 public function save()
     if (!$this->isSaved()) {
         $this->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
 public function testInitJoinTableSelfReferencingInsertingData()
     $e = new Entity();
     $e->name = "Entity test";
     $this->assertTrue($e->Entity[0] instanceof Entity);
     $this->assertTrue($e->Entity[1] instanceof Entity);
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[0]->state(), Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN);
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[1]->state(), Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN);
     $e->Entity[0]->name = 'Friend 1';
     $e->Entity[1]->name = 'Friend 2';
     $e->Entity[0]->Entity[0]->name = 'Friend 1 1';
     $e->Entity[0]->Entity[1]->name = 'Friend 1 2';
     $e->Entity[1]->Entity[0]->name = 'Friend 2 1';
     $e->Entity[1]->Entity[1]->name = 'Friend 2 2';
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[0]->name, 'Friend 1');
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[1]->name, 'Friend 2');
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[0]->Entity[0]->name, 'Friend 1 1');
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[0]->Entity[1]->name, 'Friend 1 2');
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[1]->Entity[0]->name, 'Friend 2 1');
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[1]->Entity[1]->name, 'Friend 2 2');
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[0]->state(), Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY);
     $this->assertEqual($e->Entity[1]->state(), Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY);
     $count = count($this->conn);
     $this->assertEqual($count + 13, $this->conn->count());
 public function processRow($row)
     $arr = str_getcsv($row);
     $ticker = $arr[0];
     $name = $arr[1];
     $name = str_replace(''', "'", $name);
     if ($name == 'Name') {
         return false;
     $cap = $arr[3];
     if ($cap < $this->min_market_cap) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $corp = Doctrine::getTable('PublicCompany')->findOneByTicker($ticker);
         if ($corp) {
             return false;
         } else {
             $corp = new Entity();
             $corp->ticker = $ticker;
             $corp->name = $name;
             $this->printDebug("New company added: " . $name);
 public function save($query_conditions)
     $query_conditions["creation"] = date("d/m/y");
     $query_conditions["creation_time"] = date("H:i:s");
     $query_conditions["owner"] = $_SESSION["user"]["username"];
     return parent::save($query_conditions);
 public function add($data)
     global $wpdb;
     $entity = new Entity();
     $option = new Option();
     $dataEntity = ['activate' => $data['activate'], 'sm_entity_id' => $data['sm_entity_id'], 'author_id' => wp_get_current_user()->ID, 'name' => $data['name'], 'last_published_message' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')];
     $entityID = $entity->save($dataEntity);
     foreach ($data['category'] as $key => $value) {
         $dataOption = ['option_id' => 1, 'value' => $value];
         $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 2, 'value' => $data['display_type']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 3, 'value' => $data['publish_type']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 4, 'value' => $data['link_canonical']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 5, 'value' => $data['image']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 6, 'value' => $data['readmore']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 7, 'value' => $data['noIndex']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 8, 'value' => $data['noFollow']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
     $dataOption = ['option_id' => 9, 'value' => $data['morebalise']];
     $option->save($dataOption, $entityID);
 public function testInit()
     $entity = new Entity();
     $entity->name = 'myname';
     $entity->loginname = 'test';
 public function prepareData()
     //we create a test entity that is not a user and not a group
     $entity = new Entity();
     $entity->name='Other Entity';
     $entity->type = 2; 
     $this->otherEntity = $entity;
 public function testRelationSaving2()
     $e = new Entity();
     $e->name = 'test';
     $nr = new Phonenumber();
     $nr->phonenumber = '1234556';
     $nr->Entity = $e;
 public function testBug()
     $entity = new Entity();
     $entity->name = 'myname';
     // load our user and our collection of pages
     $user = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('id')->from('Entity')->fetchOne();
     $this->assertEqual($user->name, 'myname');
     // load our user and our collection of pages
     $user = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('*')->from('Entity')->fetchOne();
     $this->assertEqual($user->name, 'myname');
  * 注册entity
 protected function beforeSave()
     if (!$this->entityId) {
         $entity = new Entity();
         $entity->type = lcfirst(get_class($this));
         if ($entity->save()) {
             $this->entityId = $entity->getPrimaryKey();
             $this->_entity = $entity;
     return parent::beforeSave();
 public function save()
     $this->changed = time();
     if (empty($this->created)) {
         $this->created = time();
     if (empty($this->uid)) {
         global $user;
         $this->uid = $user->uid;
     return parent::save();
     // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
 public function store()
     $price = Input::get('price');
     $price = str_replace(",", ".", $price);
     $price = str_replace(".", "", $price);
     $price = substr($price, 0, -2);
     $entity = new Entity();
     $entity->location_id = Auth::user()->location_id;
     $entity->code = Input::get('code');
     $entity->name = Input::get('name');
     $entity->price = $price;
     $entity->feasible = Input::get('feasible');
     $entity->infeasible = Input::get('infeasible');
     $entity->last_opname = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $entity->employee_id = Auth::user()->employee_id;
     Session::flash('message', 'Sukses menambahkan aset baru!');
  * 发送Notice
 private function sendNotice($courseId, $announcementId, $entityType = 'announcement_added')
     $courseMember = new CourseMember();
     $members = $courseMember->findAllByAttributes(array('courseId' => $courseId));
     foreach ($members as $k => $v) {
         $entity = new Entity();
         $eData['type'] = 'announcement';
         $entity->attributes = $eData;
         $notice = new Notice();
         $nData['userId'] = $v->userId;
         $nData['type'] = $entityType;
         $nData['addTime'] = time();
         $nData['data'] = serialize(Announcement::model()->findByPk($announcementId)->id);
         $notice->attributes = $nData;
 public function save($values_condition)
     if (Settings::getOperativeMode() == 'debug') {
         echo '<br /> save File to folder';
     $values_condition["owner"] = $_SESSION["user"]["username"];
     if (isset($values_condition['file'])) {
         $values_condition['filetype'] = $values_condition['file']['type'];
         $values_condition['size'] = $values_condition['file']['size'];
         $values_condition['filename'] = 'upload/' . $values_condition['file']['name'];
         if (file_exists("upload/" . $values_condition["file"]["name"])) {
             echo Message::getInstance()->getMessage(MSG_ERROR_FILE_EXIST) . " (" . basename(__FILE__) . ":" . __LINE__ . ")";
         } else {
             move_uploaded_file($values_condition["file"]["tmp_name"], $values_condition["filename"]);
     return parent::save($values_condition);
 public function import($school)
     if (EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('Org')->addWhere('LOWER(org.name) LIKE ?', '%' . strtolower($school->instnm) . "%")->fetchOne()) {
         $this->printDebug("School exists in database: " . $school->instnm);
     } else {
         $address = new Address();
         $address->street1 = isset($school->addr) ? $school->addr : null;
         $address->street2 = isset($school->street2) ? $school->street2 : null;
         $address->city = $school->city;
         if ($state = AddressStateTable::retrieveByText($school->stabbr)) {
             $address->State = $state;
         $address->postal = $school->zip;
         $aliases = explode("|", $school->ialias);
         $website = null;
         if (!preg_match('/^http\\:\\/\\//i', trim($school->webaddr))) {
             $website = "http://" . strtolower($school->webaddr);
         $newschool = new Entity();
         $newschool->name = $school->instnm;
         $newschool->website = $website;
         foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
             try {
                 $newalias = new Alias();
                 $newalias->Entity = $newschool;
                 $newalias->name = $alias;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->printDebug("An alias exception. No biggie. It's most likely that the name already exists. so we ignore it and move on: " . $e);
         $this->printDebug("Adding new school: " . $school->instnm);
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return void
 public function fire()
     $user = User::where('username', '=', $this->option('user'))->first();
     if (!isset($user)) {
         $this->comment("This user don't exist.");
     // get thing's name
