public static function getInstance() { if (!is_object(self::$_instance)) { //or if( is_null(self::$_instance) ) or if( self::$_instance == null ) self::$_instance = new Engine_Utilities_Functions(); } return self::$_instance; }
/** * To handle ajax call for order-listing * @author Dinanath Thakur <*****@*****.**> * @since 18-09-2015 */ public function orderListingAjaxHandlerAction() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); $objOrdersModel = Admin_Model_Orders::getInstance(); $objFunctions = Engine_Utilities_Functions::getInstance(); $userId = $this->view->session->storage->user_id; $method = $this->getRequest()->getPost('method'); switch ($method) { case "allOrders": $iTotalRecords = $iDisplayLength = intval($_REQUEST['length']); $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength < 0 ? $iTotalRecords : $iDisplayLength; $iDisplayStart = intval($_REQUEST['start']); $sEcho = intval($_REQUEST['draw']); //GET TOTAL NUMBER OF NEW ORDERS $where = ' 1 '; $iTotalRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); $iTotalFilteredRecords = $iTotalRecords; $records = array(); $records["data"] = array(); $columns = array('o.order_id', 'o.order_date', 'email', 'name', 'o.total_amount', 'o.pay_type', 'o.order_status'); $sortingOrder = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { $sortingOrder = $columns[$_REQUEST['order'][0]['column'] - 1] . " " . $_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["customActionType"]) && $_REQUEST["customActionType"] == "group_action") { if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] != '' && !empty($_REQUEST['orderId'])) { $statusData = array('order_status' => new Zend_Db_Expr('CONCAT(`order_status`,",' . $_REQUEST['customActionValue'] . '-' . time() . '")'), 'order_status' => $_REQUEST['customActionValue']); $whereForStatusUpdate = 'order_id IN (' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['orderId']) . ')'; $updateResult = $objOrdersModel->updateOrderDetails($statusData, $whereForStatusUpdate); if ($updateResult) { //NOTIFICATION TO USER FOR ORDER STATUS CHANGE $records["customActionStatus"] = "OK"; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) $records["customActionMessage"] = "Group action successfully has been completed."; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) } } } //FIRLTERING START FROM HERE $filteringRules = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'filter' && $_REQUEST['action'][0] != 'filter_cancel') { if ($_REQUEST['order_id'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_id LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['order_id'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date BETWEEN " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " AND " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date > " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date < " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( LIKE '%\"email\":\"%" . $_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] . "%\",\"phone\"%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['product_name'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['product_name'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['payment_type'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.pay_type = '" . $_REQUEST['payment_type'] . "' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.total_amount BETWEEN " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " AND " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.total_amount > " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.total_amount < " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_status'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_status = " . $_REQUEST['order_status'] . " )"; } if (!empty($filteringRules)) { $where .= " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filteringRules); $iTotalFilteredRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); } } $ordersResult = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where, $sortingOrder, $iDisplayLength, $iDisplayStart); $status_list = array(0 => array("primary" => "Pending"), 1 => array("primary" => "In-Process"), 2 => array("success" => "Delivered"), 3 => array("danger" => "Cancelled"), 4 => array("primary" => "Dispatch")); foreach ($ordersResult as $ORkey => $ORvalue) { $paymentType = $ORvalue['pay_type'] == 2 ? 