/** * Process install files. * * @throws EcrExceptionZiper * * @return EcrProjectZiper */ private function processInstall() { $installFiles = EcrProjectHelper::findInstallFiles($this->project); if (0 == count($installFiles['php'])) { return $this; } $srcDir = $this->temp_dir . DS . 'admin'; $destDir = $this->temp_dir . DS . 'install'; //-- Create 'install' folder in temp dir JFolder::create($destDir); //-- Copy install files from 'admin' to 'temp' foreach ($installFiles['php'] as $file) { $srcPath = $srcDir; $srcPath .= $file->folder ? DS . $file->folder : ''; $srcPath .= DS . $file->name; $destPath = $destDir; if ($file->folder == 'install') { $folder = ''; } else { $folder = str_replace('install' . DS, '', $file->folder); } if ($folder) { $destPath .= DS . $folder; //-- Create the folder JFolder::create($destPath); } if (JFile::copy($srcPath, $destPath . DS . $file->name)) { $this->logger->log('COPY INSTALL FILE<br />SRC: ' . $srcPath . '<br />DST: ' . $destPath . DS . $file->name); } else { $this->logger->log('COPY INSTALL FILE<br />SRC: ' . $srcPath . '<br />DST: ' . $destPath . DS . $file->name, 'ERROR copy file'); continue; } if (0 != strpos($file->name, 'install')) { continue; } if ($this->buildopts['createMD5']) { $format = 'po' == $this->project->langFormat ? '.po' : ''; $compressed = $this->buildopts['createMD5Compressed'] ? '_compressed' : ''; $fileContents = JFile::read(ECRPATH_EXTENSIONTEMPLATES . DS . 'std' . DS . 'md5check' . $compressed . $format . '.php'); $fileContents = str_replace('<?php', '', $fileContents); $this->project->addSubstitute('##ECR_MD5CHECK_FNC##', $fileContents); $fileContents = JFile::read(ECRPATH_EXTENSIONTEMPLATES . DS . 'std' . DS . 'md5check_call' . $format . '.php'); $fileContents = str_replace('<?php', '', $fileContents); $this->project->addSubstitute('##ECR_MD5CHECK##', $fileContents); $this->project->addSubstitute('ECR_COM_COM_NAME', $this->project->comName); $fileContents = JFile::read($destPath . DS . $file->name); $fileContents = $this->project->substitute($fileContents); } else { $this->project->addSubstitute('##ECR_MD5CHECK_FNC##', ''); $this->project->addSubstitute('##ECR_MD5CHECK##', ''); $fileContents = JFile::read($destPath . DS . $file->name); $fileContents = $this->project->substitute($fileContents); } if (JFile::write($destPath . DS . $file->name, $fileContents)) { $this->logger->logFileWrite('', 'install/install.php', $fileContents); } else { $this->logger->log('Failed to add MD5 install check routine to install.php', 'error'); } } //-- Delete install files from 'admin' foreach ($installFiles['php'] as $file) { $srcPath = $srcDir; $srcPath .= $file->folder ? DS . $file->folder : ''; $srcPath .= DS . $file->name; if (false == JFile::delete($srcPath)) { throw new EcrExceptionZiper(__METHOD__ . ' - Delete install file failed: ' . $srcPath); } $this->logger->log('INSTALL FILE DELETED<br />SRC: ' . $srcPath); } return $this; }
/** * Inserts the part into the project. * * @param EcrProjectBase $project The project. * @param array $options Insert options. * @param EcrLogger $logger The EcrLogger. * * @return boolean */ public function insert(EcrProjectBase $project, $options, EcrLogger $logger) { $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input; $element_name = $input->get('element_name'); $table_name = $input->get('table_name'); $req_table_fields = $input->get('table_fields', array(), 'array'); $req_table_fields_edits = $input->get('table_fields_edits', array(), 'array'); $req_table_fields_types = $input->get('table_fields_types', array(), 'array'); if (!$table_name) { JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(jgettext('No table given'), 'error'); return false; } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $prefix = $db->getPrefix(); $fields = $db->getTableFields($prefix . $table_name); $tableFields = array(); $table_vars = ''; if (count($fields)) { $tableFields = $fields[$prefix . $table_name]; foreach ($tableFields as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $req_table_fields)) { continue; } $table_vars .= EcrTableHelper::formatTableVar($key, $value); } //foreach } /* * Add substitutes */ $project->addSubstitute('ECR_ELEMENT_NAME', $element_name); $project->addSubstitute('_ECR_LOWER_ELEMENT_NAME_', strtolower($element_name)); $project->addSubstitute('_ECR_TABLE_NAME_', $table_name); $project->addSubstitute('##ECR_TABLE_VARS##', $table_vars); /* * Read part options files */ $files = JFolder::files($options->pathSource . DS . 'options', '.', true, true); foreach ($files as $file) { $fileContents = JFile::read($file); if (strpos($fileContents, '<?php') === 0) { $fileContents = substr($fileContents, 6); } $project->substitute($fileContents); $project->addSubstitute('##' . strtoupper(JFile::stripExt(JFile::getName($file))) . '##', $fileContents); } //foreach /* * Add manual substitutes */ $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_THS##'] = '?>'; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_TDS##'] = '?>'; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW2_TMPL1_OPTION2##'] = '?>'; $i = 0; foreach ($tableFields as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $req_table_fields)) { continue; } $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_THS##'] .= ' <th>' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_THS##'] .= " <?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', '" . $key . "', '" . $key . "', \$this->lists['order_Dir'], \$this->lists['order']);?>" . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_THS##'] .= ' </th>' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_TDS##'] .= ' <td>' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_TDS##'] .= ' <?php echo $row->' . $key . '; ?>' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_TDS##'] .= ' </td>' . NL; if (in_array($key, $req_table_fields_edits)) { $s = $project->getSubstitute('##ECR_VIEW2_TMPL1_OPTION2VAL##'); $s = str_replace('_ECR_FIELDVALUE_1_', $key, $s); $s = str_replace('_ECR_FIELDVALUE_2_', $req_table_fields_types[$key], $s); $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW2_TMPL1_OPTION2##'] .= $s; } $i++; } //foreach $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_THS##'] .= ' <?php $coloumnCount += ' . $i . '; ?>' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_THS##'] .= ' <?php ' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW1_TMPL1_TDS##'] .= ' <?php ' . NL; $substitutes['##ECR_VIEW2_TMPL1_OPTION2##'] .= ' <?php ' . NL; foreach ($substitutes as $key => $value) { $project->addSubstitute($key, $value); } //foreach /* * Remove options */ if (!in_array('ordering', $req_table_fields)) { $project->addSubstitute('##ECR_CONTROLLER1_OPTION1##', ''); } if (!in_array('published', $req_table_fields)) { } $project->addSubstitute('ECR_SUBPACKAGE', 'Tables'); $input->set('element_scope', 'admin'); if (!$project->insertPart($options, $logger)) { return false; } /* * Create menu link */ if ($input->get('create_menu_link', false)) { $link = 'option=' . $options->ecr_project . '&view=' . strtolower($element_name) . $project->listPostfix . '&controller=' . strtolower($element_name) . $project->listPostfix; if (!$project->addSubmenuEntry($element_name, $link)) { JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage(jgettext('Unable to create menu link'), 'error'); return false; } } return true; }