     do {
         $valid = true;
         $name = $this->ask("Name : ");
         if (empty($name)) {
             $this->comment("Your name is empty");
             $valid = false;
         if (Entity::where('name', '=', $name)->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->first() != null) {
             $this->comment("A thing with this name already exist.");
             $valid = false;
     } while (!$valid);
     // get thing's type
     do {
         $type = $this->ask("Type (i.e. room) : ");
         if (empty($type)) {
             $this->comment("Your type is empty");
     } while (empty($type));
     // get thing's description
     do {
         $description = $this->ask("Description : ");
         if (empty($description)) {
             $this->comment("Your description is empty");
     } while (empty($description));
     // get thing's opening hours
     $opening_hours = array();
     $this->info("\t{$name} - schedule");
     $add = $this->ask("\t\tAdd opening days ? Y/n") == "Y" ? 1 : 0;
     while ($add) {
         do {
             $day = $this->ask("\t\tDay of week : ");
             if ($day < 1 || $day > 7) {
                 $this->comment("\t\tYour day must be an integer between 1 and 8.");
         } while ($day < 1 || $day > 7);
         do {
             do {
                 $valid_from = strtotime($this->ask("\t\tValid from (d-m-Y) : "));
                 if (empty($valid_from)) {
                     $this->comment("\t\tYour date is empty");
                 if ($valid_from < time()) {
                     $this->comment("\t\tYour valid from value is before now");
             } while (empty($valid_from) || $valid_from < time());
             do {
                 $valid_through = strtotime($this->ask("\t\tValid through (d-m-Y) : "));
                 if (empty($valid_through)) {
                     $this->comment("\t\tYour date is empty");
                 if ($valid_through < time()) {
                     $this->comment("\t\tYour valid through value is before now");
             } while (empty($valid_through) || $valid_through < time());
             if ($valid_from > $valid_through) {
                 $this->comment("\t\tYour valid through date is before valid from date.");
         } while ($valid_from > $valid_through);
         $opens = array();
         $closes = array();
         $this->info("\t\t\t{$name} - schedule [day {$day} - opening hours]");
         do {
             do {
                 $valid = true;
                 $open_close = $this->ask("\t\t\t\tOpening / Closing hour (H:m - H:m) : ");
                 $open_close = explode("-", $open_close);
                 if (count($open_close) < 2) {
                     $this->comment("\t\t\t\tYour opening closing hours are not valid");
                     $valid = false;
                 if (!preg_match("/(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]/", $open_close[0])) {
                     $this->comment("\t\t\t\tYour opening hour is not valid.");
                     $valid = false;
                 if (!preg_match("/(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]/", $open_close[1])) {
                     $this->comment("\t\t\t\tYour closing hour is not valid.");
                     $valid = false;
             } while (!$valid);
             array_push($opens, $open_close[0]);
             array_push($closes, $open_close[1]);
             $add = $this->ask("\t\t\tAdd opening hours ? Y/n") == "Y" ? 1 : 0;
         } while ($add);
         array_push($opening_hours, array('validFrom' => date('c', $valid_from), 'validThrough' => date('c', $valid_through), 'dayOfWeek' => $day, 'opens' => $opens, 'closes' => $closes));
         $add = $this->ask("\t\tAdd opening day ? Y/n") == "Y" ? 1 : 0;
     //get thing's price rates
     $this->info("\t{$name} - price rates");
     do {
         $currency = $this->ask("\t\tCurrency (ISO4217 format) : ");
         if (empty($currency) || !in_array($currency, $this->ISO4217)) {
             $this->comment("\t\tYour currency value is invalid");
     } while (empty($currency) || !in_array($currency, $this->ISO4217));
     $price_rate = array();
     $price_rate['currency'] = $currency;
     $rates = array('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'yearly');
     do {
         do {
             $rate = $this->ask("\t\tRate (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) : ");
             if (!in_array($rate, $rates)) {
                 $this->comment("\t\tYour rate value is invalid");
         } while (!in_array($rate, $rates));
         do {
             $price = $this->ask("\t\tPrice for {$rate} rate in {$currency} : ");
             if (empty($price) || $price < 0) {
                 $this->comment("\t\tYour price value is invalid");
         } while (empty($price) || $price < 0);
         $price_rate[$rate] = $price;
         $add = $this->ask("\t\tAdd another price rate ? Y/n : ") == "Y" ? 1 : 0;
     } while ($add);
     //get thing's location
     $this->info("\t{$name} - location");
     do {
         $building_name = $this->ask("\t\tBuilding name : ");
         if (empty($building_name)) {
             $this->comment("\t\tYour building name value is invalid");
     } while (empty($building_name));
     do {
         $floor = $this->ask("\t\tFloor : ");
         if (empty($floor)) {
             $this->comment("\t\tYour floor value is invalid");
     } while (empty($floor));
     $this->info("\t\t\t{$name} - location [map]");
     do {
         $img = $this->ask("\t\t\tMap image URL : ");
         if (empty($img) || !filter_var($img, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             $this->comment("\t\t\tYour map image URL is invalid");
     } while (empty($img) || !filter_var($img, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL));
     do {
         $reference = $this->ask("\t\t\tMap reference : ");
         if (empty($reference)) {
             $this->comment("\t\t\tYour map reference is invalid");
     } while (empty($reference));
     // get thing's contact and support vcard URLs
     do {
         $contact = $this->ask("Contact vcard URL : ");
         if (empty($contact) || !filter_var($contact, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             $this->comment("Your contact vcard URL is invalid");
     } while (empty($contact) || !filter_var($contact, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL));
     do {
         $support = $this->ask("Support vcard URL : ");
         if (empty($support) || !filter_var($support, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
             $this->comment("Your support vcard URL is invalid");
     } while (empty($support) || !filter_var($support, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL));
     //get thing's amenities and fill properties
     $this->info("\t{$name} amenities");
     $amenities = Entity::where('type', '=', 'amenity')->where('user_id', '=', $user->id)->get();
     $add = $this->ask("\t\tAdd amenities ? Y/n") == "Y" ? 1 : 0;
     $_amenities = array();
     while ($add) {
         do {
             $this->info("\t\tAvailable amenities : ");
             foreach ($amenities as $amenity) {
                 $this->info("\t\t\t[{$amenity->id}] {$amenity->name}");
             $id = $this->ask("\t\tAmenity id : ");
             $present = false;
             foreach ($amenities as $amenity) {
                 if ($amenity->id == $id) {
                     $present = true;
             if (empty($id) || !$present) {
                 $this->comment("\t\tYour amenity id is invalid");
         } while (empty($id) || !$present);
         foreach ($amenities as $amenity) {
             if ($amenity->id == $id) {
                 $this->info("\t\t\t{$amenity->name} properties");
                 $schema = json_decode($amenity->body);
                 foreach ($schema->properties as $property_name => $property) {
                     do {
                         $value = $this->ask("\t\t\t\t{$property_name} ({$property->description}) : ");
                         if (empty($value)) {
                             $this->comment("\t\t\t\tYour {$property_name} value is invalid.");
                     } while (empty($value));
                     array_push($_amenities, array(Config::get('app.url') . $user->username . '/amenities/' . $property_name => $value));
         $add = $this->ask("\t\tAdd another amenity ? Y/n") == "Y" ? 1 : 0;
     //create thing and save it in database
     $thing = new Entity();
     $thing->name = $name;
     $thing->type = $type;
     $thing->user_id = $user->id;
     // create thing's body
     $body = array();
     $body['name'] = $name;
     $body['type'] = $type;
     $body['description'] = $description;
     $body['opening_hours'] = $opening_hours;
     $body['price'] = $price_rate;
     $body['location'] = array();
     $body['location']['building_name'] = $building_name;
     $body['location']['floor'] = $floor;
     $body['location']['map'] = array();
     $body['location']['map']['img'] = $img;
     $body['location']['map']['reference'] = $reference;
     $body['contact'] = $contact;
     $body['support'] = $support;
     $body['amenities'] = $_amenities;
     $thing->body = json_encode($body);
     $this->info("Thing successfully saved");
  * Creates and returns a user-activity entity. Returns FALSE if such an
  * entity could not be created.
