private function allocateLease(DrydockLease $lease)
     $type = $lease->getResourceType();
     $blueprints = $this->loadAllBlueprints();
     // TODO: Policy stuff.
     $pool = id(new DrydockResource())->loadAllWhere('type = %s AND status = %s', $lease->getResourceType(), DrydockResourceStatus::STATUS_OPEN);
     $this->logToDrydock(pht('Found %d Open Resource(s)', count($pool)));
     $candidates = array();
     foreach ($pool as $key => $candidate) {
         if (!isset($blueprints[$candidate->getBlueprintPHID()])) {
         $blueprint = $blueprints[$candidate->getBlueprintPHID()];
         $implementation = $blueprint->getImplementation();
         if ($implementation->filterResource($candidate, $lease)) {
             $candidates[] = $candidate;
     $this->logToDrydock(pht('%d Open Resource(s) Remain', count($candidates)));
     $resource = null;
     if ($candidates) {
         foreach ($candidates as $candidate_resource) {
             $blueprint = $blueprints[$candidate_resource->getBlueprintPHID()]->getImplementation();
             if ($blueprint->allocateLease($candidate_resource, $lease)) {
                 $resource = $candidate_resource;
     if (!$resource) {
         $blueprints = DrydockBlueprintImplementation::getAllBlueprintImplementationsForResource($type);
         $this->logToDrydock(pht('Found %d Blueprints', count($blueprints)));
         foreach ($blueprints as $key => $candidate_blueprint) {
             if (!$candidate_blueprint->isEnabled()) {
         $this->logToDrydock(pht('%d Blueprints Enabled', count($blueprints)));
         foreach ($blueprints as $key => $candidate_blueprint) {
             if (!$candidate_blueprint->canAllocateMoreResources($pool)) {
         $this->logToDrydock(pht('%d Blueprints Can Allocate', count($blueprints)));
         if (!$blueprints) {
             $this->logToDrydock(pht("There are no resources of type '%s' available, and no " . "blueprints which can allocate new ones.", $type));
         // TODO: Rank intelligently.
         $blueprint = head($blueprints);
         $resource = $blueprint->allocateResource($lease);
         if (!$blueprint->allocateLease($resource, $lease)) {
             // TODO: This "should" happen only if we lost a race with another lease,
             // which happened to acquire this resource immediately after we
             // allocated it. In this case, the right behavior is to retry
             // immediately. However, other things like a blueprint allocating a
             // resource it can't actually allocate the lease on might be happening
             // too, in which case we'd just allocate infinite resources. Probably
             // what we should do is test for an active or allocated lease and retry
             // if we find one (although it might have already been released by now)
             // and fail really hard ("your configuration is a huge broken mess")
             // otherwise. But just throw for now since this stuff is all edge-casey.
             // Alternatively we could bring resources up in a "BESPOKE" status
             // and then switch them to "OPEN" only after the allocating lease gets
             // its grubby mitts on the resource. This might make more sense but
             // is a bit messy.
             throw new Exception(pht('Lost an allocation race?'));
     $blueprint = $resource->getBlueprint();
     $blueprint->acquireLease($resource, $lease);