/** * run - initial shortcode module setup called during "wp_loaded" hook * this method is primarily used for loading resources that will be required by the shortcode when it is actually processed * * @access public * @param WP $WP * @return void */ public function run(WP $WP) { if (!did_action('pre_get_posts')) { // hook into the top of pre_get_posts to set the reg step routing, which gives other modules or plugins a chance to modify the reg steps, but just before the routes get called add_action('pre_get_posts', array('EED_Single_Page_Checkout', 'load_reg_steps'), 1); // this will trigger the EED_Single_Page_Checkout module's run() method during the pre_get_posts hook point, // this allows us to initialize things, enqueue assets, etc, add_action('pre_get_posts', array('EED_Single_Page_Checkout', 'init'), 10, 1); } else { global $wp_query; EED_Single_Page_Checkout::load_reg_steps(); EED_Single_Page_Checkout::init($wp_query); } }
/** * run - initial shortcode module setup called during "wp_loaded" hook * this method is primarily used for loading resources that will be required by the shortcode when it is actually processed * * @access public * @param WP $WP * @return void */ public function run(WP $WP) { // SPCO is large and resource intensive, so it's better to do a double check before loading it up, so let's grab the post_content for the requested post global $wpdb; $SQL = 'SELECT post_content from ' . $wpdb->posts . ' WHERE post_type="page" AND post_status="publish" AND post_name=%s'; if ($post_content = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare($SQL, EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('post_name')))) { // now check for this shortcode if (strpos($post_content, '[ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT') !== FALSE) { if (!did_action('pre_get_posts')) { // this will trigger the EED_Events_Archive module's event_list() method during the pre_get_posts hook point, // this allows us to initialize things, enqueue assets, etc, // as well, this saves an instantiation of the module in an array using 'espresso_events' as the key, so that we can retrieve it add_action('pre_get_posts', array(EED_Single_Page_Checkout::instance(), 'run')); } else { global $wp; EED_Single_Page_Checkout::instance()->run($wp); } } } }
/** * process_reg_step * * @access public * @return string */ public function process_reg_step() { $this->_set_reg_event(); EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->set_espresso_page(TRUE); //what step are we on? $cart = EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->get_session_data('cart'); $step = empty($cart) ? 'ticket' : 'questions'; //if doing ajax then we need to verify the nonce if ('DOING_AJAX') { $nonce = isset($this->_req_data[$this->_req_nonce]) ? sanitize_text_field($this->_req_data[$this->_req_nonce]) : ''; $this->_verify_nonce($nonce, $this->_req_nonce); } switch ($step) { case 'ticket': //process ticket selection $success = EED_Ticket_Selector::instance()->process_ticket_selections(); if ($success) { EE_Error::add_success(__('Tickets Selected. Now complete the registration.'), 'event_espresso'); } else { $query_args['step_error'] = $this->_req_data['step_error'] = TRUE; } if (defined('DOING_AJAX')) { $this->new_registration(); //display next step } else { $query_args['action'] = 'new_registration'; $query_args['processing_registration'] = true; $query_args['event_id'] = $this->_reg_event->ID(); $this->_redirect_after_action(FALSE, '', '', $query_args, TRUE); } break; case 'questions': if (!isset($this->_req_data['txn_reg_status_change'], $this->_req_data['txn_reg_status_change']['send_notifications'])) { add_filter('FHEE__EED_Messages___maybe_registration__deliver_notifications', '__return_false', 15); } //process registration $transaction = EED_Single_Page_Checkout::instance()->process_registration_from_admin(); if (!$transaction instanceof EE_Transaction) { $query_args = array('action' => 'new_registration', 'processing_registration' => true, 'event_id' => $this->_reg_event->ID()); if (defined('DOING_AJAX')) { //display registration form again because there are errors (maybe validation?) $this->new_registration(); return; } else { $this->_redirect_after_action(FALSE, '', '', $query_args, TRUE); return; } } /** @type EE_Transaction_Payments $transaction_payments */ $transaction_payments = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Transaction_Payments'); // maybe update status, and make sure to save transaction if not done already if (!$transaction_payments->update_transaction_status_based_on_total_paid($transaction)) { $transaction->save(); } $query_args = array('action' => 'view_transaction', 'TXN_ID' => $transaction->ID(), 'page' => 'espresso_transactions'); EE_Error::add_success(__('Registration Created. Please review the transaction and add any payments as necessary', 'event_espresso')); $this->_redirect_after_action(FALSE, '', '', $query_args, TRUE); break; } //what are you looking here for? Should be nothing to do at this point. }
