public function actionGetlogisticslist() { $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); //获取机构ID $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = "*"; $criteria->order = "id DESC"; $criteria->addCondition("OrganID=" . $organID); //查询条件:根据机构ID查询物流数据 $count = Logistics::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $modeles = Logistics::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($modeles as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['ID'] = $value['ID']; $data[$key]['OrganID'] = $value['OrganID']; $data[$key]['Company'] = F::msubstr($value['LogisticsCompany']); $data[$key]['Description'] = F::msubstr($value['LogisticsDescription']); $data[$key]['LogisticsCompany'] = $value['LogisticsCompany']; $data[$key]['LogisticsDescription'] = $value['LogisticsDescription']; $data[$key]['CreateTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $value['CreateTime']); $data[$key]['UpdateTime'] = $value['UpdateTime']; $data[$key]['Status'] = $value['Status']; $address = $this->getAddress($value['ID']); $data[$key]['Address'] = $address ? F::msubstr(substr($address, 0, -3)) : ''; $data[$key]['AddressDetail'] = $address ? substr($address, 0, -3) : ''; //$data[$key]['Address'] = Area::getCity($address['Province']) . Area::getCity($address['City']) . Area::getCity($address['Area']); } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $data ? $data : array()); // var_dump($rs);exit; echo json_encode($rs); }
public function actionQuotelist() { $userID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); if ($_GET) { if ($_GET['num']) { $criteria->addSearchCondition('ItemNum', "{$_GET['num']}", "AND"); } if ($_GET['name']) { $criteria->addSearchCondition('ItemName', "{$_GET['name']}", "AND"); } } $criteria->order = "t.UpdateTime DESC,t.ID DESC"; //排序条件:t.UpdateTime,t.ID倒叙 $criteria->addCondition("t.OrganID = {$userID}"); $criteria->addCondition("t.Status = 0"); $count = ServiceItems::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $_GET['rows']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $model = ServiceItems::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($model as $key => $value) { $data[$key] = $value->attributes; $data[$key]['ItemNums'] = F::msubstr($value['ItemNum']); $data[$key]['ItemNames'] = F::msubstr($value['ItemName']); $data[$key]['ItemExplan'] = F::msubstr($value['ItemIntro']); } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $data ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
public function actionMaintainlist() { $userID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->with = "owners"; if ($_GET) { if ($_GET['name']) { $remind = $this->getRecord($_GET['name']); $criteria->addInCondition('t.ID', $remind); } if ($_GET['status']) { $criteria->addCondition("t.Status = {$_GET['status']}", "AND"); } if ($_GET['date']) { $starttime = strtotime($_GET['date']); $endtime = (int) (strtotime($_GET['date']) + 60 * 60 * 24); $criteria->addBetweenCondition('t.MaintainDate', $starttime, $endtime, "AND"); } } $criteria->order = "t.MaintainDate DESC,t.UpdateTime DESC"; //排序条件:t.MaintainDate,t.UpdateTime倒叙 $criteria->addCondition("t.OrganID = {$userID}", "AND"); $count = MaintainRemind::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $_GET['rows']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $model = MaintainRemind::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($model as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['ID'] = $value['ID']; if ($value['Status'] == '1') { $data[$key]['State'] = '待发送'; } elseif ($value['Status'] == '2') { $data[$key]['State'] = '已发送'; } else { $data[$key]['State'] = '取消发送'; } $data[$key]['Status'] = $value['Status']; $data[$key]['MaintainDate'] = date('Y-m-d', $value['MaintainDate']); $data[$key]['MaintainTime'] = $value['MaintainDate']; $data[$key]['RemindContent'] = $value['RemindContent']; $data[$key]['Content'] = F::msubstr($value['RemindContent']); foreach ($value->owners as $owners_key => $owners_value) { $data[$key]['OldName'] .= $owners_value->Name . ","; $data[$key]['Name'] = F::msubstr(substr($data[$key]['OldName'], 0, -1)); } } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $data ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
