function eme_get_events($o_limit = 0, $scope = "future", $order = "ASC", $o_offset = 0, $location_id = "", $category = "", $author = "", $contact_person = "", $show_ongoing = 1, $notcategory = "", $show_recurrent_events_once = 0, $extra_conditions = "") { global $wpdb, $eme_timezone; $events_table = $wpdb->prefix . EVENTS_TBNAME; $bookings_table = $wpdb->prefix . BOOKINGS_TBNAME; if (strpos($o_limit, "=")) { // allows the use of arguments $defaults = array('o_limit' => 0, 'scope' => 'future', 'order' => 'ASC', 'o_offset' => 0, 'location_id' => '', 'category' => '', 'author' => '', 'contact_person' => '', 'show_ongoing' => 1, 'notcategory' => '', 'show_recurrent_events_once' => 0, 'extra_conditions' => ''); $r = wp_parse_args($o_limit, $defaults); extract($r); } if ($o_limit === "") { $o_limit = get_option('eme_event_list_number_items'); } if ($o_limit > 0) { $limit = "LIMIT " . intval($o_limit); } else { $limit = ""; } if ($o_offset > 0) { if ($o_limit == 0) { $limit = "LIMIT " . intval($o_offset); } $offset = "OFFSET " . intval($o_offset); } else { $offset = ""; } if ($order != "DESC") { $order = "ASC"; } $eme_date_obj = new ExpressiveDate(null, $eme_timezone); $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week'); $eme_date_obj->setWeekStartDay($start_of_week); $today = $eme_date_obj->getDate(); $this_time = $eme_date_obj->getTime(); $this_datetime = $eme_date_obj->getDateTime(); $conditions = array(); // extra sql conditions we put in front, most of the time this is the most // effective place if ($extra_conditions != "") { $conditions[] = $extra_conditions; } // if we're not in the admin itf, we don't want draft events if (!is_admin()) { if (is_user_logged_in()) { $conditions[] = "event_status IN (" . STATUS_PUBLIC . "," . STATUS_PRIVATE . ")"; } else { $conditions[] = "event_status=" . STATUS_PUBLIC; } if (get_option('eme_rsvp_hide_full_events')) { // COALESCE is used in case the SUM returns NULL // this is a correlated subquery, so the FROM clause should specify events_table again, so it will search in the outer query for events_table.event_id $conditions[] = "(event_rsvp=0 OR (event_rsvp=1 AND event_seats > (SELECT COALESCE(SUM(booking_seats),0) AS booked_seats FROM {$bookings_table} WHERE {$bookings_table}.event_id = {$events_table}.event_id)))"; } if (get_option('eme_rsvp_hide_rsvp_ended_events')) { $conditions[] = "(event_rsvp=0 OR (event_rsvp=1 AND (event_end_date < '{$today}' OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CONCAT(event_start_date,' ',event_start_time))-rsvp_number_days*60*60*24-rsvp_number_hours*60*60 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) ))"; } } if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\$/", $scope)) { //$conditions[] = " event_start_date like '$scope'"; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date LIKE '{$scope}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$scope}' AND event_end_date >= '{$scope}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date LIKE '{$scope}') "; } } elseif (preg_match("/^--([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $limit_start = $matches[1]; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date < '{$limit_start}') "; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_end_date < '{$limit_start}') "; } } elseif (preg_match("/^\\+\\+([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $limit_start = $matches[1]; $conditions[] = " (event_start_date > '{$limit_start}') "; } elseif (preg_match("/^0000-([0-9]{2})\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $month = $matches[1]; $eme_date_obj->setMonth($month); $number_of_days_month = $eme_date_obj->getDaysInMonth(); $limit_start = "{$year}-{$month}-01"; $limit_end = "{$year}-{$month}-{$number_of_days_month}"; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "this_week") { // this comes from global wordpress preferences $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week'); $eme_date_obj->setWeekStartDay($start_of_week); $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "next_week") { // this comes from global wordpress preferences $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week'); $eme_date_obj->setWeekStartDay($start_of_week); $eme_date_obj->addOneWeek(); $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "this_month") { $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "this_year") { $year = $eme_date_obj->getYear(); $limit_start = "{$year}-01-01"; $limit_end = "{$year}-12-31"; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "next_month") { $eme_date_obj->addOneMonth(); $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})--([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $limit_start = $matches[1]; $limit_end = $matches[2]; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})--today\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $limit_start = $matches[1]; $limit_end = $today; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^today--([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $limit_start = $today; $limit_end = $matches[1]; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^\\+(\\d+)d\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $days = $matches[1]; $limit_start = $today; $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->addDays($days)->getDate(); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^\\-(\\d+)d\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $days = $matches[1]; $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->minusDays($days)->getDate(); $limit_end = $today; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^(\\-?