  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $statement = array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/attended', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => ['id' => $opts['session_url'], 'definition' => ['type' => $opts['session_type'], 'name' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['session_name']], 'description' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['session_description']]]], 'result' => ['duration' => $opts['attempt_duration'], 'completion' => $opts['attempt_completion']], 'context' => ['instructor' => $this->readUser($opts, 'user'), 'contextActivities' => ['grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts)], 'parent' => [$this->readModule($opts)], 'category' => [['id' => 'http://xapi.trainingevidencesystems.com/recipes/attendance/0_0_1#simple', 'definition' => ['type' => 'http://id.tincanapi.com/activitytype/recipe']]]]]]);
     // Overwrite actor, don't merge it.
     $statement['actor'] = $this->readUser($opts, 'attendee');
     return $statement;
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $grade = $this->repo->readObject($opts['objectid'], $opts['objecttable']);
     $grade_comment = $this->repo->readGradeComment($grade->id, $grade->assignment)->commenttext;
     $grade_items = $this->repo->readGradeItems($grade->assignment, 'assign');
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['grade' => $grade, 'grade_comment' => $grade_comment, 'grade_items' => $grade_items, 'graded_user' => $this->repo->readUser($grade->userid), 'module' => $this->repo->readModule($grade->assignment, 'assign')]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $statement = ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'result' => ['score' => ['raw' => $opts['attempt_score_raw'], 'min' => $opts['attempt_score_min'], 'max' => $opts['attempt_score_max'], 'scaled' => $opts['attempt_score_scaled']], 'completion' => $opts['attempt_completed'], 'duration' => $opts['attempt_duration']], 'object' => ['id' => $opts['module_url'], 'definition' => ['type' => $opts['module_type'], 'name' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['module_name']], 'description' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['module_description']]]], 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts), ['id' => $opts['attempt_url'], 'definition' => ['type' => $opts['attempt_type'], 'name' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['attempt_name']], 'extensions' => [$opts['attempt_ext_key'] => $opts['attempt_ext']]]]]]]];
     if (!is_null($opts['attempt_success'])) {
         $statement['result']['success'] = $opts['attempt_success'];
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), $statement);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $attempt = $this->repo->readAttempt($opts['objectid']);
     $grade_items = $this->repo->readGradeItems($attempt->quiz, 'quiz');
     $attempt->questions = $this->repo->readQuestionAttempts($attempt->id);
     $questions = $this->repo->readQuestions($attempt->quiz);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['attempt' => $attempt, 'module' => $this->repo->readModule($attempt->quiz, 'quiz'), 'grade_items' => $grade_items, 'questions' => $questions]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $statement = ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'result' => ['score' => ['raw' => $opts['attempt_score_raw'], 'min' => $opts['attempt_score_min'], 'max' => $opts['attempt_score_max'], 'scaled' => $opts['attempt_score_scaled']], 'completion' => $opts['attempt_completed'], 'response' => $opts['attempt_response']], 'object' => $this->readQuestion($opts), 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['parent' => [$this->readModule($opts)], 'grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts), ['id' => $opts['attempt_url']]]]]];
     if (!is_null($opts['attempt_success'])) {
         $statement['result']['success'] = $opts['attempt_success'];
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), $statement);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $instructor = parent::read($opts)['actor'];
     $statement = array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/scored', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'result' => ['score' => ['raw' => $opts['grade_score_raw'], 'min' => $opts['grade_score_min'], 'max' => $opts['grade_score_max'], 'scaled' => $opts['grade_score_scaled']], 'completion' => $opts['grade_completed'], 'response' => $opts['grade_comment']], 'object' => $this->readModule($opts), 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['parent' => [$this->readCourse($opts)]], 'instructor' => $instructor]]);
     //Excluded from array merge to make sure that the actor is overwritten e.g. if a different IFI is used.