  * @param string $user_identifier
  * @param array $user_data
  * @return \Apache\Usergrid\Entity|bool
 public function create_user_activity($user_identifier, $user_data)
     $user_data['type'] = "users/{$user_identifier}/activities";
     $entity = new Entity($this, $user_data);
     $response = $entity->save();
     return $response->get_error() ? FALSE : $entity;
 public function save($values_condition)
     $values_condition["owner"] = $_SESSION["user"]["username"];
     return parent::save($values_condition);
 public function storeVideoSegments($parentEntity, $videoSegmenting)
     $tempEntityID = null;
     $status = array();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $status['error']['videosegmenting'] = $e->getMessage();
         return $status;
     try {
         $activity = new Activity();
         $activity->softwareAgent_id = "videosegmenting";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Something went wrong with creating the Activity
         $status['error'][$title] = $e->getMessage();
         return $status;
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($videoSegmenting); $i++) {
         $videoSegmentName = explode("/", $videoSegmenting[$i]["storage_url"]);
         $title = $videoSegmentName[sizeof($videoSegmentName) - 1];
         try {
             $entity = new Entity();
             $entity->_id = $tempEntityID;
             $entity->title = strtolower($title);
             $entity->domain = $parentEntity->domain;
             $entity->format = "video";
             $entity->documentType = "videosegment";
             $entity->parents = array($parentEntity->_id);
             $entity->source = $parentEntity->source;
             $entity->content = $videoSegmenting[$i];
             $entity->hash = md5(serialize($videoSegmenting[$i]));
             $entity->activity_id = $activity->_id;
             $status['success'][$title] = $title . " was successfully processed into a video segment. (URI: {$entity->_id})";
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something went wrong with creating the Entity
             $status['error'][$title] = $e->getMessage();
         $tempEntityID = $entity->_id;
     $status['success']['noEntitiesCreated'] = sizeof($videoSegmenting);
     return $status;
 public function updateEntry($newEntry)
     $transaction = $this->beginTransaction();
     try {
         $entity = new Entity($this->getIdEntity());
         $entry = new Entry();
         $entry->updateEntry($this->getEntry(), $newEntry);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
 private function updateCommitteeDetails(Entity $committee)
     $this->printDebug("  Updating committee details: " . $this->fecCommitteeUrl . $committee->fec_id);
     if (!$this->browser->get($this->fecCommitteeUrl . $committee->fec_id)->responseIsError()) {
         $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
         if (preg_match('/Treasurer Name:<\\/B><\\/TD><TD>(.+)<\\/TD><\\/TR>/', $text, $treasurer_name)) {
         $committee_designation = null;
         if (preg_match('/Committee Designation: &nbsp;<\\/B><\\/TD><TD>(\\w)/', $text, $committee_designation)) {
             switch (trim($committee_designation[1])) {
                 case 'P':
                     $committee_designation = "Principal Campaign Committee";
                 case 'A':
                     $committee_designation = "Authorized Campaign Committee";
                     $committee_designation = "Other Campaign Committee";
         } else {
             $committee_designation = "Other Campaign Committee";
         if (preg_match('/Committee Type: &nbsp;<\\/B><\\/TD><TD WIDTH=300>([^<]+)<\\/TD><\\/TR>/', $text, $committee_type)) {
             $type = null;
             switch (trim($committee_type[1])) {
                 case 'PRESIDENTIAL':
                     $type = 'pres';
                 case 'HOUSE':
                     $type = 'house';
                 case 'SENATE':
                     $type = 'senate';
         if (preg_match('/Candidate State:<\\/B><\\/TD><TD>([^<]+)<\\/TD><\\/TR>/', $text, $candidate_state)) {
             if (trim($candidate_state[1]) != "Presidential Candidate") {
                 $committee->State = AddressStateTable::retrieveByText($candidate_state[1]);
         if (preg_match_all('#cgi-bin/can_detail/([^"]+)?\\/">([^<]+)</A>#i', $text, $candidates, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
              * $candidates[1]  =  FEC ID
              * $candidates[2]  =  NAME
             foreach ($candidates[1] as $key => $candidate_id) {
                 $candidate_name = $candidates[2][$key];
                 $found_candidate = null;
                 //look for candidate by their FEC IDs
                 $found_candidate = $this->getCandidatesQuery()->addWhere('politicalcandidate.senate_fec_id = ? OR politicalcandidate.house_fec_id = ? OR politicalcandidate.pres_fec_id = ?', array($candidate_id, $candidate_id, $candidate_id))->fetchOne();
                 $found_msg = $found_candidate ? " FOUND" : " NOT FOUND";
                 $this->printDebug("  + Looking for candidate by ID: " . $found_msg);
                 //next look for them by their names
                 $where_clause = null;
                 $p1 = null;
                 if (!$found_candidate) {
                     $p1 = PersonTable::parseCommaName($candidate_name);
                     $candidate_query = $this->getCandidatesQuery()->addWhere("person.name_first = ? AND person.name_last = ?", array($p1->name_first, $p1->name_last));
                     if (strlen($p1->name_middle)) {
                         $candidate_query = $candidate_query->addWhere('person.name_middle LIKE  ?', "%" . $p1->name_middle);
                     $found_candidate = $candidate_query->fetchOne();
                     $found_msg = $found_candidate ? " FOUND" : " NOT FOUND";
                     $this->printDebug("  + Looking for candidate by name: " . $p1->name_first . " " . $p1->name_last . $found_msg . " ");
                     //candidate is not in database. we should add them
                     if (!$found_candidate) {
                         if (!$this->browser->get($this->fecCandidateUrl . $candidate_id)->responseIsError()) {
                             $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
                             $office_sought_arr = $this->getOfficeSought($text);
                             if (!$office_sought_arr[1][0]) {
                             $office_sought = $office_sought_arr[1][0];
                             $found_candidate = PersonTable::parseCommaName($candidate_name);
                             $found_candidate->is_federal = true;
                             $found_candidate->is_state = false;
                             $found_candidate->is_local = false;
                             $found_candidate->pres_fec_id = $office_sought == 'President' ? $candidate_id : null;
                             $found_candidate->senate_fec_id = $office_sought == 'Senate' ? $candidate_id : null;
                             $found_candidate->house_fec_id = $office_sought == 'House' ? $candidate_id : null;
                             $found_candidate->addReference($source = $this->fecCandidateUrl . $candidate_id, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('name_first', 'name_middle', 'name_last', 'name_prefix', 'name_suffix', 'pres_fec_id', 'senate_fec_id', 'house_fec_id'), $name = 'FEC Disclosure Report', $detail = null, $date = null, false);
                             $this->printDebug("  Adding new candidate: " . $p1->name_first . " " . $p1->name_middle . " " . $p1->name_last);
                 $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? AND r.entity2_id = ? AND r.category_id = ? AND description1 = ?', array($committee->id, $found_candidate->id, RelationshipTable::DONATION_CATEGORY, $committee_designation));
                 if (!$q->count()) {
                     $relationship = new Relationship();
                     $relationship->Entity1 = $committee;
                     $relationship->Entity2 = $found_candidate;
                     //$relationship->amount = $donation_amount;
                     $relationship->description1 = $committee_designation;
                     //$relationship->fec_donation_id = $donation_fec_id;
                     //$relationship->start_date = $donation_date;
                     //$relationship->end_date = $donation_date;
                     $relationship->is_current = 1;
                     //campaign contribution
                     $relationship->addReference($source = $this->fecCandidateUrl . $candidate_id, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('description1'), $name = 'FEC Disclosure Report', $detail = null, $date = null);
     } else {
         $this->printDebug("Couldn't get " . $this->fecCommitteeUrl);
