public static function createPage()
     if (!isset($_POST['action']) || $_POST['action'] == '') {
     if ($_POST['action'] == 'upload') {
         //	checks for errors and that file is uploaded
         if ($_FILES['uploadedfile']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'])) {
             // TODO: check file format parameter (ILIAS5, ...)
             $ilias = new EXP_Ilias();
             $items = $ilias->uploadFile($_FILES['uploadedfile']);
             if (is_string($items)) {
                 printf("<div class='wrap'><h1>%s</h1></div>", $items);
             } else {
                 PAG_Item_Import::HTML_itemlist($items, $ilias->dir, $ilias->name);
         } else {
             printf("<div class='wrap'><h1>Error %s</h1></div>", $_FILES['uploadedfile']['error']);
     if ($_POST['action'] == 'import') {
         $ilias = new EXP_Ilias($_POST['file_dir'], $_POST['file_name']);
         $items = $ilias->loadAllItems();
         foreach ($_POST["import"] as $importIdent) {
             $item = $items[$importIdent];
             // update with metadata
             $item->learnout_id = $_POST[$importIdent . '_learnout_id'];
             $item->level["FW"] = $_POST[$importIdent . '__level_FW'];
             $item->level["KW"] = $_POST[$importIdent . '__level_KW'];
             $item->level["PW"] = $_POST[$importIdent . '__level_PW'];
             // save
             $ilias->saveItem($item, $_POST[$importIdent . '__taxonomy']);
             printf("<br/>Save item with id %s and ident %s", $item->id, $importIdent);
 public function process_bulk_action()
     // security check!
     if (isset($_POST['_wpnonce']) && !empty($_POST['_wpnonce'])) {
         $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, '_wpnonce', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
         $action = 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'];
         if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, $action)) {
             wp_die('Nope! Security check failed!');
     $action = $this->current_action();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'removefrombasket':
             $b_old = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'itembasket', true);
             if ($_REQUEST['itemids'] != null) {
                 $b_new = array_diff($b_old, $_REQUEST['itemids']);
             if ($_REQUEST['itemid'] != null) {
                 $b_new = array_diff($b_old, array($_REQUEST['itemid']));
             $x = update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'itembasket', $b_new);
             return 'removefrombasket';
         case 'exportILIAS5':
             $ilias = new EXP_Ilias();
             $link = $ilias->generateExport($_REQUEST['itemids']);
             printf("<h2><a href='%s'>Download</a></h2>", $link);
             // 				echo (implode (',', $_REQUEST['itemids']) . ' sollen in das ILIAS-Format exportiert werden.');
             // 				echo ("</br><a href='". plugins_url('download.php', __FILE__) . "?itemids=" . implode (',', $_REQUEST['itemids']) . "'>Download (" . count($_REQUEST['itemids']) . " Items)</a>");
             // 				echo (plugins_url('download.php', __FILE__));
             // 				echo ("<script>'');</script>");
             // 				echo ("<script>document.location = 'data:application/octet-stream,field1%2Cfield2%0Afoo%2Cbar%0Agoo%2Cgai%0A';</script>");
             return 'exportILIAS5';
         case 'viewitems':
             return 'viewitems';
             // do nothing or something else
 public static function createPageView()
     $itemids = array();
     /* try to get learning outcomes */
     $post_label = "Learning Outcome";
     if ($_REQUEST['learnoutid'] != null) {
         $itemids = [$_REQUEST['learnoutid']];
     if ($_REQUEST['learnoutids'] != null) {
         if (is_array($_REQUEST['learnoutids'])) {
             $itemids = $_REQUEST['learnoutids'];
         if (is_string($_REQUEST['learnoutids'])) {
             $itemids = explode(",", $_REQUEST["learnoutids"]);
     if (count($itemids) == 0) {
         // no learning outcomes found --> get reviews
         $post_label = "Review";
         if ($_REQUEST['reviewid'] != null) {
             $itemids = [$_REQUEST['reviewid']];
         if ($_REQUEST['reviewids'] != null) {
             if (is_array($_REQUEST['reviewids'])) {
                 $itemids = $_REQUEST['reviewids'];
             if (is_string($_REQUEST['reviewids'])) {
                 $itemids = explode(",", $_REQUEST["reviewids"]);
