* @link http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/jevents */ /** * Library for Latest Events Module **/ // following line is to prevent direct access to this script via the url defined('_VALID_MOS') or die('Restricted access'); // setup for all required function and classes $file = mosMainFrame::getBasePath() . 'components/com_events/includes/modutils.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } else { die("Events Latest\n<br />This module needs the Events component"); } // load language constants EventsHelper::loadLanguage('modlatest'); if (!defined('EVENTS_LATEST_MODULE')) { define('EVENTS_LATEST_MODULE', 1); function JEventsLatestcmpByStartTime(&$a, &$b) { // this custom sort compare function compares the start times of events that are referenced by the a & b vars if ($a->publish_up == $b->publish_up) { return 0; } if (!isset($a->_startTime)) { $a->_startTime = mktime($a->hup, $a->minup, $a->sup); } if (!isset($b->_startTime)) { $b->_startTime = mktime($b->hup, $b->minup, $b->sup); } return $a->_startTime < $b->_startTime ? -1 : 1;
return $content; } else { return ''; } } } global $mosConfig_offset, $mosConfig_lang, $mosConfig_debug, $mainframe; // setup for all required function and classes $file = mosMainFrame::getBasePath() . 'components/com_events/includes/modutils.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include_once $file; } else { die("Events Calendar\n<br />This module needs the Events component"); } // load language constants EventsHelper::loadLanguage('modcal'); // get configuration object $cfg =& EventsConfig::getInstance(); global $modparams; $modparams = mosParseParams($module->params); // default values if module paramaters have not been explicitly set if (!isset($modparams->minical_showlink)) { $modparams->minical_showlink = 0; } if (!isset($modparams->inc_ec_css)) { $modparams->inc_ec_css = 1; } if ($mosConfig_debug) { echo 'PARAMS "' . $modparams . '"<br />'; print_r($modparams); }