # Set error handler set_error_handler(array('CSScaffold', 'exception_handler')); # Set exception handler set_exception_handler(array('CSScaffold', 'exception_handler')); # Turn on FirePHP FB::setEnabled(true); } else { # Turn off errors error_reporting(0); FB::setEnabled(false); } # The default options $default_config = array('debug' => false, 'in_production' => false, 'force_recache' => false, 'show_header' => true, 'auto_include_mixins' => true, 'override_import' => false, 'absolute_urls' => false, 'use_css_constants' => false, 'minify_css' => true, 'constants' => array(), 'disabled_plugins' => array()); # Merge them with our set options $config = array_merge($default_config, $config); # The default paths $default_paths = array('document_root' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], 'css' => '../', 'system' => 'system', 'cache' => 'cache'); # Merge them with our set options $path = array_merge($default_paths, $path); # Set the options and paths in the config self::config_set('core', $config); # Set the paths in the config self::config_set('core.path.docroot', fix_path($path['document_root'])); self::config_set('core.path.system', fix_path($path['system'])); self::config_set('core.path.cache', fix_path($path['cache'])); self::config_set('core.path.css', fix_path($path['css'])); self::config_set('core.url.css', str_replace(self::config('core.path.docroot'), '/', self::config('core.path.css'))); self::config_set('core.url.system', str_replace(self::config('core.path.docroot'), '/', SYSPATH)); # Load the include paths self::include_paths(TRUE); # Change into the system directory chdir(SYSPATH); # Set the output if (isset($get['output'])) { self::config_set('core.output', $get['output']); } # Parse the $_GET['request'] and set it in the config self::config_set('core.request', self::parse_request($get['request'])); # Get the modified time of the CSS file self::config_set('core.request.mod_time', filemtime(self::config('core.request.path'))); # Tell CSScaffold where to cache and tell if we want to recache self::cache_set(self::config('core.path.cache')); # Set it back to false if it's locked if ($config['in_production'] and file_exists(self::$cached_file)) { $recache = false; } elseif ($config['force_recache'] or isset($get['recache']) or self::config('core.cache.mod_time') <= self::config('core.request.mod_time')) { $recache = true; self::cache_clear(); } # Load the modules self::load_modules($config['disabled_plugins']); # Work in the same directory as the requested CSS file chdir(dirname(self::config('core.request.path'))); # Create a new CSS object CSS::load(self::config('core.request.path')); # Parse it if ($recache) { self::parse_css(); } # Log to Firebug FB::group('CSScaffold Settings'); FB::log(self::config('core')); FB::groupEnd(); # Output it self::output(CSS::$css); # Setup is complete, prevent it from being run again $run = TRUE; }
} } else { mb_internal_encoding('utf-8'); function p_strlen($str) { return mb_strlen($str); } function p_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = NULL) { return mb_stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } function p_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset = NULL) { return mb_strripos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } function p_substr($str, $start, $length = NULL) { return mb_substr($str, $start, $length); } } function array_fullsqlesc(&$item1, $key) { $item1 = '\'' . mysql_escape_string($item1) . '\''; } DataEngine::init(); if (CHECK_LOGIN) { require_once INCLUDE_PATH . '/login.php'; } /// ### Mode debug, root admin & dev ONLY ### FB::setEnabled(IN_DEV && Members::CheckPerms(AXX_ROOTADMIN)); FB::info(DataEngine::$browser->getBrowser(), 'Browser');