/** * get item title * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return CHtml::link(F::msubstr($this->title, '0', '15', 'utf-8'), array('/item/view', 'id' => $this->item_id), array('title' => $this->title)); }
<td> <?php echo F::msubstr($model->organName); ?> </td> <td > <?php echo F::msubstr($model->contactsName . ' ' . $model->telephone); ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $model->cooperateType; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo F::msubstr($model->remarks); ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $model->customerType; ?> </td> <td > <?php echo CHtml::link('修改', 'javascript:void(0)', array('id' => 'modify', 'modelid' => $model->id)); ?> ||<?php echo CHtml::link('删除', 'javascript:void(0)', array('id' => 'delete', 'modelid' => $model->id, 'key' => 'cont')); ?> </td> </tr>
public function actionContact() { $OrganID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); //获取共享关系表中机构ID $ids = $this->getShareids(); //获取用户表中所有经销商ID $users = User::getDealerID(); foreach ($users as $user) { $identity[] = $user['id']; } //获取不在共享关系表中的机构信息 $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addInCondition('t.contact_user_id', $identity); //业务联系人属于经销商 $criteria->addCondition("t.user_id = {$OrganID}", "AND"); //当前机构下 $criteria->addCondition("t.Status = 0", "AND"); //未删除 $criteria->addNotInCondition('t.contact_user_id', $ids); //业务联系人不在确定共享关系中 $criteria->order = "t.create_time desc"; //以添加时间倒序 //通过机构名称模糊检索 if ($_GET['name']) { $criteria->addSearchCondition('t.companyname', $_GET['name'], "AND"); } //分页 $count = BusinessContacts::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $_GET['rows']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $model = BusinessContacts::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($model as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['id'] = $value['id']; $data[$key]['name'] = F::msubstr($value['name']); $data[$key]['sex'] = $value['sex']; $data[$key]['jiapart_ID'] = $value['jiapart_ID']; $data[$key]['companyname'] = F::msubstr($value['companyname']); $data[$key]['phone'] = F::msubstr($value['phone']); $data[$key]['address'] = F::msubstr(Area::getCity($value['province']) . Area::getCity($value['city']) . Area::getCity($value['area'])); } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $data ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
echo F::msubstr($cp); $cp = ''; ?> </td> <td><?php $dealerv = DealerVehicle::model()->findAll('userid =' . $model['userID']); foreach ($dealerv as $transports) { $cars .= GoodsBrand::getName($transports['businessCar']) . ' ' . GoodsBrand::getCar($transports['businessCarModel']) . ','; } echo F::msubstr($cars, 0, 0); $cars = ''; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo !empty($model['BusinessBrand']) ? F::msubstr($model['BusinessBrand'], 0, 0) : "暂无"; ?> </td> <td> <?php if (!empty($model['userID'])) { ?> <a target="_blank" href='<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('servicer/servicequery/QueryProGoods/userID'); echo '/' . $model['userID']; ?> '>查看商品</a> <?php } else { ?> 暂无
</td> <td><?php echo $product['goodsprice']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $product['parts_level']; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $product['OE']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo F::msubstr($product['description'], 0, 0); //$product['youhui'] ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { ?>
