 public function executePolitical()
     $this->all_cycles = array('1990', '1992', '1994', '1996', '1998', '2000', '2002', '2004', '2006', '2008', '2010', '2012');
     $this->start_cycle = $this->request->getParameter('start_cycle', '1990');
     $this->end_cycle = $this->request->getParameter('end_cycle', '2012');
     $data = EntityApi::getDonationSummary($this->entity['id'], array('start_cycle' => $this->start_cycle, 'end_cycle' => $this->end_cycle));
     function camelize($scored)
         return lcfirst(implode('', array_map('ucfirst', array_map('strtolower', explode('_', $scored)))));
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $key = camelize($k);
         $this->{$key} = $v;
     //  OLD WAY
     //  $db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //  $this->all_cycles = array('1990','1992','1994','1996','1998','2000','2002','2004','2006','2008','2010','2012');
     //  if (!$this->start_cycle)
     //  {
     //    $this->start_cycle = $this->request->getParameter('start_cycle','1990');
     //    $this->end_cycle = $this->request->getParameter('end_cycle','2012');
     //  }
     //  if ($this->entity['primary_ext'] == 'Person')
     //  {
     //  	$db = Doctrine_Manager::connection();
     //    $select = 'SELECT e.id as donor_id,e.name as donor_name,e.primary_ext as donor_ext,e2.id as recipient_id,e2.name as recipient_name,e2.primary_ext as recipient_ext,f.amount as amt,crp_cycle,p2.party_id AS party_id ';
     //    $from = 'FROM entity e LEFT JOIN relationship r ON r.entity1_id = e.id LEFT JOIN fec_filing f ON f.relationship_id = r.id LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON e2.id = r.entity2_id LEFT JOIN person p2 ON p2.entity_id = e2.id ';
     //    $where = 'WHERE r.category_id = 5 AND r.is_deleted=0 AND crp_cycle IS NOT NULL AND e.id = ? AND crp_cycle >= ? AND crp_cycle <= ? ';
     //    $sql = $select . $from . $where . 'group by f.id';
     //    $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id'], $this->start_cycle,$this->end_cycle));
     // }
     // else
     //  {
     //    $select = 'SELECT e.id as donor_id,e.name as donor_name,e.primary_ext as donor_ext,e2.id as recipient_id,e2.name as recipient_name,e2.primary_ext as recipient_ext,r2.is_current,p.is_board,p.is_executive,f.amount as amt,crp_cycle,p2.party_id AS dparty_id ';
     //    $from = 'FROM relationship r LEFT JOIN relationship r2 ON r2.entity1_id = r.entity1_id LEFT JOIN entity e ON e.id = r.entity1_id LEFT JOIN fec_filing f ON f.relationship_id = r.id LEFT JOIN position p ON p.relationship_id = r2.id LEFT JOIN entity e2 ON e2.id = r.entity2_id LEFT JOIN person p2 ON p2.entity_id = e2.id ';
     //    $where = 'WHERE r.category_id = 5 AND r2.category_id IN (1,3) AND r.is_deleted=0 AND r2.is_deleted=0 AND r2.entity2_id = ? AND crp_cycle IS NOT NULL AND crp_cycle >= ? AND crp_cycle <= ? ';
     //    $sql = $select . $from . $where . 'group by f.id';
     //    $stmt = $db->execute($sql, array($this->entity['id'], $this->start_cycle,$this->end_cycle));
     //  }
     //  $giving_data = $stmt->fetchAll();
     //  $this->cycles = array();
     //  $cyc = $this->start_cycle;
     //  while ($cyc <= $this->end_cycle)
     //  {
     //    $this->cycles[] = $cyc;
     //    $cyc +=2;
     //  }
     //  $this->cycleAmts = $this->repAmts = $this->demAmts = array_fill_keys($this->cycles,0);
     //  $recipients = array();
     //  $donors = array();
     //  $this->total = 0;
     //  $this->repTotal = 0;
     //  $this->demTotal = 0;
     //  $other_total = 0;
     //  $this->numDonations = 0;
     //  $parties = array(12886 => 'D',12901 => 'R');
     //  $party = null;
     //  foreach($giving_data as $gd)
     //  {
     //    if ($gd['party_id']) $party = $parties[$gd['party_id']];
     //    if ($gd['amt'] > 0)
     //    {
     //      $this->numDonations++;
     //    }
     //    $recType = strtolower($gd['recipient_ext']) . 'Data';
     //    if (!isset($recipients[$recType][$gd['recipient_id']]))
     //    {
     //      $url = 'http://littlesis.org/' . strtolower($gd['recipient_ext']) . '/' . $gd['recipient_id'] . '/' . LsSlug::convertNameToSlug($gd['recipient_name']);