     $statement['actor'] = ['objectType' => 'Agent', 'name' => $opts['graded_user_name'], 'account' => ['homePage' => $opts['graded_user_url'], 'name' => $opts['graded_user_id']]];
     if (!is_null($opts['grade_success'])) {
         $statement['result']['success'] = $opts['grade_success'];
     return $statement;
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://www.tincanapi.co.uk/verbs/evaluated', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'result' => ['score' => ['raw' => $opts['grade_result']], 'completion' => true], 'object' => ['objectType' => 'Agent', 'name' => $opts['graded_user_name'], 'account' => ['homePage' => $opts['graded_user_url'], 'name' => $opts['graded_user_id']]], 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts), $this->readModule($opts)]]]]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'https://brindlewaye.com/xAPITerms/verbs/loggedout/', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => $this->readApp($opts)]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $session = $this->repo->readFacetofaceSession($opts['objectid']);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['module' => $this->repo->readModule($session->facetoface, 'facetoface'), 'session' => $session]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/registered', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => $this->readApp($opts)]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://www.tincanapi.co.uk/verbs/enrolled_onto_learning_plan', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => $this->readCourse($opts), 'context' => ['instructor' => $this->readUser($opts, 'instructor')]]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['module' => $this->repo->readModule($opts['objectid'], $opts['objecttable'])]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $attempt = $this->repo->readFeedbackAttempt($opts['objectid']);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['module' => $this->repo->readModule($attempt->feedback, 'feedback'), 'questions' => $this->repo->readFeedbackQuestions($attempt->feedback), 'attempt' => $attempt]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $grade = $this->repo->readObject($opts['objectid'], $opts['objecttable']);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['grade' => $grade, 'graded_user' => $this->repo->readUser($grade->userid), 'module' => $this->repo->readModule($grade->assignment, 'assign')]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $scorm_scoes = $this->repo->readObject($opts['objectid'], $opts['objecttable']);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['module' => $this->repo->readModule($scorm_scoes->scorm, 'scorm'), 'scorm_scoes' => $scorm_scoes]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['recipe' => 'course_viewed', 'course_url' => $opts['course']->url, 'course_name' => $opts['course']->fullname ?: 'A Moodle course', 'course_description' => $opts['course']->summary ?: 'A Moodle course', 'course_type' => static::$xapi_type . $opts['course']->type, 'course_ext' => $opts['course'], 'course_ext_key' => 'http://lrs.learninglocker.net/define/extensions/moodle_course']);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $attempt = $this->repo->readAttempt($opts['objectid']);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['attempt' => $attempt, 'module' => $this->repo->readModule($attempt->quiz, 'quiz')]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://activitystrea.ms/schema/1.0/start', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => ['id' => $opts['attempt_url'], 'definition' => ['type' => $opts['attempt_type'], 'name' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['attempt_name']], 'extensions' => [$opts['attempt_ext_key'] => $opts['attempt_ext']]]], 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts), $this->readModule($opts)]]]]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/registered', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => ['id' => $opts['session_url'], 'definition' => ['type' => $opts['session_type'], 'name' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['session_name']], 'description' => [$opts['context_lang'] => $opts['session_description']]]], 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts)], 'parent' => [$this->readModule($opts)], 'category' => [['id' => 'http://xapi.trainingevidencesystems.com/recipes/attendance/0_0_1#detailed', 'definition' => ['type' => 'http://id.tincanapi.com/activitytype/recipe']]]]]]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/completed', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => $this->readCourse($opts)]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge_recursive(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/launched', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)], 'object' => $this->readModule($opts), 'context' => ['contextActivities' => ['grouping' => [$this->readCourse($opts)]]]]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['recipe' => 'user_loggedin']);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     $submission = $this->repo->readObject($opts['objectid'], $opts['objecttable']);
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['submission' => $submission, 'module' => $this->repo->readModule($submission->assignment, 'assign')]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['recipe' => 'user_registered', 'user_id' => $opts['relateduser']->id, 'user_url' => $opts['relateduser']->url, 'user_name' => $opts['relateduser']->username]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), ['verb' => ['id' => 'http://id.tincanapi.com/verb/viewed', 'display' => $this->readVerbDisplay($opts)]]);
  * Reads data for an event.
  * @param [String => Mixed] $opts
  * @return [String => Mixed]
  * @override Event
 public function read(array $opts)
     return array_merge(parent::read($opts), []);
 public function read($input)
     $xfer = 0;
     $fname = null;
     $ftype = 0;
     $fid = 0;
     $xfer += $input->readStructBegin($fname);
     while (true) {
         $xfer += $input->readFieldBegin($fname, $ftype, $fid);
         if ($ftype == TType::STOP) {
         switch ($fid) {
             case 0:
                 if ($ftype == TType::LST) {
                     $this->success = array();
                     $_size173 = 0;
                     $_etype176 = 0;
                     $xfer += $input->readListBegin($_etype176, $_size173);
                     for ($_i177 = 0; $_i177 < $_size173; ++$_i177) {
                         $elem178 = null;
                         $elem178 = new Event();
                         $xfer += $elem178->read($input);
                         $this->success[] = $elem178;
                     $xfer += $input->readListEnd();
                 } else {
                     $xfer += $input->skip($ftype);
                 $xfer += $input->skip($ftype);
         $xfer += $input->readFieldEnd();
     $xfer += $input->readStructEnd();
     return $xfer;