/** * _get_request_vars * * @access private * @return void */ private function _get_request_vars() { // load classes EED_Single_Page_Checkout::load_request_handler(); //make sure this request is marked as belonging to EE EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->set_espresso_page(TRUE); // which step is being requested ? $this->checkout->step = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('step', $this->_get_first_step()); // which step is being edited ? $this->checkout->edit_step = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('edit_step', ''); // and what we're doing on the current step $this->checkout->action = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('action', 'display_spco_reg_step'); // returning to edit ? $this->checkout->reg_url_link = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('e_reg_url_link', ''); // or some other kind of revisit ? $this->checkout->revisit = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('revisit', FALSE); // and whether or not to generate a reg form for this request $this->checkout->generate_reg_form = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('generate_reg_form', TRUE); // TRUE FALSE // and whether or not to process a reg form submission for this request $this->checkout->process_form_submission = EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->get('process_form_submission', FALSE); // TRUE FALSE $this->checkout->process_form_submission = $this->checkout->action !== 'display_spco_reg_step' ? $this->checkout->process_form_submission : FALSE; // TRUE FALSE //$this->_display_request_vars(); }
/** * ajax get_transaction_details */ public static function get_transaction_details() { EED_Single_Page_Checkout::process_ajax_request('get_transaction_details_for_gateways'); }
/** * _process_registration_step * * @access public * @return string */ public function _process_registration_step() { $this->_set_reg_event(); EE_Registry::instance()->REQ->set_espresso_page(TRUE); //what step are we on? $cart = EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->get_session_data('cart'); $step = empty($cart) ? 'ticket' : 'questions'; //if doing ajax then we need to verify the nonce if ('DOING_AJAX') { $nonce = isset($this->_req_data[$this->_req_nonce]) ? sanitize_text_field($this->_req_data[$this->_req_nonce]) : ''; $this->_verify_nonce($nonce, $this->_req_nonce); } switch ($step) { case 'ticket': //process ticket selection $success = EED_Ticket_Selector::instance()->process_ticket_selections(); if ($success) { EE_Error::add_success(__('Tickets Selected. Now complete the registration.'), 'event_espresso'); } else { $query_args['step_error'] = $this->_req_data['step_error'] = TRUE; } if (defined('DOING_AJAX')) { $this->new_registration(); //display next step } else { $query_args['action'] = 'new_registration'; $query_args['processing_registration'] = true; $query_args['event_id'] = $this->_reg_event->ID(); $this->_redirect_after_action(FALSE, '', '', $query_args, TRUE); } break; case 'questions': //process registration $TXN_ID = EED_Single_Page_Checkout::instance()->process_registration_from_admin(); if (!$TXN_ID) { $query_args = array('action' => 'new_registration', 'processing_registration' => true, 'event_id' => $this->_reg_event->ID()); if (defined('DOING_AJAX')) { $this->new_registration(); //display registration form again because there are errors (maybe validation?) } else { $this->_redirect_after_action(FALSE, '', '', $query_args, TRUE); } } $query_args = array('action' => 'view_transaction', 'TXN_ID' => $TXN_ID, 'page' => 'espresso_transactions'); EE_Error::add_success(__('Registration Created. Please review the transaction and add any payments as necessary', 'event_espresso')); $this->_redirect_after_action(FALSE, '', '', $query_args, TRUE); break; } //what are you looking here for? Should be nothing to do at this point. }
/** * load_js * * @access public * @return void */ public static function load_js() { EED_Single_Page_Checkout::translate_js_strings(); wp_enqueue_script('underscore'); wp_register_script('single_page_checkout', SPCO_ASSETS_URL . 'single_page_checkout.js', array('espresso_core', 'underscore'), EVENT_ESPRESSO_VERSION, TRUE); wp_enqueue_script('single_page_checkout'); wp_localize_script('single_page_checkout', 'eei18n', EE_Registry::$i18n_js_strings); }
