  * This function analyzes the manifest. In order to perform faster, manifest entities are analyzed one-by-one (on the fly)
  * during parsing and not stored into memory
  * Algorithm:
  * 1. Detect organization elements. Each one will consist a separate units structure inside efront
  * 2. Dive inside an organization and detect item elements. Each <item> corresponds to a "unit" in efront
  * @param $manifest
  * @return unknown_type
 public static function import2($lesson, $manifest)
     //@todo: parse $lesson
     //foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $ns) {
     //$xml->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $ns);
     //pr($xml -> xpath("$dfn:organizations/$dfn:organization/$dfn:item/adlcp:timeLimitAction"));
     $xml = simplexml_load_file(G_SCORMPATH . 'imsmanifest.xml', 'SimpleXMLIterator');
     $namespaces = $xml->getNamespaces(true);
     if (isset($namespaces[""])) {
         //See notes for xpath() in php.net site
         $dfn = "default";
         $xml->registerXPathNamespace($dfn, $namespaces[""]);
         // register a prefix for that default namespace:
         //$xml -> organizations -> registerXPathNamespace($dfn, $namespaces[""]);  	// register a prefix for that default namespace:
      * Manifest (1/1): may contain the following elements:
      * - metadata (1/1)
      * - organizations (1/1)
      * - resources (1/1)
      * - manifest
      * - imsss:sequencingCollection (0/1)
      * And the following attributes
      * - identifier (xs:ID, m): unique identifier
      * - version (xs:string, o): manifest version
      * - xml:base (xs:anyURI, o): provides a relative path offset for the content file(s) contained in the manifest
     $manifest['identifier'] = (string) $xml->attributes()->identifier;
     $manifest['version'] = (string) $xml->attributes()->version;
     //@todo: handle 'xml:base'
     //$manifest['xml:base']	= (string)$xml -> attributes() -> xml:base;
      * Metadata: may contain the following elements:
      * - schema (1/1)
      * - schemaversion (1/1)
      * - {metadata} (0/1)
     $metadata['schema'] = (string) $xml->metadata->schema;
     $metadata['schemaversion'] = (string) $xml->metadata->schemaversion;
     //@todo: handle metadata
      * Organizations: may contain the following elements:
      * - organization (1/M)
      * And the following attributes:
      * - default (xs:IDREF, m): The id of the default organization
     $organizations['default'] = (string) $xml->organizations->attributes();
     //@todo: check that default is actually an existing organization
      * Organization: may contain the following elements:
      * - title (1/1)
      * - item (1/M)
      * - metadata (0/1)
      * - imsss:sequencing
      * And the following attributes:
      * - identifier (xs:ID, m): identifier (unique within the manifest)
      * - structure (xs:string, o): Describes the shape of the organization (default: hierarchical)
      * - adlseq:objectivesGlobalToSystem (xs:boolean, o): self-explanatory ;)
     foreach ($xml->organizations->organization as $org) {
         $org->registerXPathNamespace($dfn, $namespaces[""]);
         // register a prefix for that default namespace:
         $id = (string) $org->attributes()->identifier;
         $org->attributes()->structure ? $organization[$id]['structure'] = $org->attributes()->structure : ($organization[$id]['structure'] = 'hierarchical');
         $organization[$id]['title'] = $org->attributes()->title;
         //@todo: the importing may be done below existing elements, take this into account when considering $previousContentId (its initial value may not be 0)
         $contentTree = new EfrontContentTree($lesson);
         $previousContent = $contentTree->getLastNode() or $previousContent = array('id' => 0);
         //Create the "holding" unit, an empty unit that will hold this organization's elements
         $previousContent = $parentContent = EfrontUnit::createUnit(array('name' => $organization[$id]['title'], 'parent_content_ID' => 0, 'previous_content_ID' => $previousContent['id'], 'lessons_ID' => $lesson));
         //Get contents of the organization
         foreach ($org as $key => $value) {
              * Item: may contain the following elements:
              * - title (1/1)
              * - item 0/M