     $this->printDebug("  Updating committee details:  COMPLETE");
  * Execute the console command
  * @return void
 public function fire()
     $allowed_types = array('array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'number', 'null', 'object', 'string');
     $user = User::where('username', '=', $this->option('user'))->first();
     if (!isset($user)) {
         $this->comment("This user don't exist.");
     do {
         // get amenity's name
         do {
             $name = $this->ask("Amenity name : ");
             if (empty($name)) {
                 $this->comment("Your amenity name is empty.");
         } while (empty($name));
         // check if an amenity with this name and user already exist
         $amenity = Entity::where('type', '=', 'amenity')->where('name', '=', $name)->first();
         if (isset($amenity)) {
             $this->comment("An amenity with this name already exists, please choose another one.");
     } while (isset($amenity));
     // get amenity's title
     do {
         $title = $this->ask("Amenity title : ");
         if (empty($title)) {
             $this->comment("Your amenity title is empty.");
     } while (empty($title));
     // get amenity's description
     do {
         $description = $this->ask("Amenity description : ");
         if (empty($description)) {
             $this->comment("Your amenity description is empty.");
     } while (empty($description));
     $amenity = new Entity();
     $amenity->user_id = $user->id;
     $amenity->type = "amenity";
     $amenity->name = $name;
     $json_schema = array();
     $json_schema['$schema'] = "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#";
     $json_schema['title'] = $title;
     $json_schema['description'] = $description;
     $json_schema['type'] = 'object';
     $json_schema['properties'] = array();
     $i = 0;
     $this->info("\n\n{$amenity->name} properties.");
     do {
         $this->comment("\n# Property {$i}");
         // get property name
         do {
             $name = $this->ask("\tProperty name : ");
             if (in_array($name, array_keys($json_schema['properties']))) {
                 $this->comment("A property with this name already exist.");
             if (empty($name)) {
                 $this->comment("Your property name is empty.");
         } while (in_array($name, array_keys($json_schema['properties'])) || empty($name));
         // get property description
         do {
             $description = $this->ask("\tProperty description : ");
             if (empty($description)) {
                 $this->comment("Your property description is empty.");
         } while (empty($description));
         // set property name and description
         $json_schema['properties'][$name] = array();
         $json_schema['properties'][$name]['description'] = $description;
         // get property type and verify if it is a valid json-schema core type
         do {
             $type = $this->ask("\tProperty type (array, boolean, integer, number, null, object, string) : ");
             if (!in_array($type, $allowed_types)) {
                 $this->comment("The property type you provided is not valid. Valid types are 'array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'number', 'null', 'object', 'string'.");
         } while (!in_array($type, $allowed_types));
         // set property type
         $json_schema['properties'][$name]['type'] = $type;
         $stop = $this->ask("\nDo you want to add another property ? [Y]/n") == "Y" ? 0 : 1;
     } while (!$stop);
     $amenity->body = json_encode($json_schema);
     $this->info("Amenity '{$amenity->name}' has been saved.");
 public function anyTest()
     try {
         if (!($data = Input::get('data'))) {
             if (!($data = \Request::getContent())) {
                 return false;
         if (empty($data)) {
             return false;
         $data = json_decode($data, true);
         $data['softwareAgent_id'] = strtolower($data['softwareAgent_id']);
         try {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return serialize([$e->getMessage()]);
         try {
             $activity = new Activity();
             $activity->softwareAgent_id = $data['softwareAgent_id'];
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Something went wrong with creating the Activity
             return serialize([$e->getMessage()]);
         $entity = new Entity();
         $entity->format = 'image';
         $entity->domain = $data['domain'];
         $entity->tags = $data['tags'];
         $entity->documentType = $data['documentType'];
         $entity->softwareAgent_configuration = $data['softwareAgent_configuration'];
         if (isset($data['parents'])) {
             $entity->parents = $data['parents'];
         $entity->content = $data['content'];
         if (isset($data['threshold'])) {
             $entity->threshold = $data['threshold'];
         if (isset($data['relevantFeatures'])) {
             $entity->recognizedFeatures = $data['relevantFeatures'];
         if (isset($data['hash'])) {
             $entity->hash = $data['hash'];
         } else {
             $entity->hash = md5(serialize($data['content']));
         $entity->activity_id = $activity->_id;
         if (Entity::where('hash', $entity->hash)->first()) {
         } else {
         return Response::json($entity);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 protected function importGovernor($row)
     $url = $this->_baseUrl . $row['url'];
     if (!$this->browser->get($url)->responseIsError()) {
         $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
         $text = LsHtml::replaceEntities($text);
         $name = trim(str_ireplace('Gov.', '', $row['name']));
         $this->printDebug($name . ':');
         $governor = PersonTable::parseFlatName($name);
         $governor->is_state = 1;
         $similar = $governor->getSimilarEntitiesQuery(true)->execute();
         foreach ($similar as $s) {
             $sim_re = LsString::escapeStringForRegex($s->name_first);
             $search_re = LsString::escapeStringForRegex($governor->name_first);
             if (preg_match('/^' . $sim_re . '/su', $governor->name_first) == 0 && preg_match('/^' . $search_re . '/su', $s->name_first) == 0) {
             $bio = $s->getExtendedBio();
             if (preg_match('/\\bgovernor(ship)?\\b/isu', $bio)) {
                 $governor = $s;
                 $this->printDebug(' Found existing governor: ' . $s->name . ' ' . $s->id);
         if (!$governor->start_date && preg_match('/>Born\\:<\\/b>([^<]*)<br/is', $text, $birth_arr)) {
             $this->printDebug(' Birthdate: ' . $birth_arr[1]);
             $governor->start_date = trim($birth_arr[1]);
         if (!$governor->birthplace && preg_match('/>Birth State\\:<\\/b>([^<]*)<br/is', $text, $birth_state_arr)) {
             $this->printDebug(' Birthplace: ' . trim($birth_state_arr[1]));
             $governor->birthplace = trim($birth_state_arr[1]);
         if (preg_match('/>Party\\:<\\/b>([^<]*)<br/is', $text, $party_arr)) {
             $party_str = $party_arr[1];
             $this->printDebug(' Party: ' . $party_str);
             if (stristr($party_str, 'Democrat')) {
                 $party = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('PoliticalParty')->addWhere('name = ?', 'Democratic Party')->fetchOne();
             if (stristr($party_str, 'Republican')) {
                 $party = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('PoliticalParty')->addWhere('name = ?', 'Republican Party')->fetchOne();
             if (isset($party) && $party && !$governor->party_id) {
                 $governor->Party = $party;
                 $governor->is_independent = false;
                 $this->printDebug(' Added membership in ' . $party);
             } else {
                 if (stristr($party_str, 'Independent')) {
                     $governor->is_independent = true;
         if (!$governor->summary && preg_match_all('/>([^<]{240,})/isu', $text, $bio_match)) {
             $str = '';
             foreach ($bio_match[1] as $b) {
                 if (!stristr($b, 'Javascript')) {
                     $str .= "\n\n" . $b;
             $str = trim($str);
             if (strlen($str)) {
                 $governor->summary = $str;
         $governor->addReference($url, null, $governor->getAllModifiedFields(), 'Governors Association');
         if (preg_match('/>School\\(s\\)\\:<\\/b>([^<]*)<br/is', $text, $school_arr)) {
             $school_names = explode(';', trim($school_arr[1]));
             if (count($school_names) == 1) {
                 $school_names = explode(',', $school_names[0]);
             foreach ($school_names as $school_name) {
                 $school_name = trim($school_name);