/** * _submit_promo_code * * @access private * @return void */ private function _submit_promo_code() { $return_data = array(); // get the EE_Cart object being used for the current transaction /** @type EE_Cart $cart */ $cart = EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->cart(); if ($cart instanceof EE_Cart) { // and make sure the model cache is $cart->get_grand_total()->get_model()->refresh_entity_map_with($cart->get_grand_total()->ID(), $cart->get_grand_total()); $promotion = $this->get_promotion_details_from_request(); if ($promotion instanceof EE_Promotion) { // determine if the promotion can be applied to an item in the current cart $applicable_items = $this->get_applicable_items($promotion, $cart, false, true); if (!empty($applicable_items)) { // add line item if ($this->generate_promotion_line_items($promotion, $applicable_items, $this->_config->affects_tax())) { // ensure cart totals have been recalculated and saved $cart->get_grand_total()->recalculate_total_including_taxes(); $cart->get_grand_total()->save(); /** @type EE_Registration_Processor $registration_processor */ $registration_processor = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Registration_Processor'); $registration_processor->update_registration_final_prices($cart->get_grand_total()->transaction()); $cart->save_cart(false); $return_data = $this->_get_payment_info($cart); $return_data['success'] = $promotion->accept_message(); EED_Single_Page_Checkout::update_checkout(); } else { EE_Error::add_attention($promotion->decline_message(), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } } else { EE_Error::add_error(sprintf(apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Promotions___submit_promo_code__invalid_cart_notice', __('We\'re sorry, but the %1$s could not be applied because the event cart could not be retrieved.', 'event_espresso')), strtolower($this->_config->label->singular)), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } $this->generate_JSON_response($return_data); }
/** * _final_verifications * just makes sure that everything is set up correctly before proceeding * * @access private * @return bool * @throws \EE_Error */ private function _final_verifications() { // filter checkout $this->checkout = apply_filters('FHEE__EED_Single_Page_Checkout___final_verifications__checkout', $this->checkout); //verify that current step is still set correctly if (!$this->checkout->current_step instanceof EE_SPCO_Reg_Step) { EE_Error::add_error(__('We\'re sorry but the registration process can not proceed because one or more registration steps were not setup correctly. Please refresh the page and try again or contact support.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } // if returning to SPCO, then verify that primary registrant is set if (!empty($this->checkout->reg_url_link)) { $valid_registrant = $this->checkout->transaction->primary_registration(); if (!$valid_registrant instanceof EE_Registration) { EE_Error::add_error(__('We\'re sorry but there appears to be an error with the "reg_url_link" or the primary registrant for this transaction. Please refresh the page and try again or contact support.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } $valid_registrant = null; foreach ($this->checkout->transaction->registrations($this->checkout->reg_cache_where_params) as $registration) { if ($registration instanceof EE_Registration && $registration->reg_url_link() === $this->checkout->reg_url_link) { $valid_registrant = $registration; } } if (!$valid_registrant instanceof EE_Registration) { // hmmm... maybe we have the wrong session because the user is opening multiple tabs ? if (EED_Single_Page_Checkout::$_checkout_verified) { // clear the session, mark the checkout as unverified, and try again EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->clear_session(); EED_Single_Page_Checkout::$_initialized = false; EED_Single_Page_Checkout::$_checkout_verified = false; $this->_initialize(); EE_Error::reset_notices(); return false; } EE_Error::add_error(__('We\'re sorry but there appears to be an error with the "reg_url_link" or the transaction itself. Please refresh the page and try again or contact support.', 'event_espresso'), __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return false; } } // now that things have been kinda sufficiently verified, // let's add the checkout to the session so that's available other systems EE_Registry::instance()->SSN->set_checkout($this->checkout); return true; }