  * Insert articles in comparision chart
  * @param  int               $articleId s_articles.id
  * @throws Enlight_Exception
  * @return bool              true/false
 public function sAddComparison($articleId)
     $articleId = (int) $articleId;
     if (!$articleId) {
         return null;
     // Check if this article is already noted
     $checkForArticle = $this->db->fetchRow("SELECT id FROM s_order_comparisons WHERE sessionID=? AND articleID=?", [$this->session->offsetGet('sessionId'), $articleId]);
     // Check if max. numbers of articles for one comparison-session is reached
     $checkNumberArticles = $this->db->fetchRow("SELECT COUNT(id) AS countArticles FROM s_order_comparisons WHERE sessionID=?", [$this->session->offsetGet('sessionId')]);
     if ($checkNumberArticles["countArticles"] >= $this->config->offsetGet("sMAXCOMPARISONS")) {
         return "max_reached";
     if (!$checkForArticle["id"]) {
         $articleName = $this->db->fetchOne("SELECT s_articles.name AS articleName FROM s_articles WHERE id = ?", [$articleId]);
         if (!$articleName) {
             return false;
         $sql = "\n            INSERT INTO s_order_comparisons (sessionID, userID, articlename, articleID, datum)\n            VALUES (?,?,?,?,now())\n            ";
         $queryNewPrice = $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, [$this->session->offsetGet('sessionId'), empty($this->session["sUserId"]) ? 0 : $this->session["sUserId"], $articleName, $articleId]);
         if (!$queryNewPrice) {
             throw new Enlight_Exception("sArticles##sAddComparison##01: Error in SQL-query");
     return true;
  * Set payment status by order id
  * @param int $orderId
  * @param int $orderStatusId
  * @param bool $sendStatusMail
  * @param string|null $comment
 public function setOrderStatus($orderId, $orderStatusId, $sendStatusMail = false, $comment = null)
     $previousStatusId = $this->getOrderStatus($orderId);
     if ($orderStatusId == $previousStatusId) {
     $this->db->executeUpdate('UPDATE s_order SET status = :status WHERE id = :orderId;', array(':status' => $orderStatusId, ':orderId' => $orderId));
     $sql = '
        INSERT INTO s_order_history (
           orderID, userID, previous_order_status_id, order_status_id,
           previous_payment_status_id, payment_status_id, comment, change_date )
         SELECT id, NULL, :previousStatus, :currentStatus, cleared, cleared, :comment, NOW() FROM s_order WHERE id = :orderId
     $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array(':previousStatus' => $previousStatusId, ':currentStatus' => $orderStatusId, ':comment' => $comment, ':orderId' => $orderId));
     if ($sendStatusMail) {
         $mail = $this->createStatusMail($orderId, $orderStatusId);
         if ($mail) {
  * Save a new article comment / voting
  * Reads several values directly from _POST
  * @param int $article - s_articles.id
  * @throws Enlight_Exception
  * @return null
 public function sSaveComment($article)
     $request = $this->frontController->Request();
     $sVoteName = strip_tags($request->getPost('sVoteName'));
     $sVoteSummary = strip_tags($request->getPost('sVoteSummary'));
     $sVoteComment = strip_tags($request->getPost('sVoteComment'));
     $sVoteStars = doubleval($request->getPost('sVoteStars'));
     $sVoteMail = strip_tags($request->getPost('sVoteMail'));
     if ($sVoteStars < 1 || $sVoteStars > 10) {
         $sVoteStars = 0;
     $sVoteStars = $sVoteStars / 2;
     if ($this->config['sVOTEUNLOCK']) {
         $active = 0;
     } else {
         $active = 1;
     $sBADWORDS = "#sex|p**n|viagra|url\\=|src\\=|link\\=#i";
     if (preg_match($sBADWORDS, $sVoteComment)) {
         return false;
     if (!empty($this->session['sArticleCommentInserts'][$article])) {
         $sql = '
             DELETE FROM s_articles_vote WHERE id=?
         $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array($this->session['sArticleCommentInserts'][$article]));
     $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $sql = '
         INSERT INTO s_articles_vote (articleID, name, headline, comment, points, datum, active, email)
         VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
     $insertComment = $this->db->executeUpdate($sql, array($article, $sVoteName, $sVoteSummary, $sVoteComment, $sVoteStars, $date, $active, $sVoteMail));
     if (empty($insertComment)) {
         throw new Enlight_Exception("sSaveComment #00: Could not save comment");
     $insertId = $this->db->lastInsertId();
     if (!isset($this->session['sArticleCommentInserts'])) {
         $this->session['sArticleCommentInserts'] = new ArrayObject();
     $this->session['sArticleCommentInserts'][$article] = $insertId;