public function run()
     // Temporarily disable mass assignment restrictions
     // Eve Api Callist from
     // Taken Sat, 22 Mar 2014 06:47:37 +0000
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'Locations', 'accessMask' => 134217728, 'description' => 'Allows the fetching of coordinate and name data for items owned by the character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'Contracts', 'accessMask' => 67108864, 'description' => 'List of all Contracts the character is involved in.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'AccountStatus', 'accessMask' => 33554432, 'description' => 'EVE player account status.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'CharacterInfo', 'accessMask' => 16777216, 'description' => 'Sensitive Character Information, exposes account balance and last known location on top of the other Character Information call.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'CharacterInfo', 'accessMask' => 8388608, 'description' => 'Character information, exposes skill points and current ship information on top of \'Show Info\' information.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'WalletTransactions', 'accessMask' => 4194304, 'description' => 'Market transaction journal of character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'WalletJournal', 'accessMask' => 2097152, 'description' => 'Wallet journal of character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'UpcomingCalendarEvents', 'accessMask' => 1048576, 'description' => 'Upcoming events on characters calendar.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'Standings', 'accessMask' => 524288, 'description' => 'NPC Standings towards the character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'SkillQueue', 'accessMask' => 262144, 'description' => 'Entire skill queue of character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'SkillInTraining', 'accessMask' => 131072, 'description' => 'Skill currently in training on the character. Subset of entire Skill Queue.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'Research', 'accessMask' => 65536, 'description' => 'List of all Research agents working for the character and the progress of the research.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'NotificationTexts', 'accessMask' => 32768, 'description' => 'Actual body of notifications sent to the character. Requires Notification access to function.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'Notifications', 'accessMask' => 16384, 'description' => 'List of recent notifications sent to the character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'Medals', 'accessMask' => 8192, 'description' => 'Medals awarded to the character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'MarketOrders', 'accessMask' => 4096, 'description' => 'List of all Market Orders the character has made.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'MailMessages', 'accessMask' => 2048, 'description' => 'List of all messages in the characters EVE Mail Inbox.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'MailingLists', 'accessMask' => 1024, 'description' => 'List of all Mailing Lists the character subscribes to.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'MailBodies', 'accessMask' => 512, 'description' => 'EVE Mail bodies. Requires MailMessages as well to function.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'KillLog', 'accessMask' => 256, 'description' => 'Characters kill log.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'IndustryJobs', 'accessMask' => 128, 'description' => 'Character jobs, completed and active.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'FacWarStats', 'accessMask' => 64, 'description' => 'Characters Factional Warfare Statistics.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'ContactNotifications', 'accessMask' => 32, 'description' => 'Most recent contact notifications for the character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'ContactList', 'accessMask' => 16, 'description' => 'List of character contacts and relationship levels.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'CharacterSheet', 'accessMask' => 8, 'description' => 'Character Sheet information. Contains basic \'Show Info\' information along with clones, account balance, implants, attributes, skills, certificates and corporation roles.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'CalendarEventAttendees', 'accessMask' => 4, 'description' => 'Event attendee responses. Requires UpcomingCalendarEvents to function.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'AssetList', 'accessMask' => 2, 'description' => 'Entire asset list of character.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'AccountBalance', 'accessMask' => 1, 'description' => 'Current balance of characters wallet.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'MemberTrackingExtended', 'accessMask' => 33554432, 'description' => 'Extensive Member information. Time of last logoff, last known location and ship.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'Locations', 'accessMask' => 16777216, 'description' => 'Allows the fetching of coordinate and name data for items owned by the corporation.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'Contracts', 'accessMask' => 8388608, 'description' => 'List of recent Contracts the corporation is involved in.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'Titles', 'accessMask' => 4194304, 'description' => 'Titles of corporation and the roles they grant.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'WalletTransactions', 'accessMask' => 2097152, 'description' => 'Market transactions of all corporate accounts.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'WalletJournal', 'accessMask' => 1048576, 'description' => 'Wallet journal for all corporate accounts.