'PayPal' : 'COD'; $records["data"][] = array('<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '">', $ORvalue['order_id'], $ORvalue['order_date'], $ORvalue['email'], $ORvalue['name'], '<i class="fa fa-rupee"></i> ' . $ORvalue['total_amount'], $paymentType, '<span class="label label-sm label-' . key($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '">' . current($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '</span>', '<a href="/admin/view-order/' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '" class="btn btn-xs default btn-editable"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> View</a>'); $userDetails = ''; } $records["draw"] = $sEcho; $records["recordsTotal"] = $iTotalRecords; $records["recordsFiltered"] = $iTotalFilteredRecords; echo json_encode($records); break; case "newOrders": $iTotalRecords = $iDisplayLength = intval($_REQUEST['length']); $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength < 0 ? $iTotalRecords : $iDisplayLength; $iDisplayStart = intval($_REQUEST['start']); $sEcho = intval($_REQUEST['draw']); //GET TOTAL NUMBER OF NEW ORDERS $where = ' o.order_status IN (1,2,3,10) '; $iTotalRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); $iTotalFilteredRecords = $iTotalRecords; $records = array(); $records["data"] = array(); $columns = array('o.order_id', 'o.order_date', 'customer_email', 'product_name', 'o.finalprice', 't.tx_type', 'o.order_status'); $sortingOrder = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { $sortingOrder = $columns[$_REQUEST['order'][0]['column'] - 1] . " " . $_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["customActionType"]) && $_REQUEST["customActionType"] == "group_action") { $notificationMSG = array(); if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] != '' && !empty($_REQUEST['orderId'])) { $statusData = array('updated_date' => new Zend_Db_Expr('CONCAT(`updated_date`,",' . $_REQUEST['customActionValue'] . '-' . time() . '")'), 'order_status' => $_REQUEST['customActionValue']); if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 5 || $_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 10) { $whereForStatusUpdate = 'order_id IN (' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['orderId']) . ') AND order_status IN (1,2)'; if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 5) { $ordersDetailsForNotification = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($whereForStatusUpdate); foreach ($ordersDetailsForNotification as $OIkey => $OIvalue) { $notificationMSG[][$OIvalue['user_id']] = 'Due to some reason, your order #' . $OIvalue['order_id'] . ' has been cancelled by Admin.'; } } elseif ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 10) { $ordersDetailsForNotification = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($whereForStatusUpdate); foreach ($ordersDetailsForNotification as $OIkey => $OIvalue) { $notificationMSG[][$OIvalue['user_id']] = 'Your order #' . $OIvalue['order_id'] . ' has been shipped. It will be delivered by ' . date('D, jS M Y', strtotime('+5 days', time())); } } } elseif ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 6) { $whereForStatusUpdate = 'order_id IN (' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['orderId']) . ') AND order_status = 10'; $ordersDetailsToUpdate = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($whereForStatusUpdate); foreach ($ordersDetailsToUpdate as $ODkey => $ODvalue) { $transaction_ids .= $ODvalue['tx_id'] . ','; $notificationMSG[][$ODvalue['user_id']] = 'Your order #' . $ODvalue['order_id'] . ' has been delivered.'; } } elseif ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 11) { $whereForStatusUpdate = 'order_id IN (' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['orderId']) . ') AND order_status = 3'; $ordersDetailsToCancel = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($whereForStatusUpdate); foreach ($ordersDetailsToCancel as $OIkey => $OIvalue) { $notificationMSG[][$OIvalue['user_id']] = 'Your order #' . $OIvalue['order_id'] . ' has been cancelled.'; } } $updateResult = $objOrdersModel->updateOrderDetails($statusData, $whereForStatusUpdate); if ($updateResult) { //NOTIFICATION TO USER FOR ORDER STATUS CHANGE if (!empty($notificationMSG)) { $noti_url = "/my-orders"; foreach ($notificationMSG as $NMkey => $NMvalue) { // $notificationResult = $objFunctions->sendNotification($userId, key($NMvalue), current($NMvalue)); $notificationResult = $objFunctions->sendNotificationWithUrl($userId, key($NMvalue), current($NMvalue), $noti_url); } } $records["customActionStatus"] = "OK"; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) $records["customActionMessage"] = "Group action successfully has been completed."; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) } } } //FIRLTERING START FROM HERE $filteringRules = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'filter' && $_REQUEST['action'][0] != 'filter_cancel') { if ($_REQUEST['order_id'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_id LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['order_id'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date BETWEEN " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " AND " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date > " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date < " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( t.user_details LIKE '%\"useremail\":\"%" . $_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] . "%\",\"userphone\"%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['product_name'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.productdetails LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['product_name'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['payment_type'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( t.tx_type = '" . $_REQUEST['payment_type'] . "' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice BETWEEN " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " AND " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice > " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice < " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_status'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_status = " . $_REQUEST['order_status'] . " )"; } if (!empty($filteringRules)) { $where .= " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filteringRules); $iTotalFilteredRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); } } $ordersResult = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where, $sortingOrder, $iDisplayLength, $iDisplayStart); $status_list = array(1 => array("success" => "TXN Success"), 2 => array("primary" => "In Process"), 3 => array("warning" => "Cancel Request"), 10 => array("info" => "Shipping")); foreach ($ordersResult as $ORkey => $ORvalue) { $productName = explode(',', $ORvalue['productdetails']); $paymentType = $ORvalue['tx_type'] == 1 ? 'PayU Money' : 'COD'; $userDetails = json_decode($ORvalue['user_details'], true); $checkBoxField = ''; if ($ORvalue['order_status'] != 1) { $checkBoxField = '<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '">'; } $records["data"][] = array($checkBoxField, $ORvalue['order_id'], date('d-m-y', $ORvalue['order_date']), $userDetails['useremail'], $productName[0], '<i class="fa fa-rupee"></i> ' . $ORvalue['finalprice'], $paymentType, '<span class="label label-sm label-' . key($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '">' . current($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '</span>', '<a href="/admin/view-order/' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '" class="btn btn-xs default btn-editable"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> View</a>'); $userDetails = ''; } $records["draw"] = $sEcho; $records["recordsTotal"] = $iTotalRecords; $records["recordsFiltered"] = $iTotalFilteredRecords; echo json_encode($records); break; case "refundRequest": $iTotalRecords = $iDisplayLength = intval($_REQUEST['length']); $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength < 0 ? $iTotalRecords : $iDisplayLength; $iDisplayStart = intval($_REQUEST['start']); $sEcho = intval($_REQUEST['draw']); //GET TOTAL NUMBER OF NEW ORDERS $where = ' o.order_status IN (7,8) '; $iTotalRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); $iTotalFilteredRecords = $iTotalRecords; $records = array(); $records["data"] = array(); $columns = array('o.order_id', 'o.order_date', 'customer_email', 'product_name', 'o.finalprice', 't.tx_type', 'o.order_status'); $sortingOrder = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { $sortingOrder = $columns[$_REQUEST['order'][0]['column'] - 1] . " " . $_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["customActionType"]) && $_REQUEST["customActionType"] == "group_action") { $notificationMSG = array(); if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] != '' && !empty($_REQUEST['orderId'])) { $statusData = array('updated_date' => new Zend_Db_Expr('CONCAT(`updated_date`,",' . $_REQUEST['customActionValue'] . '-' . time() . '")'), 'order_status' => $_REQUEST['customActionValue']); if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 9) { $whereForStatusUpdate = 'order_id IN (' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['orderId']) . ') AND order_status = 8'; $ordersDetailsToRefundDone = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($whereForStatusUpdate); foreach ($ordersDetailsToRefundDone as $OIkey => $OIvalue) { $notificationMSG[][$OIvalue['user_id']] = 'Your order #' . $OIvalue['order_id'] . ' has been refunded.'; } } //IMPORTANT: NOT YET COMPLETE, PAYMENT NEED TO BE DONE $updateResult = $objOrdersModel->updateOrderDetails($statusData, $whereForStatusUpdate); if ($updateResult) { //NOTIFICATION TO USER FOR ORDER STATUS CHANGE if (!empty($notificationMSG)) { $noti_url = "/my-orders"; foreach ($notificationMSG as $NMkey => $NMvalue) { // $notificationResult = $objFunctions->sendNotification($userId, key($NMvalue), current($NMvalue)); $notificationResult = $objFunctions->sendNotificationWithUrl($userId, key($NMvalue), current($NMvalue), $noti_url); } } $records["customActionStatus"] = "OK"; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) $records["customActionMessage"] = "Group action successfully has been completed."; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) } } } //FIRLTERING START FROM HERE $filteringRules = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'filter' && $_REQUEST['action'][0] != 'filter_cancel') { if ($_REQUEST['order_id'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_id LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['order_id'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date BETWEEN " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " AND " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date > " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date < " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( t.user_details LIKE '%\"useremail\":\"%" . $_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] . "%\",\"userphone\"%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['product_name'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.productdetails LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['product_name'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['payment_type'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( t.tx_type = '" . $_REQUEST['payment_type'] . "' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice BETWEEN " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " AND " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice > " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice < " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_status'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_status = " . $_REQUEST['order_status'] . " )"; } if (!empty($filteringRules)) { $where .= " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filteringRules); $iTotalFilteredRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); } } $ordersResult = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where, $sortingOrder, $iDisplayLength, $iDisplayStart); $status_list = array(7 => array("success" => "Refund Request"), 8 => array("primary" => "Refund In-Process")); foreach ($ordersResult as $ORkey => $ORvalue) { $productName = explode(',', $ORvalue['productdetails']); $paymentType = $ORvalue['tx_type'] == 1 ? 'PayU Money' : 'COD'; $userDetails = json_decode($ORvalue['user_details'], true); $checkBoxField = ''; $reasonField = ''; if ($ORvalue['tx_type'] == 1) { $checkBoxField = '<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '">'; $reasonField = '<a href="#modal-reason" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-xs default refund-reason" order-id="' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '" refund-reason="' . $ORvalue['cancel_refund_reason'] . '"><i class="fa fa-search"></i>Reason</a>'; } $records["data"][] = array($checkBoxField, $ORvalue['order_id'], date('d-m-y', $ORvalue['order_date']), $userDetails['useremail'], $productName[0], '<i class="fa fa-rupee"></i> ' . $ORvalue['finalprice'], $paymentType, '<span class="label label-sm label-' . key($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '">' . current($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '</span>', '<a href="/admin/view-order/' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '" class="btn btn-xs default btn-editable"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> View</a>' . $reasonField); $userDetails = ''; } $records["draw"] = $sEcho; $records["recordsTotal"] = $iTotalRecords; $records["recordsFiltered"] = $iTotalFilteredRecords; header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($records); break; case "cancelRequest": $iTotalRecords = $iDisplayLength = intval($_REQUEST['length']); $iDisplayLength = $iDisplayLength < 0 ? $iTotalRecords : $iDisplayLength; $iDisplayStart = intval($_REQUEST['start']); $sEcho = intval($_REQUEST['draw']); //GET TOTAL NUMBER OF NEW ORDERS $where = ' o.order_status IN (3,11) AND t.tx_type=1'; $iTotalRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); $iTotalFilteredRecords = $iTotalRecords; $records = array(); $records["data"] = array(); $columns = array('o.order_id', 'o.order_date', 'customer_email', 'product_name', 'o.finalprice', 't.tx_type', 'o.order_status'); $sortingOrder = ""; if (isset($_REQUEST['order'])) { $sortingOrder = $columns[$_REQUEST['order'][0]['column'] - 1] . " " . $_REQUEST['order'][0]['dir']; } if (isset($_REQUEST["customActionType"]) && $_REQUEST["customActionType"] == "group_action") { $notificationMSG = array(); if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] != '' && !empty($_REQUEST['orderId'])) { $statusData = array('updated_date' => new