 function &open($info)
     static $connections = array();
     $name = serialize($info);
     if (isset($connections[$name])) {
         return $connections[$name];
     if (!isset($info['driver'])) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("No database driver specified.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     $driver = DBA_BASE_DIR . "/drivers/{$info['driver']}.php";
     $class = "{$info['driver']}Connection";
     if (!is_readable($driver)) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Driver does not exist.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     require_once $driver;
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Driver class does not exist or is misnamed.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     $dba =& new $class();
     if (!is_a($dba, 'FADBConnection')) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Driver class does not extend FADBConnection.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     // Error is thrown in the constructor (hopefully)
     $connections[$name] = $dba;
     return $dba;
  * Get the user's ID by their email
  * @param email			The email used to get the user id
  * @return				either an exception or the user id
 function GetIdByEmail($email)
     $email = $this->dba->Quote($email);
     if (!($result = $this->dba->GetValue("SELECT id FROM " . USERS . " WHERE email = '{$email}'"))) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Could not get the User ID.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     return $result;
 function parse($data, $is_final = TRUE)
     if ($this->parser == NULL) {
         $this->parser = xml_parser_create();
         xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
         xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
         xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, '_charData');
         xml_set_default_handler($this->parser, '_charData');
         xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, '_openTag', '_closeTag');
     $data = preg_replace('/&([a-zA-Z0-9#]+);/', '{ent{$1}}', $data);
     if (!($ret = xml_parse($this->parser, $data, $is_final))) {
         $code = xml_get_error_code($this->parser);
         Error::pitch(new FAError(xml_error_string($code), __FILE__, __LINE__));
     if ($is_final) {
         $this->parser = NULL;
     return $ret;
 function connect($info)
     if (!isset($info['database']) || !isset($info['directory'])) {
         $this->valid = FALSE;
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Missing required connection information.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     if (!function_exists('sqlite_open')) {
         $this->valid = FALSE;
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Please make sure that SQLite is properly installed.", '--', '--'));
     $link = @sqlite_open($info['directory'] . '/' . $info['database'], 0666);
     if (!is_resource($link)) {
         $this->valid = FALSE;
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Unable to connect to the database.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     /*if (!mysql_select_db($info['database'])) {
     			$error = sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($link));
     			$this->valid = FALSE;
     			return Error::pitch(new FAError("Unable to select database: $error", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     $this->link = $link;
     return TRUE;
 function insertNode($request, $category_id = FALSE, $forum_id = FALSE, $group_id = FALSE, $user_id = FALSE)
      * Error checking on request fields 
     if (!isset($request['parent_id'])) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError('L_INVALIDMAPID', __FILE__, __LINE__));
     if (!isset($request['varname'])) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError('L_MAPSNEEDVARNAME', __FILE__, __LINE__));
     if (!isset($request['name'])) {
         return Error::pitch(new FAError('L_MAPSNEEDNAME', __FILE__, __LINE__));
      * Start building info for the queries
     /* Get the last node to the furthest right in the tree */
     $last_node = $this->dba->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . MAPS . " WHERE row_level = 1 ORDER BY row_right DESC LIMIT 1");
     $level = 1;
     /* Is this a top level node? */
     if (intval($request['parent_id']) == 0) {
         $left = $last_node['row_right'] + 1;
         $level = 1;
         $parent = array('category_id' => intval($category_id), 'forum_id' => intval($forum_id), 'group_id' => intval($group_id), 'user_id' => intval($user_id));
         $parent_id = 0;
         /* If we are actually dealing with a parent node */
     } else {
         if (intval($request['parent_id']) > 0) {
             /* Get the parent node */
             $parent = $this->dba->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . MAPS . " WHERE id = " . intval($request['parent_id']));
             /* Check if the parent node exists */
             if (!is_array($parent) || empty($parent)) {
                 return Error::pitch(new FAError('L_INVALIDMAPID', __FILE__, __LINE__));
             /* Find out how many nodes are on the current level */
             $num_on_level = $this->getNumOnLevel($parent['row_left'], $parent['row_right'], $parent['row_level'] + 1);
             /* If there are more than 1 nodes on the current level */
             if ($num_on_level > 0) {
                 $left = $parent['row_right'];
             } else {
                 $left = $parent['row_left'] + 1;
             $parent_id = $parent['id'];
             /* Should we need to reset some of the $parent values? */
             $parent['category_id'] = !$category_id ? $parent['category_id'] : intval($category_id);
             $parent['forum_id'] = !$forum_id ? $parent['forum_id'] : intval($forum_id);
             $parent['group_id'] = !$group_id ? $parent['group_id'] : intval($group_id);
             $parent['user_id'] = !$user_id ? $parent['user_id'] : intval($user_id);
             /* Set this nodes level */
             $level = $parent['row_level'] + 1;
         } else {
             return Error::pitch(new FAError('L_INVALIDMAPID', __FILE__, __LINE__));
     $right = $left + 1;
      * Build the queries
     /* Prepare the queries */
     $update_a =& $this->dba->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . MAPS . " SET row_right = row_right+2 WHERE row_left < ? AND row_right >= ?");
     $update_b =& $this->dba->prepareStatement("UPDATE " . MAPS . " SET row_left = row_left+2, row_right=row_right+2 WHERE row_left >= ?");
     $insert =& $this->dba->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " . MAPS . " (row_left,row_right,row_level,name,varname,category_id,forum_id,user_id,group_id,can_view,can_add,can_edit,can_del,inherit,value,parent_id) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
     /* Set the insert variables needed */
     $update_a->setInt(1, $left);
     $update_a->setInt(2, $left);
     $update_b->setInt(1, $left);
     /* Set the inserts for adding the actual node */
     $insert->setInt(1, $left);
     $insert->setInt(2, $right);
     $insert->setInt(3, $level);
     $insert->setString(4, $request['name']);
     $insert->setString(5, $request['varname']);
     $insert->setInt(6, $parent['category_id']);
     $insert->setInt(7, $parent['forum_id']);
     $insert->setInt(8, $parent['user_id']);
     $insert->setInt(9, $parent['group_id']);
     $insert->setInt(10, @$request['can_view']);
     $insert->setInt(11, @$request['can_add']);
     $insert->setInt(12, @$request['can_edit']);
     $insert->setInt(13, @$request['can_del']);
     $insert->setInt(14, @$request['inherit']);
     $insert->setString(15, @$request['value']);
     $insert->setInt(16, $parent_id);
      * Execute the queries
     /* Execute the queries */
     if (!@touch(CACHE_FILE, time() - 86460)) {
 function connect($info)
     if (!isset($info['server']) || !isset($info['user']) || !isset($info['pass']) || !isset($info['database'])) {
         $this->valid = FALSE;
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Missing required connection information.", __FILE__, __LINE__));
     if (!function_exists('mysqli_connect')) {
         $this->valid = FALSE;
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Please make sure that MySQL is properly installed.", '--', '--'));
     $link = @mysqli_connect($info['server'], $info['user'], $info['pass'], $info['database']);
     if (!$link) {
         $this->valid = FALSE;
         return Error::pitch(new FAError("Unable to connect to the database: " . mysqli_errno($this->link), __FILE__, __LINE__));
     $this->link = $link;
     return TRUE;