                 if (!($school = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('School')->leftJoin('e.Alias a')->addWhere('e.name = ? or a.name = ?', array($school_name, $school_name))->fetchOne())) {
                     $school = new Entity();
                     $school->name = $school_name;
                     $this->printDebug(' Added School: ' . $school_name);
                 $q = RelationshipTable::getByCategoryQuery('Education')->addWhere('entity1_id = ? and entity2_id = ?', array($governor->id, $school->id))->fetchOne();
                 if (!$q) {
                     $relationship = new Relationship();
                     $relationship->Entity1 = $governor;
                     $relationship->Entity2 = $school;
                     $relationship->is_current = 0;
                     $relationship->addReference($url, null, $relationship->getAllModifiedFields(), 'Governors Association');
                     $this->printDebug(' Added education: ' . $relationship->name);
         $office_name = 'Office of the Governor of ' . $row['state'];
         if (!($office = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('GovernmentBody')->addWhere('name = ?', $office_name)->fetchOne())) {
             $office = new Entity();
             $office->name = $office_name;
             $state = Doctrine::getTable('AddressState')->findOneByName($row['state']);
             if ($state) {
                 $office->state_id = $state->id;
             $office->addReference($url, null, $office->getAllModifiedFields(), 'Governors Association');
             $this->printDebug(' Added office: ' . $office->name);
         $q = RelationshipTable::getByCategoryQuery('Position')->addWhere('entity1_id = ? and entity2_id = ? and description1 = ?', array($governor->id, $office->id, 'Governor'))->fetchOne();
         if (!$q) {
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < count($row['years'])) {
                 $governorship = new Relationship();
                 $governorship->Entity1 = $governor;
                 $governorship->Entity2 = $office;
                 $governorship->description1 = 'Governor';
                 $governorship->start_date = $row['years'][$i];
                 if (isset($row['years'][$i])) {
                     $governorship->end_date = $row['years'][$i];
                     $governorship->is_current = 0;
                     if (!$governor->blurb && !isset($row['years'][$i + 1])) {
                         $governor->blurb = 'Former Governor of ' . $row['state'];
                 } else {
                     $governorship->is_current = 1;
                     if (!$governor->blurb) {
                         $governor->blurb = 'Governor of ' . $row['state'];
                 $governorship->addReference($url, null, $governorship->getAllModifiedFields(), 'Governors Association');
                 $this->printDebug(' Added governorship: ' . $governorship->name);
         if (preg_match('/>Spouse\\:<\\/b>(.*?)<br/is', $text, $spouse_arr)) {
             $spouse = trim(LsHtml::stripTags($spouse_arr[1]));
             $q = RelationshipTable::getByCategoryQuery('Family')->addWhere('entity1_id = ? or entity2_id = ?', array($governor->id, $governor->id))->fetchOne();
             if (!$q && strlen($spouse)) {
                 $spouse = PersonTable::parseFlatName($spouse);
                 $this->printDebug(' Added spouse: ' . $spouse->name);
                 $relationship = new Relationship();
                 $relationship->Entity1 = $spouse;
                 $relationship->Entity2 = $governor;
                 $relationship->description1 = 'Spouse';
                 $relationship->description2 = 'Spouse';
                 $relationship->addReference($url, null, $relationship->getAllModifiedFields(), 'Governors Association');
                 $this->printDebug(' Added spouse relationship: ' . $relationship->name);
         //ADDRESS --not working, malformed addresses
               if (preg_match('/>Address\:\s*<\/b>(.*?)<b>/is',$text,$address_arr))      
                 $address = trim(str_replace('<br/>',', ',$address_arr[1]));
                 if ($governor->Address->count() == 0 && $a = $governor->addAddress($address))
                   $this->printDebug(' Address: ' . $a);
         //PHONE NUMBER
         if (preg_match('/>Phone\\(s\\)\\:<\\/b>([^<]*)<br/is', $text, $phone_arr)) {
             $phone_number = trim($phone_arr[1]);
             if (!$governor->Phone->count()) {
                 $phone = $governor->addPhone($phone_number);
                 $this->printDebug(' Phone: ' . $phone);
         if (!$governor->Image->count() && preg_match('/<img .*?class\\="display" src\\="([^"]*)"/is', $text, $img_arr)) {
             $url = $img_arr[1];
             try {
                 $fileName = ImageTable::createFiles($url, $governor->name_first);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $fileName = null;
             if ($fileName) {
                 //insert image record
                 $image = new Image();
                 $image->filename = $fileName;
                 $image->entity_id = $governor->id;
                 $image->title = $governor->name;
                 $image->caption = 'From Governors Association website';
                 $image->is_featured = true;
                 $image->is_free = false;
                 $image->url = $url;
                 $this->printDebug("Imported image: " . $image->filename);
 protected function import($url)
     $person = null;
     if (!$this->browser->get($url)->responseIsError()) {
         $text = $this->browser->getResponseText();
         $bio = null;
         $name = null;
         $netWorth = null;
         $birthYear = null;
         $schools = null;
         $schools = null;
         $imageUrl = null;
         $rank = null;
         //get name & rank
         if ($this->year > 2005 && preg_match('/<b>#(\\d+) ([^<]+)<\\/b>/', $text, $match)) {
             $name = trim($match[2]);
             $rank = $match[1];
         if ($this->year == 2005 && preg_match('/<h2>#(\\d+) ([^<]+)<\\/h2>/', $text, $match)) {
             $name = trim($match[2]);
             $rank = $match[1];
         //get net worth
         if (preg_match('/Net Worth<\\/span> <span class="red">\\$([\\S]+) billion/', $text, $match)) {
             $netWorth = $match[1] * 1000000000;
         //get birth year
         if (preg_match('/>Age<\\/span> (\\d+)/', $text, $match)) {
             $birthYear = date("Y") - $match[1] . "-00-00";
         //get schools
         if (preg_match('/Education<\\/span>(.*)<\\/td>/isU', $text, $match)) {
             $schools = array();
             $schoolParts = explode('<br>', $match[1]);
             while ($schoolPart = current($schoolParts)) {
                 if (preg_match('/^([^,]+),\\s+<b>([^<]+)<\\/b>/is', trim($schoolPart), $match)) {
                     $schoolOrg = trim($match[1]);
                     if ($schoolOrg == 'High School') {
                     $schoolDegree = trim($match[2]);
                     $schools[] = array('org' => $schoolOrg, 'degree' => $schoolDegree);
         if (preg_match('#<br>[\\n\\s]<br>(.+?)<br>[\\n\\s]<br>[\\n\\s]<img#isU', $text, $match)) {
             $bio = strip_tags(trim($match[1]));
         } else {
             $wikipedia = new LsWikipedia();
             if ($wikipedia->request($name)) {
                 $bio = $wikipedia->getIntroduction();
         //get image
         $regexp = '#([A-Z1-9]{4}).html#';
         if (preg_match($regexp, $url, $match)) {
             $imageFilename = $match[1] . ".jpg";
             $imageUrl = $this->list_urls[$this->year]['img_src'] . $imageFilename;
         //echo "Rank: " . $rank . "\n";
         $this->printDebug("Rank: " . $rank);
         $this->printDebug("Name: " . $name);
         $this->printDebug("Image: " . $imageUrl);
         $this->printDebug("Net worth: " . $netWorth);
         $this->printDebug("Birth year: " . $birthYear);
         $this->printDebug("Bio: " . $bio);
         $person = $this->generatePerson($name, $bio);
         $person_exists = $this->getBusinessPersonQuery()->addWhere("person.name_first = ? AND person.name_last = ?", array($person->name_first, $person->name_last))->fetchOne();
         if ($person_exists != false) {
             $this->printDebug('Person exists');
             $person = $person_exists;
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('Saving new person');
         //parse name and create person object
         $person->start_date = $person->start_date == null ? $birthYear : $person->start_date;
         $person->summary = $person->summary == null ? $bio : $person->summary;
         $person->net_worth = $person->net_worth == null ? $netWorth : $person->net_worth;
         //go through schools person attended
         foreach ($schools as $school) {
             //does the current school exist?
