//print "No<br>\n"; } } else { dol_syslog("Parent is root"); $fk_parent = 0; // Parent is root } if ($fk_parent >= 0) { $ecmdirtmp->ref = 'NOTUSEDYET'; $ecmdirtmp->label = dol_basename($dirdesc['fullname']); $ecmdirtmp->description = ''; $ecmdirtmp->fk_parent = $fk_parent; $txt = "We create directory " . $ecmdirtmp->label . " with parent " . $fk_parent; dol_syslog($txt); //print $ecmdirtmp->cachenbofdoc."<br>\n";exit; $id = $ecmdirtmp->create($user); if ($id > 0) { $newdirsql = array('id' => $id, 'id_mere' => $ecmdirtmp->fk_parent, 'label' => $ecmdirtmp->label, 'description' => $ecmdirtmp->description, 'fullrelativename' => $relativepathmissing); $sqltree[] = $newdirsql; // We complete fulltree for following loops //var_dump($sqltree); $adirwascreated = 1; } else { dol_syslog("Failed to create directory " . $ecmdirtmp->label, LOG_ERR); } } else { $txt = "Parent of " . $dirdesc['fullname'] . " not found"; dol_syslog($txt); //print $txt."<br>\n"; } }
if (!empty($_POST["cancel"])) { header("Location: " . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/ecm/index.php?action=file_manager'); exit; } $ecmdir->ref = trim($_POST["ref"]); $ecmdir->label = trim($_POST["label"]); $ecmdir->description = trim($_POST["desc"]); $ecmdir->fk_parent = $_POST["catParent"]; $ok = true; if (!$ecmdir->label) { setEventMessage($langs->trans("ErrorFieldRequired", $langs->transnoentities("Label")), 'errors'); $action = 'create'; $ok = false; } if ($ok) { $id = $ecmdir->create($user); if ($id > 0) { header("Location: " . DOL_URL_ROOT . '/ecm/index.php?action=file_manager'); exit; } else { $langs->load("errors"); setEventMessage($langs->trans($ecmdir->error), 'errors'); setEventMessage($ecmdir->errors, 'errors'); $action = 'create'; } } } else { if ($action == 'confirm_deletesection' && $confirm == 'yes') { $result = $ecmdir->delete($user); setEventMessage($langs->trans("ECMSectionWasRemoved", $ecmdir->label)); }