</td> <td > <?php echo $goods['parts_level']; ?> </td> <td > <?php echo $goods['senddays']; ?> </td> <td > <?php echo F::msubstr($goods['description']); ?> </td> <td > <a class='y-align-m' href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('maker/salesmanage/modify', array('id' => $goods['goodsID'])); ?> "><i class='icon-pencil-green display-ib'></i></a> <span class='y-align-m' ><i class='icon-red-cross display-ib' crowid="<?php echo $goods['goodsID']; ?> " style="cursor:pointer"></i></span> </td> </tr> <?php
?> </td> <td ><?php echo $ser['serviceParkingDigits']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $ser['serviceTechnicianCount']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo F::msubstr($insurance[$i]['insuranceService']); ?> </td> <td ><?php echo F::msubstr(Area::getCity($ser['serviceProvince']) . Area::getCity($ser['serviceCity']) . Area::getCity($ser['serviceArea']) . $ser['serviceAddress'], 0, 0); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; $j++; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <div id="ctable3">3</div> <div id="ctable4"></div> </div> </div>
<?php echo F::msubstr($goods['Column4']); ?> <?php if (isset($goods['value4']) && !empty($goods['value4'])) { ?> <?php echo ": " . $goods['value4']; ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td > <?php echo F::msubstr($goods['Column5']); ?> <?php if (isset($goods['value5']) && !empty($goods['value5'])) { ?> <?php echo ": " . $goods['value5']; ?> <?php } ?> </td> <td > <a class='y-align-m' href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('maker/salesmanage/modify', array('id' => $goods['goodsID'])); ?>
</td> <td ><?php echo $goods['brand']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $goods['cp_name']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $goods['category']; ?> </td> <td > <?php echo F::msubstr($goods['oe']); ?> </td> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $goods['goodsID']; ?> " name="goodscatesrelation[]"> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table>
/** * 品类列表 */ public function actionCatelist() { $user_id = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->select = "*"; $criteria->condition = 'userID=' . $user_id; $criteria->order = 'id DESC'; $count = MakeEmpowerCategory::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $_GET['rows']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $models = MakeEmpowerCategory::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($models as $key => $val) { $cate[$key]['id'] = $val->id; $cate[$key]['cateName'] = F::msubstr($val->cateName); $cate[$key]['remarks'] = F::msubstr($val->remarks); } $userInfo['total'] = $count; $userInfo['rows'] = $cate ? $cate : array(); // $record; echo json_encode($userInfo); }
} else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($model['QQ']) { echo $model['QQ']; } else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($model['memo']) { echo F::msubstr($model['memo']); } else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php if ($model['customercategory']) { echo $model['customercategory']; } else { echo "无"; } ?> </td> <td><?php echo CHtml::link('修改', array("marketing/processcontact/id/{$model['id']}"), array('confirm' => '您确定要修改吗?'));