Zend_Db_Expr('CONCAT(`updated_date`,",' . $_REQUEST['customActionValue'] . '-' . time() . '")'), 'order_status' => $_REQUEST['customActionValue']); if ($_REQUEST['customActionValue'] == 12) { $whereForStatusUpdate = 'order_id IN (' . implode(',', $_REQUEST['orderId']) . ') AND order_status IN (3,11) '; $ordersDetailsToCancel = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($whereForStatusUpdate); foreach ($ordersDetailsToCancel as $OIkey => $OIvalue) { $notificationMSG[][$OIvalue['user_id']] = 'Your order #' . $OIvalue['order_id'] . ' has been cancelled.'; } } $updateResult = $objOrdersModel->updateOrderDetails($statusData, $whereForStatusUpdate); if ($updateResult) { //NOTIFICATION TO USER FOR ORDER STATUS CHANGE if (!empty($notificationMSG)) { $noti_url = "/my-orders"; foreach ($notificationMSG as $NMkey => $NMvalue) { // $notificationResult = $objFunctions->sendNotification($userId, key($NMvalue), current($NMvalue)); $notificationResult = $objFunctions->sendNotificationWithUrl($userId, key($NMvalue), current($NMvalue), $noti_url); } } $records["customActionStatus"] = "OK"; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) $records["customActionMessage"] = "Group action successfully has been completed."; // pass custom message(useful for getting status of group actions) } } } //FIRLTERING START FROM HERE $filteringRules = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'filter' && $_REQUEST['action'][0] != 'filter_cancel') { if ($_REQUEST['order_id'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_id LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['order_id'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date BETWEEN " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " AND " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date > " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_date_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_date < " . strtotime($_REQUEST['order_date_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( t.user_details LIKE '%\"useremail\":\"%" . $_REQUEST['order_customer_email'] . "%\",\"userphone\"%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['product_name'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.productdetails LIKE '%" . $_REQUEST['product_name'] . "%' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['payment_type'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( t.tx_type = '" . $_REQUEST['payment_type'] . "' )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '' && $_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice BETWEEN " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " AND " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice > " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_from']) . " )"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.finalprice < " . intval($_REQUEST['order_purchase_price_to']) . " )"; } if ($_REQUEST['order_status'] != '') { $filteringRules[] = "( o.order_status = " . $_REQUEST['order_status'] . " )"; } if (!empty($filteringRules)) { $where .= " AND " . implode(" AND ", $filteringRules); $iTotalFilteredRecords = count($objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where)); } } $ordersResult = $objOrdersModel->getAllOrders($where, $sortingOrder, $iDisplayLength, $iDisplayStart); $status_list = array(3 => array("warning" => "Cancel Request"), 11 => array("info" => "Cancel In-Process")); foreach ($ordersResult as $ORkey => $ORvalue) { $productName = explode(',', $ORvalue['productdetails']); $paymentType = $ORvalue['tx_type'] == 1 ? 'PayU Money' : 'COD'; $userDetails = json_decode($ORvalue['user_details'], true); $checkBoxField = ''; $reasonField = ''; // if ($ORvalue['order_status'] != 1) { $checkBoxField = '<input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '">'; $reasonField = '<a href="#modal-reason" data-toggle="modal" class="btn btn-xs default cancel-reason" order-id="' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '" cancel-reason="' . $ORvalue['cancel_refund_reason'] . '"><i class="fa fa-search"></i>Reason</a>'; // } $records["data"][] = array($checkBoxField, $ORvalue['order_id'], date('d-m-y', $ORvalue['order_date']), $userDetails['useremail'], $productName[0], '<i class="fa fa-rupee"></i> ' . $ORvalue['finalprice'], $paymentType, '<span class="label label-sm label-' . key($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '">' . current($status_list[$ORvalue['order_status']]) . '</span>', '<a href="/admin/view-order/' . $ORvalue['order_id'] . '" class="btn btn-xs default btn-editable"><i class="fa fa-search"></i> View</a>' . $reasonField); $userDetails = ''; } $records["draw"] = $sEcho; $records["recordsTotal"] = $iTotalRecords; $records["recordsFiltered"] = $iTotalFilteredRecords; echo json_encode($records); break; default: break; } }