* Convert comment annotations to entities.
 * Register comment subtype and add ElggUpgrade for ajax upgrade.
 * We do not migrate comments in this upgrade. See the comment
 * upgrade action in actions/admin/upgrades/upgrade_comments.php for that.
// Register subtype and class for comments
if (get_subtype_id('object', 'comment')) {
    update_subtype('object', 'comment', 'ElggComment');
} else {
    add_subtype('object', 'comment', 'ElggComment');
$access_status = access_get_show_hidden_status();
$ia = elgg_set_ignore_access(true);
// add ElggUpgrade object if need to migrate comments
$options = array('annotation_names' => 'generic_comment', 'order_by' => 'n_table.id DESC', 'count' => true);
if (elgg_get_annotations($options)) {
    $url = "admin/upgrades/comments";
    $upgrade = new ElggUpgrade();
    // Create the upgrade if one with the same URL doesn't already exist
    if (!$upgrade->getUpgradeFromURL($url)) {
        $upgrade->title = 'Comments Upgrade';
        $upgrade->description = 'Comments have been improved in Elgg 1.9 and require a migration. Run this upgrade to complete the migration.';