文件: Legacy.php 项目: jym23/firmdew
  * Imports old settings from the old Easing Slider plugin (v1.x).
  * We don't do this automatically in the ESL_Upgrade class. Instead, we give the user the choice through the 'Edit Slideshow' panel.
  * This is because users were having issues with the plugin deactivating after upgrade, failing to fire the automatic process.
  * Although this solution isn't ideal, it is the best failsafe.
  * @since 2.1.1
 public static final function legacy_import()
     /** Reset the plugin */
     /** Get default slideshow settings */
     $slideshow = EasingSliderLite::get_instance()->slideshow_defaults();
     /** Transfer the settings */
     $slideshow->dimensions->width = get_option('width');
     $slideshow->dimensions->height = get_option('height');
     $slideshow->dimensions->responsive = false;
     $slideshow->transitions->effect = get_option('transition') == 'fade' ? 'fade' : 'slide';
     $slideshow->transitions->duration = get_option('transpeed');
     $slideshow->navigation->arrows = get_option('buttons') == '' ? 'false' : 'true';
     $slideshow->navigation->pagination = get_option('sPagination') == '' ? 'false' : 'true';
     $slideshow->playback->pause = get_option('interval');
     /** Add the slides */
     $slideshow->slides = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
         /** Check if the slide has an image. Bail if not. */
         $image = get_option("sImg{$i}");
         if (empty($image)) {
         /** Resize the image and get its thumbnail */
         $sizes = (object) array('thumbnail' => (object) array('url' => $image));
         /** Add the slide image & link */
         $slideshow->slides[] = (object) array('id' => $i, 'url' => $image, 'alt' => null, 'title' => null, 'link' => get_option("sImgLink{$i}"), 'linkTarget' => '_blank', 'sizes' => $sizes);
     /** Update the slideshow settings */
     update_option('easingsliderlite_slideshow', $slideshow);
     /** Flag upgrade */
     update_option('easingsliderlite_major_upgrade', 1);
  * Prints the slideshow custom styling
  * @since 2.1
 public static function print_custom_styles()
     /** Get the customizations & defaults */
     $customizations = $c = json_decode(get_option('easingsliderlite_customizations'));
     $defaults = EasingSliderLite::get_instance()->customization_defaults();
     /** Bail if there are no customizations */
     if ($defaults == $c) {
     /** Print the styling. Long selectors here ensure styles take preference over CSS files. */
     <style type="text/css">
         .easingsliderlite {
     if ($defaults->border->color != $c->border->color) {
         echo "border-color: {$c->border->color};";
     if ($defaults->border->width != $c->border->width) {
         echo "border-width: {$c->border->width}px; border-style: solid;";
     if ($defaults->border->radius != $c->border->radius) {
         echo "-webkit-border-radius: {$c->border->radius}px; -moz-border-radius: {$c->border->radius}px; border-radius: {$c->border->radius}px;";
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-arrows.easingsliderlite-next,
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-arrows.easingsliderlite-prev {
     if ($defaults->arrows->width != $c->arrows->width) {
         echo "width: {$c->arrows->width}px;";
     if ($defaults->arrows->height != $c->arrows->height) {
         $margin_top = $c->arrows->height / 2;
         echo "height: {$c->arrows->height}px; margin-top: -{$margin_top}px;";
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-arrows.easingsliderlite-next {
     if ($defaults->arrows->next != $c->arrows->next) {
         echo "background-image: url({$c->arrows->next});";
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-arrows.easingsliderlite-prev {
     if ($defaults->arrows->prev != $c->arrows->prev) {
         echo "background-image: url({$c->arrows->prev});";
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-pagination .easingsliderlite-icon {
     if ($defaults->pagination->width != $c->pagination->width) {
         echo "width: {$c->pagination->width}px;";
     if ($defaults->pagination->height != $c->pagination->height) {
         echo "height: {$c->pagination->height}px;";
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-pagination .easingsliderlite-icon.inactive {
     if ($defaults->pagination->inactive != $c->pagination->inactive) {
         echo "background-image: url({$c->pagination->inactive});";
         .easingsliderlite .easingsliderlite-pagination .easingsliderlite-icon.active {
     if ($defaults->pagination->active != $c->pagination->active) {
         echo "background-image: url({$c->pagination->active});";
     print preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', ob_get_clean());
  * Customization page actions
  * @since 2.1
 public function do_customizer_actions($page)
     /** Save customizations */
     if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
         /** Security check */
         if (!$this->security_check('save', $page)) {
             wp_die(__('Security check has failed. Save has been prevented. Please try again.', 'easingsliderlite'));
         /** Save the customizations */
         update_option('easingsliderlite_customizations', json_encode(EasingSliderLite::get_instance()->validate((object) array('arrows' => (object) $_POST['arrows'], 'pagination' => (object) $_POST['pagination'], 'border' => (object) $_POST['border'], 'shadow' => (object) $_POST['shadow']))));

/** Get the slideshow */
$slideshow = $s = EasingSliderLite::get_instance()->validate(get_option('easingsliderlite_slideshow'));
/** Get customizations */
$customizations = $c = json_decode(get_option('easingsliderlite_customizations'));
/** Bail if we failed to retrieve the slideshow */
if ($s === false) {
    if (current_user_can('easingsliderlite_edit_slideshow')) {
        _e('<p style="background-color: #ffebe8; border: 1px solid #c00; border-radius: 4px; padding: 8px !important;">The slideshow does not appear to exist. Oh dear! Please try contacting support.</p>', 'easingsliderlite');
/** Bail if there are no slides to display */
if (count($slideshow->slides) == 0) {
    if (current_user_can('easingsliderlite_edit_slideshow')) {
        _e('<p style="background-color: #ffebe8; border: 1px solid #c00; border-radius: 4px; padding: 8px !important;">This slideshow contains no slides. Uh oh!', 'easingsliderlite');
/** Get plugin settings */
$settings = get_option('easingsliderlite_settings');
/** Load slideshow scripts and styles in foooter (if set to do so) */
if (isset($settings['load_scripts']) && $settings['load_scripts'] == 'footer') {
    add_action('wp_footer', array('ESL_Slideshow', 'enqueue_scripts'));
if (isset($settings['load_styles']) && $settings['load_styles'] == 'footer') {
    add_action('wp_footer', array('ESL_Slideshow', 'enqueue_styles'));
    add_action('wp_footer', array('ESL_Slideshow', 'print_custom_styles'));
/** Inline slideshow styles */
文件: Upgrade.php 项目: jym23/firmdew
  * Does 2.1 plugin upgrade
  * @since 2.1
 public static final function do_210_upgrade()
     global $wp_roles;
     /** Add the customizations database option */
     add_option('easingsliderlite_customizations', json_encode(EasingSliderLite::get_instance()->customization_defaults()));
     /** Add the customization panel capability */
     foreach ($wp_roles->roles as $role => $info) {
         EasingSliderLite::get_instance()->add_capability('easingsliderlite_can_customize', get_role($role));