## Requirements and prep-work: ##
// 1. You must have an API key - Eventbrite API keys are available here: http://www.eventbrite.com/api/key/
// 2. Have your Client_Secret ready - Your API_Key's Client secret is available on the same page.  Keep it secret!  Be careful not to expose it to your users or check it in to publicly available source code.
// 3. Update your API_Key's "redirect_uri" setting on http://eventbrite.com/api/key.  Point your redirect_uri to the URL on your site where you expect a user to complete their OAuth2.0 authorization.  Or, point it to any URL on your site where our loginWidget is available.
// 4. Developer terms - To comply with our developer terms, your user's "access_tokens" should be protected, and should not be exposed to other users.
// 5. Download Eventbrite's PHP API client and add it to your application's source code - https://raw.github.com/ryanjarvinen/eventbrite.php/master/Eventbrite.php
//    the 'php5-curl' package may also be a requirement
## Implementing OAuth for Eventbrite in two easy steps: ##
// 1. load the API Client library:
require_once "../Eventbrite.php";
// 1a. (optional) This example uses PHP's built-in $_SESSION storage:
// See the README file for information about integrating with other data-stores.
// This line may be needed to enable session support on your server:
// 2. Create a login widget OR redirect:
$login_widget_html = Eventbrite::loginWidget(array('app_key' => 'YOUR_APP_KEY', 'client_secret' => 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'));
echo $login_widget_html;

// -------------- Done! ------------- //
// Optional debug output - Remove this in your app:
if (Eventbrite::getAccessToken()) {
    print "<p><b>DEBUG:</b> This user's OAuth2.0 access_token is: " . Eventbrite::getAccessToken() . "</p>";