             $current_school = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('Org')->addWhere("org.name = ?", $school['org'])->fetchOne();
             if ($current_school) {
                 $this->printDebug("  Found School " . $school['org']);
             } else {
                 //clear cache
                 $current_school = new Entity();
                 $current_school->name = LsLanguage::titleize($school['org']);
                 $current_school->addReference($source = $url, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('name'), $name = 'Forbes.com', $detail = null, $date = null);
                 $this->printDebug("  Adding new school: " . $school['org']);
             //if there is no relationship between person and school. connect them!
             if (!$person->getRelationshipsWithQuery($current_school, RelationshipTable::EDUCATION_CATEGORY)->fetchOne()) {
                 $this->printDebug("  Creating Relation between " . $current_school->name . " and " . $person->name);
                 $education = new Relationship();
                 $education->Entity1 = $person;
                 $education->Entity2 = $current_school;
                 $education->description1 = $school['degree'];
                 $education->is_current = 1;
                 $education->addReference($source = $url, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('description1'), $name = 'Forbes.com', $detail = null, $date = null);
         $person->addReference($source = $url, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('name_prefix', 'name_first', 'name_middle', 'name_last', 'name_suffix', 'name_nick', 'summary', 'net_worth', 'start_date'), $name = 'Forbes.com', $detail = null, $date = null);
         $this->saveToList($person, $rank);
         $this->attachImage($person, $imageUrl);
     } else {
         echo "Couldn't get person: " . $url . "\n";
 protected function processRow($row)
     foreach ($row as &$r) {
         $r = trim($r);
     $edit = array('Search Name' => $row['name'], 'Affiliation Name' => $row['affiliation1'], 'Similar Names' => array(), 'New Person' => null, 'Existing Person' => null, 'New Org' => null, 'Existing Org' => null, 'New Relationship' => null);
     try {
         $person = null;
         $search_person = PersonTable::parseFlatName($row['name']);
         $similar = $search_person->getSimilarEntitiesQuery(true)->execute();
         $matched_bio = false;
         $similar_ids = array();
         foreach ($similar as $s) {
             $similar_ids[] = $s->id;
             $sim_re = LsString::escapeStringForRegex($s->name_first);
             $search_re = LsString::escapeStringForRegex($search_person->name_first);
             if (preg_match('/^' . $sim_re . '/su', $search_person->name_first) == 0 && preg_match('/^' . $search_re . '/su', $s->name_first) == 0) {
             $matched = false;
             $affils = array();
             $ct = 1;
             $matched_affils = array();
             $unmatched_affils = array();
             while (isset($row['affiliation' . $ct]) && trim($row['affiliation' . $ct]) != '') {
                 $affil = trim($row['affiliation' . $ct]);
                 $org = $s->checkAffiliations(array($affil));
                 if ($org) {
                     $matched_affils[] = array($org, $affil);
                     $edit['Existing Org'] = $org->id;
                 } else {
                     $unmatched_affils[] = $affil;
             if (count($matched_affils)) {
                 $person = $s;
                 //$ret[] = array('person' => $s, $matched_affils, $unmatched_affils);
             } else {
                 /*$str = implode(' ', $unmatched_affils);
                   if (isset($row['bio']))
                     $str .= ' ' . $row['bio'];
                 $bio = $s->getExtendedBio();
                 foreach ($unmatched_affils as $affil) {
                     $affil = OrgTable::removeSuffixes($affil);
                     if (preg_match('/' . OrgTable::getNameRegex($affil) . '/su', $bio)) {
                         $matched_bio = true;
                 if ($matched_bio) {
                     $person = $s;
                 } else {
                     $this->printDebug('  ' . $s->name . ' failed');
         $edit['Similar Names'] = array_slice($similar_ids, 0, 5);
         $no_match = false;
         if (!$person) {
             if (isset($row['bio']) && trim($row['bio']) != '') {
                 $search_person->summary = $row['bio'];
             $this->printDebug('  not found, new person saved: ' . $search_person->name);
             $search_person->addReference($this->source_url, null, null, $this->source_name);
             $no_match = true;
             $edit['New Person'] = $search_person->id;
             $person = $search_person;
         } else {
             if (isset($row['bio']) && trim($row['bio']) != '' && !$person->summary) {
                 $person->summary = $row['bio'];
             $this->printDebug('  **person found: ' . $person->name);
             $edit['Existing Person'] = $person->id;
         if ($matched_bio || $no_match) {
             $orgs = OrgTable::getOrgsWithSimilarNames($row['affiliation1'], true);
             $max = -1;
             $affiliated_org = null;
             foreach ($orgs as $org) {
                 $this->printDebug('    found match: ' . $org->name);
                 $ct = $org->getRelatedEntitiesQuery('Person', RelationshipTable::POSITION_CATEGORY, null, null, null, false, 2)->count();
                 if ($ct > $max) {
                     $affiliated_org = $org;
                     $edit['Existing Org'] = $affiliated_org->id;
                     $max = $ct;
             if (!$affiliated_org) {
                 $affiliated_org = new Entity();
                 if (isset($row['affiliation1_extensions']) && $row['affiliation1_extensions'] != '') {
                     $extensions = explode(',', $row['affiliation1_extensions']);
                     foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
                         $ext = trim($ext);
                         if (in_array($ext, ExtensionDefinitionTable::$extensionNames)) {
                 } else {
                 $affiliated_org->name = $row['affiliation1'];
                 $affiliated_org->addReference($this->source_url, null, null, $this->source_name);
                 $edit['New Org'] = $affiliated_org->id;
             $rel = new Relationship();
             $rel->Entity1 = $person;
             $rel->Entity2 = $affiliated_org;
             if (isset($row['affiliation1_title']) && $row['affiliation1_title'] != '') {
                 $description = trim($row['affiliation1_title']);
                 $rel->description1 = $description;
                 if ($description == 'Director' || $description == 'Trustee' || preg_match('/^Chair/su', $description)) {
                     $rel->is_board = 1;
                     $rel->is_employee = 0;
             $rel->addReference($this->source_url, null, null, $this->source_name);
             $edit['New Relationship'] = $rel->id;
         if (isset($row['start_date']) && trim($row['start_date']) != '') {
             $edit['Relationship']['start_date'] = trim($row['start_date']);
         if (isset($row['end_date']) && trim($row['end_date']) != '') {
             $edit['Relationship']['end_date'] = trim($row['end_date']);
         if (isset($row['title']) && trim($row['title']) != '') {
             $edit['Relationship']['title'] = trim($row['title']);
         if (isset($row['notes']) && trim($row['notes']) != '') {
             $edit['Relationship']['notes'] = trim($row['notes']);
         if (isset($row['rank']) && $row['rank'] != '') {
             $edit['rank'] = $row['rank'];
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
     $this->edits[] = $edit;
 function import(Entity $person, $possible_persons)
     //loop through the people we found. usually just one.