public static function getGoodsList($params = '') { $organ_ID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); // 查询条件 if (is_array($params)) { $organID = $params['OrganID']; // 机构ID $rows = $params['rows']; $curpage = $params['page']; // 每页显示条数 // $goodsNO = $params['goodsNO']; // 商品编号 $goodsName = trim($params['goodsName']); // 商品名称 // $pinyin = $params['pinyin']; // 商品名称 // $brandID = $params['BrandID']; // 商品品牌ID // $brand = $params['BrandName']; // 商品品牌名 // $OENO = $params['OENO']; // 商品OE号 // $IsSale = $params['IsSale']; // 是否上架 $IsPro = $params['IsPro']; // 是否促销 // $gbigparts = $params['gbigparts']; // 大类 // $gsubparts = $params['gsubparts']; // 子类 $gcpname = $params['gcpname']; // 标准名称 $gmake = $params['gmake']; // 厂家 $gcar = $params['gcar']; // 车系 $gyear = $params['gyear']; // 年款 $gmodel = $params['gmodel']; // 车型 $orderby = $params['orderby']; // 排序 if ($orderby == 'pirec_big' || $orderby == 'pirec_small') { //总价从高到低 $sql = "SELECT dg.*,if(dg.ProPrice,dg.ProPrice,if(discount.PriceRatio,discount.PriceRatio*dg.Price,dg.Price)) as ppp FROM tbl_dealer_goods dg left join(\n SELECT p.OrganID as OrganID, left(p.PriceRatio,char_length(p.PriceRatio)-1)/100 as PriceRatio from tbl_price_manage AS p ,tbl_business_contacts as bc WHERE \n p.CooperationType = bc.cooperationtype \n AND bc.contact_user_id = {$organ_ID} and bc.user_id=p.OrganID and bc.Status=0\n AND (!ISNULL(p.PriceRatio) AND p.PriceRatio !='')) as discount \n on dg.OrganID = discount.OrganID where dg.ISdelete=1 "; } else { $sql = "SELECT dg.* FROM tbl_dealer_goods as dg where dg.ISdelete=1 "; } //商品编号、oe号 if ($goodsName) { $sql .= " and (dg.Title like '%{$goodsName}%') "; } // 机构名称 if (!empty($organID)) { $sql .= " and dg.OrganID = {$organID}"; } //标准名称 if ($gcpname) { $sql .= " and dg.CpNameTxt = '{$gcpname}'"; } // 是否促销 if (empty($IsPro) || $IsPro == 'all') { $sql .= " and dg.IsPro between 0 and 1"; } else { if ($IsPro == 2) { // 不是促销的 $sql .= " and dg.IsPro = 0"; } else { // 是促销的 $sql .= " and dg.IsPro = 1"; } } // 车型车系 if (!empty($gmake)) { $arr = array(); $arr['gmake'] = $gmake ? $gmake : 0; $arr['gcar'] = $gcar ? $gcar : 0; $arr['gyear'] = $gyear ? $gyear : 0; $arr['gmodel'] = $gmodel ? $gmodel : 0; $goodsIDS = self::getVehcondition($arr); if ($goodsIDS) { $goodsStr = implode(',', $goodsIDS); $sql .= " and dg.ID in ({$goodsStr})"; } else { $sql .= " and dg.ID in (0)"; } } if ($orderby) { if ($orderby == 'sales') { // 按销量排序 $sql .= " order by dg.Sales DESC"; } elseif ($orderby == 'xinyong') { // 信用排序 $sql .= " order by dg.Name DESC"; } elseif ($orderby == 'pirec_big') { //总价从高到低 //if ($IsPro) { $sql .= " order by ppp DESC"; // } else { // $sql.=" order by discount.PriceRatio*dg.Price DESC"; // } } elseif ($orderby == 'pirec_small') { // 总价从低到高 //if ($IsPro) { $sql .= " order by ppp ASC"; // } else { // $sql.=" order by discount.PriceRatio*dg.Price ASC"; // } } } } else { if (!empty($params) && !is_array($params)) { return '参数传入错误'; } } //echo $sql;exit; $count = count(DBUtil::queryAll($sql)); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $rows == '' ? 12 : $rows; $offset = ($curpage - 1) * $pages->pageSize; $goodses = DBUtil::queryAll($sql . " LIMIT {$offset},{$pages->pageSize}"); $data = array(); foreach ($goodses as $key => $goods) { $price = self::getContactprice($goods['OrganID'], $params['serviceID']); $data[$key]['PriceRatio'] = $price['PriceRatio'] ? $price['PriceRatio'] : "100%"; $data[$key]['ImageUrl'] = self::getNewImage($goods['ID'], $goods['OrganID']); $data[$key]['ID'] = $goods['ID']; $data[$key]['OrganID'] = $goods['OrganID']; $organInfo = self::getOrganName($goods['OrganID']); $data[$key]['OrganName'] = $organInfo['organName']; $data[$key]['Name'] = $goods['Name']; $data[$key]['goodsName'] = F::msubstr($goods['Name'], 0, 20); $data[$key]['gName'] = mb_substr($goods['Name'], 0, 30, 'utf-8'); $data[$key]['Pinyin'] = $goods['Pinyin']; $data[$key]['Brand'] = $goods['Brand']; $data[$key]['goodsBrand'] = $goods['BrandID']; $data[$key]['GoodsNO'] = $goods['GoodsNO']; $data[$key]['OENO'] = $goods['OENO']; $data[$key]['Sales'] = $goods['Sales']; $data[$key]['OENOS'] = self::getOENOSByGoodsID($goods['ID']); $memolen = strlen($goods['Memo']); if ($memolen >= 60) { $data[$key]['Memo'] = $goods['Memo'] ? mb_substr($goods['Memo'], 0, 26, 'utf-8') . '…' : ''; } else { $data[$key]['Memo'] = $goods['Memo'] ? $goods['Memo'] : ''; } // 车型车系 $vehs = explode('、', self::getVehicleByGoodsID($goods['ID'])); // 'seriesName'=>'','makeId'=>'','makeName'=>''); //检索商品本身的适用车型,如果有子集的车型则显示有子集的车型 $currv = self::getCurrentVehicle($arr, $goods['ID']); $data[$key]['Vehicle'] = self::getCurrentVehicle($arr, $goods['ID']); $data[$key]['Vehicle'] = $currv ? $currv : $vehs[0]; $data[$key]['Vehicles'] = self::getVehicleByGoodsID($goods['ID']); $data[$key]['ListPrice'] = $goods['Price']; //参考价 $data[$key]['Price'] = sprintf("%.2f", $goods['Price'] * $data[$key]['PriceRatio'] / 100); // 折扣价,小数点后面保留两位 if ($goods['IsPro'] == 1) { if (!is_null($goods['ProPrice']) && $goods['ProPrice']) { $data[$key]['ProPrice'] = $data[$key]['ProPrice']; } // if (empty($goods['ProPrice']) || $goods['ProPrice'] == 0) { // $data[$key]['ProPrice'] = $data[$key]['Price']; // $data[$key]['Price'] = $data[$key]['Price']; // // 促销价 // } else { // $data[$key]['ProPrice'] = $goods['ProPrice']; // 促销价 // $data[$key]['Price'] = $goods['ProPrice']; // } } $data[$key]['LogisticsPrice'] = $goods['LogisticsPrice']; // 物流价 $data[$key]['CpName'] = $goods['CpNameTxt']; // 用于排序 // $listP[$key] = $data[$key]['Price']; // 参考价 // $disP[$key] = $data[$key]['Price']; // 折扣价 // $logiP[$key] = $data[$key]['LogisticsPrice']; // 物流价 // $proP[$key] = $data[$key]['ProPrice']; // 物流价 // $data[$key]['CpName'] = Commonmodel::getCategory($goods['CpName']); // $data[$key]['sutecar'] = F::msubstr($this->getcar($goods['ID'])); // 商品属性 } // if ($orderby == 'pirec_big') { //总价从高到低 // array_multisort($disP, SORT_DESC, $listP, SORT_DESC, $data, SORT_DESC); // ,$proP,SORT_DESC // } elseif ($orderby == 'pirec_small') { // 总价从低到高 // array_multisort($disP, SORT_ASC, $listP, SORT_ASC, $data, SORT_ASC); // ,$proP,SORT_DESC // } $data[0]['count'] = $count; // var_dump($data); return $data; }
<td ><?php echo $product['parts_level']; ?> </td> <td ><?php echo '¥' . $product['goodsprice']; ?> </td> <td > <?php echo F::msubstr($product['OENO']); ?> </td> <td > <?php echo F::msubstr($product['car']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <?php } else { ?> <center><p>搜索到 <font color=red>0</font> 条数据 <span style="text-decoration: underline"><?php
</td> <td name='companyname'><?php echo $dealer['organName']; ?> </td> <td name='phone'><?php echo $dealer['Phone']; ?> </td> <td name='email'><?php echo $dealer['Email']; ?> </td> <td><?php $address = Area::getCity($dealer->province) . Area::getCity($dealer->city) . Area::getCity($dealer->area) . $dealer->address; echo F::msubstr($address); ?> </td> <td><?php echo CHtml::button('选择', array('class' => 'btn-small', 'id' => 'opt')); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> <?php } else { ?>
<tbody> <?php foreach ($result as $goods) { ?> <tr class='bd-tb'> <td> <input type='checkbox' /> </td> <td><?php echo F::msubstr($goods['goodsno']); ?> </td> <td> <div class='pos-r'> <?php echo F::msubstr($goods['goodsname']); ?> <i class='icon-new pos-a'></i> </div> </td> <td ><?php echo $goods['brand']; ?> </td> <td ></td> <td ></td> <td ></td> </tr> <?php } ?>
// ?> </td> <td > <?php $vehicles = DealerParts::model()->findAll('pgoods_id=:pgoods_id', array('pgoods_id' => $product['id'])); foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle) { $veh .= GoodsBrand::getName($vehicle['maincate']) . GoodsBrand::getCar($vehicle['subcate']) . '-'; } echo F::msubstr($veh); $veh = ''; ?> </td> <td><?php echo F::msubstr($product['youhui'], 0, 8); //$product['youhui'] ?> </td> </tr> <?php $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> <?php } else { ?> <tr>