              * - metadata 0/1
              * - adlcp: timeLimitAction 0/1
              * - adlcp: dataFromLMS 0/1
              * - adlcp: completionThreshold 0/1
              * - imsss:sequencing
              * - adlnav:presentation
              * And the following attributes:
              * - identifier (xs:ID, m): a unique identifier
              * - identifierref (xs:string, o): a reference to a resource
              * - isvisible (xs:boolean, o): whether this item is displayed when the structure of the package is displayed or rendered (Default true)
              * - parameters (xs:string, o): static parameters to be passed to the resource at launch time (max 1000 chars)
             if ($key == 'item') {
                 $itemId = (string) $value->attributes()->identifier;
                 //pr($value -> attributes() -> identifier);
                 $item = array('identifier' => $itemId, 'identifierref' => (string) $value->attributes()->identifierref, 'isvisible' => (string) $value->attributes()->isvisible, 'parameters' => (string) $value->attributes()->parameters, 'title' => (string) $value->title, 'timeLimitAction' => (string) reset($org->xpath("{$dfn}:item[@identifier='{$itemId}']/adlcp:timeLimitAction")), 'dataFromLMS' => (string) reset($org->xpath("{$dfn}:item[@identifier='{$itemId}']/adlcp:dataFromLMS")), 'completionThreshold' => (string) reset($org->xpath("{$dfn}:item[@identifier='{$itemId}']/adlcp:completionThreshold")));
                 //@todo:<imsss:sequencing>, <adlnav:presentation>
                 //@todo: nested items
                 //@todo: metadata
                 $previousContent = EfrontUnit::createUnit(array('name' => $item['title'], 'parent_content_ID' => $parentContent['id'], 'previous_content_ID' => $previousContent['id'], 'lessons_ID' => $lesson));
                 $items[$itemId] = $item['identifierref'];
         //@todo: handle adlseq:objectivesGlobalToSystem
      * Resources: may contain the following elements:
      * - resource (0/M)
      * And the following attributes:
      * - xml:base (xs:anyURI, o): provides a relative path offset for the content file(s)
     $resources = $xml->resources;
     $resources->registerXPathNamespace($dfn, $namespaces[""]);
     // register a prefix for that default namespace:
      * Resource: may contain the following elements:
      * - metadata (0/1)
      * - file (0/M)
      * - dependency (0/M)
      * And the following attributes:
      * - identifier (xs:ID, m): a unique identifier
      * - type (xs:string, m): the type of the resource
      * - href (xs:string, o): the �entry point� or �launching point� of this resource
      * - xml:base (xs:anyURI, o): a relative path offset for the files contained in the manifest
      * - adlcp:scormType (xs:string, m): the type of SCORM resource ("sco" or "asset")
     foreach ($resources->resource as $key => $value) {
         $resourceId = (string) $value->attributes()->identifier;
         $resource = array('identifier' => $resourceId, 'type' => (string) $value->attributes()->type, 'href' => (string) $value->attributes()->href, 'base' => (string) $value->attributes($namespaces['xml'])->base, 'scormType' => (string) $value->attributes($namespaces['adlcp'])->scormType);
          * File: may contain the following elements:
          * - metadata (0/1)
          * And the following attributes:
          * - href (xs:string, m): identifies the location of the file
         foreach ($value->file as $f) {
             $file = array('href' => (string) $f->attributes()->href);
          * Dependency: may contain the following elements:
          * <none>
          * And the following attributes:
          * - identifierref (xs:string, m): an identifier attribute of a resource
         foreach ($value->dependency as $d) {
             $dependency = array('identifierref' => (string) $d->attributes()->identifierref);
     //@todo: sequencingCollection
     //    	$result = $xml -> xpath("//$dfn:manifest/$dfn:organizations/$dfn:organization");
     $iterator = new SimpleXMLIterator($xml -> asXML());
     foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $key => $value) {
              //$iterator = new SimpleXMLIterator($data);
              //$iterator = simplexml_load_string($data, 'SimpleXMLIterator');