     foreach ($possible_persons as $possible_person) {
         $this->printDebug('Query returned ' . count($possible_person) . ' person named ' . $possible_person->name);
         //this person does not provide education. we skip
         if (count($possible_person->education)) {
             $this->printDebug('Education found');
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('No education history found');
         //get employement info for this possible match
         $possible_person_bio = $possible_person->summary;
         if (count($possible_person->employment_history)) {
             foreach ($possible_person->employment_history as $employment) {
                 $possible_person_bio .= ' ' . $employment->company . " ";
             $this->printDebug('Employment found');
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('No employment history found');
         //get employment info for the person in our database
         $relationship_orgs = $person->getRelatedEntitiesQuery('Org', RelationshipTable::POSITION_CATEGORY, null, null, null, false, 1)->execute();
         $person_bio = $person->summary;
         foreach ($relationship_orgs as $org) {
             $person_bio .= ' ' . $org->name;
         //lets see how many matches we get
         $matches = LsLanguage::getCommonPronouns($person_bio, trim($possible_person_bio), LsLanguage::$business);
         if (count($matches)) {
             foreach ($possible_person->education as $school) {
                 $school->institution = mb_convert_encoding($school->institution, 'UTF-8');
                 $school->institution = preg_replace('/–/isu', ' ', $school->institution);
                 $this->printDebug('Looking for the school: ' . $school->institution);
                 $current_school = EntityTable::findByAlias($school->institution, $context = 'bw_school');
                 //find school
                 if ($current_school) {
                     $this->printDebug('Found school');
                 } else {
                     $current_school = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery(array('Org', 'School'))->addWhere('LOWER(org.name) LIKE ?', '%' . strtolower($school->institution) . "%")->fetchOne();
                     if (!$current_school) {
                         $new_school = new Entity();
                         $new_school->name = $school->institution;
                         $wikipedia = new LsWikipedia();
                         if ($wikipedia->execute() && !$wikipedia->isDisambiguation()) {
                             $info_box = $wikipedia->getInfoBox();
                             if (isset($info_box['students']) && preg_match('/([\\d\\,]{2,})/isu', $info_box['students']['clean'], $match)) {
                                 $new_school->students = LsNumber::clean($match[1]);
                             } else {
                                 $student_types = array('undergrad', 'postgrad', 'grad', 'doctoral');
                                 $num_students = 0;
                                 foreach ($student_types as $st) {
                                     if (isset($info_box[$st]) && preg_match('/([\\d\\,]{2,})/isu', $info_box[$st]['clean'], $match)) {
                                         $num_students += LsNumber::clean($match[1]);
                                 if ($num_students > 0) {
                                     $new_school->students = $num_students;
                             if (isset($info_box['faculty']) && preg_match('/([\\d\\,]{2,})/isu', $info_box['faculty']['clean'], $match)) {
                                 $new_school->faculty = LsNumber::clean($match[1]);
                             if (isset($info_box['type'])) {
                                 if (stristr($info_box['type']['clean'], 'public')) {
                                     $new_school->is_private = 0;
                                 } else {
                                     if (stristr($info_box['type']['clean'], 'private')) {
                                         $new_school->is_private = 1;
                             if (isset($info_box['endowment'])) {
                                 if (preg_match('/(\\$[\\d\\,\\.\\s]+)(million|billion)/isu', $info_box['endowment']['clean'], $match)) {
                                     if (strtolower($match[2]) == 'billion') {
                                         $factor = 1000000000;
                                     } else {
                                         $factor = 1000000;
                                     $new_school->endowment = LsNumber::formatDollarAmountAsNumber($match[1], $factor);
                             if (isset($info_box['established'])) {
                                 $year = null;
                                 if ($date = LsDate::convertDate($info_box['established']['clean'])) {
                                     $new_school->start_date = $date;
                                 } else {
                                     if (preg_match('/\\b(\\d\\d\\d\\d)\\b/isu', $info_box['established']['clean'], $match)) {
                                         $new_school->start_date = $match[1];
                             $summary = trim($wikipedia->getIntroduction());
                             $summary = preg_replace('/\\n\\s*\\n/isu', '', $summary);
                             if (strlen($summary) > 10) {
                                 $new_school->summary = $summary;
                             $new_school->addReference($source = $wikipedia->getUrl(), $excerpt = null, $fields = array('summary'), $name = 'Wikipedia');
                         } else {
                         $current_school = $new_school;
                         $this->printDebug('Adding new school');
                     $alias = new Alias();
                     $alias->name = $school->institution;
                     $alias->context = 'bw_school';
                     $alias->Entity = $current_school;
                 //find degree
                 $degree = null;
                 if (!($degree = DegreeTable::getByText($school->degree))) {
                     $degree = DegreeTable::addDegree($school->degree);
                     $this->printDebug('Adding new degree');
                 //find relationship
                 $relationship = null;
                 $relationships = $person->getRelationshipsWithQuery($current_school, RelationshipTable::EDUCATION_CATEGORY)->execute();
                 foreach ($relationships as $existing_relationship) {
                     if ($existing_relationship->degree_id == $degree->id) {
                         $relationship = $existing_relationship;
                 if ($relationship) {
                     $this->printDebug('Relationship between person and school exists');
                 } else {
                     $relationship = new Relationship();
                     $relationship->Entity1 = $person;
                     $relationship->Entity2 = $current_school;
                     $relationship->description1 = 'student';
                     $relationship->is_current = 0;
                     if ($school->year) {
                         $relationship->end_date = $school->year;
                     $this->printDebug('Creating new relationship between person and school');
                 //add degree and reference
                 if ($relationship->degree_id == null) {
                     $reference_name = strstr($school->source, 'wikipedia') ? "Wikipedia" : "BusinessWeek";
                     $relationship->Degree = $degree;
                     $relationship->addReference($source = $school->source, $excerpt = null, $fields = array('degree_id'), $name = $reference_name, $detail = null, $date = null);
                     $this->printDebug('Adding degree and reference');
         } else {
             $this->printDebug('No organization matches');
             return false;
     return true;
 public function execute()
     if (!$this->safeToRun('uk-mp-candidates')) {
         $this->printDebug('Script already running');
     // Get (or create) the UK local Network
     $uk = Doctrine::getTable('LsList')->findOneByName('United Kingdom');
     if (!$uk) {
         $uk = new LsList();
         $uk->name = 'United Kingdom';
         $uk->is_network = 1;
         $uk->description = 'People and organizations with significant influence on the policies of the United Kingdom';
         $uk->display_name = 'uk';
     // Get the MP list
     $raw = $this->getMPs();
     // Add new MPs to the list
     foreach ($raw as $mp) {
         $this->printDebug(sprintf('Processing %s', $mp['name']));
         // Split name
         $entity = PersonTable::parseFlatName($mp['name']);
         $entity->blurb = 'Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for ' . $mp['constituency'];
         $q = TagTable::getByTripleQuery('yournextmp', 'url', $mp['url']);
         $r = $q->count();
         if ($r) {
             $this->printDebug('Already processed, skipping.');
         // Get political party
         $q = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('PoliticalParty')->addWhere('e.name = ?', $mp['party']);
         if (!($partyEntity = $q->fetchOne())) {
             $partyEntity = new Entity();
             $partyEntity->name = $mp['party'];
             $partyEntity->blurb = 'UK Political Party';
             $partyEntity->save(null, true, array($uk->id));
             $this->printDebug("Created new political party: " . $mp['party']);
         // Save entity to UK Network
         $entity->party_id = $partyEntity->id;
         $entity->save(null, true, array($uk->id));
         // Add party relationship
         $r = new Relationship();
         $r->entity1_id = $entity->id;
         $r->entity2_id = $partyEntity->id;
         $r->description1 = 'Prospective parliamentary candidate';
         $r->is_current = true;
         // $r->start_date = // Don't know where we can get this, and "now" seems kind of wrong
         // Add YourNextMP triple
         $entity->addTagByTriple('yournextmp', 'url', $mp['url']);
         // Add references
         $ref = new Reference();
         $ref->addFields(array('name_first', 'name_last', 'name_middle'));
         // Don't need this
         $ref->source = $mp['url'];
         $ref->name = 'YourNextMP.com - ' . $entity['name'];
         $ref->object_model = 'Entity';
         $ref->object_id = $entity->getId();
         $ref = new Reference();
         $ref->source = $mp['party_url'];
         $ref->name = 'YourNextMP.com - ' . $partyEntity['name'];
         $ref->object_model = 'Entity';
         $ref->object_id = $partyEntity->getId();
         $ref = new Reference();
         $ref->source = $mp['url'];
         $ref->name = 'YourNextMP.com - ' . $entity['name'];
         $ref->object_model = 'Relationship';
         $ref->object_id = $r->getId();
         // Add image?
         if ($mp['image']) {
             if ($fileName = ImageTable::createFiles($mp['image'])) {
                 //insert image record
                 $image = new Image();
                 $image->filename = $fileName;
                 $image->title = $entity['name'];
                 $image->caption = 'From YourNextMP under CC-BY-SA license.';
                 $image->is_featured = true;
                 $image->is_free = true;
                 $image->url = $mp['image'];
                 $this->printDebug("Imported image: " . $image->filename);
             $image->Entity = $entity;
             if ($mp['image']) {
                 //save image source
                 $this->printDebug("Saved image reference");
         // Add party image?