public function actionSharecontact() { $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $dealer = Dealer::model()->find('userID=:userid', array(':userid' => $organID)); $share = BusinessShare::model()->findAll('InitiatorID=:intorID and Status=2', array(':intorID' => $organID)); foreach ($share as $key => $value) { $shareID .= ',' . $value['ShareID']; } $shareID = ltrim($shareID, ","); //查出shareID $sql = "select,a.contact_user_id,a.customertype,\n\t\t a.cooperationtype,,,\n\t\t a.companyname,,a.province,,a.area,,\n\t\t a.weixin,a.QQ,a.create_time,a.Status,a.jiapart_ID,a.update_time,\n\t\t (select b.category from tbl_customer_category b where and a.user_id={$organID}) as customercategory\n\t\t from tbl_business_contacts a where \n\t\t user_id='{$organID}' and Status=0 and a.contact_user_id in({$shareID})"; if ($_POST) { $search['name'] = $_POST['name']; $search['phone'] = $_POST['phone']; $search['keyword'] = $_POST['keyword']; if ($search) { if ($search['name']) { $sql .= " and name like'%{$search['name']}%'"; } if ($search['phone']) { $sql .= " and phone like '%{$search['phone']}%'"; } if ($search['keyword']) { $sql .= " and (companyname like '%{$search['keyword']}%') "; } } } $sql .= "order by create_time desc"; $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $models = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); $count = count($models); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = intval($_GET['rows']); $pages->applylimit($criteria); $models = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql . " LIMIT :offset,:limit"); $models->bindValue(':offset', $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize); $models->bindValue(':limit', $pages->pageSize); $models = $models->queryAll(); foreach ($models as $key => $value) { $data[$key]['id'] = $value['id']; $data[$key]['Initiator'] = F::msubstr($dealer['organName']); $data[$key]['companyID'] = $value['contact_user_id']; //$data[$key]['customertype'] = $value['customertype']; $data[$key]['cooperationtype'] = $value['cooperationtype']; $data[$key]['customercategory'] = $value['customercategory']; $data[$key]['name'] = $value['name']; $data[$key]['sex'] = $value['sex']; $data[$key]['companyname2'] = F::msubstr($value['companyname']); $data[$key]['companyname'] = $value['companyname']; $data[$key]['phone'] = $value['phone']; $data[$key]['province'] = $value['province']; $data[$key]['city'] = $value['city']; $data[$key]['area'] = $value['area']; $data[$key]['address'] = F::msubstr(Area::getCity($value['province']) . Area::getCity($value['city']) . Area::getCity($value['area'])); $data[$key]['email'] = $value['email']; $data[$key]['weixin'] = $value['weixin']; $data[$key]['QQ'] = $value['QQ']; $data[$key]['create_time'] = $value['create_time']; $data[$key]['Status'] = $value['Status']; $data[$key]['jiapart_ID'] = $value['jiapart_ID']; $data[$key]['update_time'] = $value['update_time']; //$data[$key]['checked']=true; } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => !empty($data) ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
?> "><?php echo DealergoodsService::standCodegetcpname($data['StandCode'], 'Name'); ?> </a></div> <div class="float_l color_hui">|</div> <div class="float_l cut m_left" style="width:130px;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">拼音代码:<a title="<?php echo $data['Pinyin']; ?> "><?php echo $data['Pinyin']; ?> </a></div> </div> <p class="m-top5" style=" width: 270px;height: 16px;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">备注:<span><?php echo F::msubstr($data['Memo']); ?> </span></p> </div> <div class="float_l zwq_price" style="width:200px;"><p class="m-top">促销价:<span class="zwq_color">¥<?php echo $data['ProPrice']; ?> </span></p><p class="cankaojia">参考价:<span class="zwq_color">¥<?php echo $data['Price']; ?> </span></p><p>促销时间:<span><?php echo date("Y-m-d", $data['ProTime']) . '--' . date("Y-m-d", $data['ProTime'] + 60 * 60 * 24 * 14); ?> </span></p></div> <div class="float_l zwq_OE m_left" style="width:130px;"> <div class="zwq_top" style="margin-top:18px;"><img src="<?php