     if (count($itemids) == 0) {
         // nothing found --> get items
         $post_label = "Item";
         if ($_REQUEST['itemid'] != null) {
             $itemids = [$_REQUEST['itemid']];
         if ($_REQUEST['itemids'] != null) {
             if (is_array($_REQUEST['itemids'])) {
                 $itemids = $_REQUEST['itemids'];
             if (is_string($_REQUEST['itemids'])) {
                 $itemids = explode(",", $_REQUEST["itemids"]);
         // fallback: get items from basket
         if (count($itemids) == 0) {
             $itemids = RoleTaxonomy::getCurrentBasket();
         // get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'itembasket', true);
     $html_list = "";
     $html_select = "<form><select onChange='for (x=0; x<this.form.nextSibling.childNodes.length; x++) {  this.form.nextSibling.childNodes[x].style.display = ((this.value<0) || (this.value==x)) ? \"block\" :  \"none\"; }'>";
     $html_select .= sprintf('<option value="-1" selected>[All %1$d %2$ss]</option>', count($itemids), $post_label);
     $count = 0;
     $items = array();
     foreach ($itemids as $item_id) {
         $post = get_post($item_id);
         if ($post == null) {
         $item = null;
         if ($post->post_type == 'itemsc') {
             $item = new EAL_ItemSC();
         if ($post->post_type == 'itemmc') {
             $item = new EAL_ItemMC();
         if ($post->post_type == 'learnout') {
             $item = new EAL_LearnOut();
         if ($post->post_type == 'review') {
             $item = new EAL_Review();
         if ($item != null) {
             $html_select .= sprintf("<option value='%d'>%s</option>", $count, $post->post_type == 'review' ? $item->getItem()->title : $item->title);
             $html_list .= sprintf("<div style='margin-top:2em;'><hr/>%s<br style='clear:both;'/></div>", substr($post->post_type, 0, 4) == "item" ? CPT_Item::getHTML_Item($item, FALSE) : ($post->post_type == 'learnout' ? CPT_LearnOut::getHTML_LearnOut($item) : CPT_Review::getHTML_Review($item)));
             array_push($items, $item);
     $html_select .= "</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type='checkbox' checked \r\n\t\t\tonChange='for (x=0; x<this.form.nextSibling.childNodes.length; x++) { this.form.nextSibling.childNodes[x].querySelector(\"#postbox-container-1\").style.display = (this.checked==true) ? \"block\" :  \"none\"; }'/> Show Metadata</form>";
     if ($post_label == "Item") {
         $html_info = sprintf("<form  style='margin-top:5em' enctype='multipart/form-data' action='admin.php?page=view&download=1&itemids=%s' method='post'><table class='form-table'><tbody'>", implode(",", $itemids));
         $html_info .= sprintf("<tr><th style='padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'><label>%s</label></th>", "Number of Items");
         $html_info .= sprintf("<td style='padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'>");
         $html_info .= sprintf("<input style='width:5em' type='number' value='%d' readonly/>", count($items));
         $html_info .= sprintf("</td></tr>");
         // Min / Max for all categories
         $categories = array("type", "dim", "level", "topic1");
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $html_info .= sprintf("<tr><th style='padding-bottom:0.5em;'><label>%s</label></th></tr>", EAL_Item::$category_label[$category]);
             foreach (PAG_Explorer::groupBy($category, $items, NULL, true) as $catval => $catitems) {
                 $html_info .= sprintf("<tr><td style='padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'><label>%s</label></td>", $category == "topic1" ? $catval : EAL_Item::$category_value_label[$category][$catval]);
                 $html_info .= sprintf("<td style='padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px;'>");
                 $html_info .= sprintf("<input style='width:5em' type='number' value='%d' readonly/>", count($catitems));
                 $html_info .= sprintf("</td></tr>");
         $html_info .= sprintf("<tr><th><button type='submit' name='action' value='download'>Download</button></th><tr>");
         $html_info .= sprintf("</tbody></table></form></div>");
     printf('<div class="wrap"><h1>%1$s Viewer</h1>', $post_label);
     if ($_REQUEST['download'] == '1') {
         $ilias = new EXP_Ilias();
         $link = $ilias->generateExport($itemids);
         printf("<h2><a href='%s'>Download</a></h2>", $link);
     if (count($itemids) > 1 || count($itemids) == 1) {
         print $html_select;