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'StarbaseList', 'accessMask' => 524288, 'description' => 'List of all corporate starbases.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'Standings', 'accessMask' => 262144, 'description' => 'NPC Standings towards corporation.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'StarbaseDetail', 'accessMask' => 131072, 'description' => 'List of all settings of corporate starbases.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'Shareholders', 'accessMask' => 65536, 'description' => 'Shareholders of the corporation.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'OutpostServiceDetail', 'accessMask' => 32768, 'description' => 'List of all service settings of corporate outposts.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'OutpostList', 'accessMask' => 16384, 'description' => 'List of all outposts controlled by the corporation.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'Medals', 'accessMask' => 8192, 'description' => 'List of all medals created by the corporation.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'MarketOrders', 'accessMask' => 4096, 'description' => 'List of all corporate market orders.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'MemberTrackingLimited', 'accessMask' => 2048, 'description' => 'Limited Member information.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'MemberSecurityLog', 'accessMask' => 1024, 'description' => 'Member role and title change log.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'MemberSecurity', 'accessMask' => 512, 'description' => 'Member roles and titles.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'KillLog', 'accessMask' => 256, 'description' => 'Corporation kill log.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'IndustryJobs', 'accessMask' => 128, 'description' => 'Corporation jobs, completed and active.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'FacWarStats', 'accessMask' => 64, 'description' => 'Corporations Factional Warfare Statistics.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'ContainerLog', 'accessMask' => 32, 'description' => 'Corporate secure container acess log.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'ContactList', 'accessMask' => 16, 'description' => 'Corporate contact list and relationships.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'CorporationSheet', 'accessMask' => 8, 'description' => 'Exposes basic \'Show Info\' information as well as Member Limit and basic division and wallet info.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'MemberMedals', 'accessMask' => 4, 'description' => 'List of medals awarded to corporation members.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'AssetList', 'accessMask' => 2, 'description' => 'List of all corporation assets.'));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Corporation', 'name' => 'AccountBalance', 'accessMask' => 1, 'description' => 'Current balance of all corporation accounts.'));
     // New PI Call Lists - Not in calllist.xml.aspx at time of seed
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'PlanetaryColonies', 'accessMask' => 2, 'description' => ''));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'PlanetaryPins', 'accessMask' => 2, 'description' => ''));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'PlanetaryRoutes', 'accessMask' => 2, 'description' => ''));
     EveApiCalllist::create(array('type' => 'Character', 'name' => 'PlanetaryLinks', 'accessMask' => 2, 'description' => ''));
文件: BaseAPI.php 项目: boweiliu/seat
 public static function determineAccess($keyID)
     // Locate the key in the db
     $key = \SeatKey::where('keyID', '=', $keyID)->where('isOk', '=', 1)->first();
     if (!$key) {
         return array();
     // Attempt to get the type & accessMask from the database.
     Account\APIKeyInfo::update($keyID, $key->vCode);
     $key_mask_info = \EveAccountAPIKeyInfo::where('keyID', '=', $keyID)->first();
     // Potential cause for #182. Comment out for now.
     // Account\AccountStatus::update($keyID, $key->vCode);
     // If we still can't determine mask information, leave everything
     if (!$key_mask_info) {
         return array();
     // Prepare a return by setting the 'type' key to the key type we have
     $type = $key_mask_info->type == 'Account' ? 'Character' : $key_mask_info->type;
     $return_access = array('type' => $type);
     // Loop over all the masks we have, and return those we have access to for this key
     foreach (\EveApiCalllist::where('type', '=', $type)->get() as $mask) {
         if ($key_mask_info->accessMask & $mask->accessMask) {
             $return_access['access'][] = array('type' => $mask->type, 'name' => $mask->name);
     // Return it all as a nice array
     return $return_access;
 public function getApi()
     // Find the available API calls
     $call_list = EveApiCalllist::all()->groupBy('name');
     return View::make('debug.api')->with('call_list', $call_list);
文件: helpers.php 项目: boweiliu/seat
 public static function processAccessMask($mask, $type)
     // Prepare the return array
     $return = array();
     // Loop over the call list, populating the array, based on the type
     if ($type == 'Corporation') {
         // Loop over the call list, populating the array
         foreach (\EveApiCalllist::where('type', 'Corporation')->get() as $call) {
             $return[$call->name] = (int) $call->accessMask & (int) $mask ? 'true' : 'false';
     } else {
         // Loop over the call list, populating the array
         foreach (\EveApiCalllist::where('type', 'Character')->get() as $call) {
             $return[$call->name] = (int) $call->accessMask & (int) $mask ? 'true' : 'false';
     // Return the populated array
     return $return;