protected function initialize() { if (BUILD_DATABASE === TRUE) { $sql_filepath = 'assets/plugins/' . strtolower($this->page_type) . '/assets/sql/build_plugin_tables.sql'; // If custom DB tables are required for the plugin, build them here if (file_exists($sql_filepath) and is_readable($sql_filepath)) { $sql = Utilities::load_file($sql_filepath); try { $this->db->query($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } } } // Add custom actions for the plugin or allow overwrite of core actions $this->access_points = array_merge($this->access_points, $this->register_custom_actions()); }
/** * Outputs the editing controls for a given entry * * @param int $id the ID of the entry to be edited * @return string HTML markup to display the editing form */ public function display_admin() { try { $entry_id = isset($_POST['entry_id']) ? (int) $_POST['entry_id'] : NULL; // Load form values $this->get_entry_by_id($entry_id); // Create a new form object and set submission properties $form = new Form(); $form->form_id = 'ecms-edit-form'; // Set up hidden form values $form->page = $this->url0; $form->action = 'entry-write'; $form->entry_id = $entry_id; // Make the entry values available to the form if they exist $form->entry = isset($this->entries[0]) ? $this->entries[0] : array(); // Set up input information $form->input_arr = array(array('name' => 'title', 'class' => 'input-text', 'label' => 'Entry Title'), array('type' => 'textarea', 'name' => 'entry', 'class' => 'input-textarea', 'label' => 'Entry Body'), array('type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'input-textarea', 'name' => 'excerpt', 'label' => 'Excerpt (Meta Description)'), array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'input-submit', 'name' => 'form-submit', 'value' => 'Save Entry')); return $form; } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::logException($e); } }
private function _get_popular_categories($page_slug) { $category_array = array(); try { $sql = "SELECT `tags`\n FROM `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "entries`\n WHERE `page_id`=(\n SELECT `page_id`\n FROM `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "pages`\n WHERE `page_slug`=:page_slug\n LIMIT 0, 1\n )"; $stmt = DB_Connect::create()->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(':page_slug', $page_slug, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $categories_array = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); foreach ($categories_array as $categories) { $temp_array = explode(',', strtolower($categories->tags)); foreach ($temp_array as $category) { if (empty($category)) { continue; } $c = str_replace(' ', '-', trim($category)); if (array_key_exists($c, $category_array)) { $category_array[$c] += 1; } else { $category_array[$c] = 1; } } } $stmt->closeCursor(); } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } arsort($category_array); return $category_array; }
<?php // Make sure the form submission is valid if (Form::is_form_submission_valid() === TRUE) { echo Form::handle_form_submission(); exit; } else { // Throw an exception and die ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception("An unknown error has occurred.\n")); }
/** * Checks if a directory exists, then creates it if it doesn't * * @return void */ private function checkDir() { $dir = $this->thumb === TRUE ? $this->dir . 'thumbs/' : $this->dir; $dir = $this->preview === TRUE ? $this->dir . 'preview/' : $dir; if (!is_dir($dir) && strlen($dir) > 0) { if (!mkdir($dir, 0755, TRUE)) { ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception("'{$dir}' could not be created.<br />")); } else { return TRUE; } } else { return TRUE; } }
/** * Loads a file or an array of files into memory after parsing PHP inside * * @param mixed $filepath A file path or array of file paths * @param array $var_arr An array of variables to be passed to files * @return string */ public static function load_file($filepath, $var_arr = array()) { // Start an output buffer ob_start(); // Check if an array of file paths was supplied if (is_array($filepath)) { // Loop through each path foreach ($filepath as $file) { // If variables for the file exist, extract and define them if (array_key_exists($file, $var_arr)) { foreach ($var_arr[$file] as $key => $val) { ${$key} = $val; } } // Make sure the file exists, then load it if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; } else { ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception("Failed to load {$file}")); } } } else { // Check if variables were supplied for the file if (count($var_arr >= 1)) { foreach ($var_arr as $key => $val) { ${$key} = $val; } } // Make sure the file exists, then load it if (file_exists($filepath)) { require_once $filepath; } else { ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception("Failed to load {$filepath}")); } } // Return the buffer contents return ob_get_clean(); }
private function _get_error_message() { $error_codes = array('0000' => NULL, '0001' => 'The username you entered is not valid.', '0002' => 'The display name you entered is not valid.', '0003' => 'Your password needs to be at least 8 characters.', '0004' => 'The passwords you entered don\'t match.', '0005' => 'This account has already been verified.'); if (array_key_exists($this->_sdata->error, $error_codes)) { return $error_codes[$this->_sdata->error]; } else { ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception('Unknown comment error occurred using error code "' . $this->_error_code . '".'), FALSE); return 'An unknown error occurred.'; } }
/** * Creates the database tables necessary for the CMS to function * * @param array $menuPages The menu configuration array * @return void */ public static function build_database() { // Loads necessary MySQL to build and populate the database $file_array = array(); $var_arr = array(); $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_database.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_pages.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_entries.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_categories.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_entry_categories.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_featured.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_users.sql'; $file_array[] = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/build_table_comments.sql'; // If an admin is initializing the ECMS, create his or her account if (DEV_PASS !== '') { $filepath = CMS_PATH . 'core/resources/sql/insert_users_entry.sql'; // Create a salted hash of the password $password_hash = AdminUtilities::createSaltedHash(DEV_PASS); // Assign variables needed to properly parse the file $var_arr = array($filepath => array('display' => DEV_DISPLAY_NAME, 'username' => DEV_USER_NAME, 'email' => DEV_EMAIL, 'vcode' => sha1(uniqid(time(), TRUE)), 'clearance' => DEV_CLEARANCE, 'password' => $password_hash)); // Add the file to the array $file_array[] = $filepath; } // Load the files $sql = Utilities::load_file($file_array, $var_arr); // Execute the loaded queries try { $dsn = "mysql:host=" . DB_HOST . ";dbname=" . DB_NAME; $db = new PDO($dsn, DB_USER, DB_PASS); $db->query($sql); } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } }
exit; } else { if ($menu_page === FALSE) { require_once CMS_PATH . 'core/helper/'; $menu_page->page_name = 'Invalid URL'; $menu_page->type = 'Missing'; } } /******************************************************************************* * Initialize the main content class and load entry data *******************************************************************************/ // Create a new object for the correct page type try { $main_content = new $menu_page->type($url_array); } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::logException($e); } // Load the main entry $entry = $main_content->display_public(); /******************************************************************************* * Meta data for the site is created here *******************************************************************************/ // Load the page title $title = $main_content->get_page_title($menu_page); // Load the meta description (must come after $main_content->display_public()) $meta_description = $main_content->get_page_description(); /******************************************************************************* * Define an autoloader for entry classes *******************************************************************************/ function __autoload($classname) {
protected function admin_comment_options($bid, $cid, $email) { $form_action = FORM_ACTION; if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { try { $config = array('legend' => '', 'class' => 'admin-delete'); $form = new Form($config); $form->action = "comment_delete"; $form->input_arr = array(array('name' => 'bid', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $bid), array('name' => 'cmntid', 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => $cid), array('name' => 'delete-submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'delete')); return $form; } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } } else { return ''; } }
public function update_menu() { // Clean up the posted data foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { // if( $key==='page_slug' && SIV::validate($val, SIV::SLUG) ) // { // $$key = $val; // } // else // { //TODO Add error handling and send back to form // } ${$key} = SIV::clean_output($val, FALSE, FALSE); } $sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . DB_NAME . '`.`' . DB_PREFIX . 'pages` ( `page_id`, `page_name`, `page_slug`, `type`, `menu_order`, `show_full`, `hide_in_menu`, `parent_id`, `extra` ) VALUES ( :page_id, :page_name, :page_slug, :type, :menu_order, :show_full, :hide_in_menu, :parent_id, :extra ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `page_name`=:page_name, `page_slug`=:page_slug, `type`=:type, `menu_order`=:menu_order, `show_full`=:show_full, `hide_in_menu`=:hide_in_menu, `parent_id`=:parent_id, `extra`=:extra'; try { $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":page_id", $page_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":page_name", $page_name, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":page_slug", $page_slug, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":type", $type, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->bindParam(":menu_order", $menu_order, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":show_full", $show_full, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":hide_in_menu", $hide_in_menu, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":parent_id", $parent_id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(":extra", $extra, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->errorCode() === '00000'; $stmt->closeCursor(); return $result; } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } }
private static function _handle_response($return, $object) { // If this is an AJAX call, echo the output if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) || isset($_GET['action'])) { return $return; } else { // If the method succeeded and isn't AJAX, it should return TRUE if ($return === TRUE) { // If a same-domain referrer is available, use it if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $loc = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } else { if (property_exists($object, 'url0')) { $loc = '/' . $object->url0; } else { $loc = '/'; } } header("Location: {$loc}"); exit; } else { ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception("Action failed.")); } } }
public function update_notification_settings() { // Make sure the user clicked the update button, not the cancel button if (array_key_exists('comment-notification-submit', $_POST)) { // Grab the entries for which the user still wants notifications if (array_key_exists('entries', $_POST) && is_array($_POST['entries'])) { foreach ($_POST['entries'] as $entry_id) { if (!isset($where_clause)) { $where_clause = ' `entry_id`<>' . (int) $entry_id; } else { $where_clause .= ' OR `entry_id`<>' . (int) $entry_id; } } } else { $where_clause = 1; } // Extract the email and validate it $decoded_email = Utilities::hextostr($_POST['email']); if (SIV::validate($decoded_email, SIV::EMAIL)) { $email = $decoded_email; } else { ECMS_Error::log_exception(new Exception("Invalid email!")); } // Build the SQL query $sql = "UPDATE `" . DB_NAME . "`.`" . DB_PREFIX . "comments`\n SET `subscribed`=0\n WHERE email = :email\n AND ( {$where_clause} )"; try { $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(":email", $email, PDO::PARAM_STR); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->closeCursor(); return TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } } else { header('Location: ' . SITE_URL); exit; } }
public static function displaySearchBox($legend = "Search the Site") { try { // Create a new form object and set submission properties $form = new Form(); $form->legend = $legend; $form->form_id = 'search-form'; // Set up hidden form values $form->page = 'search'; $form->action = 'entry-search'; // Set up input information $form->input_arr = array(array('name' => 'search_string', 'id' => 'search-string', 'label' => 'Search Text', 'class' => 'input-text'), array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'search-submit', 'value' => 'Search', 'class' => 'input-submit')); return $form; } catch (Exception $e) { ECMS_Error::log_exception($e); } }