         print "<div style='margin-top:2em'>{$html_list}{$html_info}</div>";
     } else {
         print "<div style='margin-top:2em'>{$html_list}</div>";
     print "</div>";
    private function createQTI($itemids)
        $dom = DOMDocument::loadXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
			<!DOCTYPE questestinterop SYSTEM "ims_qtiasiv1p2p1.dtd">
        foreach ($itemids as $item_id) {
            $post = get_post($item_id);
            if ($post == null) {
            if ($post->post_type == 'itemsc') {
                $item = new EAL_ItemSC();
                $item_data = array("questiontype" => "SINGLE CHOICE QUESTION", "ident" => "MCSR", "rcardinality" => "Single");
            if ($post->post_type == 'itemmc') {
                $item = new EAL_ItemMC();
                $item_data = array("questiontype" => "MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION", "ident" => "MCMR", "rcardinality" => "Multiple");
            $xml_IT = $dom->createElement("item");
            $xml_IT->setAttribute("ident", "il_0_qst_{$item_id}");
            $xml_IT->setAttribute("title", $item->title);
            $xml_IT->setAttribute("maxattempts", 1);
            $xml_IT->appendChild($dom->createElement("qticomment", "[EALID:{$item_id}]"));
            $xml_IT->appendChild($dom->createElement("duration", "P0Y0M0DT0H1M0S"));
            /* QTI Metadata*/
            $xml_QM = $dom->createElement("qtimetadata");
            $meta = array("ILIAS_VERSION" => "5.0.8 2015-11-24", "QUESTIONTYPE" => $item_data["questiontype"], "AUTHOR" => get_the_author_meta('login', get_post_field('post_author', $post->ID)), "additional_cont_edit_mode" => "default", "externalId" => "il_0_qst_{$item_id}", "ealid" => $item_id, "thumb_size" => "", "feedback_setting" => 1);
            foreach ($meta as $key => $value) {
                $x = $dom->createElement("qtimetadatafield");
                $x->appendChild($dom->createElement("fieldlabel", $key));
                $x->appendChild($dom->createElement("fieldentry", $value));
            $xml_IM = $dom->createElement("itemmetadata");
            /* Presentation */
            $xml_PR = $dom->createElement("presentation");
            $xml_PR->setAttribute("label", $item->title);
            $xml_FL = $dom->createElement("flow");
            $xml_FL->appendChild(EXP_Ilias::createMaterialElement($dom, "text/html", $item->description . "<hr/>" . $item->question));
            $xml_RL = $dom->createElement("response_lid");
            $xml_RL->setAttribute("ident", $item_data["ident"]);
            $xml_RL->setAttribute("rcardinality", $item_data["rcardinality"]);
            $xml_RC = $dom->createElement("render_choice");
            $xml_RC->setAttribute("shuffle", "Yes");
            foreach ($item->answers as $number => $answer) {
                $xml_LAB = $dom->createElement("response_label");
                $xml_LAB->setAttribute("ident", $number);
                $xml_LAB->appendChild(EXP_Ilias::createMaterialElement($dom, "text/plain", $answer["answer"]));
            $xml_RP = $dom->createElement("resprocessing");
            $xml_OC = $dom->createElement("outcomes");
            $xml_DV = $dom->createElement("decvar");
            foreach ($item->answers as $number => $answer) {
                foreach (array(1, 0) as $checked) {
                    $xml_RC = $dom->createElement("respcondition");
                    $xml_RC->setAttribute("continue", "Yes");
                    $xml_CV = $dom->createElement("conditionvar");
                    $xml_NO = $dom->createElement("not");
                    $xml_VE = $dom->createElement("varequal", $number);
                    $xml_VE->setAttribute("respident", $item_data["ident"]);
                    if ($checked == 1) {
                    } else {
                    // 					if ($item->type == "itemsc") array_push ($item->answers, array ("answer" => $v["text"], "points" => $v["positive"]));
                    // 					if ($item->type == "itemmc") array_push ($item->answers, array ("answer" => $v["text"], "positive" => $v["positive"], "negative" => $v["negative"]));
                    if ($item->type == "itemsc") {
                        $xml_SV = $dom->createElement("setvar", $checked == 1 ? $answer['points'] : 0);
                    if ($item->type == "itemmc") {
                        $xml_SV = $dom->createElement("setvar", $checked == 1 ? $answer['positive'] : $answer['negative']);
                    $xml_SV->setAttribute("action", "Add");
        return $dom;