public function actionCheckcar() { $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->with = "owner"; $criteria->addCondition("t.OrganID = {$organID}"); $criteria->addSearchCondition('t.LicensePlate', "{$_POST['licenseplate']}", "AND"); $model = CarInfo::model()->findAll($criteria); foreach ($model as $key => $value) { //车辆ID $data[$key]['ID'] = $value['ID']; //车主信息 $data[$key]['Name'] = $value->owner->Name ? F::msubstr($value->owner->Name) : '未绑定'; $data[$key]['Phone'] = $value->owner->Phone ? F::msubstr($value->owner->Phone) : '未绑定'; $data[$key]['City'] = $value->owner->City ? F::msubstr(str_replace("/", "", $value->owner->City)) : '未绑定'; //车辆信息 $data[$key]['LicensePlate'] = F::msubstr($value['LicensePlate']); if ($value['UseNature'] == '1') { $data[$key]['Uses'] = "私家车"; } elseif ($value['UseNature'] == '2') { $data[$key]['Uses'] = "公务车"; } else { $data[$key]['Uses'] = "运营车辆"; } $data[$key]['Car'] = F::msubstr(str_replace(",", "", $value['Car'])); $data[$key]['VinCode'] = $value['VinCode']; $data[$key]['Miles'] = $value['Mileage']; $data[$key]['BuyTime'] = date('Y-m-d', $value['BuyTime']); } $rs = array('totals' => count($model), 'rows' => $data ? $data : array()); echo json_encode($rs); }
public function actionOrderexport() { $model = PapOrder::model()->findByPk($_GET['ID']); //订单信息 $data['SellerID'] = $model->SellerID; $data['BuyerID'] = $model->BuyerID; $data['CreateTime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->CreateTime); $data['OrderSN'] = $model->OrderSN; $data['SellerName'] = $model->SellerName; $data['BuyerName'] = $model->BuyerName; $data['GoodsList'] = "商品清单"; $data['TotalAmount'] = "¥" . $model->TotalAmount; $data['ShipSn'] = $model->ShipSn; $data['ShipLogis'] = $model->ShipLogis; $data['ReShipSn'] = $model->ReShipSn; $data['ReShipLogis'] = $model->ReShipLogis; $data['ListShip'] = $model->ShipCost; $data['PayTime'] = $model->PayTime ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->PayTime) : ''; $data['DeliveryTime'] = $model->DeliveryTime ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->DeliveryTime) : ''; $data['ReceiptTime'] = $model->ReceiptTime ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $model->ReceiptTime) : ''; if ($model->Payment == '1') { $data['Payment'] = "支付宝担保交易"; } elseif ($model->Payment == '2') { $data['Payment'] = "物流代收款"; } $data['Status'] = $model->Status; $data['IsUnusual'] = $model->IsUnusual; //获取收货地址 // $ship = JporderService::getShip($model->ID); $ship = PapOrderAddress::model()->find("OrderID=:ID", array(":ID" => $model->ID))->attributes; $data['Consignee'] = $ship['ShippingName'] ? $ship['ShippingName'] : ''; $data['Mobile'] = $ship['Mobile'] ? $ship['Mobile'] : ''; $data['Phone'] = $ship['TelePhone'] ? $ship['TelePhone'] : ''; $data['Delivery'] = Area::getCity($ship['Province']) . Area::getCity($ship['City']) . Area::getCity($ship['Area']) . $ship['Address']; $data['ZipCode'] = $ship['ZipCode'] ? $ship['ZipCode'] : ''; //获取卖方基本信息 $seller = $this->getSeller($model->SellerID); $data['OrganName'] = $seller['organName']; $data['ContactPhone'] = $seller['Phone']; $data['QQ'] = $seller['QQ']; $data['Address'] = Area::getCity($seller['province']) . Area::getCity($seller['city']) . Area::getCity($seller['area']); $model1 = PapOrderGoods::model()->findAll("OrderID=:ID", array(":ID" => $model->ID)); foreach ($model1 as $key => $value) { $data['goods'][$key]['ID'] = $value['ID']; $data['goods'][$key]['CreateTime'] = F::msubstr(date("Y-m-d", $value['CreateTime'])); $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsNum'] = F::msubstr($value['GoodsNum']); $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsOE'] = F::msubstr($value['GoodsOE']); $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsName'] = F::msubstr($value['GoodsName']); $data['goods'][$key]['Brand'] = F::msubstr($value['Brand']); $data['goods'][$key]['Price'] = $value['Price']; $data['goods'][$key]['editPrice'] = $value['ProPrice'] ? $value['ProPrice'] : $value['Price']; $data['goods'][$key]['ShipCost'] = $value['ShipCost']; $data['goods'][$key]['Quantity'] = $value['Quantity']; $data['goods'][$key]['PN'] = $value['PN']; $data['goods'][$key]['ReQuantity'] = $value['ReQuantity']; $data['goods'][$key]['GoodsAmount'] = "¥" . $value['GoodsAmount']; } $this->renderPartial('orderexport', array('row' => $data)); }
<td> <?php if (!empty($model['userID'])) { // $cpnames = DealerCpname::model()->findAll("OrganID = " . $dealer['userID']); $cpnames = DealerCpname::model()->findAll("OrganID = " . $model['userID']); //var_dump($cpnames); $k = 1; foreach ($cpnames as $cpname) { if ($k == 1) { $cp .= $cpname['BigName'] . ' ' . $cpname['SubName'] . ' ' . $cpname['CpName']; } else { $cp .= ',' . $cpname['BigName'] . ' ' . $cpname['SubName'] . ' ' . $cpname['CpName']; } $k++; } echo F::msubstr($cp); $cp = ''; } ?> </td> <td ><?php echo $model['mobile_phone']; ?> <?php echo $model['contactName']; ?> </td> <td ><?php Area::showCity($model['province']); Area::showCity($model['city']); Area::showCity($model['area']);
public function actionGetpushmess() { $organID = Commonmodel::getOrganID(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->order = "t.ID DESC "; //排序条件:t.CreateTime,t.ID倒叙 $criteria->addCondition("t.OrganID = {$organID}", "AND"); $search = $_GET['search']; $keyword = $_GET['keyword']; $sendway = $_GET['sendway']; $month = $_GET['month']; if (!empty($search)) { // 关联到另一张表,手机号,姓名 // 1.通过姓名或手机号查到 联系人ID; // 2. 通过联系人ID 查到 推送信息ID; $sql = "select distinct PushID from tbl_push_contact_relation where ContactID in (select id from tbl_business_contacts where name like '%{$search}%' OR phone like '%{$search}%')"; $pushIDs = DBUtil::queryAll($sql); foreach ($pushIDs as $value) { $pushID[] = $value['PushID']; } // 3. 通过推送信息ID 查出推送信息 $criteria->addInCondition("ID", $pushID); } if (!empty($keyword)) { // 内容关键字 $criteria->addSearchCondition('Content', "{$keyword}", "AND"); } if (!empty($month)) { $recomtime = time(); if ($month == 1) { // 1个月 $recomtime -= 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 1; } elseif ($month == 3) { // 3个月 $recomtime -= 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 3; } elseif ($month == 6) { // 6个月 $recomtime -= 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 6; } elseif ($month == 12) { // 1年 $recomtime -= 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 12; } else { $recomtime -= 24 * 60 * 60 * 30 * 44; } $criteria->addCondition("t.SendTIme >= {$recomtime} ", 'and'); } if (!empty($sendway)) { $criteria->addCondition("t.SendWay = {$sendway}", 'and'); } $count = Pushmessage::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); $pages->pageSize = $_GET['rows']; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $pushmess = Pushmessage::model()->findAll($criteria); $pushinfo = array(); foreach ($pushmess as $key => $pushm) { $pushinfo[$key]['ID'] = $pushm['ID']; $pushinfo[$key]['content'] = $pushm['Content']; $pushinfo[$key]['content2'] = F::msubstr($pushm['Content']); $pushinfo[$key]['sendway'] = $pushm['SendWay'] == 1 ? "邮件" : "短信"; $pushinfo[$key]['sendtime'] = date("Y年m月d日", $pushm['SendTime']); $pushinfo[$key]['sendto'] = $this->getsenders($pushm['ID']) . '个'; } $rs = array('total' => $count, 'rows' => $pushinfo); echo json_encode($rs); }