         if ($mp['party_image']) {
             if ($fileName = ImageTable::createFiles($mp['party_image'])) {
                 //insert image record
                 $partyImage = new Image();
                 $partyImage->filename = $fileName;
                 $partyImage->title = $partyEntity['name'];
                 $partyImage->caption = 'From YourNextMP under CC-BY-SA license.';
                 $partyImage->is_featured = true;
                 $partyImage->is_free = true;
                 $partyImage->url = $mp['party_image'];
                 $this->printDebug("Imported image: " . $partyImage->filename);
             $partyImage->Entity = $partyEntity;
             if ($mp['party_image']) {
                 //save image source
                 $this->printDebug("Saved image reference");
 public function save($data)
     $transaction = $this->beginTransaction();
     try {
         if (!$this->isPersistent()) {
             $entity = new Entity();
             $entity->setAlias('lu_' . $data->name . '_' . $data->idFrame);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception($e->getMessage());
 public function processCongressMemberRow($row)
     $this->_references['bioguide'] = new Reference();
     $this->printDebug("\nProcessing member with name " . $row->name . " and ID " . $row->id);
     try {
         //we have to begin the transaction here because matchInDatabase might merge Entities and save
         //check that congress member isn't a repeat
         $member = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('ElectedRepresentative')->addWhere('electedrepresentative.bioguide_id = ?', $row->id)->fetchOne();
         //if member hasn't been imported already as a member of congress,
         //create with all bio info and look for a match
         if (!$member) {
             $member = $this->importNewMember($row);
             $member = $this->matchInDatabase($member);
                     if(!$merged_member = $this->matchInDatabase($member))
                       $redundant_member = false;
                       $redundant_member = $member;
                       $member = $merged_member;
                     }  */
         } else {
             $this->printDebug("Member exists in database with entity ID: " . $member->id);
             //if member is tagged with this session, skip
             if (in_array($member->id, $this->_existingSessionMemberIds)) {
                 $this->printDebug("Member has already been tagged with session " . current($this->_sessions) . "; skipping");
                 return $member;
             //update member's bio
             $this->printDebug("Updated member bio");
             //check if member is continuing from previous session
             $q = $member->getTripleTagsQuery('congress', 'session')->addWhere('tag.triple_value = ?', current($this->_sessions) - 1);
             if ($q->count()) {
                 $this->printDebug("Continuing member from previous session...");
                 //if member continuing, look for relationship with opposite chamber to end,
                 //in case the member's switched chambers
                 $oppositeChamberId = $row->type == 'Senator' ? $this->_houseEntityId : $this->_senateEntityId;
                 $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? AND r.entity2_id = ?', array($member->id, $oppositeChamberId))->andWhere('r.category_id = ? AND r.end_date IS NULL', RelationshipTable::MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY);
                 foreach ($q->execute() as $rel) {
                     $rel->end_date = $this->_sessionStartYear - 1 . '-00-00';
                     $rel->is_current = false;
                     $this->printDebug("Ended relationship " . $rel->id . " with opposite chamber from previous session");
                 //if no current relationships with same chamber, create one
                 $thisChamberId = $row->type == 'Senator' ? $this->_senateEntityId : $this->_houseEntityId;
                 $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? AND r.entity2_id = ?', array($member->id, $thisChamberId))->andWhere('r.category_id = ? AND r.end_date IS NULL', RelationshipTable::MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY);
                 if (!$q->count()) {
                     $this->printDebug("No relationships with this chamber from previous session; creating new one...");
                     $r = new Relationship();
                     $r->entity1_id = $member->id;
                     $r->entity2_id = $row->type == 'Senator' ? $this->_senateEntityId : $this->_houseEntityId;
                     $r->description1 = $row->type;
                     $r->start_date = $row->termStart . '-00-00';
                     $r->is_current = true;
                     if ($row->type = 'Senator') {
                         $this->_senateRelationships[] = $r;
                     } else {
                         $this->_houseRelationships[] = $r;
             } else {
                 $this->printDebug("Member not continuing from previous session; creating new relationship...");
                 //if member not continuing, add a new relationship for this session and chamber
                 $r = new Relationship();
                 $r->entity1_id = $member->id;
                 $r->entity2_id = $row->type == 'Senator' ? $this->_senateEntityId : $this->_houseEntityId;
                 $r->description1 = $row->type;
                 $r->start_date = $row->termStart . '-00-00';
                 $r->is_current = true;
                 if ($row->type = 'Senator') {
                     $this->_senateRelationships[] = $r;
                 } else {
                     $this->_houseRelationships[] = $r;
         //set party name
         $partyName = null;
         $blurb = '';
         if ($party = $row->party) {
             if ($party == 'Democrat') {
                 $blurb .= $party . 'ic';
                 $partyName = 'Democratic Party';
             } elseif ($party == 'Independent') {
                 $blurb .= $party;
                 $partyName = null;
             } else {
                 $blurb .= $party;
                 $partyName = $party . ' Party';
             //if party entity doesn't exist, create one
             if ($partyName) {
                 $q = EntityTable::getByExtensionQuery('PoliticalParty')->addWhere('e.name = ?', $partyName);
                 if (!($partyEntity = $q->fetchOne())) {
                     $partyEntity = new Entity();
                     $partyEntity->name = $partyName;
                     $this->printDebug("Created new political party: " . $partyName);
             //create current party affiliation if session is member's most recent session
             if ($member->exists()) {
                 $q = $member->getTripleTagsQuery('congress', 'session')->addWhere('tag.triple_value > ?', current($this->_sessions));
                 $setParty = $q->count() ? false : true;
             } else {
                 $setParty = true;
             if ($setParty) {
                 if ($partyName) {
                     $member->Party = $partyEntity;
                     $member->is_independent = false;
                     $this->printDebug("Set current political affiliation to " . $partyName);
                 } else {
                     $member->is_independent = true;
                     $member->party_id = null;
                     $this->printDebug("Set current political affiliation to Independent");
         //save member
         $modified = $member->getAllModifiedFields();
         $this->printDebug("Saved member with entity ID: " . $member->id);
         //set member reference fields
         $excludeFields = array();
         foreach ($this->_references as $key => $ref) {
             $ref->object_model = 'Entity';
             $ref->object_id = $member->id;
             if ($key != 'bioguide') {
                 $excludeFields = array_merge($excludeFields, $ref->getFieldsArray());
         $modified = array_diff($modified, $excludeFields);
         $this->printDebug("Saved member references");
         //tag member with congress session
         $member->addTagByTriple('congress', 'session', current($this->_sessions));
         $this->printDebug("Added tag for session " . current($this->_sessions));
         //save image, if any
         if ($this->_image) {
             $this->_image->Entity = $member;
             $this->printDebug("Saved member image");
             if ($this->_photoUrl) {
                 //save image source
                 $this->printDebug("Saved image reference");
         //create party membership relationships
         if ($partyName) {
             //if membership relationship with party doesn't exist, create it
             $partyRel = LsQuery::getByModelAndFieldsQuery('Relationship', array('entity1_id' => $member->id, 'entity2_id' => $partyEntity->id, 'category_id' => RelationshipTable::MEMBERSHIP_CATEGORY))->fetchOne();
             if (!$partyRel) {
                 $partyRel = new Relationship();
                 $partyRel->Entity1 = $member;
                 $partyRel->Entity2 = $partyEntity;
                 $modified = $partyRel->getAllModifiedFields();
                 $partyRel->addReference($this->_profileUrlBase . $member->bioguide_id, null, $modified, 'Congressional Biographical Directory');
                 $this->printDebug("Created membership in political party: " . $partyName);
         $senator = null;
         //create senate relationships
         foreach ($this->_senateRelationships as $rel) {
             $modified = $rel->getAllModifiedFields();
             $rel->addReference($this->_profileUrlBase . $member->bioguide_id, null, $modified, 'Congressional Biographical Directory');
             $this->printDebug("Saved Senate relationship");
         //create house relationships
         foreach ($this->_houseRelationships as $rel) {
             $modified = $rel->getAllModifiedFields();
             $rel->addReference($this->_profileUrlBase . $member->bioguide_id, null, $modified, 'Congressional Biographical Directory');
             $this->printDebug("Saved House relationship");
         //save everything
         if (!$this->testMode) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;