     //      $recipients[$recType][$gd['recipient_id']] = array('recipient_name' => $gd['recipient_name'],'recipient_url' => $url, 'recipient_amount' => $gd['amt'],'donor_count' => 1,'party' => $party,'donor_ids' =>array($gd['donor_id']));
     //    }
     //    else
     //    {
     //      $recipients[$recType][$gd['recipient_id']]['recipient_amount'] += $gd['amt'];
     //      if(!in_array($gd['donor_id'],$recipients[$recType][$gd['recipient_id']]['donor_ids']))
     //      {
     //        $recipients[$recType][$gd['recipient_id']]['donor_ids'][] = $gd['donor_id'];
     //        $recipients[$recType][$gd['recipient_id']]['donor_count'] ++;
     //      }
     //    }
     //    if (!isset($donors[$gd['donor_id']]))
     //    {
     //      $url = 'http://littlesis.org/' . strtolower($gd['donor_ext']) . '/' . $gd['donor_id'] . '/' . LsSlug::convertNameToSlug($gd['donor_name']);
     //      $donors[$gd['donor_id']] = array('donor_name' => $gd['donor_name'],'donor_url' => $url, 'donor_amount' => $gd['amt'],'recipient_count' => 1,'recipient_ids' =>array($gd['recipient_id']));
     //    }
     //    else
     //    {
     //      $donors[$gd['donor_id']]['donor_amount'] += $gd['amt'];
     //      if(!in_array($gd['recipient_id'],$donors[$gd['donor_id']]['recipient_ids']))
     //      {
     //        $donors[$gd['donor_id']]['recipient_ids'][] = $gd['recipient_id'];
     //        $donors[$gd['donor_id']]['recipient_count'] ++;
     //      }
     //    }
     //    $this->cycleAmts[$gd['crp_cycle']] += $gd['amt'];
     //    $this->total += $gd['amt'];
     //    if($gd['party_id'] == 12886)
     //    {
     //      $this->demAmts[$gd['crp_cycle']] += $gd['amt'];
     //      $this->demTotal += $gd['amt'];
     //    }
     //    else if ($gd['party_id'] == 12901)
     //    {
     //      $this->repAmts[$gd['crp_cycle']] += $gd['amt'];
     //      $this->repTotal += $gd['amt'];
     //    }
     //    else $other_total += $gd['amt'];
     //  }
     //  $this->personRecipients = LsArray::aasort($recipients['personData'],'recipient_amount',1);
     //  $this->orgRecipients = $orgs = LsArray::aasort($recipients['orgData'],'recipient_amount',1);
     //  $this->donors = LsArray::aasort($donors,'donor_amount',1);
     //  if ($this->numDonations > 0)
     //  {
     //    $this->avgDonation = $this->total/$this->numDonations;
     //  }
     //  $arr = array('politicians supported' => $this->personRecipients,'PACs/political orgs supported' => $this->orgRecipients, 'top donors' => $this->donors);
     //  $this->links = array();
     //  foreach($arr as $ak => $av)
     //  {
     //    if (count($av))
     //    {
     //      $this->links = $ak;
     //    }
     //  }
     //  if ($this->total > 0)
     //  {
     //    if ($this->repTotal > 0 || $this->demTotal > 0)
     //    {
     //      $this->demPct = LsNumber::makeReadable(($this->demTotal/($this->repTotal+$this->demTotal))*100,null,1,"%");
     //      $this->repPct = LsNumber::makeReadable(($this->repTotal/($this->repTotal+$this->demTotal))*100,null,1,"%");
     //      $lean_party = $this->repPct . " of campaign contributions were to Republicans";
     //      if ($this->demPct > $this->repPct) $lean_party = $this->demPct . " of campaign contributions were to Democrats";
     //      if (count($this->personRecipients) > 3)
     //      {
     //        $codes = array(70 => 'Strongly Republican', 55 => 'Republican',45 => 'Split Republican/Democratic',30 => 'Democratic', 0 => 'Strongly Democratic');
     //        foreach($codes as $ck => $cv)
     //        {
     //          if ($this->repPct >= $ck)
     //          {
     //            $this->orientation = $cv . '; ' . $lean_party;
     //            break;
     //          }
     //        }
     //      }
     //      else $this->orientation = "Not enough data to make determination";
     //    }
     //  }
     //  else $this->stats = null;
 public function executePolitical($request)
     $options = $this->getParams(array('start_cycle', 'end_cycle'));
     $this->data = EntityApi::getDonationSummary($this->entity['id'], $options);
     return $this->renderText(json_encode($this->data));