\\+?\\d+)d--(\\-?\\+?\\d+)d\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $day1 = $matches[1]; $day2 = $matches[2]; $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->copy()->modifyDays($day1)->getDate(); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->copy()->modifyDays($day2)->getDate(); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^relative\\-(\\d+)d--([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $days = $matches[1]; $limit_end = $matches[2]; $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($limit_end . " " . $eme_timezone); $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->minusDays($days)->getDate() . " " . $eme_timezone; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})--relative\\+(\\d+)d\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $limit_start = $matches[1]; $days = $matches[2]; $eme_date_obj->setTimestampFromString($limit_start . " " . $eme_timezone); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->addDays($days)->getDate() . " " . $eme_timezone; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^\\+(\\d+)m\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $months_in_future = $matches[1]++; $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $eme_date_obj->addMonths($months_in_future); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^\\-(\\d+)m\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $months_in_past = $matches[1]++; $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->copy()->minusMonths($months_in_past)->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->copy()->minusOneMonth()->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif (preg_match("/^(\\-?\\+?\\d+)m--(\\-?\\+?\\d+)m\$/", $scope, $matches)) { $months1 = $matches[1]; $months2 = $matches[2]; $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->copy()->modifyMonths($months1)->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->copy()->modifyMonths($months2)->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "today--this_week") { $limit_start = $today; $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "today--this_week_plus_one") { $limit_start = $today; $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfWeek()->addOneDay()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "today--this_month") { $limit_start = $today; $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "today--this_year") { $limit_start = $today; $limit_end = "{$year}-12-31"; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "this_week--today") { $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $today; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "this_month--today") { $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $today; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "this_year--today") { $limit_start = "{$year}-01-01"; $limit_end = $today; if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " ((event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_end_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}') OR (event_start_date <= '{$limit_start}' AND event_end_date >= '{$limit_end}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date BETWEEN '{$limit_start}' AND '{$limit_end}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "tomorrow--future") { if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date > '{$today}' OR (event_end_date > '{$today}' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date > '{$today}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "past") { //$conditions[] = " (event_end_date < '$today' OR (event_end_date = '$today' and event_end_time < '$this_time' )) "; // not taking the hour into account until we can enter timezone info as well if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " event_end_date < '{$today}'"; } else { $conditions[] = " event_start_date < '{$today}'"; } } elseif ($scope == "today") { if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date = '{$today}' OR (event_start_date <= '{$today}' AND event_end_date >= '{$today}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date = '{$today}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "tomorrow") { $tomorrow = $eme_date_obj->addOneDay()->getDate(); if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date = '{$tomorrow}' OR (event_start_date <= '{$tomorrow}' AND event_end_date >= '{$tomorrow}'))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date = '{$tomorrow}')"; } } elseif ($scope == "ongoing") { // only shows ongoing events, for this we try to use the date and time, but it might be incorrect since there's no user timezone info $conditions[] = " (CONCAT(event_start_date,' ',event_start_time)<='{$this_datetime}' AND CONCAT(event_end_date,' ',event_end_time)>= '{$this_datetime}')"; } else { if ($scope != "all") { $scope = "future"; } if ($scope == "future") { //$conditions[] = " ((event_start_date = '$today' AND event_start_time >= '$this_time') OR (event_start_date > '$today') OR (event_end_date > '$today' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL) OR (event_end_date = '$today' AND event_end_time >= '$this_time'))"; // not taking the hour into account until we can enter timezone info as well if ($show_ongoing) { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date >= '{$today}' OR (event_end_date >= '{$today}' AND event_end_date != '0000-00-00' AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL))"; } else { $conditions[] = " (event_start_date >= '{$today}')"; } } } // when used inside a location description, you can use this_location to indicate the current location being viewed if ($location_id == "this_location" && get_query_var('location_id')) { $location_id = get_query_var('location_id'); } if (is_numeric($location_id)) { if ($location_id > 0) { $conditions[] = " location_id = {$location_id}"; } } elseif ($location_id == "none") { $conditions[] = " location_id = ''"; } elseif (preg_match('/,/', $location_id)) { $location_ids = explode(',', $location_id); $location_conditions = array(); foreach ($location_ids as $loc) { if (is_numeric($loc) && $loc > 0) { $location_conditions[] = " location_id = {$loc}"; } elseif ($loc == "none") { $location_conditions[] = " location_id = ''"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' OR', $location_conditions) . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/\\+/', $location_id)) { $location_ids = explode('+', $location_id); $location_conditions = array(); foreach ($location_ids as $loc) { if (is_numeric($loc) && $loc > 0) { $location_conditions[] = " location_id = {$loc}"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' AND', $location_conditions) . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/ /', $location_id)) { // url decoding of '+' is ' ' $location_ids = explode(' ', $location_id); $location_conditions = array(); foreach ($location_ids as $loc) { if (is_numeric($loc) && $loc > 0) { $location_conditions[] = " location_id = {$loc}"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' AND', $location_conditions) . ")"; } if (get_option('eme_categories_enabled')) { if (is_numeric($category)) { if ($category > 0) { $conditions[] = " FIND_IN_SET({$category},event_category_ids)"; } } elseif ($category == "none") { $conditions[] = "event_category_ids = ''"; } elseif (preg_match('/,/', $category)) { $category = explode(',', $category); $category_conditions = array(); foreach ($category as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0) { $category_conditions[] = " FIND_IN_SET({$cat},event_category_ids)"; } elseif ($cat == "none") { $category_conditions[] = " event_category_ids = ''"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' OR', $category_conditions) . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/\\+/', $category)) { $category = explode('+', $category); $category_conditions = array(); foreach ($category as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0) { $category_conditions[] = " FIND_IN_SET({$cat},event_category_ids)"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' AND ', $category_conditions) . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/ /', $category)) { // url decoding of '+' is ' ' $category = explode(' ', $category); $category_conditions = array(); foreach ($category as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0) { $category_conditions[] = " FIND_IN_SET({$cat},event_category_ids)"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' AND ', $category_conditions) . ")"; } } if (get_option('eme_categories_enabled')) { if (is_numeric($notcategory)) { if ($notcategory > 0) { $conditions[] = " NOT FIND_IN_SET({$notcategory},event_category_ids)"; } } elseif ($notcategory == "none") { $conditions[] = "event_category_ids != ''"; } elseif (preg_match('/,/', $notcategory)) { $notcategory = explode(',', $notcategory); $category_conditions = array(); foreach ($notcategory as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0) { $category_conditions[] = " NOT FIND_IN_SET({$cat},event_category_ids)"; } elseif ($cat == "none") { $category_conditions[] = " event_category_ids != ''"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' OR', $category_conditions) . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/\\+/', $notcategory)) { $notcategory = explode('+', $notcategory); $category_conditions = array(); foreach ($notcategory as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0) { $category_conditions[] = " NOT FIND_IN_SET({$cat},event_category_ids)"; } } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' AND ', $category_conditions) . ")"; } elseif (preg_match('/ /', $notcategory)) { // url decoding of '+' is ' ' $notcategory = explode(' ', $notcategory); $category_conditions = array(); foreach ($notcategory as $cat) { if (is_numeric($cat) && $cat > 0) { $category_conditions[] = " NOT FIND_IN_SET({$cat},event_category_ids)"; } } } } // now filter the author ID if ($author != '' && !preg_match('/,/', $author)) { $authinfo = get_user_by('login', $author); $conditions[] = " event_author = " . $authinfo->ID; } elseif (preg_match('/,/', $author)) { $authors = explode(',', $author); $author_conditions = array(); foreach ($authors as $authname) { $authinfo = get_user_by('login', $authname); $author_conditions[] = " event_author = " . $authinfo->ID; } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' OR ', $author_conditions) . ")"; } // now filter the contact ID if ($contact_person != '' && !preg_match('/,/', $contact_person)) { $authinfo = get_user_by('login', $contact_person); $conditions[] = " event_contactperson_id = " . $authinfo->ID; } elseif (preg_match('/,/', $contact_person)) { $contact_persons = explode(',', $contact_person); $contact_person_conditions = array(); foreach ($contact_persons as $authname) { $authinfo = get_user_by('login', $authname); $contact_person_conditions[] = " event_contactperson_id = " . $authinfo->ID; } $conditions[] = "(" . implode(' OR ', $contact_person_conditions) . ")"; } // extra conditions for authors: if we're in the admin itf, return only the events for which you have the right to change anything $current_userid = get_current_user_id(); if (is_admin() && !current_user_can(get_option('eme_cap_edit_events')) && !current_user_can(get_option('eme_cap_list_events')) && current_user_can(get_option('eme_cap_author_event'))) { $conditions[] = "(event_author = {$current_userid} OR event_contactperson_id= {$current_userid})"; } $where = implode(" AND ", $conditions); if ($show_recurrent_events_once) { if ($where != "") { $where = " AND " . $where; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$events_table}\n WHERE (recurrence_id>0 {$where})\n group by recurrence_id union all\n SELECT * FROM {$events_table}\n WHERE (recurrence_id=0 {$where})\n ORDER BY event_start_date {$order} , event_start_time {$order}\n {$limit} \n {$offset}"; } else { if ($where != "") { $where = " WHERE " . $where; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$events_table}\n {$where}\n ORDER BY event_start_date {$order} , event_start_time {$order}\n {$limit} \n {$offset}"; } $wpdb->show_errors = true; $events = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A); $inflated_events = array(); if (!empty($events)) { //$wpdb->print_error(); foreach ($events as $this_event) { $this_event = eme_get_event_data($this_event); array_push($inflated_events, $this_event); } if (has_filter('eme_event_list_filter')) { $inflated_events = apply_filters('eme_event_list_filter', $inflated_events); } } return $inflated_events; }
function eme_global_map($atts) { global $eme_need_gmap_js, $eme_timezone; if (get_option('eme_gmap_is_active') == '1') { // the locations shortcode has been deteced, so we indicate // that we want the javascript in the footer as well $eme_need_gmap_js = 1; extract(shortcode_atts(array('show_locations' => true, 'show_events' => false, 'eventful' => false, 'scope' => 'all', 'paging' => 0, 'category' => '', 'width' => 450, 'height' => 300, 'list_location' => 'after'), $atts)); $eventful = $eventful === "true" || $eventful === "1" ? true : $eventful; $show_events = $show_events === "true" || $show_events === "1" ? true : $show_events; $show_locations = $show_locations === "true" || $show_locations === "1" ? true : $show_locations; $eventful = $eventful === "false" || $eventful === "0" ? false : $eventful; $show_events = $show_events === "false" || $show_events === "0" ? false : $show_events; $show_locations = $show_locations === "false" || $show_locations === "0" ? false : $show_locations; $events_page_link = eme_get_events_page(true, false); $prev_text = ""; $next_text = ""; $scope_offset = 0; // for browsing: if paging=1 and only for this_week,this_month or today if ($eventful && $paging == 1) { $eme_date_obj = new ExpressiveDate(null, $eme_timezone); if (isset($_GET['eme_offset'])) { $scope_offset = $_GET['eme_offset']; } $prev_offset = $scope_offset - 1; $next_offset = $scope_offset + 1; if ($scope == "this_week") { $start_of_week = get_option('start_of_week'); $eme_date_obj->setWeekStartDay($start_of_week); $eme_date_obj->modifyWeeks($scope_offset); $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfWeek()->format('Y-m-d'); $scope = "{$limit_start}--{$limit_end}"; $scope_text = eme_localised_date($limit_start . " " . $eme_timezone) . " -- " . eme_localised_date($limit_end . " " . $eme_timezone); $prev_text = __('Previous week', 'eme'); $next_text = __('Next week', 'eme'); } elseif ($scope == "this_month") { $eme_date_obj->modifyMonths($scope_offset); $limit_start = $eme_date_obj->startOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_end = $eme_date_obj->endOfMonth()->format('Y-m-d'); $scope = "{$limit_start}--{$limit_end}"; $scope_text = eme_localised_date($limit_start . " " . $eme_timezone, get_option('eme_show_period_monthly_dateformat')); $prev_text = __('Previous month', 'eme'); $next_text = __('Next month', 'eme'); } elseif ($scope == "this_year") { $eme_date_obj->modifyYears($scope_offset); $year = $eme_date_obj->getYear(); $limit_start = "{$year}-01-01"; $limit_end = "{$year}-12-31"; $scope = "{$limit_start}--{$limit_end}"; $scope = "{$limit_start}--{$limit_end}"; $scope_text = eme_localised_date($limit_start . " " . $eme_timezone, get_option('eme_show_period_yearly_dateformat')); $prev_text = __('Previous year', 'eme'); $next_text = __('Next year', 'eme'); } elseif ($scope == "today") { $scope = $eme_date_obj->modifyDays($scope_offset)->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_start = $scope; $limit_end = $scope; $scope_text = eme_localised_date($limit_start . " " . $eme_timezone); $prev_text = __('Previous day', 'eme'); $next_text = __('Next day', 'eme'); } elseif ($scope == "tomorrow") { $scope_offset++; $scope = $eme_date_obj->modifyDays($scope_offset)->format('Y-m-d'); $limit_start = $scope; $limit_end = $scope; $scope_text = eme_localised_date($limit_start . " " . $eme_timezone); $prev_text = __('Previous day', 'eme'); $next_text = __('Next day', 'eme'); } // to prevent going on indefinitely and thus allowing search bots to go on for ever, // we stop providing links if there are no more events left $older_events = eme_get_events(1, "--" . $limit_start, "ASC", 0, $location['location_id'], $category); $newer_events = eme_get_events(1, "++" . $limit_end, "ASC", 0, $location['location_id'], $category); if (count($older_events) == 0) { $prev_text = ""; } if (count($newer_events) == 0) { $next_text = ""; } } $id_base = preg_replace("/\\D/", "_", microtime(1)); $id_base = rand() . "_" . $id_base; if (!preg_match('/\\%$|px$/', $width)) { $width = $width . "px"; } if (!preg_match('/\\%$|px$/', $height)) { $height = $height . "px"; } $result = "<div id='eme_global_map_{$id_base}' class='eme_global_map' style='width: {$width}; height: {$height}'>map</div>"; // get the paging output ready if ($paging == 1) { $pagination_top = "<div id='locations-pagination-top'> "; $this_page_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // remove the offset info $this_page_url = remove_query_arg('eme_offset', $this_page_url); if ($prev_text != "") { $pagination_top .= "<a class='eme_nav_left' href='" . add_query_arg(array('eme_offset' => $prev_offset), $this_page_url) . "'><< {$prev_text}</a>"; } if ($next_text != "") { $pagination_top .= "<a class='eme_nav_right' href='" . add_query_arg(array('eme_offset' => $next_offset), $this_page_url) . "'>{$next_text} >></a>"; } $pagination_top .= "<span class='eme_nav_center'>{$scope_text}</span>"; $pagination_top .= "</div>"; $pagination_bottom = str_replace("locations-pagination-top", "locations-pagination-bottom", $pagination_top); $result = $pagination_top . $result . $pagination_bottom; } $eventful_string = "eventful_" . $id_base; $scope_string = "scope_" . $id_base; $category_string = "category_" . $id_base; $result .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n <!--// \n {$eventful_string} = '{$eventful}';\n {$scope_string} = '{$scope}';\n {$category_string} = '{$category}';\n events_page_link = '{$events_page_link}';\n //-->\n </script>"; // we add the list if wanted (only for "before" or "after") $locations = eme_get_locations((bool) $eventful, $scope, $category, $scope_offset); $loc_list = "<div id='eme_div_locations_list_{$id_base}' class='eme_div_locations_list'><ol id='eme_locations_list_{$id_base}' class='eme_locations_list'>"; $firstletter = "A"; foreach ($locations as $location) { if ($show_locations) { $loc_list .= "<li id='location-" . $location['location_id'] . "_{$id_base}" . "' style='list-style-type: upper-alpha'><a>" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($location['location_name']) . "</a></li>"; } if ($show_events) { $events = eme_get_events(0, $scope, "ASC", $scope_offset, $location['location_id'], $category); $loc_list .= "<ol id='eme_events_list'>"; foreach ($events as $event) { if ($show_locations) { $loc_list .= "<li id='location-" . $location['location_id'] . "_{$id_base}" . "' style='list-style-type: none'>- <a>" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($event['event_name']) . "</a></li>"; } else { $loc_list .= "<li id='location-" . $location['location_id'] . "_{$id_base}" . "' style='list-style-type: none'>{$firstletter}. <a>" . eme_trans_sanitize_html($event['event_name']) . "</a></li>"; } } $loc_list .= "</ol>"; } // cool: we can increment strings in php, so we can mimic the CSS "style='list-style-type: upper-alpha'" thingie // usefull when we show events (more than one event per location) $firstletter++; } $loc_list .= "</ol></div>"; if ($list_location == "before") { $result = $loc_list . $result; } elseif ($list_location == "after") { $result .= $loc_list; } } else { $result = ""; } return $result; }